Whitby Free Press, 4 Aug 1976, p. 14

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-4---- PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4,1976, WHITBY FREE PR Free Press Emporium (Contlnued) M iscellaneous Formulite înolded bathroom BASIN & COIJNTERTOP - 48 inches long, new, $100; seven pieces aluminumn trailer covering, 61/ x 14 ft., $35 each. Cali 655-3411. BIRD CAGE - with stand, $20; portable TV STAND on casters, $10; Cati 655-3167. BABY CARRIAGE - $18; non-electric STERILIZER & BOTTLES, $4.50; new born SNOWSUIT, white, $3; 18" auburn IIAIRFALL, $ 15;. single BED, 30", $12; Healthway scuba tank, 71.2 cu. ft. harness & (k) valve, $85; water lung, sport diver regutar with reserve, $85. Cati 839-7774. Gendron STROLLER - excel- lent condition, $25. Cali 655-3624. 1 Deluxe WOODàBURNING SET - good for chiidren 12 years and over, excellent condition, $3; PACK SACK, nylon with'-solid aumninum frame, neyer been used, $25; SKIS, approx. 51/2 long, great for beginner, $10; SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good condition wvith carrying rack, $10; portable RADIO, excellent condition, hardly used, $10. Cail 668-4465. BALL, BQ - excellent condition, S$15; Lawvnnower, $25. Cal 7Z8-0664 after 6:30 p.m. CAMERA - Mamniya Super 23, with 100 mm tense, 6 x 7 back, and ground glass back with sheet film holder, and 75 sheets of film, $485. Cali 576-2616. RED FLOOR VASE - $9; nic-nac shelf, $20;, rought iron wall planter, $15; toaster, $10; floor tamp, $6: pote lamp, $5: 8 mm automatîc projector, $35; left hand trapper, $2; etectric broom, $15; firewood box, $10: 16" tricycle, $20; rocking horse, $2: iqueur set, $3; ftoodtight holder, $2: 2 wooden chairs (Wa $6; goose neck lamp, $2; heating etement, $2: 14' solid maple hat, coat & storage rack, $20;, casuat chair, $5; kitchen sink, $3; chitd's btackboard, $2; red bathmat se-t, $5; boys football helmet, $4; ~w boys hockey pants, $4; girls dol carniage, '$2; chocolate fondue set, $3; 2 legged kick stand, $2; three folding chairs, $5; shovet, $1; game of 'clue", $3; placemat set, SI, chiid's vanity, $6; dresses size 9-12 @ $1.50. Offers considered on any article. Cati 668-8739. PING PONG TABLE - and accessories, regulption size with 3/4 state, new, $80. Cali 668-1210. Solid sterling slver E'FCH ING- a iimited edition by Henry Moore, a beautifut work of art. Oniy $850. Cati 723-0722. WLDDINGDRESS&TRAIN- size 10-12, $50. Cali 668-4410. ENCYCLOPEDIA - Britannia 3, plus 3 book dictionary and large atlas, black teather bîndîng, $ 1,000 new asking $650. Can be .seen at 200 Mason Apt. 210 any time. 16' Fibregtass covered RUN- AB3OUT 25 hp OUTBOARD, gas tank, battery electiric start, as is, best offer over $350. CT 668-8957. PERRIGO PRAM - excellent condition, used oi nce, $100 or IrRAINING Caît 668-ý'103. CHAIR Infants DRESStNG TABLE - exceltent condition, $15, com- mode training chair, $3; toîtet training chair, $2; fotding por- table crib ideal for camper, $5; sunbeam 18" duet btade lawn- mowcr, $35; (uited mauve ftowered double size bedsprvad and drapes, 63" x 100", $10; dark green ftowercd- double size bedspread & drapes, 75" x 45", $8. Cati 668-4639. Engtish BOUE CHINA - neyer used, 54 piece set in Bridai Wreath pattern, $300. Cati 668-5767. Two 600 x 15 goodycar 'NOW TIRES - new, $10 eaeh, )ne Rodger Majestic car RADIO, M1; one Lewyt canister VAC- UJUM, with ail fixtures, needs -orne repair, $10; galon wine ,ottles with handles, 45 cents ,aeh; watnut veneer, 2' x 4' ,hee ts, 75 cents each; one )abý, items -- car bcd, $7; walker, ;4; snowsised, $4; joliy jumper, W4; rocking horse, $2; boulie Mvarmer, $1. Cali 683-1602. MINI WASHER, used twice, $49; bicycle EXERCISER, $80; 2hina CABINET, gtass both sides, $80. Cal 668-6078 or 668-4377. SPICE RACK - with 18 bottles, $6; boys pants, size 14, $2; ladies ctothing, size 14, reasonable pices, ladies short leatherjacket, size 14,$20;singte mattress, $15; also odds and ends of carpeting, record player, $5. Cati 725-1211. -ANTIQUE DOOR - made in 1857 soid pine, 42" x 7W 'x212 panelled both sides, 3 sotid bras-.s 5" hinges, solid brass door knob, brass lock with seroti work, a steal at $175. Catt 668-3186. Rug for sale 1l x 18 short shag, wine coloured. $155 668-7196 Commode TRÀINING CîAIR - 53; toilet training chiair, $2; iunbeam 1 8" dual btade lawn- m ove r, $35; quitted mauve flowered doubte size bedsprcý:d :id drape s, 63" x tOO"; dark green fI owered, double size bedspread & drapes. 75" x 45", S8. Cali 668-4639. 'TYPIEWRtTEI-R -Inderwoott, manual, 'good 'condition, built like battlcshiip. perfect for home use, over 20 yrs. old, $65; Cati 579-03 17. EXTENSION TABLEIi walnut, ciosed, 37" x 20", open 37" x 40", fulty extendcd withi 3 leaves, 37" x 76", $75; cliild's bcd, fotding type, 27" x 52" withl mattress, good condition, $30; rottaway bcd, 30" %vide, $8; four kitchen or bar stoots, 24" high, 3 wooden, 1 metat, $7 each; beige rug, I11'4" x 10', needs cteaning $35; 2 burner stove, etectric, 220 vott heavy duty, 25" highi, with shelf, no oven, $15. Cali 655-3860. APPROXIMATELY 400 BALES 063 STRAW - at a $1 a baie. Cati 655-4380. CaIl 683-6728~ For Sale TIRES- 4 new, Goodyear, [)70-14, blackwall, $120, for compact or intermiediate car. .all 668-8544. HOCKEY SKATES- new, size 5, $15; portable SINGEA svwing machine, $35; CatI 725-1211. 1964 CFIEVY 2 -- parts or hiaul, best offer. Cali 668-0630; 1967 MUSTANG TIBLE -- 302 V8 body good, certified, 579-3648. CON VER- au tomatic, $695. Cati 21' CABIN CRLIIS17R - 4 cylirider, 60 -horsepower, inbound, comptetety redone inside & outside, ready for launching, $3500 or best offcr. Cati 668-1252. Clothing Red Wool Curling JACKET - size 40-42, $25; Bowling SHOES aind case size 8, $10. Both are in perfect condition. Cali 668-9073. HUNT CAP - black velvet with safety harness instaJled, fize 71/2, $23.50. Cali 668-2407. COAT - Ladies black persian lamb approximately size 20, in good condition, will sei for $50. Cali 725-5714. Bikes BIKE- boys, blue, 2 speed, hi-rise, $30. Cali 668-6790. BI'YLI OR TWO (3îtian, Io speed. cqutippcd with accessories, boughit nev. Iast sommner, in excellent condition, $225. C~ali 668-5467 anytimie. BIKE boys 3 speed hi-risc, 20" whccts, stick shift. baniana stat and kick stand, excellent condition, $45. CalI 668-9(129 Equipment SLIM GYM EXERCISER - with instruction book, asking $25 or best offer. Caîl 683-5737 after S p.m. SNOWSFIOES - $5; baby carriage, $20; pool taddcr, $15; kitchen table & 6 chairs, $25; 3 svooden 'chairs, $5 cach; carpenters tool box, $ 10. Cal 668-5486. ONE PAIR 0F SKIS - pote, bîndings, safety strap and boots size 7, only been used 4 times. $65. Cali 728-1291. GOALIE EQUIPMENT -- one year otd, fits boys 9-13, pads, mask, gloves, arm & chest protec- tor, $60. Cal 668-5714. Beautifut antique taIliCHtNA i20 IE 9 R /î'W'4 IW BUFFET - arge glass front. SAME MAA I mediumi honeywood wopitd match colonial, $500 firm. Cal 668-9792 after 2:30 p.m. ATTENTION FARMERSIII WHV PAY MORE? 8 N PltMI M QUAi -ff IV - --' I.MO O ILI - autel t@ "18-3381 - - ~ J~I~1tft CLASSIFIED ADS AUCTION SALE Saturday,Augustl4, 1976 Sale at t12:30 p.m. H-ousehold furniture, dishes & antiques. The property of Nettie Taylor, 231 Bigalow St., Port Perry north of. the mnain street. Terms cash, no~ reserve. Property sotd. Ear1l Gaustin and Norm Faulkner,. Auctioneers. GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 7TH 600 KENT ST. N., WHITBY 1'l arn. - 7 p.m. Upright freezer, automatic washing machine, older fridge, etc. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNJTY - four-ptex apartment reduced to $68,0&00. Th irty-five minutes from Oshawa. Inconie $648.00 a month. Lot 65 x 175. Room to cxpand. Witt accept older hiome as part paymnent. Cati after 6 pm i723-3105. Editor'e Quote Book The Teasonabie man adapts himself to the world: the unreo.son- able one persists in trying ta adapi the uwld ta himself. George Bernard Shaw Pets & Supplies WVIlTr RATS- mother& f tiher, plus eigtit youing, %J0. (Al 668-11,'0 iftcr 5 p.m. aid tsI.. for l)an. PURE'BREt) WLL.,SII CORBY PUPIItES - onty ithrce lef't, $50 each. Cai 668-2877. GERMAN SIIORIHAI R POINTER - 1 year otd, maItý. doghouse inctudcd, $35. Cali 576-8667. GETEBAY MARE- gooc with chiildren & ARABIAN FILLY - $550. For furtheî information cati 668-4830 afteî 6 p.m. YALE PLJREBREED IRISH SETITER - 11/à years otd, no papers, good with chitdren, $51). Cati 649-2578. AQUARIUM - .(ail glass) 40 gallon comiptete with 2 pumps. air filter, etc. and 12 goldfish some of them 10 years old, $75. Cai 668-8527. Brown Shetland PONY - ovith bridle and saddte very tame with chîldren, $150. Cati 668-0705 0oW. Look Good to bring out the boit in you and your hoir. W.e ut it thé v4yif grows . . . and shape tf 10 itý yýour face,, MEN"$S HAIRSTYLING Whitby Plinu 668-022 Operate m w n mm FoQ:. Whaitever forms you. need for your business... bis, kedgers- lablsi~ok 4eéf-à,'envelopes, letterheadi, fileçaids...count on us for e4 pçe hçÈ l-': We'1l be happy to give 3yqi*.suggcst'ons. M.D'.M. Publishing & ýPIotography Ie., 121 BreckSt. N. Wh itby 668«6111, WEDDING STATIQNERY THERMO-ENGRAVED by the. creotors of The Bouquet Invitation Lin. TEERMO-ENGRAVING is distinctive roised lettering ... ich-tooking, etegont. THUERMO-ENGIRAVING has thcut individuot lookc of finest craftsmons-ip. But it costs only about hall as much as you'd expect. Mony other styls from whichjto choos.. CALL 668-6l11 M.B,,.. Publishing and Photogméphy mc.

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