Whitby Free Press, 15 Sep 1976, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDALY, SEPTMBER 15, 1976. WfiITBY FREE PRESS Fpree -Autos 1976 DODGE VAN 318 autornatic, chrome wheels, conipletely donc up, sink, fïidge, etc. Calil655-3149 after 6 pa. 1967 PONTIAC - two door hardtop, body in good condition, special price. Cali 668-7279 after 5 p.mi. Price $300. 1974 CAPRICE CLASSIC - fuliy equipped, $4,000. 1966 PONTIAC - twvo door, V-8, powver stcering, power brakes, $400. 1971 VAUXIIALL, PARENSA SL - good condition, $650. Cali 668-8957. 1973 FIAT 128 STATION- WAGON- excellent condition, wîill certify, 36,000 miles. $ 1,650 or best offer. Cati 668-0307. 1967 MUSTANG CONVER- TIBLE - 302 V8 automiaic, body good, certificd, $695. Cati 579-3648. 1969 METEOR RIDEAU 500, V-8 automatic, pis, p/b, reccnt cnginc tuncup, and brake overhiaul.S$350. Cali 668-7314. 1974 DODGE CULST'ONMVAN miany cxtras, S2,750. Cati 683-2968. 1971 TOYOTA 1200 $650 as is or best oft'er. Cati 579-1888. 1964 CHIEVELLE - six cylinder, standard, in rurnning condition, uncertified, $150. Cati 655-4498. 1966 FORD- convertible, recent pain t and body work, nen top. runs good. askinge $650 or best offer. Cati 668-Ž485 after 6 p.m. 1967 DODGI ALR two door biard top., very decan, in good ruinniiîîo condition. $250 as is. ('ait 66 8-9870 after 5 pmi. 1972 OLDSMOBiLI'-. 88 - good condition, $1750. 1972 FORD, $750; 1966 E-cono'ne Van, $550. Cali 579-0233 or 725-7449. 1966 F:ORD VAN -ncw tic rod ends, tront and rear cylinders, front and rear brakc shinc.s, cmergency brake, front end alignment, complete tune-up, am-fm tape player, vcry good running condition, ccrtified, $700. Cali 668-06 10. 1968 CFIEV IMPALA recent paint and body work,good family car, Iow milcage, askirig $850 certified. Cati 668-2485 a fter 6 Y).m. Il)-"-'GRAN TORI NO SPORT - pn%,,'. steering, power brakes, 351i N ' am-fm radio, asking $ 1,975. :îItl 668-9805. 1964 3/ TRUCK - mniles, good be seen at Whitby. TON GMC PICK UP new motor, 6,000 for parts, $250. Can- 1201 Brock St. S., 1965 FORD MERCURY VAN - as is, $350 or best ofl'er. Cati Tom at 668-9860. 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS - automaic, power steering and brakes, radio, snow tires, vo'ry low mileage, $2,900. Cali 668-i1134. 1949 CHEV 'ATON PANEL one owner, 44,000 original miles, needs somne bodty work, $400; Votkswagon VW TR AILE R HITCI't, $20. Cali 668-8376. 1965 RAMIILER ('LASSI(' V-8, asis, $100. CatI623-2043. 1971 F'ORI)- powcr stcerirug & brakes, radial, good condition, $400. Cati 668-5318. 1975 BJi('K SKYI.AIK 15,0<10 miles, latciutack, powcr stecring, io>wur brakcs, radie, excellent condition, $4595. ('alil 668-5767. 1972 GiRAN 'TORINO V-8 -ngîne, grcen wvith back vinyl top), 31 700 or bcst tfflen. ('al M5-340)6. 1967 DI)lXit'. î>U.ARIS 2door bardtop, verv deuan, in .Iood running condition, $450 as is. Cal] 668-9870) ater 5 p.m. 1966 FORD 1) F>IRLAINE, . :oor sedan, 289 V-8 n-I',on, n fair running condition, tncertifted, $175 or best offer, »Ial1 668-9167. Press Ao% mm. J% 1974 BUICK APOLLO- power steeýring, powver brakes, low mileage with safety -checçk asking $3,200, owncr selliing because he necots a 1/ ton truck. Cati 985-3393. 1971 MAZDA - 616 Coupe standard, radio, tecluometer, $500 or best offer. Cali 668-0463. 1964 CiIE-VE.-LLE ,SS --six cytinder, buicket seats, fluor console, good tires, bodly and iiiterior iii lair condi tioii, $200 tirin as is. Cati 728-3992. 1961 FORD FALCON - 2 door, autonîatic, 6 cyJindcýr, good runiiing ordcr, 3 1,000 'riginai îmiles, $50)0. ('al 668-5815. I NTER ZN ATIO0N A1, S COU'T il t973, 34,000 miles. pien ty tof optionîs. l'ouir'ssliîeei drive, poss er steering, powser brakes. au toinatic transmilission. positractioiî rear ceni, air condi tiolner. îiu.radiais, Ioeko- ni'atic Iree-\viîeel luibs, roof rack, $4,695. Caîli 72-1-9 i 13 aiiytîiic. 1967 VW B 1,"FIi 300 as is. Cati Res. 728-0253 or Bus. 668-4 185. 1974 FORD CUSTOM PICK UP - 360 motor, radio, cab for back, also wooden box, $4,500 Calil668-0705. 1972 RZENAULT 12 - excellent condîtioiî, certil'ied, coînpteteiy overhacîicd, radfio, cassette deck. radlial tires, S t1,.1t0. Cali 723-0985. 1967 I'I'i'OR l'ORD1)ne w pain t aîîd body 'vork. ruils good. asking $400). ('ait 668-2485 atcr 6 j). ni. 1965 PONTIAC' WAG;ON au tomatic, 283, pow~er equ tpped, $250. (Cani be sen at 1201 Brock St. S., Witby. 1967 VOLKSWAGON F'AST- BACK - as is $200. Cati 576-6592. 197(0 PLY MOUTI 1 SATE LI'TE - four door sedaiî. six cylinder, in running oroler, as is $300. 'al 668-87 12 or 668-6 260> tatter 6). -Two SNOW TIRES w ith rims, Uniroyal Win ter P ide, '78-.14, new, $55. Cati 655-3879. REAR BUMPIER l' or 1975 Chev- Van, painted. excellent condition, $30;PAINTED GRILL, for 1975 ('hev Van, $30; 4 chrome TRIM A.NGS, fit 14"' wheeis, new condition, $20. Cati 655-3183. TIRE'S- 650-13, 2 for $15, Catalytic HElATE'R, $8; holding tank for boat, $30, table top -RANGETTEF, $20; Cooking surfacu -tnit, $ 1 20. Cati 576-6592. TIRES- 4 nevv, Goodyear, D70-14, blackwalt, $120, for compact or intermediate car. Cali 668-8544. 1973 BA('K condition, 725-1174 5 P. M. VE:(;A G'i IIA*I'('ll- autoiTialic. good asking $ ,495.('ail1 or 668-8928 alter F-our L78x 15 on 1'orolfive-stud RIMS- $20 cach:; one (Cooper MS ollroad tire on a whitc mnag rin $50; one Mycrs plrnv moutiting kit l'or t" (00, $ I10. ('att608-6<08<), 'four-a-Hlomne I972('AMPER for pick-up truck, sleeps 4, lots of cupboards, sink, place t'or fridge, no stove, vcry goot conudition, $950; 2 JACKIS, $100 or lîest offer. 'ai1655-30<16. GET UN ON THE WHITBY MARKETPLACE (AIL 668-6111 Laii tbu-blil NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you soli! There will not be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advcrtised is sold. When tlîe advertiscd item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVEÎÎTÎSED PRICE as ilustratcd below. AIt advertiscîncnts must be pîaced on an exclusive basis svitl'>thle WH-ITBY FREF PRESS ':.rd "-un at Ieast one m'mtbni if not sold. RATES (if article is soîdl): 5% of adverlised price up to $i10000 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLI: Sold itemuîaotvertised for $5000 - comnmission duc 52.50 (minimumîîncomissioi îis$1.50) Irivate advertising onty! P!ease iiotit'Y us if you find a retailer iisted as a priva te advertiser. Please îîotify the Whitby Free Press inîediatciy wlîen itemuî s sold so that wc iîay delete it l'ron <lie floiig issues. Services, lp wanted, ciothing, reai estate aild personal message type ads can only bc handied on a prepaid h)asts, If in doubt, cati 668-6 11 1 MAIL ALL Ai)S TO: IVRET PR ESS EMPORIUM P.O. Bex 206, Witby The deadline l'or cemporiumi ady ik the Mcaiday at noon. Furniture1 C'OI'l grcy, tw(i scat, vcry good Coîi.ition, '-75. ('ai bc 'ccii a t 1i,' t ;r(ccli St. or('al 668-55,t1i iftcer 4 p.m. I X'fNSION TAI~jlI'- ssainut, ciosed. 37- \ 2('". iopen 37" %ic:ivcs. 37" x 70,'.$75; chiid",ý bcd. toidine ,typc. -1î" \ .52-'with ii trcss, gond condition. S30): roliasay bed. 30"-tte. :four kiîciîen or bar so~.24" ifib, One Illcti. $7:. beige rite. i1 '4-' \ 10'. neecds t i 3 5: tV\ o burncr Ntove.. cicctric. 22() vol( t bcavv du k'. 2 5-' iieh \% i ti sieit. lit) ovcîî. S 15. (':ll 655-386(). R LI(; ýicri lan liard t\vik t, 12' by i18'. honce gotd.,ccIt:nt1 condition, S90. ù('au 655-3721 wood'îi iîcad & foot board, spring & ittrcss tîîcioîded, $25: clic,,'dra'vers, $30.: dressecî with mîirror, S35; xardrobc l'or single îîerson or chilits roomu, S45. t'% o living monr.îor rec i coino r,,( bcdroom chairs, S 1C & S 15. C'ail 668-9009. Sn~owmobiles, Trailerso etc. TRAILER svbeels, $75. after 6 p.m. (BOX) --16" Calit668-6779 21' CABIN C'RUISER 4 cylinoler, 60 tiorseposver, irbound, completeiy redone inside & outside, rcady for Iauinching, $3500 or best offer. ('aIl 668-1252. OUTBOARI) JIohnson 3 horse, condition, $125. aftcr 5 p.m. MOTOR - good running ('ail 668-506t) 16' Fibregtass covered RUN- ABOUT1 25 fip OUTBOARD. gas tank, battery electric stant, as ks, bcst offer over $350>. Cl' 668-8957. 1973 RUI>PIIIULSTILER -- 12" wliccls, --ood condition, asking ','250);I12' plywood boat, mîade tast year, senii--V bottoin, asking $l10. ('ait 655-4616. 15S foo t i10 U S ET'RAI LEU 1968, conîpicte witil reese litch, slcep .6, lots of storage, portable toilet, propane fridge &I( stoave, one I12 x 9 kitchien ten t included, $ ,50<). (aIl 1-705-27 7-2790). (;O-KART 11)73 Buig Sicewinder, otuet eîigincs, fuel in1jection, $6<0< or hcst offer. ('ait 668-5432 ask for Rob. R OW BOATF squtare S ternvoooh, su iitahbcl' or sium t iooto)r, $50 or tîest oller. ('aIl 668-2253. 1973 SCAMPER 'IRAILER 16 feet, $2,800. ('an be scen at 385 Lorindle Dr., Oshîawa. SOLDI!! Ies eta tli,/cliiiîngcta bic $40.:îe cora ted basrie t te. $25: pliayieluiats. orilgiit ilbox, $20. anijtivu wosodcn eradie. $SI 25. :Icectrîeic og & gratc. $25: tîranLe & void osovcîu orapcs%. 8' \ 7', 56<): i'el .:tlo ci toiu nmadele nd dJr apes.I1 '\8'. S t Ut> 0: uv a1 b atb bath toit). $2' : î!i diîor piii. $2: large dJi ap1,1 r pîii, $2: rigd :inî & îi'J iii pap:os. $ 10: p)ýt;î t h t'c' u' '); ,%S2:. il & W portabhle I 'l S 25. fouir re iii ng ton raoila t ire-,,i lý 1 14 toîbcess - 6 phv ovuacor ray an, S6t): new ,xkoe !oi ýarrîir. ;):iockei. top' baîr. îitîtiar aliiiîinuiîî. co aic,îe 6 1p:' r sks.SI2: coloniali ce 1iw lia iei t t'i tiire, $2-'. (ail 608- i 86-2. t iv.' iiiece Kll'.1N SET lie lit grue. S 35: Lloeyd stroiicr o tt c:înopy, $S210, 48" oide nmetat coat rac'k on casters s iluliat & stîoeck-.. 14.('ait 5'76-77 _)7. 131,1) ('HlES1'EýR!:1E12) - 3 nio)nthb ioid, Bevertey mattrcss, plus chirome fr;ine, tintcd glass end ta.'a.e, hougit J'or $500, wiIi 'Iîl l'oi $300. ('ail 655-4 101. DRE-SSER1% - witu six drawers, and mirrors, $45; four 'RAWER CFIES'i', $35; contincni. I BED, 54" co"nplete wîtiî hcadboard, boxspring. mattress, $60; auto- matie radin conîbinatiou radio 8-track car stereo, $45; Cati 723-7147. ('RYSTAL CHANDELIER - svth 24 liglîts, $100; LANTE-RN, $25; GLOBE, $20, ail good condition. ('ail 668-0524. " Kingsize BEFI) & S Tii'E L ,FR AME '-înattress, $175; gas primas 3 buir' ýr stove, for camping, $50. Cati 579-0757. Uphiolstcred CHAIR unfinislied, $25; Cati 725-121 1. Beautiful antiqtue taIlCH-INA BUFFELT - targe glass front, inediuni honcywood would match colonial, $500 firrn. Calt 668-9792 atte'r 2:30 p.m. (10 'i 1 520; pole 1,amp, tiffaîîy styie, newo, $25; air condi- tioner.i 1,000)BTworks, $50; seven picce mielon paîttern silver te:î %et, o scot twice, i'roiîî Birk's, $200; o'opper craft, iionaco inirror se t, \vi tii watt sconces, newo, $40: back & wvhite, large ('li rrywooot conîsole 'IV, $20, inot working; two an tiqueî washstands, $60: sniall portable l & W TV, working, $2)); ('ait 668-6567. Victorian C'HAIR - set ot' 6, in gootl condition, askîîîg $70 cacli, woodcn stove, $50. CaltI 668-8376. Swivci ROC'KER - grecti-bl'.î colour, $55; one bueket CHAIR, leather, orange colour, $20; one sectional kitciîen SUITE, Icatherette, one yt'ar old, $155. Cali 668-9520. Junior BEI.)- ithi attress, $20; etîronie TABLEI, with fouir chairs, $20; SWIMMING POOL, cverything includcd but tining, $300 or best offer. Cati 655-3583. RUG - 9 x 12, golt shag, perfect conodition, $100. Cal 668-1618 after 6 p.in. CANE BOTTOM CHAIR- ref"inisiied, $35; aise a smail cane bottomn chair, $25. Caîl 655-3768. Wringer washing MACHINE, - $25; lawnmiowers, $10 & $15; roorn' divider, large, brand new, $25; carpeting for 13 steps, green, undcrpadding, $ 25. Caili7 25-1211. STOVE - 30 inch, good ce.n- dition $75; space HEATER $60. Cati 668-6750. WASI-ER & DRYER - 'apartmrent ize, $100; cemnent Iauindry tubs witb stand, $45; dehluridifier, $75. Cali 668-I1134 evenings. TELE VISION - 1 & W, 19", $35; RADIO, AM-FM, record player, TV combination, 21"5 screen, $50., CaI1668-6260. WASIIER, DRYI:'R, FRIDGE, STOVE _,aimost new, asking $ 1,100. ('ail668-4652. ADMIRAL BLACK & WIJITE TV .'loor mode], excellent receptioîî, picture tube & perfor- nuance. ideai for rec room, bcd- rooni, second T'1V etc., $50. Cal 668-9771. AUTOMATIC WASHER - $250; Frigidaire, $250, both arc in excellent condition. Cali 668-027(1. SCM E--LE--CTRIC BROOM -- $6; PORTABLE iAI'RD)RYE-,R, $4. ('MI 723-0855. Bi & W TV--1 Ostîasva, ('atiîoiic skirt, like, ne\w, 725-t1211. (Console, $65; itiglu Sehlool $10. Cail Singer SEWING MACHINE - ' with stool, $165; STEREO èomponent set, with wooden stand, $210. Caîl 985-3393. iIEAVY DU'fY SPACE IiE-ATI'.R - $4-5. Cati 579-0757. Westinghîouse î)RYER - electrie, recentiy recondition only $80. Caîl 723-0722. EMERSU>, TV SET ". ýitti radio, record player, in good condition, $80 or nearest olier. Cati 668-7446. MINI WASHER, used twice, $49; bicycle EXERCISER, $80; china CABINET, glass both sides, $80. Cati 668-6078 or 668-4377. s'rE-REO - Hitachi, 302 neceiver, TEAC 160, cassette deck, pioncer turnitable, 2 RST speakers, $600. Cail 723-2351 any time. White SEWING MACHINE - zig-zag, buttonhoier, like new, $70 finm. Caîl 723-1l)02. Airway sanitizer VACUUM CLEANER - diffcren. attach- ments for polishing, shampooing, vacuunîing, etc. The cost w'îs $3ý9.50 oili seil'for $200. CalI 668-8957. TV CONSOLE condition, Adniral, B Caîl 668-8580. good &W, $50. 36,000 B'IU 3 ton Fecdders AIR CONDITIONER- 3 phase power 208 volts, $375; 71/2hp), 1974 outboard miotor sea:'sniodet new, $2150. Cal 985-3542. BELACHI('OAL & WOOD STOVIi - witli oven, aind hot ovter tank, wshite enanmel, good condition, $125. Cali 668-3630. STEREO AM-FýM radie, 8 track tape player, record player, built in anmplifier, cabinet size, 53" lonug by 18½" oide by 27" iîigt, $1 50 complete or $100 wvitioout 8 track. Cati 263-8145 or 723-2426. Ilcavy duîty SPACEHEFATER - wittî 45 gallon ' drumn fuel reservoir, $30; Spitfire u-controî FLYING MODEL AIRPLANE, uscd once boit still as new, $10. Cali 668-7014. OIL SI>ACE H-EATER- witlî 45 gallon druni, $50; fruit joicer, nearly neov, $15; tvo bear traps, l'or cliain toading, îoads on truck, $ 1<0.('ail 7 23-3164. 13ABY iiattress $40. Cal C'RIB -svitlu anid extenîsionî 668-5554. lic'v hans, TV - 23" Admirai B&W, $75; 8 track car STEREO, $20; B.S.R. Turntable with dustcover,, $30; men's blue split leather COAT, size 40, $40; DAVENç PORT, brand new tuxedo style' in beige olefin, $190; Al items in excellent condition, must sell,' best offer accepted, cati 668-0856. KenmoreautomaticWASHER - in good condition, moving to an. apartment, $125. Cati 668-5745. Singer SEWING MACHINE - zig zag, 10 years old, in wooden cabinet, excellent condition, $1 25. Cali 668-6598. AGS STEREO CASSETTE TAPE - 120 volt recorder & player, $75. Cail 668-1297. WHITE SYLVANIASTOVE - four burners, good condition, $60 or best offer. Cail 668-7546. DRAPES - 150 x 90, newly ctcaned, orange, gold & black nîu icolours, $40; bedroom drapes, 72 x 63, iilac, mauve, green, floral, fuily 'ined, 2 years oid, :S-v:y cleaned, $30. Cail 839-7774. BALL BQ - ex:cellent condition, $15; Lawnmower, $25. Cali 728-0664 after 6:30 p.m. P>ROPANE HEATER - îewv, neyer used, $45. Cati 728-2280. DRYER - INGLIS, $150, ('ail 723-8414. TWO RANGETTES - $35 for one, $30 for the other; table and six chairs, $15; fridge, $30; coieman lamp, $3. Cal 655-3961. C'OTTAGE STOVE - $15; bird cage, $40; hockey equip- ment, duffle bags, hockey pants, $25; bed, good condition, newv mattress, single, $125; rug cleaner. $15. Ca11 668-0920. Portable WASHER/DRYER - in good condition, needs sonue repairs, $25 or best offer. Cati 668-7323. WRINGER WASH-ING MACHNE - good condition. $25. Cati 683-6638. Servet REFRIGERATOR - with cross tpp freezer, Kenniore 30" range witb lift off door, $125. Cati 668-3889. Musical SPEAKERS - 8" with vizzer cone, 8 ohms, brand new, actotai pricî $18 only $10; BOW '& ARROW SET, Ai condition, re tait $15 oniy $8. Cati 668-6790 after 4 p.m. GUITAR - Like new, vinyl case and picks ýinchîded, $40. Cal668-3447. GUITAR & AMPLIFIER - Goitar is a copy of Lasp.,tl custoni. Amplif-ier is a Sonax 720G with two 10"' speakers, asking $225 for pair. Cati 668-4730. PORTABLE STEREO COM- PONEýNT STAND - on casters, $10. Ca1i1655-3167. -Dual 1218 TURNTABLE - base & dust cover inciuded, lias au tomatie siu toff & an tiskate, audio tecchnica cartridge, only uscd for two iionths, $230 finm. Cal 668-3015 aftcr 5:30 p.mi. TRAîNER GUITAR MADE AMPLIFIER _ in good condi- tion, $200-. Cati 655-4120 ask 'or Dave. SPEAKERS- two large 16", app)roxiinate ly 3VA 1hib con tinr ]Emporium Applicinces

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