WIIITEY FIRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24.1977. PAGE 3 Whitby Regfional Councilior "IGerry Emm says Whitby has obtained an option on five acres of land west of Ash- burn for $20,000 as a pos- sible site for a recreational park. If council gives the go-ahead topurchase the land, the fds will be taken »from *re development levies. Final development of the park would be paid out of the Whitby general budget. Council last year rejected any land purchase, but this pro- posalie1 expee.tedl to be con- sidered at the next local council meeting on Sept. 12. Ashburn residnts Presently have a large community cen- miles into Brooklij. tre, but since they don't have The Ashburn area residents, an outside sports faciity ini Whitby's nordi west, want they haye to drie about six a say ini the park project and it is expected that a public meeting would be called in the north end for that'pur- pose. Co-op opens office EAST WHITBY CO-OPER- are propoued for the progect, ta 'about the progeet, the architect's ATIVE HOMES PRESIDENT be devloped on Anderson Street desigi end information on co- Francis Haw announced today the group has opened offices on the third floar of the Whitby Free Press Building, at 121 Brock Street North in Whitby. The group has received $9,700 as staît up funding tram the. Central Mortgag. and Housing Corpor- ation and bas a presmnt member- ship of f ifty-eight. inety units at the Manning Road extension in Whitby, For those wishing *ta Iearn more operative> housing phone: Francis Haw -668- .2209 Maiien Boder - 668- 3753 or 683-3451 John Buchenan - 579 - 8878 BROCK bsTre» 668 - 3618 fteco.wmra.ddas AOULT RNUIAINmIm THE KILLER WHALE! Eveà p optsf.75.. (hui Irewu 7:05 ORCA 8: ZG pu SPICIAL CHILDREN'S SHOWS CHARLIE BRWM ONLY SATrUDAT & t$10 SUNDAT 1:30 p.. ALL SEATS Ji-> GNIÇJ llednesd Special"4, 1 Iy«m unkIYoLe Ivé Ou Godm vol oiCs py Prsur FiFiihW# Cilsmmh.a&lm M.,i.Wots *0 h.Oulywsy tU ukv.w Scem pr i * Also Special menu from 6 a.m., Breakfast Io il a.m. Daily FANTASTIlC SALE wrm EVERYTHING INCLUDED EXCEPT 7% TAXÈ$44300 HORNET rWAGON Basic Price 4269.00 Rear Window Def. 90.00 Wheel Covers 45.00 White Wall Tires 47.00 Power Steering 159.00 4610.00 Freight 68.00 P.D.I. 48.00' 4726.00 Lic. Plates 32,00 $ 4758.00 15 Dffeent Wagons with différent options to choose from. With similar savings. Ail AMC corne Wih buyer protection plan 2, 2 years. or 24, 000 mie Ûrant Menzies Motors Limited 1250 Dundas Street East. Xhitbv (416) 668-684 3 Ashbur n mayhav pr James P.A. Pirentice DISPENSING OPTIAN wlshnt. onumnce 9M opuâig of lis offimuet 400A OmDUs St.Wut (et Kuit) Wh Oiu io .11 NEW OPENINO DATE August,' 29, 1977 moussu'MSCIPTUOS FIlLID BIG NIC, ioaBrock St. S, WHITrBY, ONTARIO I M m mwmý A" n- A" 30 MY unes Fer ibw Lwoff AMIL-- PLUS