PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Regionneeds snsible financial oicy saysmao e4111- L-nffMayorrGartshoreusuggesteda S'h k,.llir nroces". He sgetdta Mayor Jimn Gartshore re- echoed his themne that the municipalities in Du rhamn should try to make regional governmrrent work, rather than try to destroy it, at a recent meeting of the Whitby Lions Club. "We were given regional governmnt", said Mayor Gartshore. "I wouldn't cry if they took it away, but it's gone too far". The mayor told the Lions members that he considered the regional governmeflt has tried to run too fast, and now it has to try to stop the proces of putting in pipes. "We've got enough pipes in the ground", said Mayor Gartshore. "We are way beyond the speed of develop- ment as far as services are concerne'd". Mayor Gartshore said the had l et the run with the bail too long and now the region has to develop a reasonable and sensible financial policy. into perspective", he said. "We are not getting the developmeflt we expected. We have to slow down the Loftliouse Brass employees join unionl A Whitby famnily business which has operated for 20 years in this town is about to' become unionized. Forty employees Of Loft- house Brass Mfg. Ltd . which is located on Hopkins Street, have sign ed with Local 1090 of the United Auto Workers Union and are in the opening stages of bargaining for their firyt contract. ____ president and General Manager George -Lofthouse are being conducted on behaîf of the union by Steve Nimigon, an area international representa- tive for the UAW. Lofthouse Brass produces brass forgings for aIl types of indutstries from electrical to plumbing, says Mr. Lofthouise, who is flot commenting at this negotiations. The firm buys extruded brass rods in bulk, cuts and forges them to shape, then machines the resuits to customner specîfications, says Mr. Lofthouse. Lofthouse Brass also designs its own tools and engineers speciali- zed equipmelt for its work. Can youput aprc on peace of mmid? What better way to celebrate Thanksgiviflg than by deciding to help those less fortunate than yourself through the United Way? This is the time of year when we count our blessings and give thanks for the prosperity and good health that we and our farnities enjoy. But it's also a time when we should be thinking about sharing this good fortune with others. The Oshawa-Whitby United Way allows us to do so by contributiflg to 28 local agencies which act on our behaîf to help our fellow citizens in their time of need. Vour contribution to the United Way helps such organizations as the Oshawa YVACA, the Social Planning Council of Oshawa-Whitby, the Sig Brothers Association of Oshawa and District and the Oshawa-Whitby branch of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. touch the lives of aIl of us and allow What a small price topay for peace of mind. Thakato you RIWin'k Att OSHAWA-WHITBY UNITED WAY 1977 lTARGET $860,rOOO to proceed with a link-up of the Pringle and Corbett Creek sewage treatment plants in 1978, because of the slow- down in growth. one way MA hce f0 departnieflt "but as long as, jI'm mayor of this town I'mn not going to give them (the region) the authoritY to plan the Town of Whitby. Town employees hold car raily emp Ann on ployees held their first nual Sid Correli Car Rally Sunday, September 25. ,e rally was run over a y mile course through irham Region. The festivi- s concl ude dwith the trophy esentatiofi and a weiner ast. with Peter and Denise Spellen finishing second, Ann Valentin and John Wootton third. The rally organizer wishes to thank the prize sponsors, Sid Correli, Koke's Super Shell, City- Centre Automobiles, Nurse Motors and Mr. N. Shore. Posing wlth their trophies at the Sid Cimres Car Rally ire: Peter and Denise Spellen Kathy N ewmasid Correil, Kevin Tunney, John Wootton, and Ann Valentin. The rally is the first annual car rally held by townr employees. Photo by Rkk Giboon These agencies, and others like them, us to help our fellow citizens. ýr Dur ties, pre5 roa5 QUILT PRESENTED Rev. Charles Hainer of Brooklin United Church, Miss Mary Howard, and Rev. Eric Mclwaiii of the Myrtie United Church, hold up a quilt which Miss Howard presented to the church Sunday. The red and white qudlt, was presented by the congregiltion to Miss Howard's grandfather, Rev. Edwy Eratus Howard, the first minister at the new Myrtie United Church, built ini 1908. The quilt, made ini 1908, lins the signatures of citizens and the Whitby Township Couiteil on it. Miss Howard's father was also a minister, serving nt the Whitby United Church at the time of church union in 1925.Free Press Photo mmmmý a