Whitby Free Press, 15 Dec 1976, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, DIýCEM BER 15, 1976, WHITBY -FREEPRES'S whitby, Te Voice of the Cou nty Town Teonly Whitby newspaper independently owned*andc ,SERVING OVEIR 28,,000 READERSr Mike Burgess, Publisher-rManaging Editor operated by Whitby residerits for tllhitby resident Publjshed every Wednesday Assistant Editor --lBlake Purdy Community Editor --Brian Winter Contributing Editor - iim Qu-<IJe Production Manager - Marje Burgess by .B..'ýPubishngDisplay Advertising Manager Robin Lyon Marlene Byroin Circulation Manager - Sharon Lyon Box 206, Whiitby.* The Free Press Building Mailing Permit No. 460 121 Brock Street North, Whitby, Ontario Phone 668-6111. DOC does I its part Denis O'Connor Higli Sehool ini Whitby is cer- tainly doing its part ini the fighit to conserve energy. During a recent trip there, a inemiber of the Free Press staff discovered that lighits ini the hialls are turned off when the first period begins and are left off uintil the last period ends. Not to worry. the students don*t have trouble finding tlieir wav to class nor do thev bumip thieir heacts against lockers when looking for books. We hope that other institutions, compa nies and individual households followv Denis O'Connor's lead. We'll miss Ken, Don The Eree Press feels it is unfortunate tlhat Ken 'Hobbs and Don Lovelock will be rissing [romi Whitby Comnil wMien council gets together ini the new ycar. Thev were good coun- cillors and above ail fie men whose absence will fe much îioticed. (Dr. Hobbs is no lonîger- a niember of council as lie lost in his bid to becoime mnayor. Work commit- ments prevented "In. Lo)velock for runningi for ne-election as local and regional coinillor). We wish thein weiI ini teir business lives and hope that they will one day retunn to politics. We also wisli welI Bol) Attersley and Joy Thornp- son who replace Dr. Flobbs and Mr. Lovelock "First afriend', hnahs is a goodi mouto-for Christ(mas Dear Sir:' lere's an ad iiit(Ch rist- mas story froni the Ontario Saféty Leaigtie. The Jolies tanîuily looked forward to their tradfitional Chi ri s tni as hioliday party l'or tludr friends and relatives. Over the years it lIad he- conie ,a1 hîglîlight 'thi lholiday scasonl. Johnl uISu ai y lei un ost Of'the1li planning to his wi te, bu t tbis ycar lie was trou blcdl. A statis'ic hie lad reard stuIck in Ibis inid--uore th an aiqunarter ot ail *tatai' Norm Cafiik to investigate resident's Wintario dilemma EDITOR'S NOTE: Fol- lowing is a copy of a letter from Ontario Rid- ing MP Norm Cafik to Whitby resident Doris Junkîn who tliougbt she had won $10,000 in a September 1 6 Wintario draw but, when she went to cash lier ticket, was toJd that the ticket appearcd to have heen tanipe re d w i tb.i J)ea,.r Mrs. iLinkin: 1 arn vcry pleased (o have had the opportunity ohJ mee(ýting yoLI in yu apartr-nen( in Whitby on Satuirday,'Novein ber 27th along wlth Roni Sproule., l'was dlîsturbed tolecarn of the difficulties yoLI ad in collecting (11e $10,000 from your witininglottery ticket in thie draw of September 16.1 1976. If ail the facts are as stated and 1 believe se, it sceems to me tliat (is injustice must bc corrected. 1 ain immediately comînencing an investigation into the entire matter in the lhope tlîat I can achieve a satis- t actory, resoîltÎin. As of' yet, 1I have not cteriiiined wlitlîer the en tire inivestigat i Io (u IdI bc conduuctcd exclLusively hy iiiy o fficc le inh il iaî sta.,ges or whiiber, in tact. 1 slioultl turnl the whiole niatter over to (lhe O.P.P. 1 wili d iscuss the iatter with tlhe Solicitor Geileral witini the niext clay or su, and deterinie the course of' action wbichi, hope- fuîly, will prodluce the desired resuit. 1 ani enclosing the locuinients (liat you gave (o mne at (baft(mie. We have taken phiotostats f'or our reference pnirposes. Maniyt11a n k sa ga iniiaid w i t b lest pe rsona I goocl wislîes, I ail Vouirs sîincerely, Offlarlo Ki<Iiig au toniobi le accidents Iin- volve cdriniking.andi ainiost hl* foth le divers kil led tcdi ycair 1liad been d rinilk ing. Whiat to (lo about the pairty'? The seasoil to be jolly, a cup of' good clicer. People expected it, and Johin wantecl (o be lîospta'-Ie. île talked il wi th Ami and thiey decided that the slogan ~'Tirst al friend, (lien a lîost' made sense. Af'ter ail, an i açcident thiat iijtred or kilied somneonle on tlee way hiome lronm thieir party WOldc darken tlicir (iîstinases f-or the rest of' tleir days. To be a lîost matthey woldC serve drinks, but to be a trîend meinan t thley WOLd try to kecp everyone be- low tuie critical level wliere driving is inîpaired. Johni and Amiî agreed on tlîîs planl. 1.Silice it's a l)iysiolo- gical ILct Hlia ii. takesthie body abouit ouie> liotir l cliiiia e (liec alco1l i i oi1w drink, (lie' une-to,-- onvie cw wks-- me týdri 11k an hour, or- one hour belore driving for- each drink. And an ounce per drink-no doubles. 2. Close the bar casu ally, wi th no morali- zing) an hour before the guests were expected to start Ieaving. 3. Have coffee ready when the bar is closed, ïîot because it would sober anyone Uip but because it would hiold the guests a littie longer. Time is the ,)iily factor on getting rid of alcohiol. 4. If a guest drinks too mnuch, arrange for somneone els2 to drive hlmii ujorne, or cali a cab. It was a wise plan..and it worked. The Jones' family party was 'a success .. .everyone who attended talked about it for weeks. The Ontario Safety League asks that you follow the Jones plan': First a Friend, then a Host. The On 'tario Safety League is a non-profit, non-governmental organi- zation, dedicated to saving lives throughi safety education. Ontario Safety, league Family Safety Dept. Got a beef,? Let us know Send letters te Box. 206.

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