Whitby Free Press, 14 Sep 1977, p. 9

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,1977, PAGE 9 Downtown bylaw i*s dropped; committee sta.rts again By JOHN ROBERTS Xhile "ramnpant apathy" is usually a contradiction in ternis, it aIl too radily applied to the attendance at a meeting of thte revamped Whitby Central Business District Area nImprovenient Committee, which vas hield at the Municipal Building on Thurs- day evening, September 8. The Committee was enlarg- ed last nionth in order to include more mierchants on the group and to revise the termns of the by-law before Council for a thîrd. reading whicli would establishi down- town Wlitby as a imnprove- area, taking into account the suggestions of the Dissenters group which presented thieir submnission to the Commiittee on August 1 7. The 18 people in te meet- ing hall likely felt sorniewhat lonely amnidst the vast numlber of enpty seats, moreso Night schoo1 offers ail, from arts to office skills whien of that nun1ber, eight people present were members of the Conmittee, two were reporters, and two were Couincil representatives. It doesn't take a mnathemnatical genius to realize that there were only six merchants ini attendance out of an -esti- miated 230 people who own or operate business in the to wn, But while attendance was extrernely disappointing, there did seemi to be an under- cu rren t among tdie nmenbe rs of the Commnittee to get soine- tiig done. A genuine interest ini the town, was quite evident. The two principal areas of discussion centered avound the ternis of the by-law and the boundaries of the improve- ment area as set down in that by-law. The Municipal Act, under which the by-iaw would funiction, states that any monies raised must be done so throuigh assessr-neflt, and thut these monies can only be used for imiprove- ments to public property and/or for promotioflal puirposes. The Comniittee was faced with the decision of whether or not to proceed with downtowfl improvement under these ternis, and whether or tiot the improve- ment area as decided upon previously (Mary St. to Henry St./Euclid 'St. to CNR tracks/Hickory St. east to west) is adequate. It was decided that *the area proposed in the present by.law proposai was too small, and that the boundaries should revert back to those suggested in the 'original proposai. It was further agreed that the entire by-iaw be scrapped, but that the Committee proceed with the downtown improverment seheme by ievying a 0 assess, ment next year on the down- town businessmen, ,yhile establishing a frame' of ireference and directions for the present Comrnittee which. proposais for improvemnent to be presented to the merchants within the improvemnent area. The, resulution that the present by-law proposai bel dropped will be recommended to Council at their next meet- ing, and that ail members of the Committee be appointed to a Board of Management. If this is accepted by Council, notification is to begin immed- lately, informing merchants of revised boundaries for assess- ment purposes. As well, if the B3oard of Management is established, counicil will be asked flot to approve funds for 1978, resulting in the 0 assessment mentioned previouslv. A wide variety of new nighIt school progranis is being offered at Anderson Collegiate this fail. Thie courses cover general interest topics, arts and crafts, cooking. fitness, dancing, sewing, and hiome imiprove- nment. Registration, in the school lobby, iIl be lield Septemiber 19 and 20 froni 7:30 p.mi. t 9:30 p.mn. Courses begin tie week of October ') and ntost end in Decemnber. New courses offercd on Wednesday nighits starting at '730 p.mn. include Parent Ljucation, Off ice Skills Update, Automotive Trouble- shooting and Consumer-Wise. Office Skills Update is a course for a person whiose skills in typing, shorthand, and gencral office piractice need to be polished before entering the workforce. Parent Education is desigyn- ed to assist aduits to becomne more effective parents. Thie course is led by Gail Brimibe- com and Gwen Smith, nurses from the Durham Regional Health Unit, A text, "Raising a Responsible Child", is required. Automotive Trouble- shooting is a course to aid anyone who hias ever felt defenceless when their car IDAYTON TIRE APPOINIMENT J.G. -HART Mr. J.O. Moore, President af Firestene Canada LtdjtLtee, is pleased te announce the appoifltmeflt af Mr. J.G. Hart as President - Tire Division- Daytonl Tire Canada Ltd-I pneu Doyton Canada Ltee. Mr. Hart, fermerly Sales Manager ef assumnes bis new immediatelY at the Head Office in Ontario. General Dayton, position Dayton Whtby, fails. You will be shown how to do tuneups on your own,- car, handle minor repairs and learn how a car wvorks. Consuiner-Wise is a course to mnake the student a more effective consumer. Topics to be covered iriclude buying and selling real estate, talking to your lawyer, buying insurance, conSurner traps, consumer riglits and respon- sibilities. shopping for mioney, and other topics of, interest. Al courses are taughit by experts in the field. Otiier new courses include pritit- rnaking, life drawing, Arabic dancing aiid pliotograpliy. Cou rses continuing fromi last year include ce ramnics, sliminast ics, yoga, ballroonm dancing, tailoring, wood work- ing, welding, snall buildings and homne extension design, interior decorating, gourmet cooking, hostess hints, conver- sati, onal French, macrame and rug hooking. Al courses are presented by the Durhanm Board of' Education. For further irnfor- mnation, caîl Night Schiool Supervisor, Il. Segal at 668-5809. FIRESTONF APPOI NTM ENT THOMAS J. REESE Mr. J.D. Moore, President of Firestone Canada Ltd./Ltee, is pleased tu announce the appointmeult af Thomas J. Reese as Vice President - Sales. Mr. Reese who holds a degree in marketing from Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohioe, joined Firestone in 1965. He held various sales management positions prier te his 1973 appaintmeflt as Manager ai Passenger Tire Sales fer The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio,. In February, 1976 Mr. Reese was appointed President of Dayton Tire Canada Ltd./Pneu Dayten Canada Ltee, a subsidiary ai Firestene Canada Ltd,/Ltee. GET 19 CLEAR CHAMNELS ON YOUR TV SET and .ENJOY MORE ENTERTAUNMENT CHOUCESI More movies, more sports, more bis network shows, more educational and cultural programs, more children's shows, more local and national news..-more of The QId Way everything.Ali at a cost of just about 354 a day! Don't searchi for good reception .. .struggIeu r with your tuner and / The Pine Ridge Way means a picture rotor. . or seutle for a you ccuriton poorhannl chice.Basic Cable gives you clear reception. on ali these TV channels: dl WGR-NBC, Channel 2, Buffalo CKGN-IND, Channel 22, Global The- Pine Ridge Way CBLT-CBC, Channel 5, Toronto V/dto dm-inyJe - WBEN-CBS, Channel 4, Buffalo t~ Hrd ~CADLECAST, Channel 10, Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville (special local and community service programs) C CITY-IND Channel 79, Toronto CFTO-CTV Channel 9, Toronto WI<DW-AB3C, Channel 7, Buffalo ï, CICA-OET, Channel 19, Toronto CHCH-IND,, Channel 11, Hamilton CHEX-CBC, Channel 12, Peterborough -~ CBLFT-CBC, Channel 25, Toronto PLUS The Pine Ridge Cable Pushbuttofl Converter brings you 7 more clear entertainimeflt channels; station" -top plays, concerts, documentaries and children's shows. WlJTY-IND, Channel 29, Buffalo-more movies, comedies, documentaries and sports -prograimirig you cant Set on other channels. CKYR-CBC, Channel 3, Barrie -a wîde selection of shows and rnoves-including all-nîght, round-the- dlock motion pîctures.L WOKR-ASC, Channel 13, Rochester, an ABC affîliate that gîves you alternate time slots for many of your favorite ABC shows plus other shows not carrîed on ABC Buffalo. WROC-NBC, Channel 8, Rochester, an NBC affliate-for more flexible schedulîng plus more big pro sports not carred by NBC Buffalo. WHEC-CBS, Channel 10, Rochester -for' more flexible scheduling and shows not carrîed by CBS Buffalo. VISUCOMM, Pine Ridge Cable -24 hours of iolce Begins with the Pine Ridge .P.rvices Available to you NOW Current Customers C i 9-CHANNEL, REMOTE-CONTROL JERROLD CONVERTER for 7 more TV channels (19 in aIl), plus the comfort and ease of fingertip control, only $3.50 a month additional. Il or take the Deluxe On/Off Pushbutton conveiter that also gîves you power control from your easy chair, an addîtîonal 504 a month. (If you prefer, you can also purchase your Pushbutton Jerrold converter directly from us. AIl converter sales and rentais are unconditionally guaranteed by Pne Ridge Cable.) E T FMRDO[ TCMN. d 3dsoto-free, clear FM radio stations for just $1,.50 a month. Ci*or, if you prefer, you can simply take basic cable servie -12clear channels without antenna troubles at $6 amn -'And Everyone Saves. All Installations Are FREE If You Contact Us Before october 8, 1977! «E) pine ridge cable tv sales Office Hours If you live in Whitby cal 9: 00 a.M. to 8: 00 p. m. 579-2232 Monday thru Saturday Make your TV a remote-controlled unit with our pushbutton converter. We'll instaîl it wherever you normally watch television. You can change channels with the touch of your finger, adjust the tuning, turn the set on or off -and neyer leave your seat. Join the Switch to the New Remote-Control, Pushbutton Converter. L New Customners I W -% n i 9-CHANNEL, REMOTE-C ONTROL JERROLD CONVERTER plus basic service for 19 clear- reception channels without worry and expense of antenn.a tcwer or rotor at $950 a month.* ai il lu \..O

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