Whitby Free Press, 19 Oct 1977, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY,.OCTOBER 19, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS 1969 BUICK SKYLARK - good condition, well kept, snows and rims included, $850 or best offer. Must selI. Cali Af;R-7n9R 1974 Vega - Goodi Condition $650. - caîl 666-1 255. 1967 CHEV - 283, good running car, new tires, exhaust system, radiator recon., $300 or best offer. Caîl 655-4317. EDELROCK TORKER ALUMINUM HIGHRISER - $100; 600 holley 4-barre! carburetor, $90; crane race cam for Ford 289, $70; ail new parts. Cati 655-3972 af ter 6 p.m. 1971 MAVERICK - p/b, mechanically sound, new tires, plus 2 snows, needs new fender, some body work, $200 as is; 1969 CHEV IMPALA, p/s, p/b, $200 as is. Cali 668-8698. 1968PONTI ACPARISI ENNE- 327, 2 door hiardtop, $400. Cal 655-3006. 1968 AUSTIN 1100 - standard, good conditiun, $250; Cal 6687470 af ter 4 p.m.. 1969 FORD CORTINA - as is, $110. Caîl 668-621 6. 1973 ÇHEV IMPALA - 4 door hdtp., vvith p/s, gond condition, $1500. Cal 668-9404- 1969 BUICK WILDCAT - good running condition, $300 or best offer. Cali 666-1271. 1974 FORD F100 PICK-UP - red, A-i condition, original paint, explorer back vvith accîtssories, S3,800 or best offer. Cali 668-01 34. 1977 BE 250 - in A-i condition, 1500 miles. asking $1,.350. Cal 655-4238. 1969 DOOGE BELVEDERE STATIONWAGON - rebuilt mgtor, (easy ta certify), $500. CaîIl 668-91 24. 1974 VOLKSWAGON BEETLE - newv radiaIs, starter motor, tape deck, and radio, tuned up and ready to go, engine A-i. $1,250; chrome 14" mags, $50 for four. Cal 723-7405. 1970 CHEVELLE MALt BU - good condition, p/s, pib. no body work needed, $1 î)0 or best of fer, as is. CaliI 668-3495 ask for Steve. 1969 MUSTANG FASTBACI< 302, autonmatic, headers, chrnmy% trac bars, magr., tinted wvindowb 8 track sterea, good condition $900. Cati 668-4654. 1970 ÇADILLAC - need., some work, good buy, $1200; 1967 CH EV, 6 cylI., auto, $1150, Cali 579-545'.. 1971 VAUXHALL - 43,00! miles, newv parts, $450 or be5 offer. Cal 668-5704. 1973 FORD CORTINA-- GT - 4 speed, AM/FM, radial tires, good condition, $1,100 Cal 668-6319. 1973 GRANDE TORINC WAGON - Low mîleage. Cali - 668-1819- 1969 TOYOTA -.unregistttrei ideal for rtare parts, $100 o1 best off er. CatI16683675. 1969 PUt engine. no CaI 668-1763. NTIAC - 35 plates, $27 1968 VOLKSWVAGON -- rt ning condition, good for pa $100. Caîl 683-8467., 1967 VW q600 FASTBACI< $250; also 1500 VW engin( - $1 50; electrie brass f ireplnm(ý $50. Ca 11668-0010. 19b7 CHEV - 2 dr. hdt Kentucky car, comipltltely rebu 327, 300 hp motnr, 3 sp. ai transmnission. nevw brakes, tir shocks, exhaust, newv carp custam scats, no rust, certifi askin[g $2.600 must salI.I 6681139of ter 5:30 weekdays. 1967 WAGON- bellcu ofr. 6 pým. FORD) STATtOP 4 dr., 8BcVl., $300 CaI 655-4441 af ahà -i APA 1 Press Emporium Cciii 668-8 ll1__ __ __ _ .ti L,- 1over 1977 HONDA XL75 DIRI f our BiKE - wlth hoîmet and ridbni îrock, gloves, like new, onîy usod threi ir 6, months. $5M0.Coll 868-2379ý, E EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTEI) SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLEASE READ: A.dvertise lFREF in flhc FRIT IiRESS E'-MPOIZIUM, puy ONLY wvlcon you selI! Therc will not be any charge to ;îcvertisers in tlhc 1 -S 1-' l PRESS l:-MPORIIJM uinless the item advertised is sold. Wlîcni the udvcrtised itemn is sold, you Pay a commission hased on Tlll1- AI)VI'RTISE--D PRICE as illustratud bclaw, regtrdIless if price is stated tvitlî best offer. Ali advcrtiseiienits mtust bc placed on an exclusive basis \vith the Wl IIT13Y URI'F PRI-SS and run aI luasf uoie nontiilf00f 5(ild. RATE S (if artice is suld): 5X, (if advcrtised price up f0 $400.00 2"/, of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item adiLverfised fuor $50.00 --conint1ission duc S2.50 comm1inîn îîîiiiio iiis $1 .50) fisicd as aî privafe ucîvertiser. PIease nu tify tlhe \hil hy Ircc Press ininî1edi;tIe\li ~len item is sold su iliat sve may delcfe it friinîflic follnwing issues. All ads nouffit tîng flic Emporiumi gîtidelines illI tc trea teul and cliargceçcr wcek as regulir classified ads on a prit-pi id hasis sucît as: services, lielli wvuted, cîntîtint!, re.al estate, andi~ pcrsoîîal ilessage type ads. or acîs notuf oiîtin-! price or quauntîify. Private cl;îssi fied ads mnay a ppear in thle I-.miporium sect iont under ap~proptîntte licai ms. If ini douht , caIt 668-6111l MAIL AIlS TO: 1967 MUSTANG - 289 wvith three speed f loor shift, good cdean condition, $400 or best offer. Cal 668-3889. 196FORD COM ET - 6 cy ., auto steering, 1,700 miles, white single bed, padded head- board, Cati 668-2514. 1971 PONTIAC CATELINA 2 door hardtop, runnîng condi- tion, $750 or best offer; 1971 TOYOTA, runniflg condition, $300 or best off er. Cali 668-7279. 1962 FORD FALCON 289 -- 62,000 miles, factury body and paint, best offer, $200. Cali 655-3972 af ter 6 p.m. 1974 MERCURY -- 2 door hdtp., 351 V-2 motor, 4 new radial tires, immaculate condition, Cali668-1588. 9.9 OUTBOARD MOTOR - used one season, including gas tank, cost $700 seil tor $350 firm. Cali 668-31 12. 1970 FORD TRUCK- recl, crewcal), fair condition, tieat mnileage, $600 as is. Ca l 655-3545. 1966 BUICK LASABRE - good running condition, uncer- tif.ied. $150. Cal 728-0642. 1975 ASTR E -~ go od condition. $2,000. Cali 576-7942ý 19/b iHiikJMPH SPiTFIRE - 10w mîleagtt. rustprai)olle, wll certify, S3,000 or best offer. Cali723-9180. 1971 RENAULT - Goori condition. $270. Cali 668-0744. 1971 FIREBIRD - New brakes, new shocks, new mutffler systero, new paint. $1500. Cali 668-6791- 1 283 CHEV ENGINE - 3,000 9miles, complote wîth carburetor, $120. Cgll 655-3006. Continued on next page REATIOlNfAL VEHILES 2 - 1971 Snowmobiles Double Bed Trailer Good Condition 5$650. or best of fer - 728-6424 1974 Hardtop Woods Camper, 1,sleeps et ht. excellent condîtiGfl. Phone-6 X- 4942. 1971 NORDIC SKI-DOO )ù 24 hp., used veî y ltile, excellent st condit ion, $425. Cali725-0444. DUNE BUGGY - running condition, fibre glass body, - i'king $600. Cal 655-4479, ask for Henry. TENT TRAILER-Emperor, was recanvassed last year, used one ) week after, Coleman lantero, stoive 1 water pack, heater pots & pans anc cupboards. $600. 668-2164. c, 1969 SKIDOO -- wîth '71 r motar, good condition, needs sume motor work, best offer 50 over $100. Cal 668-0744. 7; MaIe 10 SPEED TOURING EIKE -- 20" trame, genoratur lights, pack racks, $100; un MOTORCYCLE, 1971 350 -, HONDA, new parts and paint, Askirig $175. Caît 668-9165. Waodbjurning Acnrn FIRE- PLACE - orange colour. $200. CaI 668-4660. PORTABLE DISHWASHER - excellent condition, $110; Stove, good wvorking order, ideal for cottage, $50; dryer, good condition, $90. CatI 623-5715. G.E. lectric wlîîtît STOVE 2 yrs. 01(1 -excellent îcond it in, $175. C;iIt668-3853 af titi5 î 22" FINDLAY STOVE $35. Cati 655-4948. OlderGEREFRIGERATOR - $30; four borner Moffat electric stove & hood, $30; propane space heater, $30. Ali sui table foi cottage, $75 for ail tibrce itemis. Cati 655-4125 evenints. RANGETTE -- goodca ndi- lion, $1 5. C:îtl 668-5450. Kenmore WASHER AND DRYER-- Used, $250. Cali 668-5705. REFRIGERATOR -single door, olId style, $40; stove, in good wvorkinçt condition, $35; .dryer, automatic, aIl temnPeratlire, $75. Calil 668-3889. AIR CONDITIONER - ane sommer old, fils wali or wîindowv, 8,000 BT U, $225. Cali 668-0050 at ter 6 p.m. FIREPLACE - imitation, ideal for rec room, $35. Cali 668-6537- aears botîd State COLOUR TV - 1l12 years otd, 12", $275. C ail655-3287 B & W V -33", ingood condition, $60. Cati 723-9068. of fer; Portabet 668-0744- TV, $50. CatI Huron vwood COOK<STOVE- $1 35. Cati 668-4885 aftter 6 p.m. CONSOLE TV - B 81 W, i.~&7 goo cndtAir%' joodj condition, $35. Cali 668-319Oaf ter 9 p.m. York WEIGHT SET- 75 Ibs., plus 15 l1b. bar. tîke new. askir.g $2(>; Cox P-40 Warhialk gas- powered plane. unused gas, battery and instructions îcudec $15 or be si oftter. Cati 725-8162. ADDING MACHINE Rerýininiqiuii, $50; Bell & Howvel miî.u î'caîueî a vwtIi case,- $25, Siintlu!r triedie sewvintl machine, wnî tkiti, $25; leavy ulut y sewin. rîî,iclimîe, wuî kinqI $25; unique phuiroti tul(ou' moulu'il ,$25; bîiiî caje ,ami standl, $10; 2 pair rînapits, wliiite, si/lt 48 x 94, $8 pi- f loi , sie 48 x 94, $8 pri to long. eveninti dIresses, $5; iniîtatir bnrg cotlvvitli leoparc cllar , siz'. 12, $10; whitet figure skates, sîzr 6, $5; au .iîiatic rifle, wvor kiint Si15; guu rack with drawer, hoîr 4 guns, $10; office desk, woocter neucîs vai iii shing, $25; 2 arbo'rit( StetI) tables, $3.50 eachi. Cal 668-7000. TAPE RECORDER IRce Type), $95; complete win( making kit, $35; baîbrooru sinf with vanity inctuding taps, $15E bathroom mirror cabint, $5 Cati 668-6779. Aboveground POOL LADDEF brand iew, $50. Cai 6680471. SKATES - 2 pair Bouwet size 11, nearty new, $20; CCI Junior Pro Sze 12, $20 or be! offer. Cali 655-3117. DRAPES - orange burlal unlined, 150 x 95", $11 delachable miers for drapes, $: Diefenbacchia (houseplant), tait, $10. Cati 668-2301. GUITAR AMPLIFIER simnilar tai fendulr super revel $300. Cati 666-1 271.- GENDRON STROLLER with suri canopy, $16; pîaypi needs new pad, $6; hot stei vaprizer, $2.50; Fischer mei skis, $25. Cali 668-1473- Boys hockey SKATES - 2f ive galloflWlN E CAR BOYES CCM, size 12, $7; Jelflic, sizet 11, WITH BUNGS - $8; 2 interior $8; boys black figure skates, CCM, doors, 72" x 32", $10; combifla- size 4, $20; Bauer, size 1, $10; tion high chair and play table, black boot roller skates, size il, $20; one sving-ormatic, $5; play- $33. Call 668-5227. pen, $12; baby car, $1 .50; Cali 668-9605. 1/ ct. DIAMOND RING - white gold solitare setting, G.E. FLOOR POLISHIER - appraised value $650, will sacrifice includîng brushes, and larnb's at $500. Cilil 570-3094. wooî pads, $15; Clairol Kindness i-tqtharsetter, including 20 like new, $15. CaII 725-9575- vacîuumu, $10; Cati 668-1763. F leetwvood console STER EO - $75; display cabinet, vvith glass sliding doors, $75; hallîway x-minister carpef, 27"wv x 451f, with padding, $100; ail items in excellent condition. Cali 666-1847. MATTRESS& BOX SPRING- goad condition, $50; STEREO, goad condition, $835. Cî 668-4042. Marx electric TRAIN SET- engine and five cars, transformer and .027 gauge teack, number of accessories, ail in good condition, $50; earth-tane double bed sproad, $20. Cali 668-2479. BIKE TIRES - 26" x 1%/", $1 each; Scalectrix racing set, many extras, $1 2.50. Cali 668-5060. Almost newv pale green and pale yetlowv MIXED SHAG - iapproximatel'/ 10 x 12'/2 ft, plus heavy bubble faam underpad, $190; almast new deep roset pin k MIXED SHAG. approximately 15'8" x 10'7", 41/2' x 6/4%, plus ?bubbîe foam underpad, $245. Cati 666-1851. Single CONTINENTAL BED - $25. CaliI 668-31 36 bef ore 2 p.m. e 3, Chrome KITCHEN SET - r1 5 piece, $45; Chesterfield chair, M$10' both ideal for cottage. thCati 668-8267. e, 6' CHRISTMAS TREE - ri, with decaratians, $40; Haîf- beer barrel liquor bar, with w vrought iron trim, $100 or best -offer. Cali 655-4194 after 6 p.m. also many assorted iigsaw, puzzles, 50 cents each. Cali 655-341 1. SHAG CARPET - appro>. 8'6" x il '6, vith underpadi, 3 months aId, haîf price, $60; carpet red wvith pattern, 6' x 9', 3 months aId, haîf price, $20; electric' curler set (20), excellent condition, $10; electric f loor polisher (G.E.>, goad condition, $10. Cali 668.3l28aftitr 5p.m. White with gold trim 24" BATHROOM VANITY - with countertop, $70. Cali 725-5753. 15' MOLDED PLYWOOD BOAT .- with steering wheel, needs few repairs, $75. Cali 668-9860. BSA 22Cilibre Pellet RIFLE - very accurate, powerful, like new, will soli for $45; swing-set, good condition, $35. Cal! 668-9165. Odd toam CUSH tONS - fa, chesterfield or sofa seats, $5ý!! orle kîichen stool with swing out stop, $5; vanity bench, $5; Cali 668-9009. GOLO WEDDING BAND - tiever worn, $30. Cali in morniriç 668-8623. 18" COLECO CARTRIOGE SWIMMING POOL' FILTRE - with spare cartridge, $60; over the wall skimmer, $110; new ladder for 4' pool, $35; pool vacuum, $5. Calîl 668-4804. ji OUTDOOR FLOOD LIGHTS - 1000 watt, suitable for righting patio or pool area, $30 each. Cali 668-2832 af ter 5 p.m. Three aluminutm STORI WINDOWS - complete witi screen, $25 each; boys bicycle 1gold colour, very good condition $20. Cali 728-9732. One pair gold velvet miec CUSTOM MADE DRAPES - very good condition, sizi I112 x 92, $130; Light Blondi DRESSER & MIRROR, goac condition, $35. Cali 666-1958. J PHUI>ANE FURNACE 0complote with tanks, regulator, ';stove pipe, $300. Cali 655-3488. . ' GAS FURNACE - brand J.newv, 100,000 BTU, neyer been 1used, $250. Cali 668-6950. e POOL TABLE -- Burrotigh8 Watts, 41/2 x 8'. Cali 668-242E , hefore 12 noon. Is Coldspot 10,000 BTU Att ilCONDITIONER - extendec ýe warranty, $300; Grolier Grov Ilcase bookshelf, 4 shelves, walnut $35; walnut bookcase, 6 shelves $35. Cali 668-2164. i Adding machine, Remington, $5C ie Singer tredle sewing machiViî k working, $25; bird cage & stan( 5;$10; 2 pr. drapes, white siZE 5.48x94, $8. Pr; 2 long everrni dresses, $5. ea; Imitation Bar coat with leopard collar, size 1, q_$10; white figure skates, size t $5; 2 arborite sti.ep tables, $3.50 ca.; crome kitchen table & r, chairs, good for a cottage, $1! M 668-7000 St ELECTRONIO BREAF CONTROL - for trailer breat! p asking $50. Cati 668-9260. o0, 3' Cooper HOCKEY PANTS - 5 ie28-30, red colour, $5; pai boys 0CM hockey skates, size5 $7; girl's figure skates, size 11/2 $5; parir shin pad,sie m=ll aum în urm doors, f.ive basem ent 1 IT H N S T - 6 8 7 7 . T sCatI 66storn w5dows $5 almosI new, has padded sides, 6~3î STER F0 - 4 speakers inside, Cal 66 table extensIon, and four PIadded SngerUETDS- good condition, $75. Cali eig .5'5 OK46 ph t- 1chiscsi$9 akng$~'$2 Siagle 725-1211, S 668-4042>. )a 1sive RO CKE vitr e 7-19. chair66,8cs 2 9903. 1() 1,Cl 71-2,1 lngenvinl 3. 7-04-Cl 6-803. IFree AUTOMOBILES 1 FOR SALE1 p.(>. lBox\20)6,\litî LI1 N 5S1 1111I)lMA)L INI I tR lIORIMAI)S 111- NlONl)~î PR s ToI lU i>ULICATION xAT NOON.11 Sitars Bî'aitic Bar Detuxe A PP t ESV ACUUM CLEANER -- one ý j --ec r nd. $1 0. C ui 6681 819 . WESTINGHOUSE WALL OVEN -in good condition, PEG POOL GAME - 4 coi-s, $100. GE. SURFACE UNIT & S45; te French Provincial chair FAN COMBINATION, f Our S25; office rlesk, exceltlenlt ciernts, 2-8". 2-6", in gond coni)Itioii, $75, single bort, S5; condition. $100. Cati 294-1 383. :imnq poiîq table, 1 yr. nid, $50; co uiairu chair, claik brown, VIKING CLOTHES DRY ER $10; 4 rrweî dresser, S15,' $80 CaI 68-969.exercise bikit, $40; 211e bp Iaw-- $80,Cali668-269.moweî, S$35; 2 michîng arm- chairs, beige. $55. Cati 683-7788. upholstered, green and rust brocade, $250 or best offer. Caîl 728-4943. Medium size OAK DESK - 1 large drawer, $49; lazy boy, $25; Singer treddle machine, excellent condition, $50; Viking wvringer wvasher, $60; Cali 725-1 211.- GUIDE UNI FORM - size 10, $12; tap shoes, ladies size 71/;!, $15; aîumninum storm doors. $35; interiar wooden door, $8; hampster cage wvith wheel and house, $5; sewing machine. white, $35; chord organ, school desk, $10; 8 bentwvood chairs, $75. Cali 728-2327. Fuîll lengtlî black Peisian LAMB COAT, in gond conîdi- tioni. 668 - 8747 3pc. sec. sufa,. Uke ncw, bu.ilt iti end tables & storage. Re- versable glOld citshiotîs, iiatech. ing lamlps. $250; 25" b & wv T.V., works $50. 668 -2393 E::l:cAL 4 Traynor COLUMNS - Reaîistic QTC 720, 4 channet receiver recorder, 8 track, TR882, complote for $1,200 3 months aId, Cali 668-3589, STEREO CONSOLE - with Garrard turntabte, AM/FM radio, good * condition, $85. Cati 668-8634. 1 etal uendron CONVERTIBLE ICARRIAGE - excellent condi- -----------

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