Whitby Free Press, 12 Oct 1977, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOUER 12, 1977, PAGE 5 Corridor, Capers Thanksgfiving is a tume to be grateful for ail the good things in life. More often, we tend to dwell on disappoifltmnefts and pass over the memorable occ- asions. Just for one weekend, think positive- think only good, and maybe itwill become a habit. It can be contaglous. Just think of some of the good things: Brian Winter joined the middle age group by turning thir- ty. Join the club, Brian, mnost of us made it a few years back. Nancy and Leo Conlin celebrated their 25 th Wedding Anniversarv with a surprise. party hosted by thei .r three children. Although somnetimes ones children can be a trial, their are other- times that yoù know you couldn't have donc with-- out themn. Have a pleasant Thanksgiving Holiday. Westminster UnitedChurch Westminster Bazaar A bazaar will be held in the church on Saturday, November l2th. Novelties, baking, white elephant and rnany other interesting things will be featured. A great timne to stock up on a few Christmas Good- ies. Anniversary An Anniversary service will be held on Sunciay, November 13. The Rev. Roger Maggs, Chaplain of the Oshawa General Hospital will be the guest speaker. ited Churcli is not until October 22, tickets are rapidly being sold. Cati any member of the U.C.W. and reserve your ticket early.,There will be two sit- tings this year, 4:30' and 5:30, so specify thè tirne suitable to you. Tickets are $4,00 for aduits and $.0for children over twelvé; and under twelvc are free. Corridor Capers Dance frhis Friday at Heydenshore the fith seini-ann- ual Corridor Dance will take place..Tickets are $4 per persori. I understand that there is a chance that sorne talented entertainers willbe present. There are stili a few tickets left, so cati 723-1680 or 725- 8967 for reservations. Have a good week. M. McEachern Tturky Dinner M Carnival was a bi success ROYAL BANK OPENS Reg Flewelling, manager of the new Royal BAnk branch at Dundas and Anderson Streets, was jomned by members of his staff to celebrate the officiai opening of the branch last Wednesday. From left to right are: Colleen PIric, Gwen Davis, Mr. Flewelling, Carole Thomnson and Meiz Majdoub. Missing from the pictbre is Susan Gilmore. There was no ribbon cutting ceremnony, but coffee and donuts were served for the first three days after the opening. This is the second brancb of the Royal Banmk in Whitby.PrsPht Durham NDP co'uncil forms Oct. 15 The founding convention of the Durham Region Area Councîl of the New Demno- cratic Party will take place Saturday, October 15, be- ginning at 9 a.m. at the Steel- worker's Hall, 125 Albert Street, Oshawa. The Area Council will com- prise the Provincial Ridings of Durham York, Durham East, Durham West and Oshawa as weti as att affiliat- vd local union in those rid- ings. The- convention is to set up on a regionai basis, a viable coun- cil to aid ridings and unions with individual problemns as wetI as help in organizatioTial and educational undertak- ings. A steering comniittee and a constitution commTittee wil be etected to carry on the day to day activities unil a regular executive can be elected. Attendance individual is openi to Al and affiliated o'f the N.D.P .New Yuork limes Toronto Star Whitby Free JPress Enquirer Midn igh t Star Small Times Rolling Stow The Sports Journal Hockey News Letters have been sent to ail area local unions requesting their appointnleflt of repre- seita tives. Guest Speaker wil be Penny Dickens, Ontario N.D.P. Provincial Secretary. Financial Times The Financial Post The Irish Examiner Sunday Express Sunday Mirror News of the World Wall Street Magazine Wall Street Journal Sunday Times WhlIby 668-1221 lb. UyBemFl&s.puiNg October 15 The 12th annual County Town Carnival, held this sunmmer was "the biggest and best to date," says Executive Director Jack Woodward. Mr. Woodward reports that Puck's Calnadiani Travelling ('ircus, the largcst and ne\vest cariival evenit. xas vcry successfuli. and the Carnival Qiueen Conlesi hiad the larg. est nuniber o e etranits Sirice il was started several years agO. Tiue car rally wvas the largesi te date. witlh about (il cars participatiflg, said Mr. Wood- ward, anid Bert lI eaver's Talent Showcase hiad a large audience whiichi gave Ibis cast a standing ovation. Bill Wallace reports that the Peter Perry Award Advance pticity enicouraged resi- dents to put ini 23 diffrent noniniiations for the award. The %Viitby Chiamlber of Commerce is Planning to uni- jrove the award evenling a',s next year approac1es. This year live entertainnment xvas fea tured by Dinah Christiie and Toni Knieebone. The aittendance was about 1the saine as the year before, said Mr. WVallace, and this nmay hiave been because the even- ing was moved to a Friday niglitwhien rnost imerchants The fastost way to, get your buLtding sturted and fln*ishod 15 to COUl us 655»3381 IR. Bibern Construction Ltd. Brooklin Aivision -of Dominion BrideLtd. open and could not attend. Ralph Ritchie, chairrn of the Chamrber of Commerce trade fair committee reports that the fair was again a success, with 30 businesses and associations participatifil of which six were new ones. Cha nbe r Presidenlt Gord I tanna reports thait 3,2000 performances of the circus at the carnival, and, the Chamber nette d ab-out $1 ,000 on this event. rie said the success of the circus xvas based on the pro- miotion given to it by the mnembers of the Chamber,' who sold imany advance tickets. Yacht Club rebuilds pair thie damnage done to the Whîtby Yacht Ctub's proper- ty during the severe stormi of Sept. 24, but the club nienihers will have to bear, soile of the cost. Thte coast gurad has directed the department of public works to secure the picket fence breakwater, darnaged in thie storin, with six steel cables, and the work has beeni done, says Commodore Phil Finkle. The Ministry of Transport lias also been asked to invest- igate installing a breakwater thiat does more than reduce incorning swells by 50 per cenit. protection at a cost of $251 ,000 to its membeis. Most of the fi dumnped east of the clutrnouse as part of this protection was washed away in the storm. Losses sustained by the con- tractor for the shore pro. tection will be paid by the cluib to allow the project to continue, with a completion date of Nov. 11. Commodore Finkie says each inember will pay $7 a mnonth for 10 years to meet these costs. Ontario Riding MI? Norm Cafik has been made aware of the yacht club's probiemrs, and says.he wilt try to obtain At the time of the storn, the some assistance. purpose. of the founding mUl RwmIU'ww@wwm NowvspapOrS now in stock . Woest oditions graphical maps, photocopyifll at PIum Hollow Books 135 Brock Strot Seuil

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