PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY,MAY t1 1 1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Voice of the Cou nty Town The only Witby newspaper independently owned and ol SERVING OVER 28,000 READERSi Mike Burgess, Publisher-Managing Editor perated by Wlitby residents for Whitby residents. Community Editor Pùblished every Wednesday Çontributing Editor Production Manager Print & Promotionai by M.B.M., PubIishingi Maage and Photography Ine. çîiasslf ied Ad Manager Phone 668-6111l Circulation Manager Maillig Permi The Free Press Building, I Member 121 Brock Street North, Better Business Bu P.O. Box 206, Whitby, Ont. Whitby Chamberc -Brian Wlrîter -Jim Quai' -Marie Burgess -Robin Lyonl -Marlefle Byrom -Sharon Lyofl t No. 460 of the:ronL ureau of Toronto of Commerce8LBeerrrl TIIYank you for your su* Who says that people today are apathetic? There was no sign of apathy when the Free Press printed a public survey in its issue of April 27, asking whether Whitby reýidents wanted their police station open 24 lhourý a day, open fromn 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or closed. We received replies representing the opinions of more than 5,200 people, every one of whom wanted the police station open 24-houirs a day. Not one person wanted the other alternatives, and there were plenty of comments on the quality of police service. A number of these cornments were printed ini last week's paper. Mayor Jim Gartshore took the Free Press surveys with himn to the regionai council mieeting Thursday whei he foughit to save the police station, and nearly wvon. I waved the surveys ini the air and threw them out on the desk, 1 thinkc they helped tremnen- douisly", said Mayor Gartihore. 've îîever heard the counicil so quiet when we macle our presenta- tion. 1 knew when we went ini we didn't have 13 votes". Mayor Gartshore's motion to put enougli money back ini the police budget to keep the Whitby station openl 24 hours-a day was defeated 1 4-1 3, by on ly one vote. Without the backing of the opinions of 5,000 Whitby residents, bis chances would have been next to nothing when he asked the regional counicil for support. Tabulations made by the F ree Press indicate that replies representîng 5,23 5 peo ple- were received. This included a unanimous vote of the West 'Lynde Conîmunity Association, representing 4,300 people; the Senior Citizens Activity Centre, representing 300 p)eop)le; the Good Companions Senior Citizens Club, representing I147 people; the Bowling Green Towers senior citizens apart- ment, representing 80 people; the Ontario Condominium Corpora tio n No. 1 4, represeiitiiig 61 people, and Il15 individual signatures. Mayor Gartshore informied the regional council he had surveys fronm 300 people and associations representing 4,000 residents, A supporting a 24-hour police station. Fie also read a letter from a Whitby resident, printed in the Free Press, ini which this mnaî stated lie would consider moving out of Whitby if the police station was closed. We, the staff of the Whitby Free Press, would like to thaink aur faithfui readers for their support - . ~L. +liLb of our position and tfle towns pOSiLlUIi police station. Your replies to our survey gave our regional representatives the ammunitio'n with which to fighit for soniething which we A think is important to our community. We didn't get to keep the police station open 24 hours a day, but we did bring before the couincil the concernis of the peopie about a po.1ce presence in Whitby. Your surveys helped convince the regional courneil to vote unanimously for a study to be taken by the police commission of the need for more police -)fficers on the beat in such areas as downtownWhitby. We wilI be watching the pro ceedings of this study witlî interest, and will provide whatever support we can to allieviate the fears expressed ini 50 s0 mnany of the surveys we received. The fight is not yet over, but thanks to your help, action is being taken. The reg ional council is aware of your concerns, and without your participation in our survey, the study into police on01 the beat miglit not have been authorized. A big thank-you goes out from ail of us to ail of you who responded to our police station survey. Stop spread of "propaganda" by NDP i*n schools Dear Mr. Burgess: As a father of four children and active in sehool delegations on behaîf of citizens in Durham West as well as formerly a member of the sehool board 1 must register a serious protest about the propaganda that NDP member Doctor Charles Godfrey is giving to our children in the sehools. Recently it was report- ed that Dr. Godfrey was answering questions about various po litical matter to Dear Sir: On May 9, Justice Tom Berger's report on the terms and conditions for the building of the proposed Mackenzie Valley pipeline will be "tabled" in the Flouse of Commons. That is, each M.P. will receive a copy of the report. But no discussion will take place. The Prime Minister has refused to make an official commitruent that the goverument will subrnit either the Berger report or the National Energy Board report to Parliarment before Cabinet makes a decision. The building of the Mackenzie Valley pipeline wilI have far-reaching effects on ail Canadians. The most obvious con- cerris, are, of course, for the eco!oýgy of the North, and our Native people's' rights to thcir Iand and way of life. But going beyond that, there are the economic.erfects on children in som", of* otir regional schools and lie blatantiy suipported liquor and garnbling, and even- went so far as to push the idea that there has to be liquor and beer at the basebaîl garnes in Toronto. What a way to treat children! lt's Linthin kab le. I have been a sports enthLîsiast ail my life, andi even played intercounity basebaîl myself when 1 was youniger and it was neyer on issue or even thoLîgh of that we haci f0 have liquor, drinking and drunkenness allaround tus.. We played basebaîl for the love of the gai-e, a very nice sport. Now wc have a mnember of the Ontario legislature, and his NDP boss Stephen Lewis, who is also push- ing and advancing the cause of liquor and beer for basebali games. We know who wiil profit fromin ail that, the Bronfrnans and the other liquor syndicates. l'm appelleci that a mledical doctor woulcl stoop to 4"&soLthern' Canadians: miockery îiot only of exportingof oir res .urces JuLdge Berger's painstaking increasing of the national efforts f0 hear aIl skies of' clebt, devalLiationl of the the qLuestionl, bLut also of Canadian dollar, wage the demnocratie pinciples controis, inflation of' which are the ba.sis of' Our prices for bLiîilig mater- systemi of governmn'ent. ials, increasing control of Canadians should eall oLir econonly by rnuLlti- for a futi] airinig and jLlst national corporations, consideration of thle tax breaks andi other i5sLues, followecl by a incentives for these parlianîenitary debiate andl corporations (at the cost clecision. Letters and of social services, health telegraiiis 5lloLld be sent care, etc.) to oLir Memnber of At issLee here is îîot Parliamrent, Primie Minister just one more conlstrLuctionil 'IîeaLI, flhe Miniister of project, but the very Energy (Alistair Gillespie) nature and future direc- and the Miniister of' tion of our society as a Northern Developmient whole. (Warren Alnîaniid). The Prime Minister hias Residents of the said he is wiiling to "speed Oshiawa-Whiitby-Ajax area a decision" so as f0 "be in who would like more a pc-s;,tion not to information on this issue embarass" U.S. President may caîl Mary Shepherd Carter when he reports (668-3547) or. Kathleeni his own pipeline prefer-Chung (668-1680). ence to Congress before Kathleen Chuîig Sept. 1. Such a deliberate 510 Bradley Dr. by-pass.g of the elected Mary Sheffherd representatives of flhc I001 Atlliol St. ('anadian people inakes a suchl lengthis to push a most damaging and dan- gerous drilg habit on our kids. And if Dr. Godfrey doesn't know that alcohiol is a drug then he better go back to medical school and learn ail about it. 1 ani also shocked that a miedical doctor who purports to be interested or working in rehabilita- tive medicine would îîot be aware of the damage to hunlans ail arounid hiru in personal tragedies that corne into hospitals as a result of driinking alcohiol, accidents, violence, wife beating, yes. even murder .and here we have a cloctor tryinig to selI kids on the idea that we have to have beer and liquor at basebaîl gaines. For me to say any- more wouldIIbe repetitious, Seniors l)ear Sir: We. The mnicbersip of the Whitby. Senlior Citizens Club. Centen- niaI BlIdg. wish f0 fthank those who hiaci made our recent Bazaar a success We wish f0o thank the I.O.O.F. and REBEKHIA Members for use of their but believe me, that if the best the NDP can do for our kids is to have a member in the legislature to do that to them, and supported fully by the NDP leader Stephen Lewis who brought Godfrey into thiýs area in the first place, then may- be we need somne more delegations especially to the Durham Region schiool board to stop Godfrey from peddling such harmiful talk to kids . .in our-sehools. 1 know that during the last municipal election Godfrey and a few of his supperiers including Principal PRINS of Dunbarton formied a so- called West Durhami Teachers Political Action Comrinittee and'interfered in our- local elections. 1 offer thanks Hll, Bassett Jewelry for their doniatîin, Whitby Free Press, CKLB Oshawa, and Cable TV and all those whio lad donated and worked and lielped in any way. Thanks one and ail. EDaine McLeail Conveynior would hope that the Teachers of Durham who 1 respect would not permit the NDP to use them.- again, in this coming provincial election. For, if the teachers want respect from the com- munity, especially during their annual salary nego- tiations they would be better-advised to put their ownl house in order FIRST and that means keeping Godfrey out'of schools. Yours truly, Glenn Julian Greenwood. P.O. Ont. Thy efts disturb reader Dear Sir: 1 was in Toronto one day withi righit arnount of moniey in rny hand to buy a Toronto Star paper fromn a box, which was right in front of me. A man and a woman were standing there, and man turned to the wornan and said, "Whichi paper do youi want?" and shie indicated 2 of them & hie put out lis hiand & took 2 papers & tLrned to me & said, "Tell the first policemian you see!" Thien thiey walked away. Nerve! I did eall the Police Station in the district & they thanked mie & said they would keep a watch. 1 described the two of themn and the timie. The man was 6 ft. taîl and the wornan bigger than rue. H-, D. Lynch À b À b IÀb À . Pipeline has far-reaching effects Send letters to Box 206 Whitby, Ont. LIN 5S1'