PAGJE 10t WEDNESDAY, APRIL'6,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS Atiantis Flyers win old timers tournament at Burlington The Whitby Atlantis Flyers OId Timers Hockey Team recently captured the Burlington Oldtimers Tourna- ment championship. The Whitby Flyers started off by defeating Welland 2-1 in a thrilling play-off gamne. Ed Fairbrother opened the scoring on a pass fromn Dalton Woods., Larry Windover scored the winner on a back- hand shot fromn the faceoff on passes fromn Pauil Gaudet ,and -Eliner Tran. Welland scored two minutes later, Eric Nerneth pot ting the goal on passes froru Dave Creighton and Fred Pettit. The winners playèd a strong skating game, keeping on top of the Welland team through- out the game. Bob Collins played a stand- out g4rne for Whitby through- out the toLrnament and ended up with the best average, giving up five goals in flive gaines. The first gaine was a 3-0 shut-out for Whlitby over Toronto Lakeshore. Les Sînden, John Vesters and Daît Woods scored the Whitby goal1S. In - the second gaine, Whitby defeated Hamilton 6-2. la rry Windover led the scoring with two goals and two assists. Junior Munroe scored two fromnhis defense position with, Paul Gaudet and Les Sinden adding singles. Art Rennick had three assists, and Orîner Tran, two. Russ Hall and Ray Murphy added one each. [n gaine three, Whitby and Welland tied 1-1. Whitby captured first place with this tie game, and the righit to meet Chippeawa in the first round of the playoffs. Fred Petit on passes [rom Dave Creighton and Nîck Kereluk opened the scoring for Welland in the second period. Four minutes later Larry Windover evened the score on a pass [rom Art Rennick. in game four, Whitby defeated Chippewa 6-I. Les Sinden led the Whitby attack with three goals and one assist. Elmer Tran, Russ Hall and Art Rennick added single goals. - Ron McéPhee assisted on, four goals and Russ Hall helped on three. Larry ,Windover, Elmer Tran and Gary Munroe added one each. Gord Hiasshaw scored the lone Chippawa goal. Business curling resuits Two members of the Whitby FigLure Skating Club received gold medals at the Palestre Nationale Coinpeti. tion in Mont real. March 26.. Winners of gold medals iin Junior and Interînédiate Mixed Da nce were Brian WANTD Antiques, Clocks, Coin, Chairs, Desks, Books, Fumiîture, etc. 9 9x12 =60.00 eSHAGRUGiS10 x12 =79.00 M ALL COLOURS, ALL SIZES, AND WALL TO WALLI JEANS I REG. 17.00 NOW 1925 NICKELS RAY $1 6.00 EACH 1923 PENNIES PAY $900 EACH MENS SOCKS WREG. 1.50OPR NOW 454 R. RECORDS I md TAPES IBUT & SELL I COINS BUY ALL CANADJAN U.S. SILVER lV;48 DIMES PAY $3.00 EACH 1970 NICKELS PAY 25 CENTS EACH PAY $120.0)0 EACH OR ÇELL FOR $1 45.00 1948 SILVER DOLLARS PAY $300.0O & UP 1963 & 1964 & 1965 PL SETS 10 OR MORE SELL FOR $5.50 EALIl COOPER'S PLACE Eighteen rinks competed in the Whitby Curling Club's annual Business and Profes- sional Men's Bonspiel March 26. Two eight-end games were played with the winners as follows: First--Mlorn Nicholson (skip), 38!A points. Second--Doug Brown (skip), 34!'- points. Teams tied medals" Wortolk. 15, of Whitby. anîd Kristin Alma, 14. of Brooklin. Both perforîned ai the Whitby Winter Carnival in February and the Whitby Figure Skating Club's Carnival. April 3. Briati and Krisîin have been skaîing as a pair for two years. The CBC Juvenîle Hockey teamn is tied with Riverside, a town near Windsor, in the AA Ontario Minor Hockey-Asso- ciation finals, after two week- e nd ga mes. On Saturday the CBCs defeated Riverside, 5-I with two goals by Rich Byford and one each by Dan Gallo- gley, Joel Gangemni and John Jordan. Garry Bruce had two assists. In the second gamne, Riverside shut out the CBCs -3-0, to even up the series. Garnes three and four of the best of five wvill be played ai Riverside on April 8 and 9. If a fiftlh gaine is required it Mvil1 be played at Iroquois Park Aprîl 10 ai 3 p.m. Third--I1a1 Smuck (skip), 34 points. Fourth--Rick Hird (skip), 321A points. AI] four teams were two- game winners. Curling with Mort Nicholson were George Gouldburn (vice), Bob Purdy Jr. (second), and Phil Gibbons, (Iead). Doug Brown's runner- up rink had Ted Birchard (vice), Bob Pachel (second) and John Kunetsky (lead). In the Third Draw Compe- titive Men's division the winners were: Don Nphomn in A Division; Bill LeGros in B Division; and Don Sutton in C Division. The regular and divisional men's playoffs are now under way, using a double elimina- tion format while the mixed pîayoffs began April 3. Juvelniles win over Thornhil The Whitby CBC Juvenile hockey team won its series against Thornhill March 26 by three gamies to one, and goes on to meet Riverside (Windsor) in the Ontario final. I'he Iast gamne against Thornhill was a close one, 'vith a final score of 7-6. John Jordan scored three goals for the CBCs, and Garry Bruce, Dan Kemp, Terry Whyte, and Rich Byford scored one aDiece. A CAR! We accept Chargex, Masterchargt American Express 668-8000_ fMas GLBAL, opposite 1mow..', atail THE. CORNERSTONE GIFT SHOP Is To Aanounce The Openiag 0f THE GALLERY* 0F FINE ART A choice selection of Oiî Paintings by Canadian and European Artists. If you have considered investing in an oul painting *we suggest a quiet browse through our shop. "Gif'ts for People who Gare". 1221Brock Street North Whitby, 668-8401' DESERT SONG Dy Signwnd Romb.rg conduct.d by Hugh Martin by OSHAWA CHORAL SOCIETY et *EASTDALE AUDITORIUM April 15., 16, 17 end April 21,j 22, 23 et 8 p... availoble et SAYWELLOS - 14 Sluco. S. SCOTTJ'S DRUG MART - 100Slmcoo Ne 728-4053 or 576-8630 or phono OSHAWA or fro.membors of the Society Skaters win gold 26" Cast Iron Franklin $189.00 ncludïng screen Cast Iron Parlour Stove $1 89.00 with chrome trim and screen Oi1 Lamps 25%/ off n stock Fireplace Accessories 201o off n stock as marked Barbecues 505ooff Charcoal Smoke N Pit ElIctric Char-B-Que OTHER IN STORE SPECIALS Some items available in Iimited quantities CASH AND CARRY Chargex and Master Charge accepted Sale ends April 30, 1977 FT.hbe** M, Heatilator Fireplace Centre Flrq ce lus 900 Hopkins Si. at Duras WhIlby 668-3192 1948 HALF DOLLARSi IAY $45.00 EACHI1 $7.00 EACH 668-1856 or 579-8475 10 3 ROCK ST- ST. S. Open 10 - 5 Sot, 10 - 6 la TIRETS $3,50 & $4.00