Whitby Free Press, 29 Sep 1976, p. 9

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WlTYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1976e PAGE 9 More l-ot levie 's nee <ded, to de:,velop town parks If Whitby is gohiý to niain-1 taini a good le~ Of 1par1k developmnent, re nionex will hiave to be sut' l-ied fromt lot lovios, Recroati(" i Diroctor Wayne DeVeau sai J 'lwi rsday in a speech toAil Kiwanis Club. Mr. DeVeau reçt0rted tluat only two per cent of sub- division lot levies goes to pay for recroationail',f,' ilities, and rocroation cornes tîthl on the list of prioritios foi these lot levies. "We need a ý,i cater per cenitage of lot levies, so park development %villi not have to bo staged", lho said. Mr. DeVoau reported thatl only $40,000 to S45,000 ini levies will corne to recroation from the new Otter Creek developmont 0on Lynde Creek, north of Dundas Street. This nîay seenm liko a lot of rnoney, lio said, but this year it will cost S25,000 for providing topsoil, grading and seeding in West Lynde's Central Park, wlîich lias been only partially developed since the subdivision wvas built. Mr. DeVeau predicted that by staging park devel- opment in subdivisions over four years as the town is doinig now, it could cost twice as niuch as it would if ail the money required carne fromn lot levies when the park was established.. With 34 new sub- divisions on the books, a lot of new parks will be required, jsaid Mr-.,-DeVeau. "Whitby is very -lucky now in its facilities". he said, "but Whitby is going to be lefi behiiind'. Mr, DeVeau also poiâtcd out that thc town's existing parks have to bc brougit up to standard before the town cati look at providing new parks in subdivisions. "Oneofo our bîggcst criticiznîis is tlîat our- parks are not up to par, but \ve do flot have enough st at'", lic said. Mr. DeVcau said the town hopes to propose soon the developiient (of a parks division. in tlîe recreation departrnent with iîîcreased labor and new nîachiïiery to allieviate this problem. Mr. DeVoau inforrnod tlîe Kiwanis menîbers that the operational cost of parks cornes froi tax dollars, but lot levies are the oiîly way to provide capital funds for doveloping new parks and facilities. If the inoney for these costs canie out of' tax dollars, ho said, the town would have to get, Ontario Municipal Board approval for the expenditures, "and the 0MB says recreation is the lowest priority". The need for new parks ini Whitby is important, said Mr., DeVeau because of the population explosion which will occur in the town. Ho predicted that in the next four years, Whitby's popula- tion growth and we need new facilities", ho said. Mr. DeVeau wont on to describo the rapid growth in recreational facilities and leisure services in the past L six e ars. and Dointed out thiat a professor from the University of' Waterloo says thiere will bo at 32-hiour work week by tie year 2000, increased vacations and retire- ment by age 55. "T'liis will double thie arnount of leisure t iniin a lifetine", lho said. As an example, Mr. IJeVeau reported tliat the înlembershlip in Whitby's new senior citizens centre bas passcd Ithe 300 mîark, and activities will lhave to cxpand ir-to tlie haseient by Clhrist- nias to liandie die increasing use of tie buildinn. Mr. DeVeau pointed out that a large jiumbor of service clubs and comrnunity organi- zations are assisting thie town withi various rocreation pro- jocts, suclh as providing playground equipnhent in parks, reopening the Myrtle Comrnunity Centre, restoring the Brooklin Comrnnnity Contre, and building a nature trail along Pringle Croc k. Ile also stated that flic Boy Scouts are planning to plant I5,000 trocs in die near future along thie creeks in the town. The Scouts arc also active on the nature trait project and have 'proposed a carnpsito on the old Camp X property. Mr. DeVeau concluded hiis commients to the Kiwanis Club witli a discussioni on how thie club could continue its devel- iopnîent of Hîeydenshiore Park. Bob Caspeil of the Whitby Recreation Department hands over the key for the senior citizens' activity centre to Kay Byk, the new program co-ordivtor of the centre, as chairman of the centre board Richard England looks on. Free Press Photo Kay Byk Seniors' comordinator hired Kay Byk of Oshawa, has beeii hired as prograrn co- ordinator of' the Whitby Senior Citizens' Activity Centre on Brock and Pitt Streets. Mrs. Byk, whiolhas vast experience working with people of various agos, admits sho hias nover worked with senior citizensin a professional capacity but says "l'n rather Mrs. Byk has extensive background in public relations and teaching and believes tis will help her in he.r new job. charte red accountants W.A. Q. Se/b y, c.a. B. K. Madge tt, c. a. OficsC.i. Roberts, c.a. R. W. Boler, c.a. Telephones 171 King Street East, Oshawa C. W. Marlowe, c.a. 579-5531 22 Walton Street. Port Hope 885-2335 boler teeo

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