Whitby Free Press, 22 Sep 1976, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1976, WH-ITBY FREE PRESS 1350 Bingo Cards aore FRE EIl AND AVAILABLE AT THESE LOCATIONS: Ajax I ood I1.G.A. at 120) 1 iarvooclAvenue Sou thin Ajax. "liecB.I Gooclrich Store ut I12801 Sirncoe Street North. 3arry'\ Varie ty and IHardware aut 114 Waverly in Ilowinanvllic. DeKoker Mleats on Hlighwvay 11I5 in (irono. At Direct I iln, in the shops up top in the Oslhawsa(Centre. - 'aton', in the Oshawa ("entre, ut the ('ustonmer Accounuk Otllice in the I 055er Level. lred' Fruit Market, R.R. No. 1 in Orono. Ihe Giftt1I use at 18 King Street Lus). 'l'le Grab Ilag ut 21 9 N onquon Roud. lenry Buildal locations in Oshaw.a, Whitby. ('ourtice and Port I lope. Ilome Improvernents Supplies at 221 Valley Road ini Ajax. Jury and LovelI I)rugs, ait locations in Oshaw.a, Whitby and Bowmianvilie. M & S Braeniore Gift & Vuriety ut 377 Stevenson Roud North. Mattress Man in the Lunsdown Plaza ut 1726 Sirncoc Street Nortli A t bo tihM ister Donut locations aut 1(0f Simicoe Street North amd in the King/ Bond Plaza. One I lour Martinizing, ail locations in Oshawa and Whitby. Oshîawa Ski and Sports in the M idtown Mail. Parkway 'Flevision ut 9 18 Simncoe Street North. Iat & Mikcs i ish & ('hips in the 1) & M laza aut losslandl and Iiortop Strects. Pattes Paint & Walpaper ut 85 Siincoe Stree t North and in the Oshawa ('entre. Pickxvick (leaners and (Cardinal ('Icaners at 434 Simicoe St. S. Qun 'IV and Appliances ut 191 Kin-- Street WVest. Ranch Sopermarket at Il 88 Simcou'Streeýt Sou th. ?Ossland Super Save ut 50f0 Rossland Road West. Rundle Garden ("entre at 10115 King Street F'ast. St. Clair lain t ami Walpaper ini the Micitown Mail. Sears in the Oshawva(Centre. Shorty's Cigar Store ut I121 Brock Street North ini Whitby. Sofa Suite ut 133 Tauonton Roud \Vest. A t bo th Tfawco Cieaning ('entre a) 5(01 Ritson Roud South an(] in the Port Ierry 1l>iza Val's Place & Valco ('iothing Limlited at 14 15 King Street ELust. Viseu~ Textiles at 54 Simeou Street North. West Lynn Drive Inn ut 411 lrock Street in Whitby. Wilson Furniture at 20 Centre Street North. P uckrins . oust Pickering ini two hicky 13 games Pickering in two garnes în Novice Girls Lakeshore action. Puckrins nîpped Pickering 13-11i in Pickering. Marlon Verkuyl went the distance f'or Whitby to pick up the wýin; striking out eight, allow- ing eigbit hits, and walking eight. Lori Sbanks was the losing pitcber allowing 1 6 bits, striking out 10, and walking three. Cathy Allun led the "uckrin attack with four hits and five R.B.l.'s; two hits were 'doubles. Laurie Kirkton pounded out three bits, one a double, atid Marion Verkuyl bad two bits, one a srnashing triple. Joanne Gallaghier also had two bits. Single bitters were Suisan Glaspeil, Debbie 1-easlip and Susan Fraser. In the second game, in Whitby, "uý-krins- defeated Pickering 13-8 to advance* to the finals. Marion Verkuyl picked up ber second play- off win, allowing six hits, striking out seven and watk- ing two. Debbie Reinhardt and Marion Verkuyl both had four Iilts, with Reinhardt having two doubles and Verkuyl a triple and a double. Cathy Allun smashed out thre bits, two doubles. Laurie Kirkton hlt a homnerun with Susan Bisseli. Darlene Gallas and Debbie Heaslip adding the other tilts. Western 011 deteated Whiitby Welding 1 7-6 in a suciclen ucatfl game to Wlfl the Sweet Pea Division. Western 011 bats wero hot with Lisa Lintner belting three homieruns, along with Gayle Hay, 'Kathy Forbes and Colleen Creighton also hitting homneruns for Western 011. Diane Peters and Denise Favit hit homeruns in a losing cause. The lineup for the winners was: Nancy Hawkins, Sharon Keough, Colleen Creighton, Lisa Lintner, Elaine David- son, Kim Campbell, Robin Fox, Gayle Hay, Susie Summers, Tracy Morasch, Shari Morasch, Kathy Forbes, Lori D..tnham, Elizabeth Welling. 1'own honors its champions tonight A number of sports teamns and individuals %vhio have acbieved provincial or national bonors during the past year will be presented with recog- nition awards by the Town of Wbitby tonigbl at Heyden- sbore Pavilion. Two lacrosse teamis won national cb am pion ships in 1975. and will receive their awards from members of the town council. The teatns are the Whitby Minor Lacrosse PeeWee C team, sponsored by Andrew Antenna, and the Garrard Road Lacrosse Harilaid Stars PeeWee B team. Two hockey teams, a]- thoîtgb they did not wvin national or provincial champ- ionships, reached the highest - Novices win championship for second consecutive year Wliitby Novices recently won the 1976 Novice "A" Minto Lacrosse Champion- ship for thle second consecu- tive ycar. Wh'itby captured the title wîtb a 7-2 win over Beaches as Jocy Nieuwcndyk scored fou r goals; Bill Callan , two; and Dave D)onaîdson, one. An outstanding perfor- m1ance by goaltender Darren Short kept Whitby in the gante. Credit mnust also go to tbe coach Paul Ravery and manager Don Allain for their great job %vorking witb the boys througbout the sminer. BROOKLIN level t hey could in their divisions. They are the Minor Atomn Ahl Star team, sponsored by Whitby Mail Florists, and the PeeWee B All Star team, both of which won their league and playoff championships. The awards , presented tonight are not confined to sports alone. Two Brooklin girls, Janet Hill and Linda Lawson, received the Canada -Cord, the highest award in the Girl Guides. Also, George and Ann Sonley and Wilma Guthrie, members of the Brooklin Junior Farmers, won the Junior Farmers' provincial square dancing champion- ship. The town is also honoring Mrs. Flora Lott, who received a special achievement award froru tbe provincial govern- ment for her contributions to lawn bowling and sports for senior citizens. m WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVE TEAM (ALL-STAR) TRYOIJTS IROQUJOIS PARK ARFENA - $1.50 Per Session Sat. 25th Sept. Sun. 26th Soept. 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. - 7: 10 p.m. - 8:20 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:10 p.m. 9:20 p.mn. 10:30 p.rn. 7:15 a.m. - 8: 1 5-a.m. 8:15 a.mn. - 9:25 a.mn. - 10: 25 a.m.- 11:35 a.m. - Sat. 2nd Oct. Sun. 3rd Oct. Tue. Sth Oct. Wqd. 6th Oct. Thur. 7th Oct. Sat. 9th Oct. 9:15 a.r.. 10:25 a. m. 11:25 a.m. 12:45 p.m.n MIINOR BANTAMI MINOR MIDGET MAJOR MIOGET JIJVENI LE NOVICE MINOR Mi NOR MAJOR MAJOR PEE V'EE ATOM PEE WPEE BANTAM 10Qyrs. 13 15 16 17 & 18 yrs. 7& 8 yrs. il 9 12 14 Same as Sat 25th Sept. Same as Sun 26th Sept. 5:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.- 7:10 p.mn. - 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:20 p.m. 8:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.mn. 9:40 p.mn. -10:40 p.mn. 5:00 p.mn. - 6:00 p.mn. 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.rn. 7: 10 p.mn. - 8:20 p.rn. 7:50 a.mi. - 8:50 am. 9: 00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. NOVICE MINOR PEE WEE MIAJOR MIDGET MINOR MIDGET JIJVENI LE MINOR ATOM MAJOR ATOMI MIINOR I3ANTAMI MAJOR PEE WEE rMAJOR BANTAM _ -~-' Ail players trying out for Representative (Ail-Star) Teams must be ra.gstered f irst. 91ecempts must be presented at try-outs. Ail players must have a Social Insurance N4umber.

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