Whitby Free Press, 25 Aug 1976, p. 4

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PAGE 4. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS whitby-S Mi ke Voice of the Cou nty Town ERVING OVER 28,000 READERS Pubiished every Wednesday iby M.B.M. Put The Free Press E 121 Brock Street Burgess, Publir-her-Maflagiflg Editor. WibOtro Assistant Editor - Blake Purdy Community Editor - Brian Winter Contributing Editor - Jini Qu,'à Production Manager - Marie Burgess Dispiay Advertising Manager - llishing Robin Lyon uliy Ie. CIas§ified Ad Manager - '" Mariene Byrofin Circulation Manager - Sharon Lyonl Box 206, WhitbY. Building MaIling Permit No. 2941 North, P oneu 668-6111 : Toronto Lin e 282 1004 Whitby needs a large hotel to save, embarrassmefltI We greet with enthusiasmn the news 'that a Toronto group is coisidering building a six-storey i 20-room ho tel at Thickson Road South on the site of which a Howard Johnson's hotel wvas once planned. The plan for the Howard Johnson's hotel was abandoned during construction two years ago when the developer ran ot of money. A hotél would save the embarassînent which Whitby residents have been subjected 10 for some time - the embarass- ment of explaining to visitors "No, an arehaeologist did not unicover the lost eity of Atiantis ini Whitby" and the embarassrnent of tellinig a large group of conventioners "Sorry, but you'Il have to go to Oshawa if you wanit everyonie to stay unider the-sam-e roof". We hope that the developers of this mLîcl needed project have the proper finanicial backing to coin'plete it and, thus, save the town fromn further embarassmerit. Athietes have a tough time without idiots interfering An unfortunate incident dur ing an amateur lacrosse game in Whitby Sunday night once aga,ýin raises the question of how involved spectators should get in sporting events. Following the second period Support Scr.o uts We support the Boy Scouts in their ambitious plans for Prinigle Creek and Camp X. Their proposaIl to develop a nature trail along Pringle Creek could turn ouit to be a real beauty, soiiethîngý, the people of this townl woul(l undoubtedly u se. We wish the Scouts suiccess in getting -couincil approval for the two projects. of a crucial gaine betweenl Whitby anid Bramnalea to decide who wvould advanice t() the provincial fiinal, a niielee broke otit betweenl Whitby supporters anid Brainalea players. The melee began after an egoC wvas thrown froin the stanids. Bra-mnalea players in(ved bo the area froni where thie egg wvas thrown aiid beani swiningic their sticks. A yoming spectatoi' einer(,ed with a hlead woLlfld whlich rC(uird stitchc's to close. The price~ of admnissionl enltitles spectat<>rs to> sportiîng evenits to watch the eveit aiiit suipport the teamn fthey like. It does not enltitle s1ectators to throw eggs or ativ' ot ber articules at mnemlbers of the teamn they cilike. Atietes haive a tout; time doing thileir tingic witliot can-gerous in terferenice f roini idiotIs. To the Editor; 1 an a member of the One Parent Faniily Association. We thoughit it would bu a grea t benefit t0 thepoîe parent to nliake themn aware of' ouir association whiclh includes îîot only our mneetinigs on a Tuesday nlighit for the parent alonie but nmany outinigs for the uliîdren such as Marinie- land and Gamie Farin on Aimgust 15 and a Family Nature 1liku at Gireen- wood Conservation Park on August 22. These outiiius aru paid for the uidren bv the club. Thie Do something for the senior, Mr. Burgess: When will, somnething be donc for the Senior Citizens of ' Whitby? Compared 10 Toronto or even Oshawa we are neglected people. We have to pay 60 cents (one way) for a ride 10 Oshawa in a .rickety bus just because Charterways has tlhe franchise, yet for a few cents more we can go 10 Toronto but Iliere are Seniors fiiid thîe long joLirney too tiring and Oshawa is ouir nearesi town for shopping. lun Oshawa there are numner- ous buses and Seniors ean ride lfor 1 5 cents. also hairdressurs lhave special rates on certain days. As for the, so-called 41"'lub" or "Centre" ini Whitby, for aIl the use it is, the taxpayers money was wasted on building a place thiat is open for 2 hours ini the afternoon and two evenl- ings (one for Euîcbre and onu for Bingo). The Senior's Club in. Oshawa is open Al day, every day, one can even gel lunclh there, also evenling tuition k S 1 2.00 pur year separatioli or neyer lie a ociiet iii to inai<.e mAie One Parent Family Association is for the kids too public aware of our and a collection is mnadu at cadih meetinig whlich is 50 cent s. Tbc buligible y'ou mulst bu ai single parent by' rua,,son of' death,. divorc.e citizens pcnte rta i mlnt, L besicles lhaving trips not only ini Canada but abroaci too, at reduced rates. So, Town Couincil of Wliitby, stir yourselves and do something '-or the Senior Citizenls, wu repre- senît a large perceJîtage of the population in your town. A disgrundted Senior married. \'ou mnust have a chilcl under the ae of 21. The custody of the child is not a reiu ire 111 nt. Anyone ofthese people can visit Lis at Sydevi-'Àaii Post, 1 173 Cedar St., Oshawa on Tuesdays t 8:30. WVu are ai self support- ing, non-profit organiza- lion and we feel it would orgyanization. If you WOulId liku further information you can contact mne by mnail at 204 Centre St. N., Oshawa or by phone 725-8713 before 5 p.m. Yotirs sincerely, Deborah Camnpbell, (Publicity Director) Send letters to: Box, 206, Whitby. j, , $ Àdom l', +l-,

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