PA GE- 2, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Hospital newsletter Mayor Gartshore sai "DevelolJme off iciai plar From Page 1 acres wiil be covered by housing. of one form or another. That represents api5roximateiy 14 per cent. To take the illustration one step further, 67 acres will remain after parks, school grounds and roads are taken into accounit. 0f that 67 acres, 19 will be covered by Curling Club needs VS.., nt meets housing. That represents approxinately 28 per cent. That is a very conservative way to look at the issue, said Mayor Gartshore. lHe pointed out that council took a more liberai interpre- tation of the issue. "We feel we have iived within the terms of the officiai plan";' said Mayor Gartshore. Nigel Holder, the new editor of the Staff-Linler, the monthly newsletter of the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital, examines a copy of a recent issue. His first issue wiII be published in September as he succeeds Mrs. Ruth Brodie District Goýve'rnOr visits Rotary Club ta promote world service work including Whitby, serving an area extending fromi Guel ph on the west to AllisOon 1thle north, and Bleleville 0on the cast . The district's Main func- tions are to ensuire that thle clubs operate Within tile framiework laid down by Rotary International, and to assist theni with their .'aried service activities. Eacli club dIO you wan to go? ai ;ulî i' :s Itril as yoî u riftril)i Arîifci Fofi,Ps. aîi r-c.i or ie bp w Tm iis .vîatcw 'Iiif. flot il sol! jol. Bill f koiflhaf Am is î1itlreest you thri) prýci,-! A of fi af caoi b rirîq out tIl( b esf iii you. Go-e ui. errfîfor fthe trop n11) orîfat( 1ro t)IS sornelft 10 qs r*,fyo I;'"nl tOe r) o i idout I INVOLVED SARMED FORCES. is autonoillous and operates its own projects. The Whitby Rotary Club, founded in 1933, is the town s uldest service club, with crippled children h'ing its major service project. The club is in ,cjiprge of > the annual Eastcr Scal camlpaign in XVlitby, aind opcratr2s such community projecîs as he pancuke breakfast at the County Town Carnival. s.' 'I f..' CANADIAN FOR CES RECRUITING CENTRE 25 St. Clair Ave. E. Toronto, Ontario. (416) 966-6564 1976 10:00 NOTICE: The Mobile Recruitilg' OSHAWA on WEDNESDAY 25 at the Canada Manpower Centre a.m. and 3:00 p.m. AUGUST between According to the report, by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, the bases of the main roof timbers should be strengthened, says Mr. Hird. The curling club was huilt in 1958. ai-id additionai club house space provided in 1963. Totten Sirns Hubicki Associates are producing detailed drawings to be approved by the ministry of labor, and once these are approved, renovations should begin early in Septemnber,saYs Mr. Hird. He expects the ministry may issue an order forbidding use of the building until the repaîrs are cornple ted. This would affect a nurn- ber of wedding receptions and the weekly meetings of the Rotary Club, says Mr. Hird. The Rotary Club plans to meet at the Consumners' Cas building during Septern- ber and October. Mr. Hird does not yet know how much the renova- for repeat off From agev FroniPagei time again to deal with and is ti obviously getting nowhiere cý witli. The deterrents are nlot 1 working. There is no deter- rent except lack of pri, acy t and the fact yoLI are locked v up, which is not sufficienta ho stop thern from going v bac k".s Councillor Thompson t said at the AMO convention that prisons should be niade t places the repeat offenders o "don't want to returfl to.. ever", but she is quick to point out that she does not want to go back to the Charles Dickens era of rats and bread and water"becaiise that didn't work either." Councillor Thonipson admits she does not have an answer to this age-old problemi of society, but she contends that the govern- nment should conduct a study to obtain statistics on crime in other countries and how other countries deal with their crinîinals. "What are we doing wrong?" she asks, suggesting that other countries may be having better success than Canada in dealing with repeat offenders. Councillor Thompson is concerned about the niany unempioyed unskilled people Ã"pening Ann Barker Denture The A Complete De 111 Dunda tion pwil c sbuepcs to hiave them completed by mid-October, in time for the regular opening of the curling season. Brooklin planning, stud.y From Page 1 region and the proxiince as amendments to the town and regional officiai plan. The $90,000 study wiii be financed by the province's Ontario Housing Action, Program. The town has been waiting for somne time for appro;-al of the study by the region and the province. " Afte r approximatelY thiree years, we now have a Brooklin study underway", said Mayor Jim Gartshore. "I arn most pieased. It took a littie bit of work". Councillor Thompsofl says: Deterrent needed vho often end up in prison. ;he supports another resolu- ion passed at the AMO conference, from the Ontario M4unicipal Social Services, vhich asked that on-the-job trainliflg jrograms be pro- uided for the unemplpyed aged 16 to 23 with, poor working habits and no job skills, whichi would include the repeat offenders in prison. "I agree 100 per cent that there is a need for correction- ai institutiOns, probation officers and chiurch groups to work with prisoners if they are helping- to, rehiabilitate", says Councillor Thompson. "But to get down to the crunch, wliat's the deterrent to keep the repeat offenders out? The entire society is ben ding over- backwards to assist these people, but where do you draw the line?" "AillI can do is philos- ophise", says Councilior Thornpson. "I don't know the answer to the repeat offenider problem. Let's corne up with sorne innova- tive ideas from people in the prison field and in other countries. I'm looking for answers, but we haven't got the answers yet. "We've got so much to learn and no way to find out, and that bothers me", says Councillor Thompson. louncemnent - 1Dunn erapy Clinie mnture Service as St. W. Whitby 668-1464ý as eaitor. Free Press Pl )hoto