Whitby Free Press, 22 Dec 1976, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER,22, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS WIN ONE WEEK, IN THE SUN FOR TWO - AT THE FABULOUS FREEPORT INN IN THE BAHAMAS *DRAW WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, FEBRIJARY 28/77 -DROP IN TODAY TO FI LL IN YOJR, BALLOT NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! 72 SATELLITE SEBRING + hardtop, 8 cyl., automatic. Power steering, power brakes, radio. White walls. ABE 621. $1499. 72 VOLVO 142 automatic, 2 year warranty. Lic. APT 192. $2095. 73 TOYOTA CELICA ST super sharp! Lic. ETR 228, $2295. 73 VEGA HATCHBACK Terrif ic littie car! Lic. DVC 796. $1299. 72 MAVERICK 6 cyl., autornatic. Very clean. Lic. BUV 307. $1395. 72 PONTIAC LEMANS 2 door hardtop, 8 cyl., automatic. P/S, P/B, white walls, radio, vinyl top. Lic. BZE 631. $1799. PRI CES GOOD UNTIL DECEMBER 29, 1976 683-5840 683-5540 683-5541 1 KINGSTON RD. E, PICKERING c, CANDLELIGHT AND CAR0LS Christmas Day is Satiirday, and for the past weeks, the Cburches of Whitby have been observing the festive season with many special services. This was the scene at St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby, Sunday as the church held its annual evening candlelight carol service. Free Press Photo Pronilnent Whitby lawyer 30 years, Morris Wootton dies in Florida at 75 A proilinent Whi tby lawyer foi 30 yc-ars, Alfred Morris Wootton, died Dec. 16 6 it his wintcr hoile in Dunedin, Floridai after ani illniess of four daiys. Mir. \Vootton, who resided ait 112 Palace St., was 75 yeairs old. 1aiving been born J uly 19, 1901 ait Owen Souîîd, On tari 0. A Soni of the laite Rev. Frank Morrison ~Wotton and H-arriett Louise Frost, Mr. Wootton received his BA degree fromi Victoria College in Toronto, his Bachelor of Divinity degree from Queen's University, a 'nd attended McGilI University and OsgoçQde Mr..Wootton wvas an active Unitcd Church minister for 10O yeairs un til the Second Worid War when he enlisted as a Lieutenant in th-e Midland Regiment. In 1946 he established a legal practice at Whitby, and about 20 years ago took his son John in as a partnier. Mr. Wootton wasnamed atQueen's Counsel 10 years ago. Mr. Wootton was a life mnember of the Law Society of Upper Canada, having been a memnber of the Society for more than 50 years, and was a Paist President of the Ontario County Law Associa- tion. lie was also a memnber of the Whitby Rotary Club and Wlîitby Curling Club, and an honorary memnber of the Ajax Kinsvnien Club. A kecen sports enthusiast, Mr. Wootton wvas president of thîe Whitby Junior A, B and C hockey teais. Mir. Wootton is survived by bis \vife.' the former Grace Lilliai, Simnmons, whorn he mairried at Plainfield, Ont.. Feb. 1 2, 1 930; and'twvo sons, John Wallaice Wootton, of Whitby: and Frank Morrison Wootton, of Renfrew. He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Helen Robbiiis of Peterborough, and Mrs. Jean M Ni affy, of L ke Baptiste. £v1o sisters died previously. Mrs. Edith Mary Sifton and Mrs. Frances Ruth Blakely. The funeral \vas hield fron, W. C. Towvn Funeral Chapel Tuesjaiy, Rev. John iiSnirhtl, of St. Mark's Unite d ChUrch officiaiting. -Interment xvill be in Glenwood Ceie.tery, Picton, Ontairio. New Dcîuocraic Pairty 1 Icailt h (riti Jaîn Duksztaî hais expresscd concern aibouit ai proposcd clostîre of six lieds i n thle aidolk'scen t re siden t iaî unit ai the wWithy Psychiaitric 1 lospi1 i il. Bot h M r. Dnks.'taîaind Jill Su thIerl an d. cornect innail îinstittesc, critic. haîve sent letters to Mar-aiît Bi rchi. provi nciailI sec retairv l(> r Social ICdvelO pîne lit Ireq nes(i i ng ai mîeting oi' the suhject. TFhe prop osail caîl s fnr thle adolescent residential unit in Cottaige Six to becomne entirely daiy-caire aind out-' patien t oriented, resulting in the closuire ni' six beds. Mr. Duikszta statcd in ai letter to Mrs. Birchl that ippi oxiniaitely .35 per cent 1>, the clildreniis uniît clients aire trou> corr-etionail services, tnh)Vnita visit ti the hospit - a efil iiDecenîber. The let ter aisks l'or a ilneet- img to disctîss the subject- bletore Christmais. F ire danger is averted in Hwy.401 fuel oit spili \Vitby e t'ighlters sverc '.Aled out laîst Wedrnesday to ain aicciden t on Ilighsvaiy 401I it thle Witi hy-Pickernîg Town 1Unle to preveit ail'Luel nil fire. Deputy Ciel Ron H aiwkins repor ted thai tait 10: 28 p.în.. ai pit p tainike r tnned ove r on the ciiibinkiiîeiî t, aind spli t open, splliîg 4,200 gallonîsof' A tank tru.ck, puînper aind si-. nienî responded to the callI, and pnured sand on the fuel oil to prevent it froni catching. fire. The firefighiters jacked LII the unker, ri'ghted it and it wvas taiken to i local gairaige. Tvo nmen in thîe cih of the truck wvere not injurc(1 ii the 'accident. Hlealth crities concerned about»six bcd closures 71 LTD SALE PRICE BROUGHAM $995. 4 DOOR HDTP. $33e 93f VERY CLEAN $ ITERET13'/2% RUNS PERFECT. CoST S 221.48 LIC. BCZ 969 m th ly. BASED ON 36 MONTHS

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