Whitby Free Press, 18 Aug 1976, p. 13

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Free Press Emporium (Contlnued) Miscellaneous Formutite molded bathroonm BASIN & COUNTERTOP - 48 inches tong, new, $100; seven pieces aurninum traiter covering, 61/2 x 14 [t., $35 each. Catt, 655-3411. BABY CARRIAGE - $8 non-electrie STERILIZER & BOTILES, $4,50; new born SNOWSUIT, white, $3; 18" auburn HAIRFALL, $ 15; single BED, 30", $12; Heatthwvay scuba tank, 71.2 cu. ft. harness & (k) valve, $85; svater tung, sport diver regular with reserve, $85. Cati 839-7774. 1 Deluxe WOODBURNING SET - good for chitdren 12 years and over, excellent condition, $3; PACK SACK, nylon with sotid atuminum franie, neyer been used, $25; SKIS, approx. 51/2' long, great for beginner, $10; SKI -B00TS, size 7/8, good condition i th *carrying rack, $ 10; portable RADIO, excellent condition, hardly used, $ 10. Cati 668-4465. B3ALL BQ - e':ceilent condition, $ 15; Lawnmower, $25. Cal 728-0664 after 6:30 p.m. CAMERA- Mamniya Super 23, with 100 mm lense, 6 x 7 back, and ground glass back4vith sheet film holder, and 75 sheets of f7ilm, $485. Cail 576-2616. 8 x 8 KITCIIEN TENT $10: 12 x 18 LARGE' TENT, $30. Caîl 723-2170 ask for Henry. ALUMINUNI DOOR 6'91/4 x 331/", $25: comlplete double bed, excellent condition, Cal 668-5483. TWO WOODEN STEPS $5 each. Cati 668-8304. HOCKEY SKATES - new, size 5, $15; portable SINGER sewing machine, $35; Cal 725-1211. Large assortment of BOOKS - for att agcs, good condition, 15 - 25 cents each; single mattress. $3; round table and four chairs, $50; picture window drapes, $ 10; games, large assortment, $1 each; antique rocker, $35; dlay plant pots, 5 cents each. Cal 723-2426. Sotid sterling silver ETCHI1NG- a limited edition by Henry Moore, a beautiful work of art. Only $850. Cal 723-0722. ENCYCLOPEDIA - Britannia 3, plus 3 book dictionary and large atlas, black leather binding, $ 1,000 new asking $650. Can be seen at 200 Mason Apt. 210 anytime. Gendron STROLLER - excel- lent condition, $25. Cali 655-3624. TRAINING Cali 668-Ç103. CHAIR - $5. PERRIGO PRAM - excetlent condition, used once, $100 or best offer. Calh68-S i48. large oval braid RUG, gôocl condition, approx. 10 x 15, g<ld & brown, $60. Cal 668-3414. RUGS - 11 x 8 3 and 10 x 6 8 earth colours, ru:t, gold, brown, beige, $500 for both. Cali 668-7923. BEDSI>READ- metal siat' type with fouýr rubber tip metal legs, 38" wide, $9; brake bleeder, $35; golf shoes, mens spiked, brown, -10/E, like new, $12; Call 683-67281. 1967 PONTIAC - liardtop, body ini good 'pecial price., Cali after 5 p.m. two door condition, 668-7279 English BOU1E CHINA - neyer used, 54 piece set in Bridai Wreath pattern, $300. Cati 668-5767. Two 600 x 15 goodyear 3NOW TIRES - new, $10 each, )ne Rodger Majestic car RADIO, W1; one Lewyt canister VAC- UJUM, with ail fixtures, needs ,orne repair, $ 10; galion wine )otttes with handles, 45 cents ,ach; walnut veneer, 2' x 4' .heets, 75 cents each; one ,abl, items -- car bed, $7; wvaikcr, ý4; snow sed, $4; jolly jumper, W4; rocking horse, $2; bottie .armer, $1. Cali 683-1602. MINI WASHER, used twice, f49; bicycle EXERCISER, $80; -hina CABINET, glass both sides, $80. Cati 668-6078 or 668-4377. SPICE RACK _- with t8 bottles, $6; boys pants, size t4, $2; ladies ciothing, size 14, reasonable prices, ladies short leather jacket, size 14, $20; single mattress, $1i5; also odds and ends of carpeting, record player, $5. Cati 725-t1211. ANTIQUE DOOR -- made in 1857 soiid pine, 42-" X 71/z' x 1à panelled both sides, 3 sohid brass 5" hinges. solid brass door knob, brass lock with scroll work, a steal at $175. Cati 668-3186. Rug for sale Il x 18 short slhag, wine coloured. SI155 668-7196 PING PONG TABLE and accessories, regulation size sith 3/4sîate, nesv, $80. ('aIl 668-1210. Black metal woodburning FIREPLACE, $40; 2 HIGI- CHAIRS. $%5 & $12; Lloyd Stroller wvitlî canopy, $20; 48" metal coat rack on casters with hat & shoc racks, $14. Cali 576-7737. 1-UDGEMAKlNGMACIIINE: new condition, commercial 220 volt unit, capacity 20 lbs lper hour, uses pre mix, $400, or best offer. Cati 668-8114. WINCIIES.1 LR MODEL 94 in 22 magnuin, 3X-7X 'variable scope, excellent condition, ('al 668-0096. APPROXIMATELY 400 BALES 0,5 STRAW - at a $1 a bale. Call 655-4380. 21' CABIN CRUISER - 4 cylinder, 60 horsepower, inbound, completcîy redone \inside & outside, ready for launching, $3500 or best offer. Cali 668-1252. Beautiful BLONDE 'WIG EÏva Gabor style brand new, neyer worn, sill seI for $35. Cal 668-5725 or 668-3195. Ifaminex LitRonde SLIDL PROJECTOR- 7 carousels, thrce trays, $50. Cali 579-1571. LAWN MO0WE1_R --$ 3 5; amplifier, and guitar, $50; Cali 668-6750. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 18, 1976, PAGE 13 C;LASSIFIED ADS Clothing WEDDINGDRESS&TRAIN size 10- 12, $ 50. Cati 66 8-44 10. HUNT CAP - black velvet with safety harness instaPed, gýize' 71/2 $23,50. Cal) 668-2407, COAT - Ladies black persiari tamb approximately size 20, in good condition, wilI seli for $50. Cati 725-5714. Bikes MEN'S 3--SPEED $30. Cati 668-9165. asking GIRLS 1BICYCLE -highrise handlebar style, $25S. Cal 668-8t114. BICYCLE FOR TWO Gîtian,' 10 speed, equipped with accessories, bought new last summner, in excellent condition, $225. Cali 668-5467 anytime. BIKE - boys, blue, 2 speed, hi-risc, $30. Cal 668-6790. t972 SL-100 IIONDA - nmust selI, $250 or best otier. as is. Cal668-0404 anvytinie. 1973 500 SUZUKI - ail rebuilt, $700 or bcst offer. Cal668-4813. Girls junior size 1BICY('LE 24" wheels, excellent condition, $25. Cal 655-34 11.. 20" Girl's fi 'Y ÇL 1 silver and Leren $20: 24" Girl',; IIYII.bluie and whli te. cciii, $25. ('all068-7926. Pets & Supplies WV"TE RATS - m-other & 1 iher, pi s cight >yo'ang, 10. Il 6>~:-~;b rftr i .m.a id l>URFBRH) WFLSII CURBY PUPPIE.'S' only three let*t, $50 each. ('ail 668-2877. YEARLING -registcred. hlait* Arab, (;alding, jumiper prospects, Cail 728-2620. Brown Shetland PONY - wvith bridie and saddle very tame with children, $t50. Cill 668-0705 GERMAN SIIORTIIAI R POINTER -I year uld, mal. doghouse included, $35. Cali 576-8667. BIRD CAGE --%ith stand, $20; portable TV STA'YD on cas te rs, $ 10; 'ail16 5 5-316 7. GI-NILE BAY MARE' gooc with children & ARABIAN FILLY -- $550. For furthez information cali 668-4830 afteî 6 p.m. t YAL~E PURI-BREED IRISHI SEÎTTER -- 1%. years old, no papers, good with children, $51). Caîl 649-2578. AQUARIUIM - (al glass) 40 gallon complete with 2 pumps air filter, etc. and 12 goldfish some of them 10 years old, $75 Cati 668-8527. BACK TO SCHOOL WARDROBES - try us lirst. Large setection in att si-tes ,r boys and girls'. You'tt be glad yoii discovered The Nearly New Shop, 131 Brock St. S., Whitby. 668-4100. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY - four-plex apartiment reduced to $68,000. Thirty-five minutes [rom Oshawa. Income $648.00 a month. Lot 65 X 175. Room to expand. Will accept older borne as part payment. Cait after 6 p.m. 723-3 105. HOMEODWNERS CONSTRUCTION CONSULTATION SERVICE If you are considering any homne projeet - then cai us first - we can save your tine & money! Professional advice by independent experts in ait phases of building. Cali 655-3031 *AVAILABLE IN PRESTIGE AREA FULLY AI R-CONDITIONED FLEXIBLE LEASING APPLY AT: 1450 HOPKINS ST., WHITBY, ONTARIO OR CALL 668-5866 -J i t' s good business t o bu y BE 31SN E S S STAT!ONERY Tk- ERfMCG.%E.r-:ý; RA VING ý% d,,inctive ,?isc ci!Ute rng THE'ýMO-ENG;RAVING fil, 'r.!7,jmre ond rdividurii f;neccjtsrmncz,'sp~ r-cecsts uhc.r i ll U% 'iyr>U d r<Fect tapoy, and if -'hir*qwicek compored r:oqrPer;r.>ds raquured for other W TfrIan d INVEIOPES CAR' ANNOUINCEMENrS M.B.M. Publîshing and Photography, Imc., 121 Brock St. N., %Whitby, 668-6111 FREEZER CORN CORN ROASTS Picked fresh daily 60 CENTS PER DOZEN SPECIAL Minimum orders 10 dozen. Offer good tilt August 21 'or until supply Iasts. Kcith Bell 17arm, County Rd. 5, 1 mile east of No. 12 Hwy. at south Myrtie (approx. 3 miles north of Brooklin) or 1 mile west of Raglan. Watch for Signs. 655-3326. . 'Imm IHeads Up! Su mmer's Here Summer sîump? It's time to climb out. We have the' boosters. Shape-up specials. Conditioner. Color. Cut. Look cool as a breeze. ,LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 Green St. 668-9262 THANKS! The Whitby Branch of the Canadlian Red Cross wishes to thank the residents of Whitby for their contributions to the R ed Cross in aid of 'the people struck by the earthquake in Guatemala. Thank you very much. C,.aribbean and South America SS VERACRUZ STRAND CRUISES FROM $375 plus taxes ONE WEEK CRUISES FROM $595 plus taxes TWO WEEK CRU ISES INCLUDING FLIGHTS FROM TORONTO CONTAC! I&Linda Russell RUSSELL TRAVEL LTD. Mon. - Sat. 9-5 «'You r >av etls OurBusineZs For your protection regstere& under <Ontaro Government' No.1259988/ Now! Look Weg o con d thNature to bring out the boit in you and your hoair. We cut it the way it grows . .. and shape tf to suit your face. MEN'S HAIRSTYLING Whitby Pion 668-6922 -' ATTENTION FARMERSIII WHV PA YMORE? JZ5PotiEum OuAUTV TO TRi' AND 'w- -~ GAS 0DIESEI. FUEL .FAIL MER117S IeOOltII PRAISE;i-M PrmpDwIK rYI .1 -ou$ 01 ewn pt ea cl callcbFAIL 10 1RY 4 I15 OTHG "~I,>68-3381 r lui, , / c8.ý« e,

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