WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1976. PAGE 15 it's entertainment Cablecasi Listings Progranis f or Wednesday, Septenmber lst, to Tuesday, September 7th, 1'976, on Cablecast 6, serving Oslhawa, Whitby, Bowmianvillc and Brooklini. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. I 2:30 Junior Olympic Com- petition froni Civic Fields 4:00 O.F.F.A. Openling Cere monie s 4:30 Whitby Then and Now, with Brian Winter& Jim Quail 5:00 .F.F.A. Parade Coverage 6:00 Whitby '931 ', a Fire Prevention Series 7:00 Rescue, with the 7th Day Adventists 7:30 Sign Off Whitby author conduets story hour THURSDAY, SEPT. 2) 2:30 Junior Olynîipic Comlpe titioni 4:00 County Town Singers in Concert 5 :00 Cari ival I ligilighits 5:30 O.F.F.A. Convention Opening 6:00 Coinmunity Law 6:30 Whiitby '[rade Fuiir I lighilighits 7:00 Rescue 7:30 Greek Panorama 8:00 Sign Off FRIDAY, SEPT. 3 4:00 Whiat Does thie Say? Bible 4:30 Wiîtby '[hieu &.Now, 5:00 Vilaitalin 6:00 Wliitby RZepor4, witlb Blake Purdy & Steve Por te r 6:30 Sign OIf MON DAY , SEPT. 3 Cioscd tfor the I lolidaty TUESDAY, SEPT. 7 2: 00 Miss Cotinty Town Carn-iîval i lighilighits 3:00 Whitby Mock Counceil Meeting for 1976 5:30 Shialomn 6:30 Vita I tali mua, with Ercole Foresta 8:00 Sign Off NOTE: Ail programs subject to change without notice. Violinist cornes to ibrary Maurice Solway, an inter- nationially.acclaimied Caýnadiani violinist will perlorni and show bis award-winning film 'Thie Violin" Sept. -13 at the Whiitby Public Library. The prugrami will liegin a t 7:30 p.mn. in the couincil chiairbers,\vitih f'ree admnission. .Mr. Solwav xvas hum iin Torontoe and ubtaîined Ibis baichelor of' NItisic de,,.ree :t tbe Universityv ut'VToron tuto After his debut in Br-ussels and a stuccessinl ELuro(pean Sept. 23 tour, lie retturned to Canada and appeared in recilals fromn coast 10 coaîst. In 1 947 lie lfuunded thbe Solway st ring quarte t, one of' Canada's linest ensembles. 11n addi tion tu giving concerts lie is a ý,îolîi, composer aînd teacbir Mr. Sulw \ is curning te \\'iîlbs' thrlii th l e co-oper- atioli ut Iic Central On tario l<egiona l iibi il NSystcm . tlie \V itb\, i blîc Library and Outrea b Ontanrio. Sept. i, Beginning Sept. 11Ilite Whitby Puiblic -1ihrary's story bours will resuime for ail ebjîdren of school age. Three- special programis are to be fcatured during September Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. On Sept. 11 the session will be conducted by Mrs. Berta Hosmner, author of the children's book "Stories by the Fireside", Mrs. Hosmer is a Whitby resident. Sept. I18 there will be a puppet show, "The Musicians of Bremen"; and on Sept. 25 there wilI be a series of musical ilrns. Registration for the fal session of preschool story hours takes place during the week of Sept. 27 by calling the children's librarian at 668-653 1. Story hours will begin Oct. 12 and 14. Kern ot Amateur Houir Tonight Next \Week Kent County Pickers j ARI THE FINEST VARIETY SHOW IN BANDS LOCKERBIE iERGA MOORHO Heads Up! Summer's Here '4 Summer slump? It's time to climb out. We have the boosters. Shape-up specials. Conditioner. Color. Cut. Look cool as a breeze. LAC CONTESSA BEÂUTY LOUNGE e-nco OOKO 1 119 G~reenl bI. bDD,9ozéU CONCERT FOR YOUNG AND OLD Two local youngsters got front row seats at a recent concert by the Whitby Brass Band at Centennial Park. The band, under the direction of conductor Stan Redfearn, piayed a variety of musical arrangements before a crowd of about 60 people, made up mostly of youngsters, and senbr citizens. The concert was one of several arranged by the Brass Band tlîrough the Whitby Recreation Department. A ftîrther concert is heing planned in September at Brooklin. Free Press Photo la ' 1- .- - - . ---M- - 1-- - - A _______________________- Operate In Top lMIIMTUM< Form.. Whatcver forms you need for your business.. . bis, ledgers, labels, work sheets, envelopes,, letterheads, file caï'ds . . . count on us for expert heip. We'll be happy to give you suggestions. M.B.M. Publishing & Photography hIc. 121 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-6111 Presents The British. Bulldog Feast The Britisli Bulldog adapts Henry the VlIII (lining habits in presenting the feast. loin us for a (ifferent a nd delicious mneal bcginning witli a pipmng liot bowl of soup -nd buttered bread follow'ed by a glass of whîite or red house xvine. Whien your appitite is r-à 'dy, ask your waitress and( o1 cornes a pla tter of English Style Fishi, Honey Ribs, Chicken, Beef Kabob, Corn on the Cob, Onion Rings, Fried Musl;roonis, Carrots, Cclery, Apple, Grapes and nuts. So dig ini is whiat you mutst do. As FHenry ate, so nmust you. .. _-,- -% LUNCH SERVED il a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 15 it 'W Mon.-Fri. 1I'ta.rn.-l a.m. Sat. 5 p.m. - 1 a.rn. Suinday 2 p.m. - 10 p.m. COCKTAIL HOUR 4:30 p.n. - 7 p.rn. New 1-i nnclieor ami Dînne'r Menuns ('oinliîncn ettary lors d'oeuvre -No reservatioîîs - ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY $595 Mini feast HAIF rPORTI(DNS !NCLUDIýJG SOFT 15F rIKAC-E DINNER SERVED ~1; n 1. - iYiioI5 tE ' AMPtL FRU . SiPARKING -- -------- m m à % d'N --- Qý