PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Coming vents ' MUSICAL FESTIVAL FOR SENIORS Organist Ralph Cutting and 'singer Meredith Cutting will provide the entertainment for a "Festival of Music" begin- ning at 8 p.m. on Fniday at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre on the corner of Brock Street South and Pitt Street. Ail senior citizens are welcome to attend and join in a session of Christmas carol singing.' Admission is free and there will be refreshments.' December 1 8 there will be a Chrîstmnas Dance party at Wlîat's ti )f cusimu1on1s witlî bian There's nothing like haVing a cushion or surplus in your Personal Chequing Account to take care of unexpeeted emergencies or opportunities- but at what price? After ail, PCAs don't pay interest. But TD does the next best thing. hno okforgMo chqung For those times that your monthl.y statement shows a constant cushion of $200. (or more) throughout a whole statement period, TD cancels ail chequing charges for that period........... autoïnatically! the senior's centre, withmusic by Gerald Robitaille.' MAGIC SHOW Pitman the Magician wil be presenting a special magic show at the Whitby Public Library.December 29 at 2:30_ p.m. Admi A' Three shown at Station G at 3 p.m. the Lifei ie So if you write a f of cheques No-C hargt could be1 Ask about it at y TD Personal C Account statemeni cover four or five w the last day of ca ch F staternents are checke No-Charge Chequin, No-Charge Chequiný ail TD PCAs ex( Personal Service PI; has a fiat monthly fec ission is free. and Christ as depicted in LRTS FILM Byzantine mosaiCS, and the art films wil be second film 'will feature the tthe Whitby Arts history of mnosaics in the allery December 19 Gïeek, Roman, Sumnerian, . -One will feature Byzantine and Aztec peridds of the Virgin Mary 'There wil also be a film-of * - Christmas at Moose Factory. BAZAAR A stocking stuffer bazaar h wilfbe heldDecember 16 fromn 10Oa.m. to 4p.m. in the lobby of the Durham Centre, Handicapped. Items for sale include crafts, baking, and doflea market articles. Tea and desserts will also be served. AIl proceeds go to the Volunteer Association of the Durham Centre for the Develojýmentally Han dicappe d. NEWC0MERS CLUB MEETS TONIGHT The monthly meeting of the Oshawa-Whitby New- corners Club will be held tonight beginning at 8 p.m. in the Blue Flame Room of fair number the Consumers' Gas Building ;e Chquing on Consumners Drive in' e Cheuing Whitby. Guest speaker will good value. be'Ai Budgell who wilI talk ýornearest about fI&wer arranging. 'our New mernbers are welcome. TD branch. For further information, cal Joan Weir at 579-3636 or Dale Mclntosh at 668-0023. hequing, tperiods COUNTY TOWN veeks. On CHRISTMAS period the The County Town Singers to seewill be presenting their annual ed to ee if County Town Christmas" g appli es. concert at Anderson Collegiate. g includes December 13 and 14 at 8:15 cept TD p.m. Tickets are available at lan hichSchatzmann Real Estate, an whichRousseau Heritage House, or e. at the door. FROG PRINT THEATRE Canada's best known and best loved puppet group, the Frog Print Theatre, will - be appearing at the Whitby Public Library Friday at 2 p.rn. Mothers are -encouraged to bring their kindergarten and pre-school children to this presentation, which is made possible throug grants from the Ministry of Culture and Recreation and the Ontario Arts Council. Admission is free. GM SKI TRIP ONSUNDAY .,~.Emplôyees of General . Motors are invited to go on a ski trip to Hidden Valley in TORONTO DOM IN-ION, the bank where people make the difference M THE CORNERSIONE GI1FT SHOP 1Metai Wall Sculpture 122 Brock St. N." - whitby r MON-SAT 10-6 FFI1 10.9ý Gfts, for People who care1