Whitby Free Press, 11 Aug 1976, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, AUGUS T 11, 1976, WHITBY FREF. pRESS Cost decreases, quality increases Si Ruddy Hospital and- the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital have been sharing laboratory services in an attempt ta lower the cost of heaith came &944U4111luvui 's uanty. Tetohospitais ré-cog- nizeil the problemns created by a rapid increase in hospital operation and capital expenses and decided to take auivantage ai' tne proximity of the two facilities, says the Psychiatric Hospital news- letter, the Staff--Liner. A stuàdy on shared services was set up under the direction 11:21 11:23 11:25 11:27 11:29 11:30 11:31 11:33 11:36 11:37 of' Management Service' Officer Arjun Patil, of the psychiatric hospitai, and campleted in Septemnber 1975,,Wjth the co-aperation Of the administratars and Operczted by Chcirterways Co. Ltd. trip Dundas & Byron Dundas & Cochrane Cochrane & Walnut Rossland & Walton Palmerston & Centre Brock & Chestnut Ash & Mary St. Mary St. & Garden Downto wn,. Centre & Dundas Dunlop & Annes Calais & Michael BI. Michael BI. & Evans Dawson & Annes Annes & Burns Burns & Henry Burns & Centre Centre & Dundas Downtown Dundas & Green Green & Burns Burns & Denison Lupin & Hutchison Craydon & Dundas Elizabeth Crest. Thickson Wooîco K-Mart 9:00 9:02 9:04 9:08 9:09 9:12 9:14 9:16 9:20 9:21 9:23 9:25 9:27 9:29 9:30 9:31 9:33 9:36 9:37 9:40 9:43 9:45 9:46 9:48 9:52 9:54 9:56 10:00 return 2 return 3 trip trip 1:40 1:36 1:34 1:32 1:30 1:28 1:27 1:26 1:24 1:21 1:20 1:17 1:14 1:12 1:11 1:09 1:00 2:00 2:02 2:04 2:08 2:09 2:12 2:14 2:16 2:20 2:21 2:23 2:27 2:29 2:30 2:31 2:33 2:36 2:37 2:40 2:43 2:45 2:46 2:48 2:52 2:54 2:56 (READ.RETURN TIMES FROM BOTTOM TO TOP) Ask Driver for Transfer Tickets to Oshawa For more information cati 723-7171 return return 3:40 3:36 3:34 3:32 3:30 3:28 3:27 3:26 3:24 3:21 3:20 3:17 3:14 3:12 3:11 3:09 trip 40 4:02 4:04 4:08 4:09 4:12 **4:14 4:16 4:20 4:21 4:23 4:25 4:27 4:29 4: 30 4:31 4:.33 4:36 4:37 4:40 4:43 4:45 4:46 4:48 4:52 4:54 4:56 5:00 6:00 5:58 5:56 5:54 5:53 5:51 5:46 5:43 5:40 5:36 5:34 5:32 5:30 5:28 5:27 5:26 5:24 5:21 5:20 5:17 5:14 5:12 5:11 5:09 5: 00 - FARES - In Town of Whitby Senior Citizens Children under 54" To Oshawa (transfer) 45 cents 25 cents 25 cents 75 cents staff af the two hospi tais. This study was then sub- mitted ta the Ontario Ministry of, Heaith for review and camments. Foliowing this review, a revised proposai was. sent ta the management board of the provincial cabinet for appravai. . Me esult of the study is a shared laboratory services program, which Mm. Patil says will eliminate unnecessary expansion and facility duplication. The service is also expected ta educe operatiag costs ta, the Ministry of Health by approximately $30,000. ,Other impravements ex- pected include better utiliza- tion of staff and equipment, reduction of capital expendi- ture for equipment, improve- ment in the quality of laboratory service, and the sharing of iaboratory expertise, says Mr. Patil. Another advantage wil be easiem accessibility ta new technology, a feat flot possible in 1 individual hospitals, he says.' Using the success of shared laboratory services as a springboard, the two hospitals are iooking into other areas where ca-aperation wiii be beneficial ta patients and the community. Grant. to credit service The Oshawa and District Credit Counseliing Service wilI be receiving a Provincial Government grant of about S19,400 towards its 1976/77 budget, the 1-onourable Jarnýs Taylor, Minister of Community an d Social Services, announced today. "The availability of credit tends to d -raw somne people in over their heads", Mr. Taylor said. "Counselling strives ta arrange orderly payment of debt ta prevent wage garnishee and subsequent job loss with its negative effect on the family". Across Ontario almost S600,000 representing up ta- 60 percent of their budgets, has been allocated ta 26' credit couniselling agencie affiliated with the Ministry Credit/Debt Counselling Pro- gram. This ca-operation betwveen Government and the private sectar helps ta alleviate the prablems of peaple burdened by debt. "List year the Credit/ Debt Counselling Program helped about 1 2,000 individ- uals and farnilies ta deal with financial obligations ta cre- is the objective of the program ta find the most satisfactory solu tion to aý pemson's indebtedness and ta assist the persan and family ta become respansible and able ta manage their financial affairs", lie added. As Mr. Taylor stressed, "Forty percent of the requimed budget cornes from the ýcomrnunity thmough a variety of cantributors. Although my Ministry pro- vides sdme o f the required advice and supervision, the expertise needed on the agency board of directors for day-to-day operations cornes fromn the community, includ- ing business, credit grantors, labour, industry, social welfare, education, consumer groups and SO forth". The Minister added that a good deal of t he success of this program is due ta the excellent co-operation of the creditors. For information about credit co..,selling in the Regional Municipality of Durham, contact the Oshawa and District Credit Counselling Service at Room 106, 172 King St. East, Box 1074, Potpourri - 1I had the delicious-looking bird on the kitchen table and started ta slice. After cutting three or fouîr pieces 1 decided a cold Ieg wauld be rather nice until 1 founid the bird was breaking up in pieces. About one-third of the chicken dropped onto the floor and guess what. ')ur favouri *te and lavable cat decided that that was sornething ta investigate, which lie did. He sniffed it, licked il, sniffed it again -- tiien walked awvay and left it! By thids time, 1 was fit ta be tied. After chiasing the cat throughi the house 1 decided ta relax and enjoy my evening ineal afterwards, thinking "To heck with the disljes, l'Il do theni tanîorrow"'. Weil. tornarrow becarne two days and the cups started ta pile up until finally tliey ail toppled over ini the sink. Mien I discovered 1i had no cups left, and the coffee percolator was bubbling aver. 1 unplugged the perc. washied a clip out, paured the coffee and took a mlou tlifuil of the worst tasting liquid in the past decade. Lt vas. coffe 'vichl I'd mnade the previaus day and it hiad been heated at Icast twice and liad becorne sa bitter 1I had ta spit it out. By this time 1 decided it wvas tiîne ta go ta bed. After retiring for what appeamed ta be close ta an hiour 1 thouglit the bouse roof ,was going ta be blown away. One of the iaudest cracks of thunder l've hecard ini the past year explod-d oveî-head, followved by liglîtning flashes that illuminated the roam utntil the early hours of the following mninig. Now. we are people who live a well-organized kind of life and these happenings are stmange ta say the least but whether 'or niot itfs gat any/tin.g ta do witli the organilzed discipline of rny wife I don't know. but I kind of get -the feeling thiat thiere'ssonfeé sort af a Ilex over things ini lier absence. Every tiirne I go out of the hiouse naow I check ta see if I have ail the necessary keys. 1Iiîiake sure tlîat ail food is out f the way afhie ca. I try ta keep awvay frîn he garden shed and I've also tried to keep miy garden digging ta a nîiiiiiniîu and 1'îîî seriotisly çonisideriiîg giving a duplicate key ta one of niy good neîglibours. WlMat- did you say, it could tiever happen (o you? Tlîatîs the very kind of confident commluent 1 would have mande:. the l'est is hlistory. ,Whitby, hos.pitals are sharing I-aboratory ince june 1 the Dr. .T . an i n vi fçnlnîi,- 4- - . - 1. .-. WHITBY TRANSIT 11:00 11:02 11:04 11:08 11:09 11:12 11:14 11:16 10:40 11:20 10:17 11:40 10:14 11:43 10:-12 11:45 10:11 11:46 10:09 11:48 11:52 11:54 11:56 10:00 12:00 1 10:36 10:34 10:32 10:30 10:28 10:27 10:26 10:24 10:21 10:20 ditors", îhe~Minister said. "It Oshawa~ services retum return return cont'd

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