First housin co-op starts Mayor Jim Gartshore iifted a shovel-flli of earth from the ground Thursday to inau- gurate Whitby's first co-opera- tive housing project, Athol Green Co-Operative Homes. In turfl!jg the sod for this 48-unit housing development, the Mayor said he was very happy to faciitiate the project, which will bring rentai accom- modation' to many people who are unable to find it in Whitby now. Mayor Gartshore s'aid the co-operative home project will add to the redeveiopment of downtown Whitby, and will bring more people into the downtown at a reasonable rent they can afford. Jim Morris, Durham Region area manager for Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation> said this is one of many projects across Ontario and Canada aided by CMHC. He said that CMHC has made a financial committment to Athol Green Co-Operative Homes of $1,750,000, of which $ 1 75,000 is an outright grant and th e rest is in the form of a loan over 50 years. ,Mike Burgess, president of the housing co-operative welcomned the guests at the sod turning ceremnony and thanked the Town of Whitby, CMHC, the Ontario Ministry of Housing and the Toronto Non-profit'Housing Corpora- tion for their support. Mr. Burgess also read a telegram of congratulations from Andre Oulette, Minister of State for Urban Affairs, and introduced the. guests: Mayor Gartshore, Councillors Gerry Emm and Tom Edwards Mr. Morris, General Manager Dave Bahrynowski, Treasurer Louis Redden and Vice- President of the co-operative Peter Trotscha. Mr. Bahrynowski said he hopes construction will start early in October on a site bounded by Green, Dunlop and Athol Streets, and the development will be 'corn- pleted in June or July 1978. 1The housing project con- sists of 48 units in two blocks of 24 units each. Haif are one bedroom and-den units and haif have two bedrooms and a den. Rents would range fromn $280 to $300 a month, he said. Mr. Bahrynowsi said that co-operative housing has an incorporated body which operates the project . It is self- run by the residents, who reton a monthly basis rather than purchase their homes. The residents partici- pate in the management he said. He reported that there are about 25 co-operative housing projects in Toronto and one in Oshawa. Mayor Jim Gartshore turns the sod for Whitby's first co-operative housing project at Green and' Dunlop Streets, Thursday. From left to right are: Mike Burgess, president of Athol Green Co-operative Homes; Jim Morris, Durh" mRegion area representative for Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation; Mayor -Gartshore, and Councillors Tom Edwards and Gerry Emm. The 48-unit co-operativç housingproject is expected to begin construction in October and be ready for occupancy by June ýor- July 1978. Free Press Photo $150000 dama!ee&timated, Storm devast aIes the SMASHED BOAT IS VICTIM 0F'6-FO( Durham West MPP provincial treasur George Ashe, Durham West MPP since last June's provin- cial election, has been appointed pariiamerltarY assistant to Ontario Treasurer Darcy McKeough~. Mr. Ashe was one of five new parliamefltarY assistants chosen 'by Premnier William, Davis last week as part of a Cabinet shuffle. In his new job, Mr. Ashe will be working in municipal- provincial relationships. and introduce minor legisiation dealing wth municipalities. One of bis priorities willl be speedlig up the process çf grants for municipalities. Mr. Ashe said that mor( unconditional grants wibl givc municipaities more contrc over spending; and the~ ultimai goal of the goverment ist( give more declsion-mnaking t( the municipaliles. yachi A freak storm Saturday night, and early Sunday' morning caused an estirnated $150,000 damiage at the Whitby Yacht Club. Yacht Club Commodore Phil Finlkie reports that 60 per cent of t'le club's docking facilities were destroyed, thiere xvas severe danmage to six boats and superficial damage to 75 more. The dock systemi has an appraised value of $135,000, lie said. The worst damiage occurr- cd between 1 and 2 a.m. Sunday when a heavy surge came off the lake frorn the south, acýcompanied by 50 mile-per-hour winds, said Mr. Finkle. The surge caused swells of a minimum of six feet in the harbor basin, breaking the docks fromi their moorings, and crashing them together in an accordian effort, hie said. Club received from the memnbers, the police and fire depart- nients, the damage would have been much worse, said Mr. Finkle. Each and every person made it a point to do things safely he said, and there was no injury or loss of life. The swell washed out 50 to 100 truckloads of sanid fromn the area eagt of the club house, and this sand has settled to the bottom of the harbor, said Mr. Finkle. The sand has been dumped as fiii only a week before the storm. spent ail day Sunday moving boats to the McNamara Marine slips, when there was fear of a second stormn. Cranes camne in at 2:30 a.m. Sunday to lift boats out of the water, and wiIl continue this week to rernove the remainder of the boats. The stormn effectively put an end to the yachting season for '1977, said Mr. Finkle. One boat, a trimaran, Nornaly 'the uuats Wu owned by David Cosloff, of have been puiled out on Oct. Oshawa was caught in the 23. squeeze and crushied to The police and fire depatt- pie ce s. ments provided comnîunica- Mr. Finkle said when he tions for the yacht club Sheard storm warnings broad- memibers when the telephone cast, he called the m-emnbers system broke down. about 6 p.m. and hundreds Work continues this week )T SWELL of people were on duty at the puiling outboard motors from yacht club ail night. Two- the bottomn of the harbor and man patrols were assigned to cieaning up the damage. rer s assistant each dock tubl 3 a.m.-to secure Mr. Finkie said he il boats and instail buffers of cail Mayor Jim Gartshore to Lt Mr. Ashe has eight years of tires and other- materials to discuss the town's proposai experience infmunficipal govern- protect the boats, smashing for harbor development, and re e nt , hvi Tobensdputf -ito each other or against the explain that the fdera govern- e) Pireve of ndthe ownsiofh docks., ment must provide facilities teTwno Pickering. ayr1 He a Mr. Finklesaid the swels to prevent -another surge such Sl o Town ofPiering.the as were so high that the members as the one Sunday nionilg o aso meberof he ntaio had to crawl along the docks fromi breaking into the harbor ,o County and'»urhiam Region councils until hi§ efectIon to te rescue the boats. and destroying any mlarfila Without the co-operation facilities thiere. 4 E;E RJE'S'IS/