Whitby Free Press, 4 Aug 1976, p. 13

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mvil 1 BY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1976 PAGE 13 ]Free Autos 1975 BUICK APOLLO - power steering, power brakes, low mileage wvth safety check, asking $3,200, osvner selling because he needs a 1/ ton truck, cati 985-3393. 1965 CHEV IMPALA - body fair, motor good, interior fair, $250 as is. Caîl 668-9757. 1974 CAPRICE CLASSIC - fully equipped* $4,000. 1966 PONTIAC -tvo, door, V-8, powver steering, power brakes, $400. 1971 VAUXHALI. PARENSA SL -- good condition, $650. Caîl 668-8957. 1971 MAZDA - 616 Coupe standard, radio, techometer, $500 or best offer. Caîl 668-0463. 1966 FORD FAIRLANE - 4 :oor sedan, 289 V-8 n-to, in fair running condition, uncertified, $ 175 or best offer. Cail 668-9167. 1972 RENAULT 12 excellent condition, certified, cornpietety overhatiled, radio, cassette deck, radial tires,$ 1,400. Cati 723-0985. 1974 FORD CUSTOM PICi< UP - 360 motor, radio, cab fa- back, aiso wooden box, $4,500 Cati 668-0705. 1970 PLYMOUTH SATELITE - four door sedan, six\ cyiinder. in ranning order, as is $300. Cali 668-87 12 or 668-6260 (at'ter 6). 1964 3/ TON GMC PICK Ut TRUCK - new motor, 6,00( miles, good for parts, $250. Car be scen at 1201 Brock St. S. Whitby. 1949 CFIEV 1/2 TON PANEL - one owner, 44,000 original miles, needs sonie body work, $400; Voîkswagon VW TRAI LER HITCH, $20. Cati 668-8376. 1965 RAM BLER CLASSIC - V-8, as is, $100. Caîl 623-2043. 1973' VOLKSWAGEN 412, 4 door, gbld, 45,000 miles, excellent condition, $2200 firm, Cait 7?3-1394 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS - automnatic, power stcering and brakes, radio, snow tires, very. 668-1134. $290. al 668mi-a1134.0. at 1961 FORD FALCON 2 door, autamnatic, 6 cyiindcr, good running order, 31,000 original miles, $500. Cali 668-5815. 1967 VW BEETLE.* - $300 as is. Cali Res. 728-0253 or Ruas. 668-4185. 1967 PONTIAC BEUMONT - two door,, 283 mtar, pmd rims & air shocks, 20,000 miles on motor and transmission, needs brakes and body womk ta bc certified, $300 or best offer. Cati 6 55-34 81. 1964 CHEVELLE six cylinder, standard, in, ïunning condition, uncertified, $150. Cali 655-4498: 1972 FORD - 354 four barmel, asking $900v safety check. Cali 1 McEachemn, 725-8967. J:1.1 -uLi.>s SUPER8 automatie, 77,000 miles, running, 2 new tires, plus 2 tires, lots of extras, Call 728-2094. wîit] Bol goi snc [h lb ýod o. 1967 DODGE POLARIS- 2 door hardtap, very dlean, ini good running condition, $450 as is. Caîl 668-9870 after 5 p.m. 1965 FORDJ MERCURY VAN - as is, $350 or best offer. CatI Tom at 668-9860. 1971 F-ORD - power steering & brakes, radial, gaod condition, $400. Cali 668-5318. 197 2 S L- 100) HON DA - as s, $250 or be st offer. Cali 668-0404 S a.m. ta 2 p.m. and 10Op.. to I a.m.- 1975 BUICK SKYLARK - 15,000 miles, hatchback, power steering, power brakes, radio, excellent condition, $4595. Cali 668-5767. 1972 CRAN TORINO - V-8 engine, green with black vinyl top, $1700 or bcst offer. Cali 655-3406. - 1 965 PO14TIAC WAGON - autoiTatc, 283, power eqaipped, $250. Can be scen at 1201, Brork St. S., Wlitby. 1965 FORD) GALAXIE - wilI il as larfts, $150 or best' offcr. Cl1-5 front aligil am-f1 ru ni ý70( mnati braI coni tires A-i Out t Call goe FOI Van 725 offr kit 3 rin F71 $6 p C. %vh aft 15 asi JO] ac af n a 1966 FORD. VAXN - new uie ends, front and rear cylinders, t and rear brake shoes, rgeney brake, front end iment, complete tunc-tip, rni tape player, very good ,ing condition, certificd, 0. Cali 668-,Q6.10. 1968 CHRYSLER auto- tic, power steering& power kes, 65,000 miles, excellent dition, $800. Cali 683-7108. 1968 CARMAN GIA - ncw s, new eiecirics, new brakes, imechianically, ciean inside & t,$400 or best offer. Il 668-7 546. 1972 OLDSMOBILE 88 - Md conditionl, $1750;, 1972 RD. $750-, 1966 Econiiiie m, $550. CatI 579-0233 or 5-7449. Auto Parts t-'ou r L7 8x 15 on 1--ord five-s ttîd ý'S- $20 each; oune Couper MIS road tire on a white magrimi ;; one Mycrs p w iasountig tfor F100," $100. ('aIl 668-6080; Twa SNOW rms, Uniroyal 78-14. new, $55. TIRES --With Winter Pide, iCall 655-3879.,1 HEADERS -- for 68-74 Nova, ;60; 9 x 12 TENT, outside ramne, $65; SEWING MACHINE, 60; BICYCLE, 2 wheeier, $10: ail 723-0855. ;>owmnobi1es, Trailers, etc. TRAILER ,hcels, $75. ter 6 p.m. (BOX)>-16" Calil668-6779 14' FIBREGLASS BOAT 5hlp Chrysier motar and trailer, ;king $800. CatI 668-3527. OUTBOARD hlnson 3 horse, ondition, S$125. fter 5 p.m. MOTOR - gaod running Caîl 668-5060 302 ENGINE' WiTIi1 NUTOMATI( TRANSMISSION 'ail 655-3463. 1973 RUPP HUSTLER- 2" wheels, good condition, Lsking 5250; 12' plywood boat, -ade last year, semi-V bottom, isking $1 00. Caîl 655-4616. 15 foot HOUSE TRAIL~ 1968, complete with reese hitch, sieep.; 6, lots of starage, ,portable toilet, propane fridge &'- stove, anc 12 x 9 kitchen tent inciuded, $1,500. CatI 1-705-277-2790. 1975 RD 350 YAMAHA- good condition, $1,000. ('aIl 723-2351 anytime. GO-KART - 1973 Bug Sidewinder, duel engines, fuel injection, $600 or bcst offer. Cai1 668-5432 ask for Rab. 1970 Dodge CHALLENGER - certified, $895 or besi offer. Cali 668-5745. Troar-a-Home 1972CAMPER - for pick-up truck, slecps 4, lots Of capboards, sink, place for, fridgc, no stave, very good condition, $950; 2 JACKS, $100 Or bcst offer. Caîl 655-3006. 1973 500 SUZUKI - aIl rebuiît, $700 or best offer. CalI 668-4813. 1967 VOLKSWAGON FAST- BACK - as is $200. Cati 576-6592. 1971 MOTO-SKI - twin cyl., electrie start, new battcry with caver, uns good, $525; 1973 SKI-DOO OLYMPIC, single cyl., with caver, tused very littie, $525. Apply 604 Centre St..N. Whitby. 1973 SCAMPER TRAILER - 16 feet, $2,800. Can be seen at 385 Lorindalie Dr., Oshawa. MOPED - Bronco, highmise handiebars, delauïo seat, 148 miles pem galion, will go 40 m.p.ht, $275 or best offer. Cail668-83 81. REAR BUMPER - for 1975 Chev Van, painted, excellent contlltion, $30;ýPAINTE D CRI LL, for 1975 Chev Van, $30; 4 chromo ,TRIM ÂIN'GS, fit 14" wheeis, new condition, $20. Cali 655-3183- Cciii 6-tii NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when yoa seil! There will, not be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is, soid. When the advertised item is soid, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iliustrated bclow. Ail advertisements must bc piaced on an exclusive basis with the W-IiTBY FREE PRESS unrm at least ancennth if-not sold. RATES (if article is sald): 5e: of advertised price up ta $400.00 21/ of balance over $ 400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid item advertised l'or $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minmumi commission is $-t.50) Private advertising oniy! Pl>iase notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify t1e Whitby I'rec Press îimmediateiy whcen item is soid s0 that %ve mlay dele te it froin the folîowîng issues. Services, hieip anted, clothing, reai estate andi persomial message type ads can only b~c handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, eaul 668-6111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: PREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby Thie deadline for emnporiumi ads is the Monciay at noan. Furniture Junior BED -wîth mattress, $20; chrome TABLE, with four chairs, $20; SWIMIMING 11OOL, everything inciuded but lining, $300 or best offer. Cal 655-3583. CANE BOTTOM ('CHAIR - refinished, $35; alsa a srnail cane bottam chair, $25. Cal 655-3768. Wooden STORNI WINIiOWS - six standard suze and two others, $5 cach; aîumninunm comibination starm door, Si10; w~ooden door, $5. ('aIl 668-8304. DRE'SSER - withl six drawers, and mirrors, $45; four.*"RAWER CHiIST, $35; continen.; .1 BED, 54" compiete with headboard, boxspring, tnattress, $60:.auto- matic radio combination radia 8-track car sterea, $45; Cal 723-7147. Double WOODEN BED $10; 53" Sf'RING for bcd, $5; 38" SPRING for bd, $5; 3 chrome CHAIRS, $3; RECORDS. 78's & 45's, $1 ea':h; B & WA Philco PORTABLE TV, ý5fi; CHESTIE.'R FI EFLD wi th .ý,niatching ARMC:1 ,\IRS, S75; TOASTEk, $5. Cail 655-'1545. 3 PCE. (HSEFEI beautiful condition, Khroeîer, $250; CAS DRYEIR, white, excellent condition, $90. Cal1 668-6958. Swivei ROCKER -green-bi'Je calour, $55; one bucket CHAIR, leather, orange colaur, $20 anc sectional kitchen SUITE, leatherette, anc year aid, $155. Cati 668-9520. Victorian BE DROOM SET - antique, with twin bcds, box spring and mattrcss, very new $400; two end TABLES, haîf moon style, $6 ca. Cali 668-9009. DELIJXE BATh1-/Ch'ANGE»ýý TABLE - $40; decorated basinette, $25; llaytenti'al5, original box, $20; .1011Y umper, original bo.x, $5; busy gym, original bo x, $4; î.P. hiappy apple, original box, $2.50: komner busy face, original box, $3; antique wooden cradle, $125; Oval baby bath tub, $2;' Smnall diaper pail, $4; raggedy Ann & Aiidy bumper pads, $10: F.P. pull train, origimnal box, $2; F.P. Pull bounicing buggy, original box, $ 2.5 0; bottle warmem, boxed, $2; plastic feeding chair, $2;, B & W portable TV, $25; 4 Renmington radial tires FR7O-14, tubclcss, 6 py dynacor rayon, $80; new pak-de. ski carrier, padîacicd Itop bar, tubalar alumiieI,. carnes 6 pairs of skis, $12;ý Icolonial ceiling llght lixture, $25; ICaili683-6930. months aid, Beverley miattress, plus chrome frane, tinted glass end table, boughit for $500, wili sei for $300. ('aIl655-4101. RUGS -- 11 x 8 3 and 10 x 6 8 carth colours, ru-.t, gold, brown, beige, $500 for bath. C'ail 668-7923. Victorian CHAIR - set of 6, n good condition, asking $70 -ach, woodcn stave, $50. Cal 68-8376. lURNITUREL-. antique :ýalI table, 60" x 20)", $65:. chiid's desk & chair, $6;, buiîtin, $10 plus remnoval. ('ail 668-1063. i.)RAP'llS -I 50 x 90, newiy -leaned, orange, gaid & black iîulticaIours, $40; bedroomn drapes, 7 2 x 63, liiac, niauve, green, floral, fuiiy lined, 2 years aid, .c: 2teamiec, $30. ('ail 839-7774. C1IS'.ERiEI)SUITE - four seater sofa, ane natching chi.-r, in blue green colaur, chair wi th ottomian, green colou r, excellent condition, $350 or best affer:, dinette table witl- one leaf', four chairs, white vinyl. excellent conditiomn, $65 or bcst affer. ('aIl 668-0595. ANTIQUE DESK - with cabinet, over 100 yeams aId, restored, $250. ('ail 655-3750. FURNITURE - Antique hall table, 60" x 20", $65; chiid's ctet;k & Ciair, $6, built-in, $10 plus removai. Cati 668-1063. Uphioistered CHiAI R tnfinshed, $ 25; Cali 7 25-1211. Kmngsize 13ED & STEE L FRAMÎ I inattmess, $175; 'gas pirimas 3 btrner stove, for camping, $50. Cali 579-0757. SI NGLE BED & MATTRESS - poster lheacboard, $30:, anc large six drawer dresser, $30;, cliesl of drawers, $28; stroller, $8; carbed, $6: electric cotfee perculatar, $8; portable TV table, baIl casters, $10. Cail 728-6204. 1 talian STROLLER - Cali 6 83-15 74. Perrigo twin navy blue, $70. Hamninex LaRonde' SLIDE PROJECTOR- 7 carousels, tircee trays, $50. CatI 579- 1571. Counter-t;-.), whiming ACTION DISHWASHER, $15; Hoover 1,LOOR POLISIIER, & 3 sets of pads, $20. Cati 668-4093. RUG - 9 x 12, gold shîag, perfect condition, $100. CatI 668-1618 aftem 6 p.m- Appliances V.ADIO CONSOLE - with auto- riatîc turn table, about 1943 iodel, fully furictioning, solid wMvnl't 3QO cash. Caîl 579-1592.1 Wringcr washing MACHINE - $25; lawnmowers, $10 & $15; rooni divider, large, brand new, $25; carpeting for 13 steps, green, underpadding, $25. Caîl 725-1 211 B&W TV -- 20 inch, $100. Caîl 668-1384. AUTOMATIC WASIIEýR - $250; Frigidaire, $250, bathi are in excellent condition. Cal 668-0270. SCM E'LECTRIC BROOM- $6i; PORTABLE HiAIRDRYER, $4. Cal 723-0855. Philips BIEAUTIY SET - w;tli 14 attachiments, neyer used, $20. Cal 668-4690. base & dust caver included, has au tomatie shu toff & an tiskate, 'audio technica eartridgc, only used for two months, $230 firrn. Caîl 668-3015 after 5:30 p.m. 36,000 BTU 3 ton Fcdders AIR ('ONDITIONER- 3 phase power 208 volts, $375; 71/zhi), I1974 outboard motor searsmodel newv, $250. ('ail 985-3542. TV CONSOLE - goocl condition, Adniraî, B & W, $50. Caîl 668-8580. B & W Gencral Eîectric TV - with 26" screen, good condition, $75; Brau n airc-.ýsIi9ned ihaîr dryer, $12. ('aIl 668-4994. a ierand guitar, $50; BOT-67i56.assvt foam tilling, can sail, row or out- board. gaad for fishing, safe for chiidren. with oars, ,$85. Cati 668-4423. Singer SEWING MACHINE - wi th stool, $165; STEREO bomponent set, with wooden stand, $210. Cail 985-3393. EMERSON 'TV SET - with radio, record player, in gaod condition, $80 or nearest offer. CatI 668-7446. Westinghouse DRYER - electrie, reccntiy recondition cnly $80'. Cali 723-0722. SPEAKERS - 8" sith vizzer cane, 8 ohms, brand new, actumat pric'5 $18 onty $10; BOW & ARROW SET, AI condition, retail $15 onîy $8. Cati 668-6790 after 4 p.m. Portable HOOVER WASHER- SPIN DRYER - ýcelen t condition, $125. Cati 668-6479. Antique CHEST - two dawer, $75. CatI 668-8527. STOVEI 30" white, Viking, excellent condition, asking $125. Cali 668-4449. Used green FRIDGE & STOVE -- $500 fim. Cali 728-0751. WASHING MACHINE - easy washer & spinner, in running order, meeds hase, ideal for a cottage, $30. Cali 668-2190. STOVE - 30 inch, gaod cen- dition $75; space HEATER $60. Cati 668-6750. TV - 23" Admir ai B&W., $75; 8 track car STEREO, $20; B.S.R. Turntable with dasteover,', $30; men's blue split leather COAT, size 40, $40; DAVEN-; PORT, brand new taxedo style' in beige olefin, $190; ail items in excellent condition, maust selI, best offer accepted, caîl 668-0856. OIL SPACE HEATER -- itlî 45 gallomn druIM, $50: fruit juicer, mearîy nesv, $ 15;, two bear traps, for ciiain laading, loads on truck, $ 10. Cati 7 23-3 164. HOCKEY 1IQLIPME-NT' Sîîin pads, $15; hiockey pan ts, $8; Slîoulder îats, $8; coopier gloves, $10; icilmnet, $10, 'ail "qipmlnet in xcellent Condition. Cali 668-6761I ask l'or Steve. $70 firm. Cati 723-1802. WRINGER WASHER - square cap, excellent condition, $85. Caîl 725-3637. Airway sanitizer VACUUM CLEANER - different attach- ments- for poîishing, shampooing, vacuumning, etc. The cast wvas $399.50 witi seli'for $200. Cati 668-8957. )shawa Catholie kirt, tike new, 125-1211. High- School' $10). Cati CONSOLE B&W TV - good condition, $60. Cati 668-9095. Heavy duty SPACE HEATER - with 45 galion dram fuel reservoir, $30; Spitfire a-contrai FLYING MODEL AIRPLANE, uscd once but still as new, $10.. Cal 668-7014. STEREO - Hitachi, 302 receiver, TEAC 160. cassette deck, pioneer turnitablc, 2 RST speakers, $600. Caîl 723-2351 any time. Singer SEWING MACHINE - zig zag, 10 years old, in wooden cabinet, excellent condition, $125. Cail 668-6598. AGS STEREO CASSETTE TAPE - 120 volt recorder & player, $75. Cail 668-1297. TELEVISION - B & W, 19", $35; RADIO, AM-FM, record player, TV combination, 21" s.ercen, $50. Cati 668-6260. REFRIGERATOR - Large frost-free fridge, $ 150; 3 0" stove, $95, bath in excellent condition, CalI 668-3889. WASHER -& DRYER -- apartment size, $100; cernent iaundry tubs with stand, $45; .dehamidifier, $75. Cali 668-1134 evenings. Kenniore automaticWASHER in goad condition, maving ta an apartment, $125. Cati 668-5745. Instruments GUITAR '- Like new, vinyl -ase and picks included, $40. Cail 668-3447. Kent Spanishi ELECTRIC GUITAR - like new, with custom', made amplifier and speaker, $ 100~ or best offer. Catl 576-8042. Gibs,3n SG Customi Sperial GUITAR - with case, $400. Tramner basemaster amp, in good condition, $250. Cati 725-1797. STEREO - AM-FM radio, 8 track tape piayer, record player, built in amplifier, cabinet size, 53" long by 181/" svide by 27" îîigh, $150 camplete or $100 without 8 track. Caîl 263-8145 or 723-2426. GUITAR & AMPLIFIER - Gaîtar is a copy of Laspý.p1 customi. Amplifier is a Sonax 720G with tvo 10" speakers, asking $225 for pair. Cal 668-4730. with genuir ' Zildjian symbois, excellent condition, asking $550.ý CatI 728-25.8. 1964 CHEVELLE S.S. - $250; 1972 RIDEAU 500, $500;, anc telecaster, ecustam guitar, excellent. condition, $400. Cal 728-3992 anytime. SPEAKERS -tsvo large 16", appmoximnateiy 31/ high-I, catitain in black leather casing, $45 or best oft'er. Cati 668-12860. Large assortinent ai' BOOKS - for aIl agtes, goad condition, 15 - 25 cents each: single miattress, $3; round table and four chairs, $50; pidture wiiidow drapes, $ 10: garnes, large assorunient, $1 eaeh; aitiqae rocker, $35; clay plant pots, 5 conts veh. Cali 723M426. PressmmAI mLl ]Emporiumn -a Agr m m - t~I iF c-- $35; Call

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