Whitby Free Press, 8 Jun 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRI ~ Byines So! Brooklin lias once mior e survived the Spring Fair excitemient. This year's fair was triily spectacular! The Thursday night Miss Brooklin pageant was miore a nighit of great muisical entertainmient than a beaitty contest. Thiere wvas a really good crowd on hand to sec Miss Karen Peters of Myrtie Station win. If you saw heu in Saturday's parade you know how lovely she is. She lias won mlany gifts donated by local nierchants and will represent Brooklin at other events during the comiing year. The Spring Fair Parade on Satturday xvas one of the longes and best we've ever .h-ad. The Most Beauitifuil float wvas the one donc up by the Grace Cathiedral of Whitby, the Mos Humnouirouis as by Dinitroff and-Dickenson, the Mos FISHER REFRIGERATION SERVICEI H Repairs to Ail Makes IFreezers - Refrigerators - Air Conditioners We Recharge Automobile Air Conditioning 20 QUEEN STREET BROOKLIN, ONTARIO BROWN'ýS BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY DELIVERY AT NOMINAL 3BGDY CHARGE 3wuDY Thurs. June 9 ROUND STEAKS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF 129,cF cmT P0060 CAMADA G&A- A Uu-top cEul Round Steak1 l BCmmB - IO( EULAICA - Sic ucES -OUTEH ati O 1"z!O- ACKAGX Bologna 96' SCHN IDERS CHICKEN LEGS FRESH CUT BACKS ATTACHED CADOURU - MILII CHOCOLAT[ BISCUITS l50go pkg 59c BONIL 12OZ TIN LUNCHIN MEAT 79c HERSHEY CROCOLATE TVw'N PACO SYRUP 12-i. Tin $1.39 CRIRIsS - SRECULAR I LB P.SCIIACE RITZ Biscuits $1.09 SWEETENER £02 BOTTLE SWEET-10 Uquid 99c We Are Agents For 24-10oz. Diet -'2.29 24-10Ã" oz. Regu(aW- 2.57 12-30 oz. Regu lar- 2.99 Refundable Deposit for Bottles & Case - 3.00 89 c lb 655-3233 COTTONELLE BATHROOM TISSUE Pkg. of 4 $1.09 KING SIZE LUX LIQUID 32Fl.Oz. Cont. s1.19 ESS1 Original was enteued by the Brooklil orticuiltural Society and the Most Representative of' the themne "llappiness Is" was donc by the Whity Jaycettes. Judged as hiaving special menit was the lst Buooklin Cubs' cntuy. Just a super parade with a good many different kinds of floats entered. Parade ouganfizers, Grotip '74 would like to thank ail those who participated for the enoumious contribuition of ime and effort that went into this suiccessful parade. The Spring Fair dance was alsoi -a great success - with all tickets sold out. This was the high point of the wcekcnd for nîany. Suinday miorning lots of people enjoyed scrumiiptuous pancakes at the Whitby Rotary CIlib's Pancake Breakfast. Great way to staut the day! Buit the sensation of the duiy had to be the Bcd and Bathitub Races. There were twcnty entries, five of which were tuibs. The race was wcli- ouganized and sînoothly noin. Thianks to the vigilance of the Brooklin Kinsmen who patuolied the race rouite, there werc no injtircd spectators. The top prize for the Most lImaginative Bcd went to the H-oward Forter Realty Ltd., of Port Perry. The Most Imaginative Tuib pnbz went Lo the Brooklin Kinsmien. Thie Most 1tiumouirous entry of ailtubs and beds went Lo the Brooklin Poker CIlub bcd -iL really wvas a beauty - silver colouireci and compîcte with bedpan hecadlights. The Gary Young Trophy for overaîl race winner in the beds' division went to flic team fuomin1lunter Farîîîs who juist \votldn't qtit! The Fair Board rophy for the best tuib ini the raice went Lu the Brooklin Custom Coaches. The second place winncrs in ail hieats was the Whitby Fire Depatmnent and third place went tu the Brooklin Legion. A special challenge race initiated by the Brooklin Kinsînen CIlub, was mLn us the finale - ciglht of the conîpeting teamis contribLited $25.00 each (tot,41 $200.00) and the Whitby Fire Departnient uaced flic Brooklin Ctustom Coabhcs. The Van Clib won with a reaily enthusiastic effort. The mioncy ill be donatcd to the lospital for Sick Childuen. CH EE SE SI NGLES TIDE DETERGENT 5 lb. Package $2.29 ALLENS A5SORT!D Fruit Drinks 48 AC f4l BONNIE PARCHMENT MARGARINE 1-Lb AfC Pack 4 Tlie Competition was keen but good'humour and good sportsmanship prevaiied. Spectators enjoyed asoiid hour and a haif of exciting competition as the event ended the variotis eamns could be overhead discussing "next year". Can you believe that this event made the il p.m. news on CFTO Sunday night? Really! Downt.own Buookiin on TV - iL was ail great fun.1 < h lope that ail of you had the chance to enjoy some part of the Spiing Fair - it was a weekend to remember! Recently Brooklin hosted twelve branches of Southeun Ontario Womnen's Institutes at Buookiin United Church. An impressive memorial service was held. Mus. B. McClenaghan, homne economist for- York and Ontario counties spoke about the 4H- Clubs and womens' activities. Business reports, elections and a sing-song were ahl a part of this district annual meeting. The Brookiin U.C.W. provided a scruomptous noon mecal. Brooklin United Church is having their family picnic on Sunday, Jonc 19 at the Gueenwood Conservation Area. The pienie wiil bc preceeded by an open air worship service. Be preparecl to leave thle church at 11 :00 a.m. Decoration Day at thc Guoveside Cem-etauy will be con- ductcd under the auspices of the Beethovan !OOF lodge at 2:30 p.m., the afternoon of Sunday, Jonc 12. Everyonc is weicome to the service. A special Anniversary Service at Meadowcresf Baptist Church on Sunday, Jue 12 wiii feature guest speaker, Leslie k. Taru, writer for the reiigious section of the Toronto Star, at both the i1i a.m. and the 7 p.m. services. Soloist wilI bc local resident Mary Alexander. Everyone is welcorne. lst and 2-nd Buooklin Scouts wiii be holding their fi nal1 paper drive of this se ason. -Pieuse put your --pprs out eariy -early FOO'DMASTER PHONE 655-4521 STORE HOURS OPEN SIX I1AYS A IWEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS & FRI NIGHTS 'TIL 9 p.ni. Val, ue befoue 9 a.m. Tic bundies secuuely - newspapers only please - no magazines. The boys need your support and appreciate your co-operation. About that. bird house competition local cubs were involved in - you will be pleased to note that Ste-phen- Ingle ton of i st Brooklin cubs won the district competition. Congratulations Stephen. Wonde ring what to do with your pre-sehooleus next fail? Well, if you are, con- sider enrolling them in the Whitby 'Y"s play-school. The 'Y' program is realiy excellent and can be of benefit to ail youngsteus. Locally the play school is held at the Brooklin Com- Community Centre. Cali the Whitby 'Y' at 668-6868 for moue information. Registra- tion is taking place now s0 don't wait too long! Valerie 655-4317. Sat. June 1l - Ist and 2nd Brooklin- Scouts Paper Drive, 9 a.m. Sat. June 1l - Greatest Ever Garage Sale - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 9 George St., in Brooklin. Sun. June 12- Anniversary services at Meadowcrest Baptist Church, il a.ni. and 7 p.m. Sun. June 12 -Decoration Day at Groveside Cemetary, 100F lodge from Brookiin conducting 2:30 service. ISECOND MORTGAGES 14-09% on arnounts over $8,OOW FAST SERVICE No bonus, brokerage or finders tees Household Realty Corne on in or cali the nearest office of Househotd Finance Ask for Mortgaqie Services Whitby Mail Shopping Centre Whitby RENT A CARI Ummediate Free'Delivery 6M68w carnation INSTANT SKUMMTýLK Powder flA PACKAGE 2.29 OR. BALLARDS Champion Dog Food 25 ~fc oz Tin 3 ~I~1~ BY - HE- PIECE - PEAMEAL BACK BACON (NO PORTION CINTER PORTION lb- 1.58 c lb 1.68c SHOPSY s 120UNCE COLO SLAW ea,. 49c SIIOPSY S Il2OUNCE POTATO SALAD Co. 49c SITOPSU s IPAK SALAMI 4-oz Unit .09c Màzeydg £SOSÏIM vliÉE- 01.0 SOUTIH OZ CONTAINER CARNATION IIASH BROWN RRIOZEN rONCUNTRATIO , BONUS PACK 2',.5AC Orange JIII 591 Potatoes 39c Apple Pie 99c BABY SCOUT .BEGULAR DIAPERS pkg. of 30 $1.19 VASELINE LOTION 200-ML CONTAINER INTENSIVE CAR! 99C FEMININE NAPINS CONFIDMTSpk. of 12 79c TOOTRIPABTE 11tue PEPSODINT 100 ML 99C FOAMY RO' i-OZ CONTAINER SHAVE CREAM *$1.19 PLASTIC IRIPS PACKAGE OF 25 CURAD 'pg. o2569c MONARCH TEA BISK 10-o1. Package 139c POST ALPHA - BITS 4509m (15.9-oz. pkg.) 95C Tropical Treat Bananas California Crisp Crunchy Large Stalk 25ç lb. No. 1 Celery 59Ç Uxbridge Ontario No. 1 Potatoos Smith Brand- good koopors 20 IL bug $2.79 I to Sat. June i1 NEILSON'S Velue Pack Bars ASSxRTEO SIZEf 4 soRE 7 9 HEINZ BAKEO ON TOMATO SAUCE BEANS Tin 39C BILLY BEE CREAMEO HONEY 2 1 .79 BO EES UM r MAPLE LEAF- Triple Pak zoz Package SCHNEIDERS 6 OZ PACKAGE EACH BOELESSROUNPDor unch Mat i1.09 Hum Coked 1. 18 Shneiders RIed Hots ., DuOch Treel - Skinless RANCH STYLE - 8V THE PIECE ROASIS Wienerso16.-88<C Bologne. 491b Cut from - Canada ~WW~ DEVON BEEF and PORI< - SMALL LINO< SCHNEIDERS- BOWLS 12-OZ SIZE EACH Grade "A" M *ie " >ausage 88Ii Headcheese 88 C GAINES TO-g $AG DOG MEAL $5.49 MAISS MEW &02 IN (AT FOOD 4,o99c RINIE AGEB4T A OZ CONTAINER JET DRY LIQUID 8 5c VINNI.m LEATHER CLEANER 7-02 CONTAINER TUE TANNERY *1.39 PERSONAL 3 BAM PACKT LUX TOILET So>ap 7 5c EEULAA 10-FOOT Bo " SARAN WRAP 5 5ci or f - -- . -* N

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