Whitby Free Press, 12 Oct 1977, p. 24

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PAGE 1i, WEDNESD)AY, OCTOBER 12,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS ]Fre e AUTOMOBILES I FOR SALE 1969 BUICK SKYLARK - good condition, well kept, snows and rims included, $850 or best offer. Must seil. Cali 868-7028. 1974 VEGA- $650. Cali 066-1 255. 1967 CHEV - 283, good running car, new tires, exhaust systemn, rudiatOr recon., $XIO or best offer. Cali 655-4317. EDELROCK 1TORKER ALUMINUM HIGHRISER - $100; 600 holley 4-barrel carburetor, $90; crane race camn for Ford 289, $70; ait new parts. Calt 655-3972 after 6 p.m. 1971 MAVERtCK - p/b, mechanically soundc, new tires, plus" 2 snows, needs newv fender, somne body work, $200 as is; 1969 CHEV IMPALA, p/s, p/b, $200 as is. Cati 668-8698. 196BPONTIACPARISI ENNE- 327, 2 door hardtOP, $400. Cali 655-3006. 1968 AUSTIN 1100 - standard, good condition, $250; Cali 668-7470 af ter 4 p.m. 1969 FORD LUHTINA - as is, $110. Cati 668-6216. 1973 CHEV IMPALA - 4 door hdtp., writh p/s, good condition, $ 1500. Cali 668-9404. 1969 BUICK WILDCAT - good running conditionl, $300 or best offer. Cati 666-1271. 1974 FORD F 100 PICK-UP - red, A-i condition, original paint, explorer back with accessories, $3,800 or best offer. Cal 668-01 34. 1977 BE 250 - in A-i condition, 1500 mites, asking $1 ,350. Cati 655-4238. 1969 DODGE BELVEDERE STATIONWAGON - rebuilt mmotor, (easy to certify>, $500. .Co lt 668-9124. 1974 VOLKSWAGON BEETLE - new radiais, starter nbotor, tape deck, and radio, tuned up and ready to go, engn A-1, $1,250; chrome 14" mags, $50 for four. Coli 723-7405. 1970CHEVELLE MALI BU - good condition, p/s, pib, no body work needed, $1100O or best of fer, as W~ Cati 668-349E ask for Steve. 1969 MUSTANG FAST BAC K 302, automnatic, headers, chromi( trac bars, mnags, tinted windows 8 track stereo, good condition $900. Cali 668-4654. 1970 CADI LLAC - needs some work, good buy, $1200; 1967 CHEV, 6 cyl., auto, $150; Cali 579-5451. 1971 VAUXHALL - 43,000i miles, new parts, $450 or oest off er. Colt 668-5704.' 1973 FORD CORTINA - GT - 4 speed, AM/FM, radial tires. good condition, $1,100 Cail 668-6319. 1973 GRANDE TORINO VWAGON - Low miteage. Cati 668-1819. 1969 TOYOTA - unregistered, ideal for spare parts, $100 or.- best off or. Cott 668-3675. 1969 PONTIAC engin0., no plates. Caît 668-1763- $275; 1968 VOLKSWAGON - rn ning condition, good for parts, $100. Colt1683-8467. 1967 VW 1600 FASTBACK- gt"r-n- n f '.1qO W enqine. Pres s ]Empori um ____ Cali 668-8111_______ 11967 MUSTANG - 289 with three speed f 1loor sh if t, good clea n condition, $400 or best of fer. Cali 668-3889. 1976 FORD0 COM ET -6 cyl.1 auto steering, 1,700 miles, EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE ACCETED SUBJECr TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLEASE READ: Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you seil! There will not be any charge to, advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. When the advert.ised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardless if . ...-é il k ., ,,Çnfpr Att dvertisemeflts must bc placed I ~ MISCELLANEOUSj Boys hockey SKATES - 2fivegaltOflWlNE CAR BOYES DM, size 12, $7; .letnic, size 11, WITH BUNGS - $8; 2 interior siz blî bof ore 12 on Coldspot 1(),000( BTU AIR CONDITtONER - oxtended warrantY, $300; Grolior Growv case boiokshelf, 4 shelves. wvalnut. $35; wainLlt bookcase, 6 sheives, $35. Cali 668-2164. 12' CULVERT - $30; two sets of wooden stops, 2 riser and 3 riser, $4 each. Cali 668-8304. ELECTRONIC BREAK CONTROL - for traiter breaks, asking $50. Cali 668-9260. doors, 72" x 32",, $10; combina- tion high chair and play table, $20; one swing-o-matic, $5; plaýyi pen, $12; baby -car, $1.50; Cdli 668-9605 G.E. FLOOR POLISHER- including brushes, and lamb'5 wool pads, $15; Clairot Kindness instant hairsotter, inctuding 2e rollers, 20 rolter clips, lightweight compact case, ideal for travel, like new, $15. Cati 725-9575. Antique LETTER DESK- $50; Antique chair, $50; electric broom, $20; Luwyt caninister vacium, $10; Cali1668-1763. Fleetwood console STEREO - $75; display cabinet, with glass slidîng doors, $75;, hallway x-minister' carpet, 27"w x 45"t, with padding, $100; ail items in excellent condition. CatI 666-1847. 1 white single oed, peacecinu - price as state scu es lii board, Citl 668-2514. on an exclusive basis with the WFITBY r-REE PRESS and run w 1971 PONTIAC CATELINA - at lcast one month if not sold. a ruring candi- RTE(iarclisod) ai 2 door hardtop, u RTE(iarclisod) tion, $750 or best offer; 1971 5 favrie rc pt 400 TOYOTrA, running condition, 5 favrie rc pt 400 $300 or best off er. Cati 668-7279. 2% of balance over $400.00 3 1962 FORD FALCON 289 - EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $50,00 a 62,000 miles, factory body and - commnission due $2.50 p paint, best offer, $200. Cali (minimum commission i $ 1.50) 6 655-3972 af ter 6 p.m. Private advertising only! Plcase notify us if you find a retailer 8 1974 MERCURY - 2 door listeti as a private advertiscr.3 hdtp., 351 V-2 motor, 4 nr.w Pîcase notify the Whitby Frec Press immediateiy wiien item is c radial tires, immaculate condition, sold so that wc rnay delc'te it froni the following issues.3 Cati 668-1588. AIl ads not fitting the Enporitini guidelines will be treated and e 9.9 OUTBOARD MOTOR - charged per week as rcgtilar classified atis on a pre-paiti basis c usedone e~,on, ncldinggas such as: services, hielp) wanied, clutlîing, ruai estate, at tank, cost $700 seIt for $350 1)ersonal me.ssage type ads, or atis îot quoting price or quantity. firm. Catt 668-3112. Private classifieti ads may aippear in the 1tl)tnjritit-n section 1970 FORD TRUCK -- red, uncler applrop)riate lieadings.E crewcab. fair condition, !>1at If. in doubi. caîl 668-611 Il miteage. $600 as is. Cati NMAIL. A[S TO: 655-3545. R-'- IES1NPO LI1966 BUICK LASABRE P .O. ltN\ 206, Whitby good running condition, uncor- IA N S.SI tif ted. SiSO CatI1728-0642. 1975 ASTR E - gooci TI. )AF)1INIFOR V 1i l'OIU\1 î\A1)S 1S TlIl1 condition. $2.000. Cali 576-7942. MO0N 1) A Y 1It '\' 10 11S 'l'OIt 11 L C ATl1ON A'r N0N. 1975 TRIUMPH SPITF IRE ___________________________ low mîteagO, rustproi)fd, .wî h - certify, $3,000 or best offer. Sears Boattie Bai, Dluxo- RENAULT23-9G8o A P PL1ANCES VACUUM CLEANER -- one 1971 R AL odyoar otti, $150. Cali 668-1819. condition, $270. Cati1 668-0744. 1971 FIREBIRID - New WESTINGHOUSE WALL brakes, new shocks. new mnuffler OVEN «- in good condition. PEG POOL GAME-- 4 cui s, system, new paint, $1500. Cali $100; G.E. SURFACE UNIT & $45; Idue Frenchi Provincial chair 668-6791. FAN COMBINATION, four $25; office desk, excellent 283 ÇHEV ENGINE - 3,000 elomrents, 2-S", 2-6-, in good condition. $75; single bcd, $5; miles, complote with carburetor, condition, $100. Colt 294-1383. pîng pong table, 1 yr. otti, $50; $1 20. Colt 655-3006. corner arm chair, clark brown. $10; 4 drawver dresser. S15; 8ATTERY - 12 volt for VW, VIKING CLOTHESDRYER exPr 'Cise t>îke, $40. 21/,hp iawn- one year oId, $25. Colt 655-4995. $80. Cati 668-9269. rnv s; $5 2 matching arm- Steel Disc MAG WHEELS - chairs, beig9e, $55. Cati 683-7788. set of 4, w/Tornada belted REFRIGERATOR & 1tires, G70-14, now $316, selI for STOVE - excellenit condition, 3'BD at ethad nZ'J f .~.fe. Caî,l f682886. A,ina S175.Calt 668-9165. 39"BED-- 35. Cadatid 668-3190nditonp3m. Cl ,8, boys black figure skates, CCM, ie 4, $20; Bauer, size 1, $10;, dack boot rouier skates, size il, 23. Cali 668-5227. 1/% ct. DIAMOND RING- hite gold solitare settlrlg, ipraised value $650, wtt1 sacrifice t$500. Cali 579-3094. CHILDS POOL TABLE - 3x 6', good condition, $7.50; elso rnany assorted jigsaw xjzzles, 50 cents each. Cali 555-3411. SHAG CARPET- approx. B' x 1'l'6", with underpad, 3 months old, lialf price, $60; carpet red with pattern, 6' x 9', 3 months old, haîf price, $20; tlectric curler set (20>, excellent condition, $10; electric f loor polisher <G.E.), good condition, $1 0. Cati 668-3128 af ter 5 p.m. White with gold trim 24" 3ATHROOM VANITY -' with countertop, $70. Cali 725-5753. 15' MOLDED PLYWOOD BOAT - with stcering wheet, needs few repairs, $75. Cati 668-9860. BSA 22Calibre Pellet RIFLE - very accurate, powerful, like new, witl soit for $45; swing-set, gooti condition, S35. cal! 668-9165. Odd foam CUSHIONS - foi chesterlietd or sofa seats, $5 i! one kitchen stool with swing out stop, $5; vanity bench, $5; Cali 668-9009. GOLD WEDDING BAND - neyer worn, $30. Cali in mnornîný 668-8623. 18" COLECO CARTRIDGI SWIMMING POOL FILTRE - with spare cartridge, $60; over thi wail skimmer, $10; new ladder foi 4* pool, $35; pool vacuum, $5 Cali 668-4804. 3 OUTDOOR FLOOD LIGHTS - 1000 watt, suitabli for tighting patio or pool aree $30 each. Colt 668-2832 afte 5 p.m. Three aluminum STORI WINDOWS - complete wil screen, $25 each; boys bicycl( gold colour, very good conditiol $20. Cali 728-9732. One pair gold velvet line( CUSTOM MADE DRAPES very good condition, si2 112 x 92, $130; Light Blond DRESSER & MIRROR, gooi condition, $35. Cali 666-1958. PROPANE FURNACE complote with tanks, regulatol stove pipe, $300. Cati 655-3488. GAS FURNACE -- brai 'new, 100,000 BTU, neyer bet sused, $250. Caîl1668-6950. Webber CARBURETOR- for M.G.B.. tunabie for econOmY. -$200.- -att /.-P,, r AI -C ai 7 aj Hywvay Byway SNO(W TIR ES nd rims, in goodi condition, Size 8.14, asking $30. Cail 668-5448. 2 CORINA WAGON, 30'21 i/e, p/b, p/s $300 668 -21393 FAtECEArNAL VEIES 1971 NORDIC SKI-DOO - 24 hp., usedi veîýy littie, excellent condition, $425. Cati 725-0444- DUNE BUGGY - running condition, f ibre glass body, irking $600. Caîl 655-4479, ask for Henry. TENT TRAILER.Emperor. a recanvasseti last yoar, useti one wveek af ter, Coleman lantern, stove water pack, heater pots & pans and cupboards. $600. 668-2164. 1969 SKIDOO -- wîth '71 motor, good condition, needs some motor evork, bost of fer ovor $100. Cai 668-0744- Male 10 SPEED TOURINO BIKE - 20" frame, generator lights, pack racks, $100; MOTORCYCLE, 1971 350 HONDA, new parts and paint, certified, $500. Cali 668-0187. 20" GIRLS BIKE - for ages 7-9, like new,$35. Cati 576-5261. Woodburning Acoro FIRE- P'LACE -. orange colour. $200. Caît 668-4660. PORTABLE DISHWASHER - excellent condition, $1 10; Stovo, good working orcler, ideat for cottage, $50; dryer, good condition, $90. Cati 623-571 5. Sinplicity WRINGER- WASHER - good condition, $30; -aitI 579-2527. G.E. eioctric white STOVE 2 yrs. oldi, excellent condition, $175. Cati 668-3853 after 5 1).M. S22" FINDLAY STOVE- $35. Cail 655-4948. Oider GE REFRIGERATOR- $30; four burnor Moffat lectric stove & hood, $30; propane space heater, $30. Ailsuitable for cottage, $75 for ait three itemns. Cati 655-41 25 ovoninfîs. RANGETTE - good condi- tion, $15. CaI 668-5450. Kenmore WASHER AND DRYER - Used, $250. CatI1 668-5705- REFRIGERATOR - single door, olti style. $40; stove, in good working condition, $35; dryor, automatic, ail temPerature. $75. Cal 668-3889. AIR CONDITIONER - ono, summer old,'flits wvatl or window, 8,000 BTU., $225. Cali 668-0050 af ter 6 p.m. FIREPLACE - imitation, York WEtGHT SET - 75 ibs. plus 15 lb. bar, like new, askir,( $20; Cox P-40 Warhatk gas powered plane. unusoti gas battery anti instructions include, $15 or best offet Cal 725-8162. ADDING MACHINE - Remington, $50; Belt & Howe mnovie camera with carse,$2 Singer tredle sewing machin( workîng, $25; heavy duty sewir, machine, working, $25; ont î9L phoriograph (Itoor modet), $2! bird cage and stand, $10; 2 pa drapps, white, size 48 x 94, $8 p f loral1, s ize 48 x 94, $8 pr, two ltr eveing dresses, $5; imitatîr borg coat vvith toopard coitar, si: 12, $10; whiite f igure skates. siz 6, $5; ault,,îîatic rifte, workin I$1 5; gun rack with drawer, hol 4 gunts. $10; office desk, woodE neocis varnîshiîlg, $25; 2 arbori stop tabes, $350 each. CE I668-7000. s. d cil 5, je ir rg, ds Type), $95; complteil ino making kit, $35; bathroom sink with vanif y inciuding taps. $1 5; bathroon' mirror cabinet, $5. Cati 668-6779. Abovegrounti POOL LADDER- brand new, $50. Cati 668-0471. SKATES - 2 pair Bouwor. sizo 1l, nearty now, $20; 0CM Junior Pro Sîze 12. $20 or best offer. Cati 655-3117. $150; electric brass f ireplaei, Girls 3 spd BCCE-/4 da o e om a $50. Coltl 668-0010. wheels, nearly new, $45; Box 668-6537. DRAPES - orange buriap. Cooper HOCKEY PANTS - traiter, 43 x 62 x 10"d, drop tait < Sears' Sotiti State COLOUR untinecl, 150 x 95", $10; size 28-30, roti colour, $5; pair r 1957 CHEV - 2 dr. hdtp.. gate, $100. Cal 668-8432. TV - 1112 years olti, 12", $275. detachable liners for drapes, $3; boys CCM hockey skates, sizo 5, Kentucky car, compIOtOIy rebuilt 1976 SUZUKI RM 125 - Cati1655-3287. Diefenbacchia (houseptartt), 5' $7; girl's figure skates, size 11/, 327, 300 hp mnotor, 3 sp. auto competition bike, good condition, B&WT 3,i od taîl, $10. Cali 668-2301. $5; pair shin pads, sizo smail, - transmission, new brakes, tires, Cali 579-6763 antime. B&WT 3,i od$.0 arebwpdsz som sexanrust, wcet, 172HODACd35. conditio r, $60. Cal 723-9068. GUITAR AMPLIFIER - sr:nailI $1. Cati 668-7926. Reaiis- cutmsas rsking fe, clen odiin $5,simîlar to fonder super rev-rnb, $250 utseli. Coli exclet cniin 50 B & W TV - $1 50 or bost $30.CaI 66i 71 as i g $ ,0 u tcertified, m ust sl. -Cali Peter o fo ; P ra e V 5 . C i c30 .Cunt66 12 1 .RESTA U R, A shT e g It e tam 3 mo 66-139 af ton 5:30 weekdays. 655-3253 aftor 4:30 p.m. fer668-0744$0-Cl outr os cs egse, ta 3ro 1967 SUZUKI OLYMPIAN - 68074 GENDRON STROLLER - table, pop coolor, cof feo urn, 196 FR SATOr- S-32, 150 cc twin, good running Huron wood çOC;It<SIOVE - with sun canopy, $16; playpei' $450. Cali 655-3613. WAGON - 4 dr., 8 cyl., $300 codtin $15. Cola5531i15 668-4885 af ter 6 p.m. neetis newv pad. $6; hot stoam bet ffr.Cli65-441ate cndton $75 Cl 65-41.vaporizor, $2.50; Fischer metat l edrn COVETIL 6 .n-SUZUKI 350 - 00W tiri- CONSOLE TV - B3 & W, Garirn ONETIL nw electrical systm, $400. good condition. $75; two si,$5 ai6817.CRIG xeln od- 90 1 9 7 2 C& t o r r w iIo W s . $5A B & W K I T C H E N S E T - t 6 6 8, - 7 3 7 1 . b s o f r - C a i 6 8 1972 CHE IMALA CatIland ask for Rob 668-5432. aIumintJm doors, f ive basemoilt CUSTOM - wh Ite vinyt over 1977 HONDA XL75 DIRT cren strm 5596. $5., amost newv, has padded sdes,68-31 metatle dark brown, 350 four 01IKE - with helmet andi rîing table extenlsion, and fôur paddod Snge TUETD K-got ba r o, o ru 8- 3093 tac , g I9ves, like new , off ty used three 1 swive ROCKER uphi stere ti2 9 a kn 1 0 in l T D N E Kg o 1ÉO.Cal168303af ter 5, months. $5M -CalI .668-2379. ini areen.vinyl, $35. 579-1094. Chairs668-8203. $2668- 25121 ood cir ;68-4042 Mar x !ngîne ar )nd .027 eccessoriE 50; oart1 20. Cal $1 each nany i 668-5061 pale ye approxir heavy1 $190; ai MIXED 1518" X bubbte CatI 666 Singi $25. Cal Chro 5 piece, $10; b CatI 66E -6' wiîh c beer1 wrougi of fer.1 AN« SUITE uphots' brocadi Oatt 72 Mec 1 largi $25; excel le wr 10901 725-12 GUI $12; tE $15: ai interior hampst house, white, desk. $75. C Full LAME tion.9 3 Pc. in end ve usa b' ing lai idition, $50; STEREO, -ondition, $85. Cati eiectric TRAIN SET -- nd five cars. transformer 7gziuge teack, number of is, att in gooti condition, th-toia double beti spread, Il 668-2479. - 7TIRES - 26" x 11/", t; Scatectrix racing set, extras, $1 2.50. Cati ist new pale green and e1low MIXED SHAG - iately 10 x 12% ft, plus bubbie f oam underpad, ilmost new deep roset pin k SSHAG, approxinlately x10'7", 4%' x 61/4, plus foamn underpati, $245. 6-851.ý e CONTINENTAL BED'- Il1668-3136 bef ore 2 p.m. Dme KITCHEN SET $45; Chesterfield chair, both ideat for cottage. [-8267. CHRISTMAS TREE - decorations, $40; Haîf- barrel liquor bar, with Iht iron trim, $100 or best Cati 655-4194 af ter 6 p.m. JTIQUE CHESTERFIELD : - 4 pce., newly ;tred, green and rust e, $250 or best offer. 28-4943. dium sizo OAK DESK le drawer, $49; iazy boy, Singer tretidle machine, nt condition, $50; Viking ir washor, $60; Caîl 2 11. IDE UNIFORM - size 10, :p shoes, ladies size 71/A, iuminum storm doors. $35; )r wooden door, $8; ner cage with wheeî and 1$5; sewinq machine 1$35; chord organ, schooî $10; 8 bentwood chairs, Call 728-2327. length black Persian 3COAT, in good condi- 668 -8747 sec. sofa, like niew, built, d tables & storage. Re- )le gold cushionis, match- tî¶ps. $250; 25" b & w works $50. 668 -2393 ýMUACL Traynor COLUMNS - stic QITC 720, 4 channel ier recorder, 8 track, 12, complote for $1,200o nths oîd, Colt 668-3589. STEREO CONSOLE - with ,rard turotabte, AM/FM radio, )d condition, $85. Caîl 3-8634. ;TER EO - 4 speakers inside, Jcondition, $75. Cati -4042. -l -- Burrough & Cali 668-2425

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