Whitby Free Press, 14 Sep 1977, p. 3

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEM BER 14, 1977, PAGE 3 Leslie MeFalane dies at Cont'd from P. 1 an assistant editor fo r 19ý McLean's. He also started a radio career, doing scripts for Lit a series callcd Canadian ser Theatre of the Air, and his Na stories began to appear in to magazines sucli as The th( Country. Gentlemen. and M( Liberty. as lIn 0one week, Mr. loi McFarlane's byline was on the covers of seven newstand wc magazines, and the publice vas Ca hearing scripts lie wrote for pi: an Anierican radio series W' called "Meet Mr. Meek". tc In 1942, Mr. MeFarlane volunteered for war service wý and was rejected, but wvas di offered a post in the public se relations departmneut of ai Munitions and Supply at Ottawa. b( 'tle followiug year, lie rft NI Whitby to jointlie staff of the C National Film Board of Canada at Ottawa. He started 1 out directing a script lie lad written on aircraft production, and frouî 1943 to 1957 le wrote, directed and produced b scores of' films for tho ) National Film Board. In 1946 Mr. McFarlane s wrote and directed "The Boy t Who Stopped Niagara", for s tle J. Arthur Rank Organiza- tion. He also scripted a documentarY drana, "I erringi Hunt", which vas.nominated for a Hollywood Oscar in 1951. Mr. McFarlaue also scripted "Royal Journey", an NFB film on the Canadian visit of Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgli in 1951. This film wvon a British film award as a feature documnentary. 1lis film. "l-ere's Ilockey" %von an award at Venice in 1954. Mr. McFarlane spent two years rescarching a teature film on tlie discovery of insulin, but tle film wvas reduced to a haîf-hour show. In 1957, Mr. McFaitne joined the Canadian Broad- casting Corporation as editor of a new series called "The Unforseen". In the following years lie wrote more than 70 television plays for the CBC, d was the CBC's chief tor of tolevision draina in 59-60. "The UnI'orseen" l won a berty award as the best new ries of the year, and when t1han Cohen loft the CBC Sbecome draina critic for ie Toronto Star, Mr. ,Farlane took over his job ;story editor of the houtr- mg General Motors shows. in 1960-6 1, Mr. McFarlane ,n the Liberty Award as anada's. best television aywright, and returned to hitby, whcre lie continued 3reside tili October 1976. In 1968-69, Mr. MeFarlane orked in Hollywood, pro- acîng scripts for the Bonanxa eries, the U.S. Steel 1lour id the Jane Wynian Show. A number of new children's ooks were written by Mr. tecFarlaniie:- 'The Last of ttic reat Picic s", in 1965: McGonicle Scores", ini 967: and "Padgett's Poocli" m 1972. Toronto Sun sports 1/iter Ted Reeve said McGonlicle Scores" \Va5 the best hockey story ever written. Mlany of Mn. McFarlane's stories have been reprinted in textbooks used in Canadian schools. In recent yeans, Mr. VicEarlane spent the inters in Sarasota, Florida and the sumrners in \VIiiby. He served on the Whithy Publie School Board and the \Vhitby Public Library Board, and nr his 7Otli birtliday in 1972 the town named a street nr West Lynde »after'irin. 1-l lias also rece ivcd the Mlayor' Medal. field of radio plays, and Ili successful autobiogrit phi -The Ghost of the Ilard, BOYS". Despite al heant att aci in Mav 1976,. nly weeCý after thie book was ptib1lieic lie was able ini September t make a promnotio>n tourc the United, States, appeari'i on1 televisioiî, and heui interviewed by New York( and Rolling Stone m-agazineý In October 1 976, hie pu. chased a summer home 1Minden, Ont., but suffer tf.romi poon hieaith duning most of the past year. Mr. MeFanlane was one of the few Canadian writers who was able to adapt to the chiangiug con dit ions of the writing field, going froîn the pulp magazines of the 1920s to radio in the I1930s and television in the i1960s. He conicluded hisr career wri4ing for the paperliack market, whicli he said lad brought Ilir full circle back to the- days of the "dime novel". Mr. McFarlane is sunvived by his second wife, tihe former Beatrice Greenway Kcnney wliom he mnarried ini 1957. 1lis first wife, Amy Arnold, whom lie married in 1928, died in 1955. Fie is also survived iy onue Builders Seek artifacts With large tracts of lald' sooni to be developed anound Brookhin, Consolidlated Build- ing Corporation, owvuer of tiiese lailds, is seeking hielp from local residents in locatingi archenlogical sites. Edwand Weatherall, a con- sultanit for CBC, slys it is important to reinove aiy' artifacts sucli a - Indian arrowheads. pot te ry or hone s before developmnent heginis. Mr. Weathlerai] bas arrai-ged ionr Archieological Reseanrcli Associates nr Waterloo to corne to Bnooklin to exainîte anly hisi or ici reics t ha tInca] residents rnay find. ,\Iready Mrn. Weatheî aIl lias liad two responSes to biis appeal . If cii otitg art ilact s are founid. ani archenlogical expedition cnuld comne to start a d ig iii the Bnooklini area. Map Origin The word "map" cornes frorn "mappa," the Latin namne for the linen material that Roman cartographers used for their sketches. age 74 son, Brian of Willowdale, sportscastcr for "Hockey Night in Canada", Mrs. W. McCa-ýuley (Patricia), Don Milis; and Mrs. Louis Parez (Norah), of Youngstown, NY. Mr. McFarlanc is also step- father of Claude Kenncy; Ancaster; Thomas Kenney, Kingston; Mrs. Lorne Campbell (Claire), Whitby; Mrs. W. Yarrow (Anne), Oshawa; ,anid Mrs. G. Palmer (Kathleen), Whiitby. 1le is sturvived by one brother, Wilmiot (Dick), of l-lailcybuiry, and was prede- eeased by two brothers, Grahamn and Frank. Mr. MeFarlane is survivcd by 23 grafl(cIlildrCfl. The funeral service was hueld ai the W.C. Town Funeral Chiap)el, Whitby, Sept. 8, followccl bycreination. lit lieui of flowers, contri- butions t- the Canadian l)iabetic Association wouild be appreciated. CHUNESE F >TAVERN GOLDEN GATE RESTAURANT AND TAVERN CHINESE & CANADIAN FOOD 105-107 BRQCK ST. S. WHITBY (JUST SOUTH 0F 4 CORNERS)- FulIy Licenced'Under The L.I B O. RE..SAURANTDI E I OPEN G EWA DIEI tili2 A VIN CUI INE EDDOUT Mon.-Thurs CUIWATO CATERING Fr, Sat. for HOME OELIVERY in PARTIES 2l M AW HIT8Y AJAX , AN D SROOKLIN-& OSHAWA BNUT CAL L' AOUT SERVI L y; 8 321e LET'GO BOWLING! COUNTY BOWL 118 Byron St., N. Whitby We still have openings in many leagues for new members. To jomn a league for fun & exercise please caUl now! Don't be too late! You may join anyone of the following leagues: Men's Leagues Ladies Afternoofl Leagues Ladies Evening Leagues Mixed Leagues Senior Citizens Youth Bowling Council age 5 yrs to 18 yrs Young Aduits age 18 yrs to 29 yrs Phone County Buwl 668-2651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 12 noon to 12 mldnlghtopOnibowli n o.kwids or by appolntment JAMES P .A. PRENTICE .Optician Whitby 666-1646 Office hours: 9:30 - 6:00 Monday to Saturday ewide selection of frames 'sunglasses contact lens solutions, cases e repairs, adjustments

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