Whitby Free Press, 20 Oct 1976, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, 0OCTOBE-R 20.,1976, WH ITBV FR EE PRESS Helping at election John Frost1 returns to the town hall A i'atwiliar face lias mnade ils appearance in te town hall aftcr a nunîber of years, and will be titere at least until te Deceinber 6 municipal election. John Frost, who served the town of' Whitby lor 47 years as cle rk- Ireasurer and adnîinist ralor, is back on a part-lime basis te assist in the preparaltîons for the elecl ion. Mr. Frost is iucky 10 be back aIt al, f'er lie wvas seriously iii luis suinniier. and spenî inore Ihaît three iniontlhs in te Oshawa Gera Hospitl. H-e got eut Of' hospital on Seplenîber 4. and ail age 75. lie looks very lit despite his ot'devl. Mi-, Frosi was operated on for Cancer et' the Iowei' boel onl May 3 1, and the operalion was stîccessiiii, lie said; but filrlite operatitoit lie mistakenly reccived ait overdose of' drugs, and was readnîttted 10 hospitfal 1kwlte reinainder of'lte suîinier, "Thie doctors said i '11ad a good constitution whichi brougl nie tiirotughi', says f'eiing a lot beller". Mr.1rostls du tics l'or te election icli lie began on1 October 60,mi ode prepai'ing ail lte adverlising l'or the niewspapers. clîccking veters' o lisis, andi taking charge oi'tibc adv-ancc polil )ecemlbcr 4. Siuîce lus tretirement l(in J a ury i971i, IMIr. ['rost lias t akei ont a iti tube r o, et'tci- pela ry jobs l'or local a rea t11inicipa lit ies. lie aclcd as clerk l'o r Eatl Whitby Towniship loi a short tilime in 1971 , and in 1973 lie pre- paired t(lie by Iaws lor thlic îew 'Townvîîof Ajax prioieîte its joitliitg regiotiai geverninco t. M r. Frosti je mcd t he T'owni of' Wtitby staIi'n i1 923 as assistantt clerk-t reaisurer, aid becatuec le rk t reaso rer in 1920. île served ii inta capac it y 1*(r 40 yea rs utn tii te clerk's andti reasurcr's "WeII Worth Looking For" John Frost, former Whitby town cierk-treasurer and administrato'r, is busy checking voters' ists in preparation for the December 6 elh'ctîon. Mr. Frost is assisting the town in its election work on a piart-time basis, as Deputy Cierk Brian Switzer is Ieaving to becomne deputy clerk of Osha a at the end of October. Free Press Photo posi tions were divided ini 1966. AIt ihe tlime ef' aiaigatina ltion iii 1968, lie bccatîtie lte own 's Start the l'al scason with a new liaïrstylc created for you by our trainec professional stylisîs. Whe tliter your liair is long or short, sîraiglit or curiy, fine or coarse, wvc can deveiop a hairstli thal is pertect flor your fhair. GUIDA & DINO0 INSTUTUTE 0F BEAUTY SPI (tIA LIZING IN PERMS ('OLOURING CUTTING k&VINL IMPORTED WIGS FALL ýVolue,eTIME 81c TWIN PACK VIVA PAPER .2TOWELS 71Wh r' Oyant ie, 1 l Losi *Ouilied Sai n Covet oPush-Bution Switch I.D.A - VITAMIN 'C' 100 mg, Tobs tOOs 5 Deluxe VAPORIZER HUMIDIFIER Mode t s 84O9#59 Ait New Designl Provides up I o 0hrs. or Operotion. t.D.A. MULTIPLE VITAMINS c; "'el " DUMETAPP $1 9 EXTENTABSIS 2s 1. CONTAC-C $1.99 CAPSULES 20's (ua ieed ide Meek 91 D'ug luding C. Utd I.D.A. SUPER IDA VîTES MULTIPLE VITAMIN MINERAL TABLET COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES ýmnl COURTICE-ALLIN I.D.A. PHARMACY 117 Brock St. N. 668-2394 Whitby is $159 A'IIDA blond Products Sbld on alt tc d -and n nuncon di,t 'SA TISFA CT'1j O OUMONEORCK * oscole FEVER ,TH ERMOMETER 0e $ 41 rtroductory Celsius Priré! 1 and Fahrenheit Instant loodi Process Doted ta Ensor@ Freshn.sul Quality Color PrintF im $ 23 NoY 0or 126 12 Ep-uO $14PROCESS 100J NLY8 A NEO CITRAN$ A9 ADULI 20's $,4 BENYLN $1.7 9 8 oz. COUGH SYRUP* BENYLN DM COUGH SYRUP 4ioz.$1* 29 STREPSILS 299c Antls.ptic Loienges 2' I SHORT'S I.D.A. PHARMACY 65 Baldlwin St. 655-3301 Brooklin 668-3621 10)9 BYRON S 668-6031 508 Byron St.. S. Whi tby il a.m. Mary Goforth Moynan daughter of Presbyterian Missionary ta China at the turn of this century. Mary was interviewed on the 700 Club this week. She wiIi teli of her recent experience of being spirt fiiled. 7 p.m. Worship and Feliowshîp. "But thou. O Daniel, shut up the words, and sealt he book, even ta the uirne of the end: rnany shall run ta and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." Daniel 12:4 Did Vaw nkîow Daniel named the yea if utClîrist's birth and His He also idwtititi~s JesisS of Notzii tth ctm thet'ttlo Mes-,siaoh! jesu s sid rîtiutrin~till Daî09110, fiwhostî titditli, lot hini tiindrstaîd:' Maittiw 24:15 FOR A FRESH APPROACH AND A CLEAR UNDERSTAND- ING TO THE BOOK 0F DANIEL COME TO 14 LECTURES Beginning Satu rday, Octo ber 23 11:00 a.m. "Who Was IJaniel?" prophet-historian or forger? Does modern evidence support the dlaims of Daniel? Wednesday, October 27 7:30 p.m. "Daniel's Great Risk Which Could Have Ended His Careeri" - Other Topics ln Series- Cen socialismn lead to world government? Who is the reai antichrist? How can the Sanctuary be cleansed today? Daniel 8:14 k.ndalwood Seventh-Doy Advenlst Chwâd Kendalwood Ild. Whitby behind K-Mart VICKS 3 oz.- VAPORUB $1.131h ORNADE SPANSULES 12's $1.39

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