PAGE 4s WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS SUPPLEMENT, SOD TURNING CEREMONY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1977 maintenance costs down. in a housiflg co-op, what you do not spend, you« save i hosigcae. Secondly, participation is the keV flot only to cost savings, but also to a real sense of community and personal accomplishment at job weil done. At least in the f irst year of operation, there wiII be somne part-time staff to ensure that everyting gets started on the right foot. BUt even when there iS staff, the Board of Directors, committees and members should be informed of what is happening and be able to direct the staff. They must be able to assess performance budgets in order to maintaifi cost control. As many other committees can be established as are necessary or fun: a social committee, play- ground or kids' comrnittee, bingo committee, etc. One which is essential and wiII be started fairly early is a newsletter committee so that prospective members can be kept informed on the progress of construction, recru itmfent, management, and other co-op news. NEXT ST EPS_ As you can see, there is a saving of over $100 per unit per month because of these terms. The Ontario Ministry of Housing is also participating to help reduce costs and serve more familles in need. With only 8 of the 48 units available for low income families, the Province will contribute an 8 per oent capital grant over the first 15 vears of the mortgage. This results in a further monthly reduc- tion of about $52 per unit. To this is added projected costs of administering and maintaining the project rnf the f irst full year. Because rents of housing charges are based on actual costs, they can only be estimated at this time. But, they wilI range from about $230 for the smallest unit to $280 for the largest, not includ'ing heat and hydro. As mentioned, eight low income famnilies will be acoepted into membership and the difference be- tween what they can afford to pay and the unit costs wiIl be paid by the federal, provincial and municipal governmellts. Publishing and the Free Press and Louis Redden, Manager of the Manchester Community Credit Union, representatives of the Federation -- Dave Bahrynowski and Louise Clarke and another person from Toronto, Peter Trotscha, who has a long histirfy of co-op involvement. We think that the experience and knowledge of this team wiIl result in quality housing at a reason- able price and with a good base for take-over by they members. MANAG EMENT In order to ensure that Athol Green wiIl be efficiently and democratically run, the time until occupancy in June or July wiIl be spent in recru it- ing committed members and establishing manage- ment systems. This process wiIl be co-ordinated by the experienced staff nf the Federation. There are usually three major committees required to run a housing co-op membership, finance and maintenance -- as well as the Board of Directors. In Athol Green, great emphasis will be placed on member participation on the committees, and in general' for two- very important reaso'is. First, voluntary work will help keep adminstrative and The first step will be ani Henry Street School in Thursday, October 20 at film and a full discussionq in a co-op. downtown Whitby on 8 p.m. There will be a on what it is like to live People interested in becoming actively involved wili be invited to attend a workshop in early November to find out more detail on how a co-op is actually run. These people wiII form the back- bone of the comnmittee system which wiIl be developed. The f irst meetings of these committees viil be held in late November, early December, but their real work wiIl happen next spring. Also, during that time, interested people wiII be meeting to deveîop essential documents such as the housing agreement (the co-op lease>, by-laws procedure. As mem bers, these things must be approved by the majority. So, it is in your interests to participate in their development. SEE YOU AT THE PUBLIC MEETING DELO-PMENL The developmeflt of Athol Green Co-op was under- taken by the Toronto Non-Profiît Co-operative Housing Federation with the assistance of Karvon Construction which is also doing the construction management. The Federation represents 15 co- operative housing groups from ail across Metro Toronto. Because à f this, it has had direct exper- ience in a wide range of co-ops and has t he best interests of the members in mmnd not only during construction but also for the many years of opera- tion to corne. Karvon has had considerable experience in con- struction in ýthe Whitby area and with a co-op in Toronto and is knowri for quality construction. On the incorporatiflg Board of Directors are Whitby area peoplo Mike Burgess of MBM YESI' D LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT ATHOL GREEN CO-OP i Please keep me informed about Whitby's first housing co-operative. NAME ADDRESS CITY or TOWN__________________ POSTAL CODE ___ _____ TELEPHONE -Home: _ ___ Work: Fi in this couPOn, cut it outand mail to: ATHOL GREEN CO-OPERATIVE HOMES c/o Manchester Community Credit Union I '400 Oundas Street West I Whitby, Ontario house rules and