Whitby Free Press, 28 Sep 1977, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, SETEMBERR 28, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS whfitby. Voice ofthe Cou nty Town M The onnv Whithv newsvaper indenendentlv owned and ope ike RVING OVER 28,000 READERSr Burgess; Publisher-Managing Editor Communlty Editor Brian Winter Published every Wednesday Contributing Editor Production manager Print & Promotiona' by M.B.M. Publishingi aae and Photograpby Inc.Classified Ad Manager Phone 668-6111 ICirculation Manager mailing Permit The Free Press'Building, Member 121 Brock Street North, Better Business Bui P.O. Box,206, Whitby, Ont. Whitby Chambero -Mm-n Quail -marie Burgess -Robin LVof -MarlfJne BYrOm -Sharon LYOfl t No. 460 rof the: ireau of Toronto ofzomerce Taxpayers lose a mont h'interest says, reader Dear Sir: My financial, position is such that apart fromn the Old -Age Pension, 1 depend on withdrawals from my savings and a few interest receipts. Hence, interest is of special concern ta me. From the Whitby Tax Notice, I see that the final instaliment has to be paid on September 3th. This means that ail taxpayers wil lose a month's inter- est on their bank balance. This occurs four times a year - and I have been paying municipal taxes for fifty-two years. I phoned the tax collector ta, ask why instaliments are not pay- able on the first of the month. H-er reply was "it has always been done this way" - the weakest of all reaso ns. She agreed, however, that the town would hase nothing by a change of dates fromn Sept 30t.h taO 0ct. 1lst and agreed. ta accept my payment on this basis. I then phoned the Mayor who also agreed with my arguments, and said that a short period of grace would not be unreasonable. He pro- mised ta bring thlis matter up at the next meeting of Finance Committee. As doubtlessly many other taxpayers will be, I sh'al be most interested in the Committee's decisian. Yours truly, "F. W.V Whitby Local medi"cal'scr are fQrm own associatio Dear Sir: group is ta offer oppor- ourmembers. Some af us feel that in tuitfies for further Any persans interested an area as progressive and education, ta encourage please contact Brenda up-coming as this corn- dloser liason between Wilson '655-3280 or munity, we should be able miembers and ta further Sybil Creech 668-8618~ ta boast of aur own public relations in the and watch this paper for satellite branch of the practice of mnedicine. further notices. We hope Ontario Medical SecretarieS Any persan working ta cali a meeting in early Association and I arn for or with -a dactor is October if the respanse is appealing ta you ta, print elegible ta join. We are goad. an open letter toalal nat a service group or a Thank you for assisting Medical Secretaries ini the fund ràisinig orgaiz2ationl. us in this maniner. Pickering, Ajax and We offer Ihe Advantage of Yours sincerely, Whitby area. Group and Disability Brcîida Wilson The purpose of aur Insurance coverage ta Sybil Creech Developers may have to brýmg m* future industiry Mayor Jim Gartshore says he would go so far as ta freeze residential develapment in Whitby if the balance between residential and industrial-commercial devel- opment gets tao far out of line. "I personally would nat have any campunction about freezing residential develop- ment if it gets toa far aut of hand", the Mayor told a meet- ing of 'the Whitby Lions Club last week. Mayor Gartshore reported that the present ratio is about 70 per cent residential to 30 per cent industrial-commercial, but he would like to get this ratio ta 65-35. A drap ta 25 per cent industrial-commercial would be unacceptable, he said. Mayar Gartshore told the Lions members that the develapers are aware of the tawn's need for industry and "&are assisting us in bringing in industrial development". Sa far, he said, the town's residential growth strategy is working rather well, but the major developers in the town understand that there nay have ta be a requirement to bring in industry, in the future. Mayor Gartshore expressed his wish that the provincial gavernment would "get the LCBO warehouse off the ground". At the end ofMNarch the government annotinced that a $40 million LCBO warehouse wauld be located in the industrial park southi of Hlighway 401 and east of Thickson Road, but nothing lias happened yct. The miayor dcscribed the warel1ouse as "a catalyst for, industry", whiclh would brîng industrial developmient ta the 1 ,000 acres of serviced indus- trial land south of l-liglIwitvy 401 ut Thickson Road. Alrcady work is proceedý ing to construct a miajor road between Stevenson Road in Oshawa and Thickson Road in Whitby ta opcn up this industrial area, said Mayor Gartshore. Withi the opening up of the Thickson Road industrial lands, the province ntust improve the Thicksôn Roaci interchanRe at Highway 401 carlier than it wants ta, to facilitiate access ta the industrial area, said the maya r. Mayor Gartshore announc- ed tlîat the town is putting greater emlpliasis on maving su1bd ivisi on s. He pointed out that since I,000 houses were buit this year, the town lias lhad to make access an important priority, and roads will be constructed before the, subdivisions are built. "We can't continue, ta put in new houses before there are sufficient roads in to thenl", he said. Downown eveopmet i top priority Mayor Gartshoreodescribe Davn town redevelopulient is' Mayor Jimi Gartshaore's personal priority for I1978. Mayor Gartshore stated his position on1 the downtown at a meeting last week of the Wliitby Lions Club, at whichi hie gave a forccast of whiat lie liapes will happen ini I978. "We niust bc successful (ini downtown i-revlopmienit) in the next I12 montdis if we are ta be succcssful at aIl", said Mayor Gartshiorc. -le said tlîat t lic towvn necded the help of citizens ta, make doxvntown redevelop- nmen ,t a, reality. He praised those responsible for the con- struction of several smail office building this year, but pointed out that the town nccds "soniething bigger than that and it canl only corne thirough private industry". lic stated his conception of redevlopmnent would not be a "fa-Ccewashi" of existing build- ings, but the construction of somcthing like a five-storey office building. downtown redevelopment as "a very difficuit project", because a developpr must feel that he will get enougli return an his investmenit in order to invest any rnoney in Whitby's downtown ini the first place. "We are on the verge of sorne further successes over and above what we have already had", the mayor commented, offering hope for somnething ta happen In down- town Whitby next year. CLOCA reopens Whitby dump LEGION DONATES QUEEN'S PORTRAIT West Lynde Public Sehool received a portrait of Queen Elizabeth last Week, courtesy of Branch 112 of the Royal Canadian Legion. Taking part in the presentation of the portrait Friday are Legion Vice-President Jin Lee; Ernie Houghland; Dr. Dave Disney, principal of the school; and Kindergarten teacher Mis. Arlene Brackerow, who suggested the idea of 'having a Iportrait of the Queen ini the sehool. The picture will be hung in the main foyer of the sehool. Witnessing the presentation are members of Mrs. Brackerow's Kingergarten cdass. Free Press Photo As Durham Regiomi faces a problemi of wlîere ta dumip its garbage, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority lias given permission ta reapen the l]eber Down Conservation Arca for waste disposaI. The landfiîl site at the Heber Dawn Area was closed at the end of' 1976 because it lîad reached- its capacity, and the region -lias simîce been looking for new sites. An urgent situation was beginning ta develop, regional afficials said, because every site selected 'was rejected by thieOnitario Ministry of the Environment. At least 10 sites had been rjected, said CLOCA Vice-Chairmian John Aker. Mr. Aker said the reapen- ing of the Heber Down Area for îandfI would be be neficial ta the region in provîding a muc-neded site, and beneficial to CLOCA, for regional noney will be pro- vided ta purchase more land f'or thie conservation area. The regian lias agreed ta assist CLOCA in purchasing a parce] of land called the Tripp property, already surroundedý by conservation lands. The region propases ta place a cap on the existing landfill site, ,and excavation will occur on the south and casterly partions of adjacent land. The extension of the landfill operation would be froni five ta seven years and Durhîam Region would also have the righit ta use an additional 31 acres. Ministry of Environment approval is stili required says, Mr. Aker, but this shouhd be easier ta obtain as there was already --an existinmg'landfill,, site in this area. CLOCA hhis plans ta expand thë Heber Down present 572 acres ta i1,000 acres in coming years through propeî ty acquisition. Arena damaged Vandals caused about $5,000 damage ta the Iroquois Park Arena last week when. they «sînashied vending mia- chines and sprayed fire extin- guishiers inside tie building. Durhami Regional Police repart that Swimirning Pool Supervisor Tom McLa uglilin discovered thie damage about 9 a.mi. Wednesday when hie opened the building. v Thie'vandals broke imta and destroyed twovenidingnîiacliinies valued at $4,000, police said. Police estîiated thiat thiere was only about $10 ini cash in ea cli machine. Four fire extinguismers were remaoved from the walls and their contents sprayed about, the building. Letters to the Editor Write: Box 206, Whitby or, deliver to our offices at 12 1 Brock St., N.,9 Whitby 1 erated by Whitby residents for Whitby resident.s.-

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