PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, OCTO BER 13, 1976, WHITBY IREE PRESS Milky Way Our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains about 200 billion stars, many of them in clusters of thousands. The galaxy itself takes the form of a disk with a bulge at the center; the diameter of the disk is about 100,000 light years (or, 600 quadrillion mfiles), its central thickness is about 10,000 light years and it tapers rapidly to about a thousand light years near our sun. VJITZ October 20 'and Novem ber 3 ]Beef buying tand cooking topie of two-part'course. The Beef Information Cen tre and the Ontario Cattlernan's Association are jointly sponsoring a two- session course on beef buying and cooking in Whitby. The course consists of two Wednesday evening sessions beginning at 6:45 on October 20 and November 3 in the Blue Flame Roorn of the Consumer's Cas Buildinig, 101 Consumers Drive. Total cest for the t\ve evenings is $2 and, to regîster, intercsted persons should con- tact the Beef Informiation Centre hy mail ut 590 Keele at 852-3132. Mail registra- tions should include a $2 cheque or money order payable to the Beef Informa- tion Centre. The centre is billing this course as an ideal opportunity for consumers ýwho are interested in saving money or wish to know more about buying beef fo r their freezers. Thiere will be cooking, carving and garnishing tips - somnething for ail ages and for men as well as women. The course will answer mnany of tuie questions young cally, and how, to recognize the various cuts of beef. Several other topics wilI be covered and people who attend are invited te ask questions they may, have. Several notable guest speakers wilI take part in the program, including Arthur Buck, head meat cutting instructor at George Brown College and Charles Cracey, Manager of the Canadian Cattlemnan's Association. For further information, cal the Home Economist at -Street in Toronte er Dy phoneC consumers wisti answered - -ursu '1ds b dl ai ozs5j' jI, at 766-2787 or the Ontario rimie-saving methods for the Ontario Ministry cf ArturBuc, eatcutin istrctr a Gorg Boî Ministry cf Agriculture and cheaper culs, heow te enter- Agriculture *and Food or the Cothuge Bucsonefat unL iropr t whorgil eak Food in Uxbridge by phone tain and barbecue economni- Bee 1f Information Centre. during a course o11 beef buying and cooking to be lield October 20 and November 3 at the Blume Flamne Roorn in the ~t ~w Conurnr'sGa Buldig.Cenre ordisturbed etilturen Photo by Rob Cordon, Beef Information Centre SERVE YOUR COMMUNITY The Durham Regional Police Force REQUIRES Interested Persons for Voluntary Police Service With The Durhamn Regional Aux iliary Police Force Applicants Must B3e 21 Years of Age or Over Canadian Citizen Maie -- Minimum Height 5'8", Minimum Weight 160) Ibs. Female -- Minimum Height 5'4", Minimum Weight 110 lhs. For Further Information Phone - The Durham Regional Police Force, 579-1520, ext. 241. opens offiicially on Saturday Durbiain Flouse, a residen- ual1 t reat ienilt centre fo r enet ionaiiy distu rbed child- ren. wiIl he ofticialiy epenied at 3 pn. Saturday b',' lr. (;iliani 1)lîerty , a representai- tive of flic Chiidreîi's Miental 1 leait h Services bra nch cf the (Intario Nlinistry of llealth. WValter Beath. (liaim min of' the 1)uriainîRegion lias bee i invite d Ioeectthelcrihbbn, and t he public is i nvi ted te attend and tour fthc faciity. Durlain lieuse. iecated ai i521 Simico Street North, Osb,\aa is a nmodern brick building wl,îch \vil] previde accnîied ten foer eighit eieot i 11a 1 y I tdisi r be LIch1i 1 dm eni troll) the D i)main Rlei. ('on)istruictîin of Durharn ilotuse was mnade possible due to the generosity of citi/CUs, organizations, service clubs and buisinesses in tttc region. \vhiich raised S 1 00,000 for the project. Anothier $1-00,000 was provided by the provincial government. Thec executîve director of Duirliam lieuse ik Bill Sliephierd, a Whiitby resident, wlio k aIse in charge of a day trealment centre ini the old St.- Bernard's Scliool in Wh1itby. l)urlian ieuotse vas started in 1 970 1w a steeri ng commit- tee liedded bx' Osi.%a's prescrit mavor Jimi Potticary. NIrs. Jean Baker and Nirs, Gertruide Tuicker, wvbo were memnbers of this cemmittee are presently Whlitby's representatives on the board of directors. Durham House began in a rented building in Oshawa and is opening its own facility Saturday, which will be used as a residence. In September 1975 a day treat- ment centre xvas established by Durham Heuse, and in Decemnber thiis day centre. muved fromn Oshawa te Wi iby. Duirhami House is designed te serve the entire Region cf Durliam.i s operated by a priva te b)oard cf directors, and is funded 1 00 per cent by the On tarie Ministry cf Healthl. O nlyafew mo0 working days unlil thie million dollar Prmncial dmaw $5 gels you 5 chancesb at $1 million Halloween night. First drow lareon TV October 3lst. Provincial A better chance for everyone ,ONTARIO LOTTERY CORPORATIOt lu * I <,~ '4,* 4 *i ~. . $,4 4 ~ 4 - 441 4 ,,,,.4 4, lr Sarah "Sally" Macivor Harvey Mintz is pleased ta announce that Sally Macivor has joined his Staff at Harvey Mintz Limited. Sally brings with her several years of experience in Real Estate and invites her customers and clients ta cali ber at 668-8897 (office) or 668-9906 (residence). 122 f13'oc/ eStLr- c5out J, 'I4fiLLbq, (DnLa-rio A lot of people li*ke the Royal Bank for Term Plan Loans. For when it makes good sense to borrow. Should 1 Borrow is a question we ail ask ourselves at one time or another. But now itfs a lot easier to corne up with the right answers. Because the Royal Bank has r)ut most of the answers into a new bookiet called "Snould I Borrow?" It explains how interest and time 's payments work, how ta examine your budget to see wat you can afford, and almost everything else you should take into consideration. Why not drap in today and pick up your free copy. If you have any questions, please corne ý:i--**111see me or one of the staff. ~ ROYAL BAN K . ... ... ...serving Ontario, Frank Bennett Manager Whltby 668-9358 'j