WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. J ANUýRY 5. 1976q* PAGE 13 Ftenry Moore Limmited Edîtion FETCHING - on solid sterling silver. A beautiful wvork of art & an ideal coitectors item. Only $850. Cait1723-0722. Green lined LIVINGROOM' DRAPES - with track ta fit up ta 16' watt, $30; Etectrohome B & W TV, $50; watt hung sink, $5; portable Electrohome humidi- fier, $1 5; etectric desk calculator, $10; laundry tub pumps, $25; 3 lumnitine f ixtures, $2 each; approx. 23 chrome kitchen cupbourd knobs, $8. Cati 725-8079 after 5 p.m. duily. SELECTIONS OF CLASSICAL MIUSIC - The WVortd's Greatest Waltzs, Rapýicy & Blue, Album of Conserto by Bec thovan, Down Memiory Lune, Music by ioe Straimws. $2 per record. Culit 728-3297. Graveiy Lawn Tractor Equip- nient - 30" Rotary Mower, $200: 48" curved Snow or Dirt blade. S90; 42" sickle mower, $275. atl items in good condition. Cati 655-4995. Gas fired commelciat deep FRYER - tw'. baskets, $225; Domestie SEWING MACHINE, $50. Botli are in good condition. Calt 579-0840. BABY CRIB --$20-, Ltoyd baby carnîage, $15; baby butter wvithi chitd's chair, $20. Cati 655-3511i. GOALIE EQUIPMENT - wilt fit ages 12 - 17, $50; including 2 pairs of Bauier skates, size 8' $20 & size 10, $30; ail in A-1 condition. Cuait 655-34 10. HOCKEY SKATES - new, size 5, $15; portabte SINGER sewing machine, $35; Cati TWVO FIGURE SKATES - size 71/.- and 2, $3 euch; one pair of boys skates size 6, $3; one bird cage & stand, $25; wafffte iron and sandwich grilt, $5 each; toaster, $5; bisseIt carpet sweeper, $10; bathroomn light fixture, $20; pressure tank, $1 0; Cati 668-9404. THE PERFECT GIFT FOR THE TYPIST - Underwood manuat typewriter, $125. Cati 668-1 076. WEDDING DRESS-inctuding heudpiece, $1 20 or best off er. Cati 723-6197. ROO)M IVIDER - cusom made, wrought iran, fîve panels to taliing 10' x 15', h121f7price ut $225; Calit Ciaremont 649-5712 after 5 p.m. LEATHER, dark browvn, lining, size 655-4995. JACKET - Ladies, like newv, zip-Out 16, $25. CatI GAS DRYER - Maytag, $55; mesh ptaypen, 40" x 40". $15; high chair, $10; 2 pair girls tube skates, size 12 & 13, $4 pair; two pair chiidrens snow boots, sizes il & 12, $4 pair; girls winter coat, size 6X, $8; easy bake oven. $6; Fisher Price record player. $4. Cati 668-0170. POWER HAND SAW - Craftsman, 7" 13/ hp, like new, $30. Cai 668-4743 after_6 p.m. Kîng ELECTRONIC SCOPE - $1,800. Caii 668-8125. SKI BOOTS - size 8, $10; size, 9, $15; double BOOKCASE BED, comptete, $35; Skates, Bauer, 9Y2z, $10. Cati 668-0704. 72 cu. in. hcaith ways TANK - gatvinized finish, harness, certi- fied 4 years, $40; Sportsways water iung, singie hase, regulatar, with reserve, $40; Yashicu D, 2%" sq. camera, 1:3.5, 1/500 second, case plus ight meter, flash unit, $50; Prinz pilot three 35mm, F2.8, ane 2/5Oth second wi th case, $25. Calit 668-1473. Toddler's SLEEPING BAG - $8; Ford front guard car seat, $1 2; Cati 668-8626. ('anad lana smailI primitive ROCKER, $30; 6' fine bench, $35; flux cutter, $50'. pine tool bo X, $10. Cali 683-567 1 Greenwood. STEEL DOUBLE GARAGE DOOR- in good condition, $200. Calit668-83 10. Convertible STROLLER $25; circutar pilaypecn, $ 15: baby watker. $3. maternity 't,ýothes, smatl size. Cati 668-1969 af*tei 4 p-ni. USED TV ANTENNA $20. Cati1668-8943. B & W TV -- Console, $65. Oshawa Clttîolic Figh Sehoot -skirt, like new, $10. Calit 725-12i11. HOCKEY EQUIPMENT- shin pa ' L, $15; hockey pants, $8; shoulder pads, $8; cooper gloves, $10; helmet, $10, al equipment in excellent condition. Cal 668-6761 ask for Steve. AVON CONTAINERS - 75 cents & up; armchair, $5; old & new dishes; ski boots. $4; oval shape plate glass. $3; antique mirror in trame. S4; vwooden chairs, 2/S5; single mattress, $2. Cali 723-2426. ('OVERT - ccmcent, 1 2½' long. foot round, S25:. Two woodcn steps, $3 & $5. ('aIl 668-8304. Black Persian LAMB COAT - fuît tength, size 16, $125. Cati 576-0714. BOYS SUIT - size 16, as new, $8; Christmas lights & decorations. $3: TV, B&W. not working, $5; racung set, $15; barbecue, $2. Cal 668-5060 af ter 3 p.m. Heavy Royal Office TYPE- WRITER - in good condition. $60; Smith-Corona typewriter. portable with case, in good condi- tion, $60; Soîîd State Sony-i- matic tape recorder, 4-track, 3 speed, with built in public address system, in excellent con- dition. $200. Cati 728-9777. Bikes Girls UNIROYAL BtKE - l'r ages 8 - i12, goid in cotoîr. white banana seat, higli handiebars, in good condition, $35. C'al 728-9777.- BICYCLE PARTS- forks, $5 or under; framies, $3; pedats, $1 cadi; hiandie bars, $2 eachi: seats, $ 1.50; sisy bars, $S1; rimis, $1i,50; tires. 75 cents; tubes, 50 cents; valves, 25 cents; uccessories, $5 or less. ('aIl Greg ut 668-6790. 1966 1-ONDA S90 set ullas trait bîke, in good running condition, $1i25. ('ail 649-5811I. 1972 SL-100 HONDA must sei, $250 or best offer. as is. Cati 668-0404 anytime. BI KE - 1 0-speed, good condition, asking $65. Cati John at 668-8204 af ter 4 p.m. CLASSIFIED ADS Free Press, Emporium (Continued) M iscellaneous Services Pets 8& Supplies Two SINGING CANARIES - in sepurate cages, $35 each. Cati 668-4915. BIRD CAGE -- fioor stand, good condition, $40. Cati 655-3657. GERMAN SHORTHAIR POINTER -- 1 year otd, mak-., doghouse included, $35. Cali 576-8667. S tii t(ed iin good 668-7098, Western SADDLE - conldition, $75.Call Tritined DEEFR IOUND - $60. Cati 985-2985. EFFECTIVEJ Special Highest Prices iPaid for Gold and Silver coinc old guns, dlocks, jewelry, dishes furniture, crocks, oil paintings and seaters Friendly Flea Market 725-9783' 23 King 'West, Oshawa CARPENTRY' IIOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens, Ceramic Tiing Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedai Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cal 668-46%6 JANUARY 1, 1977 Savings (NON-CHECKING) Caîculated on your IVI nimum Monthly Býialnce j~ Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VICT,ýOm!RL4 and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Wanted FULLER BRUSH CO FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 WORK WANTED renovationis, smail structures, bouses, garages, etc. Cali 725-1651 for free estimate PRIVATE'WHITBY - Three bedroom townhouse, finished rec room, appliances, quai ity broad- 1oom throughout, $41,000. WilI give 2nd martgage if necessary. Cali 668-7992. For Rent OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 450 sq. ft. Dundas St., Whitby Cali 728-9448 For local news & views - The Whitby Free Press! 1SWIMMING POOLS BAN KRUPT STOCK Newv tedwvood type swimmiiing pools at litge reductions over mianufacturers' suggested list price. Froin public auction of ban krupt Fan ta Sea Swin Ce- nitres. First corne, First served. Limiited quantities. Installations and Ternis arranged. Phone Mr. Press Collect at 41 6-576- 4042. 9am - 6prn. NO DEAL- ERS' WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU ASKED A FRIEND FOR A BOOST? Your car battery v'3ltage can drop in haîf when the temperature drops below zero. That is why so many vehicles do flot start in sub-zero weather. It can also happen when you leave your Iights on. By replacing your existing ignition coil with SURE START the amnazing NEW concept in starting colis, you can increase your car battery 1f e SURE START was invented, patented - and produced by a Canadian. NOW available for most domestic and imported vehicles. OnIy $21.95 wvhuch includes Ontario Provincial sales tax. FuI out the coupon below and mail today. SURE START LTD. Dent. W 1-9 P0 . Box 3è4, Whitby, Ontario ENCLOSED $21.95 which inctudes Ont. sales tax cheque or money order SEND C.O.D. i wîttl puy ait charges plus $1.00 handling NAME ADDR ESS Vear & Model of Vehicle Whitby Free Press ads work! CALL 668-6111 ATTENTION FARMERSIII BUY AT REASOI'IABLE PRICES - -9"IESL UE - I.M OTOR PIL iuttet twapwAee oi h l "BS-338 1 you For information contact: can OXFAM heîp Worktng With People through Who Are H.Iptng Thomielves OXFAM P.O. Box 18000 SHAREPLAN STN. "A" TORONTO MSW 1W2 Your LOCAL NEWSPAPER NOTICE TO CR EDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of GEORGE H. VI CK, deceased. AIl persans having dlaims against the Estate of George H. Vick, tate of the Town of Whitby n the Regionat Municipality of Durhamn who died on or about the 24th day of February, 1976 are hereby notified ta send particutars of same ta the undersigned on or before the lst day of March, 1977 after which date the Estate wili be distribI:ýted, vith regard onty to the dlaims of whîch the under- signed witi not be liable ta any persan af whose dlaim he shail not then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 24th day 3f Decemnber, 1976. Thomasine Mitdred Vick, The Royal Trust Company, Executors, By their Solicitars, GARDINER, ROBERTS 120 Adelaide Street West, Suite 500. Toronto, M5H 1 T5 ______________________-___a___à ___lu____1.____-___1__ --i KEITH LAWES Managa MWummdsSt W. WhiIb Sole ESTATE SALE - three heavy du ty tarpaulans, rot treated, perfect condition, 12 x 18 $59; two 12 x 5, $49 each;; fishing tackle, box reel, net, box ,fuil of leurs, etc. $18. Cati 668-2548. Whitby Free Pres cail 668-61"i WITN ESSES Anyone having knowiedge of an accident on Hwy. No. 2 at Audley Rd., Ajax, on November 21, 1976 at about 1 o'clock a.m. between '76 Buick and '76 Ford. Please contact L. Kentat 1-233-1191 or after 6 p.m. 1-266-1269. NOTICE TO OR ED ITORS Creditors and others having daims against the Estate of IRENE STYLES of the Town of Wh.itby in the Regional Munici- pality of Durham who died on or about the 26th day of February, 1976, are hereby natif led tu send their fully certified statements to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of DECEMBER, 1976 after which date the Executor or Administratrix wilI distribute the assets having regard only to the dlaims of which then they shall have had notice. DATED at Lindsay, Ontario, this 9th day of OECEM BER, 1976. FULTON, McQUARRIE, HILL, WALO EN, SWAIN & CH ESTER, 14 Lindsay Street North, LINDJSAY, Ontaria K9V MT Solicitors for the Administratrix.