PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1976, WHITBY FREE PýESS w U) z w w cc w "w cc r Jo Pyraid ower work says Whitby resident Bill Emmerton relaxes under his handmade pyramid in his backyard at 1701 Dufferin Street. The Whitby resident helieves in pyramid power. Free Press Photo By BLAKE PURDY Staff Writer Bill Emierton believes in pvramid power. lHe lelieves that, whien placed on a pyramnid energy generator, cheap 'booze becornes good booze, a strong cigarette becomes a milcf cigarette and bitter coffée becomes better coffee. Mr. Emimerton of 1701, Dufferin Street in WWhitby assures tiS tliat eithier he or somcone lie knows has tried the experiments with satis- fying resuits. One of his favourite experiments is to set a piece of mneat on the generator. Rather than putrifying, the meat mnummyfies - it doesn't rot, it only turns rock hard. Mr. Enmerton's favourite trick, thoughi, is to sprinkie plants witli water which hias sat in a container on the generator. It helps tremen- dously in the growth of the plants. "Pyramids preserve dead Super Brazier Sale Thursday & Friday, September 9 & 10 Super BRA71IER is flot for smaii appetites. It starts with a hait pound of ail beef ... two 1/4 lb. patties stacked. We add cheese, piekie, mustard, and BRAZIER* Sauce and tuck it in a toasted sesame bun. lt's a lot to like at a very, iow price .. . atali participating DAIRY QUEEN* BRAZIER stores. Reg traîdemark cafiadian trademark office- American DAIRY OUEEN Corporation 'w" brozier OFFER AVAILABLE AT: 1003 Dundas Street East, Whitby 1335 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa thiiigs and enhanice, living things", he'says. ButI Mr. Emnnerton and mout otiier pyramid enthLisi- asts don't know wliy-not booze goes down easier, why cigarettes taste- milder, why meat doesn't putrify -or why plants reacli skyward. Nor docs hé know why certain statistics on the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt somnehow correspond exactly with certain aspects of the l-unar cycle. "And rnaybe there is no *one around who can tell you what pyramid energy is but, if it works, use it", says Mr. Emimerton. "When you're aware of it and you know it works, you should use it". And you should here somne of the things people use pyramnids for. Some use them to relieve minor aches. Others use them to enhance the colour of paint. Somne use themn to- win hockey games. Others use them to sharpen razar blades. But, one of Mr. Emmerton's favourite stories is the one about the lady who left her Wintario tickets' on a, pyramid with the hope of striking it rich. Despite the numbers of people presently usîng pyra- mids, Mr. Emmerton, 'a retailer, still is not satisfied. "l'd like to see riore people using themn", he says, "4 iot s0 l'Il make more nioney but so that people will becomie more aware of thc energy that these things have". Mr. Esmerton stresses the fact that a person need flot go out and buy a- pyramid bea ii aking '-onei, s relatively simple. Drop him a line at Box 503 and he will give you alI the info you need. Oh, about the lady with the Wintario tickets. You can stop laughing now. She hcld two winners. Fash ion show Sept. 15 The Whitby Jaycettes will be hosting a farnily fashion show "Back t o School '76" on Septemiber 15 at 7:30 p.m. at Henry Street High Scliool, Whitby. 111 The Show will feature back-to-schocol and faIt fash- ionis in a \vide range of suzes for ehildrein, teens and adults. Tickýets for S2.50 caci, which inciuîdes ref'resliments an d door prizes. For tickets and more information C aî11 668-0482, or calltie Free Press office.,(t68-6 111. Whitby Arts director is speaker Linda Paulocik, director of Whitby Arts I nc. xvill be the guest.speaker at flie Septem- ber meeting of' the Whitby Cham ber o 'f C ommerce, Monday at the Hatcli Ilouse. Miss Patulocik will ouffine the function of' Whitby Arts in the conlrruity aînd taI k about soute of' the organiza- tioni's upcoming.- events, at the meeting, which begins at n oon. Anyone interested in attcniding is asked to confirm reservations witlÉthe Chamiber by calling, .68-4506 by Can the Devi really possess us aga nst Our w1Il> s the 0ev, oi, man i n l ,orrs is ft ci the. Div t There is an answer Now aur cornnunity hts invtted a mai with the answers. Corne and hear the startling Biblte tacts 1 1003 Dundas Stre-ê-t'Ë-'ast, Whitby 1335 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa