WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NôOVEMBDER 17',197 6, PAGE 15 \hitbyBusns Local restaurant owner names one of his room-s after old Wlh Nick Angelopolus loves Whitby so much that lie lias named a roomn in his restau r- ant after tlie town. Mr. Angelopolus, owner of Le Clialet Steak House and Tavern at 106 and 110 Dundas Street West, lias named tlie east roomn of his eiglit-year old restaurant the Wlitby Village Roomn. Mr. Angelopolus explains: "Whitby is like a mother to me. 1 liave been successful liere and 1 want to do some- thing for Whitby". Wliat hielhas attempted to do, in sliort, is create an atmospliere which lie be- lieves is simila r to tliat whicli may' have existed when Whitby was just a village: - Mr. Angelopolus hias on display pieces of memorabilia -from Wlitby's distant past. - He lias added ta hiis menu, which previously offered little more than full-course meals, lower- priced items for peo- ple who just feel like, or can't afford anythinig more than, a snack-soups, salads, sandwiches, etc. Mr. Angelopolus hias made these clianges withoiit altering the basic cliaracter of lis restaurant - that of a fine eating establishment, complete with beau tiful decor, easy listening music, iitby Village soft ligliting an d so on. "You have to look after the people riglit", he says. "You treat everyone like a prince or princess"'. To lielp him do, that, Mr. Angelopolus has hired additional staff - a chef, a bartender and tliree waitresses. But, if you tliink that lie is doing this only out of tlie kindness of lis heart, you are wrong,. Mr. Angelopolus is a smnart businessiman and knows that "When people are thinking of a place to eat in Whitby, Whitby Village Roor'n will autornatically corne ta their inmd because of the namne". "You have to know what you're doing in the restaur- ant business", he says. "I know what l'ni doing and 1 love doing it even whenI work 18 hours a day". Mr. Angelopoltis thinks that, when you try the Whiitby Village Roon, yoti'll love it, "This is an Adventure", lie says. "People shouild try it". Fully licensed,, the Whitby Village Roorn is open froni 11amr. to 7 p.rn. Monday through Thiursday and froni 11Iamr. [o 1 a.rn. Friday and Saturday. Tiiere is live entertainmient on Friday and Satuirday. Whitby's Maebelle1 Sevcidk is first woman on' board 1of Housing In.stitute Maebelle Sevcik of 1008 Byron Street South in Whitby is, the first female to be appointed to the board of directors of the Institute of Housing Manage- ment. Mrs. Sevcik, Ontaria Nick Angelopolus, owner of Le Chalet Steak House and Tavern on Dundas Street West, has named one room in his restaurant the Whitby Village Room. He says it is a place where people can enjoy an inexpensive meal in comfortable surroundings. Free Press Photo Housing Corporation Hous- ing Manager for Durham Region, was appointed to the board at the institute's recent annual meeting -in Etobicoke where she re- ceived her Professional Associate 's Certificate. LES MACDONALD'S GIGANTIC DEMO SALE FRIDAT NOV. 19'h 9 A.M. m 6 P.M.ý SATURDAY NOV 2gh 9A.M. m-5 PM DO NOT MISS UT OVER 45 1976 DEMOS MUST BE SOLD 1976 MUSTANG MACH 1 FASTBACK. 302 V-8, automatic transmission, p/s, p/b, rear defroster, luxury interior group, radial ply tires. Lic. KLB 965 Orig. Retail Price $5612. Mac.D. Demo Price $4395. 1976 ELITE 2 dr. hdtp., 400 c.i. engine, vinyl roof, defroster, bucket seats, AMV- FM stereo tape deck, light group, radial ply tires, remote control mirror. Lic. KLB 890 Orig. Retail Price $6863. Mac.D. Demo Price $4795. 1976 GRAN TORINO 2 dr. hdtp., V-8 automatic transmission, vinyl roof, opera wvindows, rear defroster, radio, p/s, p/b, wheel covers, etc. Lic. KLB 809 arig. Retail Price $5891. Mac.D. Demo Price $4295. 1976 TORINO 2 dr. hdtp., 351 V-8 automnatic transmission, p/s, p/b, radio, rear def roster, vinyl roof, accent group, radial ply tires, etc. Lic. KST 377 arig. Retail Price $5442. Mac.D. Demo Price $4395. GRAN TORINO 2 dr. hdtp.. 400 c.i. engine, vinyl roof, power sunroof, bucket seats, console mag. wheels, AM-FM stereo tape deck, positraction, etc. etc. Lic. LBT 141 Qrig. Retail Price $7596. Mac.D. Demo Price $5895. 1976 MUSTANG Il COBRA FASTBACK 302 V-8, autornatic transmission, p/s, p/b, AM-FM radio, luxury interior group, radial ply tires. Lic. KMC 550 Drig. Retail Price $6195. Mac.D. Demo Price $4495. 815 KING ST.W,. OSHAWA 576-1800 THE CORPORATION 0F: THE TOWN 0F WHITBY ADVANCE POLL TOWN 0F WHITBY-MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Take note that an advance poil for the Deoember 6th, 1976 election will be held on "'Saturday Novemnber 27th 1976" 11:00Oam to 8:00 pmn at the Whitby Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street, West The purpose of the advance polil is to enable the persans who are unable to vote on December 6th, ta vote on November 27th, 1976. Dated at the Town of Whitby this l2th day of November, A.D., 1976. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. RETURNING OFFICER and CLERK The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 405 Dundas Street, West, Whitby, Ontario Serve lgroups of 30-50-2001eleý' ~,IoeISanders' only$l.o75 perperson See the manager of your local store for detaîls. OVER 100 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO -SEE VOUA PHONE BOOK FOR THE ONE NEAREST YU x .00