Whitby Free Press, 18 Aug 1976, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1976, WI-ITBY FREE PRESS Free Autos 1974 BUICK APOLLO - power steering, powver brakes, Iow mileage %vith safety check asking $3,200,. owner selîing because he needs a '/z ton truck. CalI 985-3393. 1965 CHEV IMPALA - body fair, motor good, interior fir, $250 as is. Cal11668-9757. 1974 CAPRICE CLASSIC - fuîly equipped, $4,000. 1966 PONTIAC - two door, V-8, power steering, powver brakes, $400. 197'1 VAUXHALL PARENSA SL - good condition, $650. Caîl 668-8957. 1971 MAZDA - 616 Coupe stanrdard, radio, -techometer, $500 or best offer. Cali 668-0463. ,. 1967 VOLKSWAGON FAST- BACK - as is $200. Caîl 576-6592. 1966 FORD FAIRLANE - 4 -!ocr sedan, 289 V-8 in,ýtor, in fair running condition, uncertified, $175 or best offer., Cali 668-9167. 1972 RENAUILT 12 - excellent condition, certified, completely overhauled, 'radio, cassette deck, radial tires, $1 ,400. Cali 723-0985. 1974 FORD CUSTOM PICK UP - 360 motor, radio, cab for back, also wooden box, $4,500 Call 668-0705. 1970 PLYMOUTH SATELITE - four door sedan, six cylinder, in running order, as is $300. Cal! 668-8712 or 668-6260 (after 6). 1964 31 TON GMC PICK UP TRUCK - new motor, 6,000 miles, good for parts, $250. Can- be seen at 1201 Brock St. S., Whitbv. 1949 CHEV Vi TON PANEL - one owner, 44,000 original miles, needs some body work, $400; Volkswagon VW TRAILER HITCH, $20. Caîl 668-8376. 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC - V-8, as is, $ 100. Caîl 623-2043. 1971 FORD - power steering & brakes, radial, good condfition, $400. Cal! 668-5318. 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS - automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, snow tires, very low mileage, $2,900- Cal 668-1134. 1961 FORD F-ALCON 2 door,, automatic, 6 cylindcr, good running order, 31,000 original miles, $500. Cal! 668-5815. 1967 VW BLI 1TLt' - $300 as is Cail Rcs. 728-0253 or Bus. AG"-185. 1967 PONTIAC BItUMONT- two door, 283 motor, pmd rîms & air shocks, 20,000 milcs on motor and transmission, needs brakes and body work to bc certified, $300 or' best offer. Caîl 655-3481. 1964 CHEVELLE cylinder, standard, in condition, îîncertified, Cali 655-4498. six running $150. 1972GRAN TOR INO SPORT. power steering, power brakes, 351 V-8, am-fm radie, asking $1,975. Cal668-9805. 1963 OLDS SUPE-R 88 - automnatic, 77,000 miles, geod running, 2 new tires, plus 2 snow tires, lots ef extras, $200. Cal 728-2p94. 1967 DODG!- POLARIS 2 door hardtop, verv dlean, in good running condition, $450 us is. Cal! 668-9870 after 5 p.m.. 1965 FORD MERCURY VAN - as is, $350 or best offer. Cal! Tom at 668-9860. 1966 *l.'è" -convertible, recent paint and body %work, ncw top, runs good, asking $650 or besi ofler. ('ail 668-2485 after 6 p.m. 1975 BUI(K SKYLARK 15,000 miles, htchbuck, power steering, power brukes, radie, excellent condition, $4595. Cal! 668-5767. 1972 GRAN TORINO --V-8 engine, green with black vinyl top, $1700 or best offer. C'al! 655-3406. 1967 Ml-IrtOR lORD - new paint and body work, runsgood, asking $400O. (aIl 668-2485 after 6 p-m. 1965 PONTIAC' WAGON - ,automatic, 283, power equipped, $250. Cao be seen ut 1201 Brock St. S., Whitby. 1964 CHEVY 2 -- parts or vihoîe, best offer, Cal! 668-0630. 1966 FOR~D VAN - new tic rod ends, front and rear cylinders, fron t and rear brakc shoes, emiergency brake, front end aligrnment, completc tune-up, am-fm tape player, very good running condition, certified, $700. Calil 668-96.O 1968'PONTIAC STATION- WAGON - runs like newv, every- thing in wvorking order, body rusty, $400. Cal 655-3790. 1968 CARMAN GIA - new tires, new electrics, new brakes, A-i mechanically, dlean inside & out, $400 or best of fer. Cal 668-7546. 1972 OLDSMOBILE 88 - good condition, $1750; 1972 FORD, $750; 1966 Econoltiie Van, $550. CaliI 579-0233 or 725-7449. 1967 MUSTANG CONVER- TIBLE - 302 V8 automatic, body good, certified, $695. Cal 579-3648. 1970 Docîge CHALLENGER - certitied, $895 or best offer. Cali 668-5745. 1968 CHEV IMPALA - recent paint and body work,good family car, Iow mileage, asking $850 certificd. Cali 668-2485 after 6 n.m. 1964 CI-EVELLE S.S. - $250; 1972 RIDE:AU 500, $500-, one telecaster, custorn guitar, excellent condition, $400. Cali 728-3992 anytime. _______________________________________________ M Four L78xl15 on Fordflive-stud RIMS - $20 eachi: one C'ooper MS offroad tire on a while mag riîn $50; one Myers ptow nounting kit for F1 00, $ 10,0. Cal! 66 8-6080 Two SNOW TIRES ..w ith rims, Uniroyal Winter P ide, r78-l4, new, $55. Cal!1655-3879. HEADERS - for 68-74 Nova. $60: 9 x 12 TENT, outside frame, $65; SEWING MACHINE, $60; BICYCLE, 2 wvhceler, $1 0: Cal! 723-0855. TIRES - 4 necw. Goodyear, D70-14,' btackwall, $120, for compact or intcrmediatc car. Cali 668-8544. TRS 650-13, 2 for $15; Catalytic HIEATER, $8; holding, tank for boat, $30; table top RANGETTE, $20; Cooking surface unit. $ I120. Cal! 576-6592. REAR BUMPER for 1975 Chev Van, painîcd, excellent condfition, $30;PAINTILD GRILL, for 1975 ('hev Van, $30; 4 chrome TRIM .dINGS, fit 14" wheels, new condition, $20. Cal! 655-3183. ;>.owmnobi1es, Trailers, etc. TRAILER wheels, $75. after 6 p. m. (BOX) --16" Cal! 668-6779 16' Fibregtass covercd RUN- ABOUT 25 hp OUTBOARD gas tank, buttery etectric start. as is, bcst offer over $350. C--! 668-8957. OUTBOARD MOTOR - Johnson 3 herse, good runnini condition, $125. Cal 668-506( after 5 p.m. MOPED - Bronco, highrisc handîebars, dcluh.'ý seat, 148 mite> per gallon, wiil go 40 m.p!., $275 or bestoffer. Cal!1668-8381. 1973 RUPI>I HUSTLER - I2" wheets, good condition, asking "'250; I12' p!ywood bout, made last ycur, semni-V bottoîn, usking $100. Ca!!1655-4616. 15 foot IIOUSETRAILÇR 1968, complete with reese hitch, slcepý .6, lots of storuge, .portable toitet, propane fridgc & steve, one 12 x 9 kîtchen lent included, $1,500. CatI 1-705-277-279(0. 1975 RD 350 YAMAHA good condition, $1,000. Caîl 723-2351 any lime. GO-KART --11)73 Bug Sidcwinder, duel engines, fuel injection, $601) or best offer. Caîl 668-5432 ask for Rob. Tour-a-llomc 1972 CAMPER- for pick-mp truck, sleeps 4, lots of cuphoards, sink, place for fridge, ne steve, yery good condition, $950;, 2 JACKS, $100 or best effer. ('aIl 655-3006. 1971 MOTO-SKI - twin cyl., eleutrie sturt, new battcry with cover, runs good, $525; 1973 SKI-DOO0 OLYMPIC, single cyt., with cover,!sed very little, $525. Apply 604 Centre St..N. Whitby. 1973 SCAMPER TRAILER - 16 feet, $2,800. Can bc seen nt 385 Lorindate Dr., Oshawa. NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRIiSS EMPOPIUM, puy ONLY when you sel!! There wilt flot be any charge te advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unles.s the item advertised is sold. When the advertiscd item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. AIl advertiscmnents must be plâced on an exclusive basis withl the WHITBY FREE PRESS -r run at least one mimnli if not sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $1.501 Private advertising' only! PIeuse notify us if you find a retailer isted as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Frce Press immedîately when item is sold so that wve may delete il from the following issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, real estate and personat message type ads can only be handled on a prcpaid basis. If in doubt, caI 668-611 Il MAIL ALL ADS TO: 1-REE PRESS EMÎPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Witby The dcadline for emporium ads is the Monday at noon. Furniture Junior BED - withl mattress, $20; chrome TABLE, with four chairs, $20; SWIMMING POOL, everything included but lining, $300 or best offer. Ca!! 655-3583. CANE BOTTOM CHIAIR - refinislîed, $35; atso a smna!! cane bottom chair, $25. CatI 655-3768. Woodcn STO.RMl WIND)OWS six standard suce and twu otliers. $5 each; alumiinuni comubinaion storm (leur, S$1<); %oodcn (clr. $5. (aIl 668-8304. good coud' 11011, 655-3657. fleur s tandl(J, S 41). Cal! I)RF 'SSER- with six drawcrs, and mirrors, $45; four 7 RAWF--R CHEST, $35; centinen.. t1 BED, 54" comptete with lieadboard, boxspring, mattrcss, $60;:ate- matic radio conîbinatien radie 8-track car sterco, $45; ('aIl 723-7147. Dou bic WOODEN BED $10; 53" SPRING for bcd, $5; 38" SPRING forh:l $5; 3 chrome C'HAIRS, $3; I'HiCORDS. 78's & ',5's, $1 ea-:h; B & V, Philco POPTABILE TV, $5f0; CHiESTIý,-.R FIID with "iAýtchin1' ARMCi \IIR<., "75; TOASTER, $5. Cal! 655-. 545. 3 PCE. CHE-STI-.RI11-LD beautiful condition, K!roeler, $250; CAS DRYILR, white, excellent condition, $90. Cal! 668-6958. Swivel ROCKER - green-bt'ie celour, $55; une bucket ClIIR, Icathier, orange colour, $20; one sectional kitchen SUITEl, teatlierette, eue ycar eld, $155. Cali 668-9520. Victerian BEDROOM SET - antiq!ue with twin beds, box spring and mattress, very ncw $400; twe end TABLES, tsair moon sty!e, $6 ea. CuI 668-9009. IJELUXE BAT!!/('!IANGE TA BLEI' $40; decerated basinette, $25; !>aytentials, origin *al box, $21); io!!y Junîper, original box, $5; busy gymi, original box, $4; F11t. happy apple, original box, $ 2.50ý korner busy facc, original box, $3; antique wuoden cradle, $125; Oval baby baîth tub, $2; 5maI! diaper pail, $4;, raggedy Ann & Aîndy buniper pads, $10;, F.P. pull train, original box, $2; F.P. put! bouncing buggy, original box, $ 2.5 0; bottle warîncr, boxcd, $ 2; plastic feeding chair, $ 2; B & W portable TV, $25; 4 Remington radial tires F-R70-t4, tuKIe!c;s, 6 p!y dynacor rayon, $80; new pak-miek ski carrier, padlochI,.d top bslar, tubutar u!umtnii'i-n.1, Curriie pairs of' skis, $1 2; coloiahl cei!ing ligh t 1fixtuire, $25; Cii! 683-6930. BED 'H ESTERFIEILD - 3 mion ths old, Beverley mat tress, plus chromne frame, îinted glass end table, bouight for $500, wil! MIl for $300. ('aIl 655-4 101. 9 pce. [)!NING ROOM SUITE- needs rcfinîshing. $150; Steve, 30", $50; aise miscellaneous articles. ('aIt 655-3-724. Victorian CHAI R- set of 6, n good condition, asking $70 -ach, woodcn stove, $50. Cal! i68-8376. t-U R N ITUIR an tiquie all tablc, 60" \ 20>", $65, child's desk & chair, $6; bu itI-in, $10 plus renl(val. ('aI! 668-I1003. i)RAI- S 150 \ 90, nesvly :lcaned, orange, gold & btack ui tlticoleuirs, $40; bcdroom drapes, 72xs 63, litac. miauve. grecn, floral, ully licd, 2 yeurs old, .cw t t)RN tTU REt.- Ailntituc hall tlable, 611" x 21)".$65, chitd', desk & Chair, $6, btiilt-ini, $10 pluisremoval. Cal! 668.10(63. SANTIQUE>: cibinct, over rc,torcd, $250. DESK --with' 100 years olJ, ('atI 655-3750. .Set of' three lier BLJNK BEDS - wvith 3" f'oarn mattresses, idea! 1eor cottage, $45. Ca!! 668-8114. Uphiotstered ('I!R - unfinfis!îed. $25; (aI! 725-1211 - Kingsii.e BEi *1) & STI ,EEl >1 RAM!. mat tress, $1 75. gas primas 3 bu r;'r stove, fo r camping. S50. (ail 579-0)757. Antique CHEST - $75. Ca!! 668-8527. two drawer,1 EýXI-N SION lA BEI-F salnut, closed, 37" x 20", op)en 37" x 401', fItlly escddwithth lre lcavcs. 37" x 7(m", $75; child's bcdl, foldirng type, 27" s 52" \vi tii mattrcss, good condition, $30; rollaway lied, 30" wide, $8; four kitcel or bar stools, 24" higli, 0une metal, $7; beige rug, Sl '4" x 10', inecdls clcaning, $35; tw(> humer stove, electric, 22(1 voit lîcavy du ty, 25" ilîih vitii shel 1,i, uc eil, $ 15. (Cali 6-55-3 800t. 1Italian STROLLE R Cal! 683-t 574. !>rrige twin niavy bloc, $70. Beau titui antique taI! ('IlINA BUF FET -- large glass front, mcediiii h loney wvoed ouid match colonial, $500 firn. Cal! 668-9792 at'tr 2:31) p.i n. CRYSTAL CIIANDL)IElR witli 24 iglîts, $100; LANTERN, $25; GLOBE, $20, al! good conilitomi, Cal! 668-0524. RUG- 9 x I12, goldi shag, peCr*ect Conditioni, $100. CatI 668-16118 aller 6 tî,. Antiquec RCA Victor ,Tf.,%DlO CONSOLE- with au 'r.atio turn table, about 19J n-odel, fuly- functioning, sc w,vl', S300 cash. Caîl 579-15ý Wringer washing MACHINE $25; lawnmiowers, $10 & $15; room divider, large, brand ne $25; curpeting for 13 steps, gre( underpadding, $25. Caîl 725-12 B&W TV - 20 inch;,$1 Cal! 668-1384. Appliances ola i to- 943 olid ýw, 211. 00. AUTOMATIC WASHER - $250; Frigidairc, $250, both arc in excellent condition. Cal 668-0270. SCM ELECTRIC BROOM - $6; PORTABLE HAIRDRYER, $4. Cal! 723-0855. Philîps BEAUTY SET - wi;th 14 attachiments, neyer used, $20. ÇalI 668-4690. Dual 1218 TURNTABLE base & dust cover included, has automatic shutoff & antiskute, audio technica cartridge, only used for two months, $230 firm. Caîl 66 8-3015 after 5: 30 p.m. 36,000 BTU 3 ton Fcdders AIR CONDITIONER - 3 phiase powver 208 volts, $375; 71/ hp, 1974 outboard motor searsmodel nesv, $250. CatI 985-3542. TV CONSOLE - goc( condition, Aduiiral, B & W, $50. Cali 668-8580. B & W Gecrul Electric TV with 26" scrcen, good condition $75; Braun airc:'.sh-,ined hiaii dryer, $12. Cali 668-4994. Counter-t. ;, w!îirlirj ACTION DISHWASIIE--R, $15; H-oover '-LOOR POLISH-ER, c 3 -ets of pads, $20. Cati 668-4093 Singer SEW!NG MACHINE - wi th stool, $165; STEREC èomponent set, with wooden stand, $210. Cali 985-3393. EM ER S (N TV SE7T - "11htt radio, record player, in good condition, $80 or nearest offer. Cal! 668-7446. Westinghouse DRYER - electric, rccently recondition onty $801 Cal! 723-0722. SPEAKERS 8"û with vizzei con-,, 8 ohms, brand new, actmal pric. $18 onlly $10; B3OW & ARROW SET', AI condition, reluitl $15 only $8. Cali 66 8-6 790Oaf ter 4 p. m. P>orta blc HOOVER WASHER- SPIN DRYER - %cellent condition, $ 125. Ca!! 668-6479. STOVE - 30" wvhite, Viking, excellent condition, asking $1 25. Cali668-4449. WASIII'R & DRYER West inghou se licavy du ty, washer, $50; dryer, $ t10. Caîl 655-3'790. WASI-!!NG MACHINE- easy svashier & spinner, in running order, needs hose, ideal for a cýottage, $30). Caîll 668-2190. STOVE- 30 inch, good cçrî- dition $75; space HEATER $60. Call 668-6750. TV - 23" Admnira! B&W, $75; 8 track car STEREO, $20; B.S.R. Tuirntable with dustcover, $30; men's bIne split teather COAT, size 40, $40; DAVEN-ý !>ORT, hrand new tuxedo style in beige olefin, $190; ail items in excellent condition, nmust selI, bcst offer accepted, -cal! 668-0856. OIL SPA('E EATE',R -. with 45 galion drum, $50; fruit juicer, îiearly newv, $15; tvo bear traps, l'or chain luading, loudls on truck, $ 10. Cul! 7 23-3164. HOCKEY EQU!PMINT - s!îin pads, $15; hockey îîan ts, $8; shiouilder pads, $8; cocîmer gleves, $10;, tielmnet, $10, att cqtipment ini excellei condition, Ca!! 668-6761 ask for Steve. Ir s ig 3. - a tin Ti R G CU 7. M 6 ( wi ex, Ca tic foi apr in bcs DF hli- col White' SEWING MACHINE - zig-ag, buttonholer, like new, $70 zfirm. Call 723-1902. SMALL ELECTR1C STOVE - used once, oven & 3 burners, $30; portable toilet, new, for camping or cottage, $20. Caîl 655-3790. Airway sanitizer VACUUM CLEANER - different attach- ments for polishing, shampooing, vacuuming, etc. The cost was $399.50 will selli'for $200. Cal 668-8957. B & W TV - Oshawa Catholic skirt, like new, CONSOLE B&W TV - goodl condition, $60. Caîl 668-9095 Console, $65; High Sehool $10. Cali Heavy duty SPACE HEATER - with 45 gallon drum fuel reservoir, $30; Spitfire u-control FLYING MODEL AIRPLANE, used once but still as new, $10.. Caîl 668-7014. STEREO - Hitachi, 302 receiver, TEAC 160, cassette deck, pioneer turntable, 2 RST speakers, $600. Caîl 723-2351 anytime. Singer SEWING MACHINE - zig zag, 10 years old, in wooden cabinet, excellent condIition, $125 Call 668-6598. AGS STEREO CASSETIL TAPE - 120 volt recorder & player, $75. Cal! 668-1297.»- TELEVISION - B & W, 19"1, $35; RADIO, AM-FM, record player, TV combination, 21" screer,, $50. Cal! 668-6260. REFRIGERATOR - Large rrost-free fridge, $150; 30" stove, $95, both in excellent condition, CalI 668-3889. WASHER & DRYER - aparrnent size, $100; cernent aundry tubs with, stand, $45; dehumidifier, $75. Caîl 668-1 134 evenings. KenmoreautomaticWASHER in good condition, moving to an apartrment, $125. Caîl 668-5745. Instruments GUITAR - case and picks Cal! 668-3447. Like newv, vinyl included, $40. Kent Spanish ELECTRIC GUITAR - ikle new, with custoin -made amplifier and speaker, $100- or best offer. Cal! 576-8042. Gib:;,3n SG Custom SpeiaI JUITAR - with case, $400. rrainer basemnaster amp, in good ,ndition, $250. Cal! 725-1797. STEREO - AM-FM radio, 8 track tape player, record player, built in amplifier, cabinet size, 53" long by 181/2" svide by 27" ighi, $150 conîplete or $100 witîmeut 8 track. Cali 263-8145 r 723-2426. 'GUITAR & AMPLIIFe R- îuitar is a copy of Lasp '-.1 .stom. Amplifier is a Sonax 120G with two 10" speàkers, sking $225 for pair. Cali ý68-4730. E LEFCTR!1C GUITAR - anisfl*d, double îîick-ups, ;celleni conditioni, $70. Cul! 68-5337 ask for P!îil. Ludwig 7-piec DRUM SET - 1th genuin>ý Zildjian symbols, celient condition, asking $550. Ill 728-251J8.41:5 TRAîNER GUITAR MADE MPLIIE l'R - in good condi- mn, $200. Cal! 655-41 20 ask r Bave. SPE.AKERS - twvo larm-e 16", proximately 31/2 higli, c'ontuin black leather casing $45 or st effer. Cal! 668-286). t'rench Riviera four ,uiece RUM SET -bluie spurkle finishl, 'blal symbol, very good Didition, $150. Cal! 655-3205. Press F%&UpEnorlium 1 uail bbamulli

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