Whitby Free Press, 25 May 1977, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Panel discussion concludes: Adopt0 i like an adult's move to a freign country Perial decribe the cadoption of an older child is to compare it to- an adult's miove to a foreign country. H-e is enter- ing a whole nd'w world - lie has to adjust to a. new way of living, niew parents, new standards, a new school, and pew frierids. Becatîse adoptive parents gre aware of the immense hefP theil child adjust, "Adoptio of Older Child ren" was the topic of a panel discussion hield April 6th at the Bilue Flaîîe Rooni of Consunîer's Gas ini Whitby. The evening 'vas ik regular meeting of the Adoptive Parents Associationî of Durhanm Region, an îInde penclett group Io offer assistance to those L.ori Brown .-Enzo *Chiarello We specialize in men 0s & ladies toupees, perms, and colouring HOURS Blair Park Plaza -6 Mon.-Wed. 106 Lupin Dr. -8 Thurs.-Fri. 8-5 Sat. 668-5441 TRAVELWAYS DAILY BUS SERVICE TO TORONTO (FROM BROOK LIN AREA ONI PORT PERRY LI NDSAY FASI-CONVENI ENT-ECONOMICAL BUS PARCE L EXPRESS CARRIED ON ALL DEPARTURES FOR INFORMATION CALL VOUR LOCAL TRAVELWAYS AGENT VVHITBY STU JENKINS SPORTS CENTRE 668-3746 BROOKL-IN COSGROVE'S VARIETY 655-4582 9- 9- parenting adoptive children. Tlie panel consisted three adoptive niotiiers, or adoptive fatiier, and Mi M ira Blake, an adoptic worker with Famîily a'il Children's Ser-vices 6f Durlha Region. hec experiences th, the adoptive parents relate varieci, but a few conino facts were present ini a situa tionus. School can be ver, difficcîlt for the older cliiý enteriîig adoption, wlîo ha probably experienced trauînatic past. It is 'vise fo parenits to esfal)lisIi a goo( report witl ilte schlool especially to indîvidîîal teachers. Parents must bc very supportîve, arid enicou r. age teacliers to be under. standinig ofthe situationi. An eider chiid has an estabiislied personality atîd a 'nemnory. I-lis past is very important to liîi. Aithougli tie clîild nîay settle-in Jiiysicaliy 'vithin a short ime, his emotional set tling-îin viii probably take abouIt a "No nlatter 1mw deter- mincd adoptive parents are to succeed 'and de termiuiatfion is really îimportant when adopting an older cliild), tlîey will be faced witlî difficuit and unexpecfed problermîs", said Sandy Pitters, chairrnian of the association. "XVe are uiot trying to offer solutiouns tonighit, buit radier to assure you that theli difficulties and the acconipanying feelinîgs are shared by otimers. Don't be discouragcd by unresponsive- ness -- for your clîild wvill desperately îîeed your per- serverance". "Lt is so inmportant f0 be realistie abot youir adoption", added Mrs. Pitters. "YouL cannot. afford to skini the surface, mîncli less to irîduige ini slf-dcception. A good rapport vi tii your social %vorker is important". Ministry Of Coîiiiiunliity and Social Service facts shiow thiat the number of older children placed for adloption (Lark'- Holidays onewes25 or 878 lncludlng 5 dinners! Compare the value of SkyLark's Super Saver Holiday to Nassau Departures every Sunday May 1 te November 20. Its better in Bahamas! And a perfect Iland for a one week summer holiday. SkyLark's Super Saver Holiday features the Emerald Beach Hotel with accommodation for 7 nights for just $259 including a Sunday, daytime, Wardair 707 flight from Toronto. *Daytime Wardair 707 flight *Beach front hotel An optional bonus, exclusive to SkyLark guests .at the Emerald Beach: The Super Saver Dinner plan which gives you fîve dinners for just $19. There is no need ta f/y by nig/ut when you can f/y by SkyLark! Ail SkyLark Holldoa alo nclude: Transfers and baggage handling, Welcomne cocktail and briefing. Services of resident SkyLark pàssenger service representative. SkyLark beach bag. Not lnlud.d: Departure taxes, local taxes and service charges. Ail prices quoted are per person based' on double occupancy and are subject to hîgh season suppléments. See your SkyLark travel agent CONTACT RUSSELL TRAVEL 116BRMMKST.SL, WHITBY 668 l4nnmrts Mon- Sat 9-5 One of the many hatidaji from 5kyLark'5 Summer Sun *77 of nie rs. id i t IlI ci lias ca1rnoit douibled iii remit ycýars, and a furtiier increase is predictable, thus far, 85% of tiiese adloptionîs have beeni suiccessful. Despite this percentage, it 'vas apparent that 100% of the panie! miembers viewed adoptionî of older clîildren as a challeniging and rewardinig experience. The Adoptive Pa re its Associatioui 0of Durhîam Regioni is a pareuit-stipport Tree pha group interested in advising and hielping those interested in adoption. Tiîey have an established liason with the FamilyandÇ' hildren's Services, ad enjoy a good working rapport.. Meetings*are heid the first Wednesday of every mon tii. "We want to bring the subject of adoption'into the open wheére it belongs", said Mrs. Pitters.. "The mîore we kîîongaou adîtion, the better able we are to treat it openly, as anatural way of having a family". Anyone interested in further information about the association is invite'd to con tact, a memnber of the executive: Sandy Pitters - 668-1326 Dawna Page - 668-6673 Kathie Archer - 576-9940 Donna Darneil - 723-9937 miark Queen9's. Silver Jubiflee O n i F rid ay a n im b e r o f -.. ..k Wlithy public sclioci chlldren.... took tinie out froin classes to. commiin orcite Qucen Eliza-. The forniat of tlie celc- bra tions at îîost of thle town's public schoois consisted of a prograni of patriotic songs and speeches, the piauîting of a silver niaple tree, and the presentafioui of Silver Jubilee Medallions froni the Province of Ontario. Tree plaîîtings were lîeld at Kathleen Rowe, R. A. l-lutclîison, E. A.. Fairmîan, an d Palrnerston Public Scliools. Mayor Jim Gartsliore preseîîted the niedallions at Palmiiierstoîî and 1Ilutchlison Schoois, Dr. Cliarles Godfrey MPP at Ka t lleenr Rowve an d Dr. Ro be rt 'Ilîoriitoî Schoois, anid Eari A. Fairinaui, formîer superin- tendent of Wiitby Public ,Schools, at FI. A. Fairruan Schlool. The silver niaple trees wvere financed by 10 cent donations froin eacli of the clîildrcn, and thie support and assistance of local lanîd, scapers. Tlue Silver Jubilee pro- granîs varied in each of the schools, witli the idoa of having every cîîild liarticipate ini soine way. At Kathleen Rowe. the school flew the tlirec flags, used in Canîada during Queen Elizaibeth's reign--tlîe Uniioin Jack, Red Etîsign. and the Cana dian Maple Leaf flag. These Young students of Kathleen Rowe School repre- sented ecd of the school's 10 classes at the ceremonial plaîîting of a silver mapie trec Friday in honor of Queen Elizabeth's Silver Juhilce. In the back row are Principal Tomi Park and Monica Webb. hIntbe front row, fromn left to, riglît, are Tricia Marpie, Ricky Knocster, Mona Gibney, David Jepma, Steplien Guy, Ciuîdy Vipond, Joan Gibson, and -John Brouwer. Silver mapie trees werc pianted at severai Whithy sehools in lionor of the Queen's Jubilee. ___________Free Press Photo CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY CONTRACT W-77-6 ADVERTISING ON ZAMBONI AT IROQUOIS PARK AR ENA Tenders wiII be received by the undersigned until 2:00 p.mi., Tuesday, May 31, 1977 for advertising on the Zamboni ice resurfacing machine Iocated at Iroquois Park Arena. Specif ications and tender forms are available from the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossîand Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone 668-5803, extension 37. Highest or any tender not necessariîy accepted. 'I seIl ,na g u bi oler re W.A.IJ. Se/b>', c.a. B.K Madgett, c.a. Offices C)J. Roberts, c.a. R. W Sler, c. a. 11lohne 171 King Street East, Oshawa C.W Mar/owe, c.a. 679-55431 22 Walton Street. Port Hope à85-2335 R.A. CLAR!NGBOLD, Deputy Treasurer, Courth ouse Squares. 11-4E POWÉR 0F iMA&INA11ON 15 0FEIN THE MEASURE OFA MAN'S ACHIEVEMENTS. -Ský 1 8-5 Sat. 668-5441 r 1 1 P4 Và Lite DeST wlliv tn LitUy ililve M 11

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