SOCCER ACTION Bantam»s, Juniors enter playwoffs-' For the second tînie this oi season Whitbys Crown lu- >pl dustrial bantamssand district ti league gaine, betweeu tiiese 0 tNo teans, was playcd at a Ajax ou Wed. .l7th Aiig. sud 8 ended in a 8 - i1 wini for the visitors, however, unlioe fthe Sarier encounter Ajax nott only scorcd but morcd firat. With the wind at theïrbacks sud wfth thear wilnges u nsngwelon tothethrO'bSll 1 Rob Nelson struck early bc- 1 forc Whitby could take cf- 1 fective counter action. Thc Legions lcad was short ived 4 as only a fcw minutes Inter1 George Romler equalised aud I thn Aistab Clarke from a 1 free kick clleared the wafl of 1 Ajax players and found the1 corner of the net, for a 2 - 1 Crown edge gomng into the second baîf. In the second, Ajax were not. reaily in the game as Whitby, -laying very much a teain, coi',pletely snuffed out any Legi ýn offense while popping in six unanswered goals. Scorers in t his gaine for Crown Industrial, e George, Rossler, Aistair Clarke and D Pw Cmni each with Nwo sud Mark Hoog- kamp andJMn Reid each wlth one. Witli the league comling to a- conclusion the Whitby bantans are awaiting their play-off schedule -and as part >f the prcparà tlou for the lay-offs willa y an exhibi- ion gaine against the Whitby lld-Timers lub'at Peel Park >n Tues. 3Oth Aug. at 9:00 pin. Congrtulations to BÎm Reid and Mike Kioke who ook fit sud second i the YMCA SUpestr contest (l 6 yrs. ndd nder) held at Vhtby on Sat. l3th Aug. Botk Jimn d Miloe are mein- bars of the crown ludustria *aM lu junior soccer action, at aivic Fields Oshawa on Mon. ISth Aug. Whitbys Marianne Developinents behind smark- ling defensive work by right- haif Raudy Jeffrey sud right- back Mike Pasowisty held West Enders to a 1I1, 1 tic. Both goals, scored in the second haif, w ere by means of penalty shots, the first by Whitby. Dennis McCallum after Rob Frendo-Cumbo was tripped ini the box tlhen Tony Posterao-tied things up and that completed the scor- ing although Marianne came close on a number of occa- sions. Ini the first haf with Whit- by playing a 3 - 3 - 4 systemn the front four of Rick Borg, Dennis MeCalluin, Gary Aguew, sud Tommy Hunter created jnauy chances but. could not beat a very con- fident West Ender goalie. This tic frayes Marianne in second place behind Mlta UNUKIANT OMRCAR ON TH1E ROAD TOUYX Introclucing the 5 door Saab, designed for the. car buyer wto has both a love for performance and a streak of prag- maitism. There ls nothing like it on the road today. Asic it t.o be a superb road car, and its frornt wtieel drive and large 15 Inch wheels will pull you through S curves with unfatendng traction. Its rack and pinlon steering wvill re- spond to your hands with lfightning- like immediacy. Ask the Saab for power, and its fuel-lnjected 2 litre overhead cam en- gifle will give you more horsepower Falcons wirn une remlalnlng, however, a combina- tion of a Whitby loss sud a West Ender win would aliow the West Enders to tde Whit- by ou points for second place. h lie junior play-offs ilf take the forin of a round robin wlth the Nwo top teais playlng off for the champion- ship l ic hefinals at Civie Fields on 1l8th Sept. The round robin uchedule is as follows - Mon. 29th Aug. at Peel Park against Malta Falcons kIck- off 8:00 Fr1. 9th Sept. at Peel Park agimit West Enders Ick- off 6:00 p.m. Mon. l2th Sept. at Civic againt Oshwa Rangers kick- off 6:00 p.m. than any car in its class. command it to stop uxden>, and it will, without hesitation or fade, be- cause ail 4 whetis have power- asssted disc brakes. As* the Saab ta haul bulky, un- wieldy abjcts, and it will easlty ex- pand to 53 cublc feet of load space. iust fold down the rear seat. We feel this car% unique balance of convenience and performance will in- fluence the design of automobiles for years to corne. Wot you confirm aur belief with a visit to your nearest Saab cdealer? Tu COMMAND M WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUJST 24t 19.77 PAGE il US -TOMORRO.W AND FINI) OIUT WHAT IS GOING ON IN DURHAM! Murning ]Reports 6:20 & 7:020, Weather , Sports and News 13 150 THE OSHAWA STATION LCOLN MERCURY SALES LIMWTED., Telephone: Whitby...... Oshawa............ Tronto...... . 668-5893 . 723-0661 . 368-6488 1120 DUNDA%5ST. E.WHUTBY- 75 LTD Landau.4 Dr, Air Condi- tioning, power Iocks, powver wvindows, AM/FM stero, intermit- tent wipers, electric defrost. Lic. JET 143 $3898 12 Foru -.-.,. - up 302, V - 8, P/8, ranger package, rear step bumper, west coast mirrors, full wheel covers. Lic. H25 853 $2128 MARIAN AUTO ITOU 25 Grenfeil St., Oshawa 728-5179 m