bAGE 4, WELNESD)AY, JULY 21, 19/b, vvtlib Il i'tliîrLa whitby Voice of the Cou nty Town SERVING OVER 28,000 READERS iU Mike Burgess, Publisher-maflaglflg Editor. Assistant Editor - Blake Purdy ublishcd cvery Wcdncsday Comrnunity E"ditor - Brian Winter Contributing Editor - iim Qu'-l Production Manager- Marje BurgéSs Display Advcrtising Manager - l and Photography Ine. Classified Ad Manager - Marlene Byro;Pi Circulation Manager "- Sharon Lyon Box 206, WhitbY. Tho rocPres Buidîg Mulq PemitNo.294 121 Brock Street North, Whitby. Ontario. Photne 668-6111: Toronto Line 282-1004 AIB:is it practising wha t if 1* praching? The anti-inflation board mnust be really affected by its own guidelines. The Free Press recently received an envelope from the AIB ini Ottawa - with nothing ini it. Could it be, with the rising cost of paper, that it is prohibi- tive to send out press releases? If so, why flot save' the cost of postage and envelope too, and flot send anything at all? However, it- appears that somehow, someone at the AIB neglected to fi the envelope sent to the Free Press. 'Whether this is an exampie of careiess- ness or.,governinent waste, it shows that no one is perfect. In these days of fighting inflation, it is best to maike sure that every action, even by theL AIB, is justified and if justified, is carried out to the full. No haif-measures are needed in a time when, we are toid we must tighten our beits. An empty envelope, whether sent by accident or by intention, is stili a waste in time when the UW AIB is preaching against waste&6'. ./o5CcI'rtW//,-5A7Bff in expenditures. Acting Planning Director Kevin Tunney: Ear 1ly development n Brook ta be approached with caution by BLAKE PUIRDY Staff' Writer "Early developîîîent in Brookiin nînsi be aijproaicled with extremne caution", according te the tewn's Acting Director cf Plaîînin- Kevin Tiîîîîy. Mr. Tunney made the statemnent in ai recetît report te Whitby Councii's administrative corîîîîîi ttee. Ail cf the financiail and planning iiplicatioits shionld bc taken into consideraition befere miajor devetopiîîeit is ailcwed te take place in Brookiin, says Mir. Tintiey. "It is important that the Town of Wlitby bect'ully cognizant cf al cf the financial and planning inmplications on the Town cf Whitby thait developnîent in Brooklin nîay have" he says. For Mr. Tnnney's report, lie assuîîîed thiat deveiepmcent in Broekiin rnight begin before 1980 aind that the cest'-of extending the sanitary sewer and water conld bc bornie by the developer or the provincial governiîîent. SFINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS "Emphasis on growth in Breeklin maiy have ai tendeîîcy te cau~se development of the urbain areai soutti ef Taunton Read te proceed at ai slcwer rate. To date, severaîl million dollars have been spent providing services senthi o* Taunton Road, particnlarly in the corridor area. Thiese services are far from being utilized efficiently today. For any delays south cf Taunîton Rcad, it appears that tax revenue ccming frcm develepnîent wonld be delayed. What wcnld the increased- ccstbe te the Town cf Whitby in carrying this over-supply cf servicing shculd some cf tlîe devcl1opment be deferred te the Brcoklin area?", says Mr. Tunney. "A similar analysis might be applied te roads and otiier public services in the southern -!rbaui area. Fer exaiple, the development cf cur north/scuth and east/west arteriail roads would generally cei-ne in concert witlî residential de 4cîopmeflt. So-eeof these, i.e. Garden Street and Andersonl Street, are probably In need cf sonie work righit now. Directing growthî in the Brooklin area might similarily delay the construction and improvemfent of, thlese roads. Sheutld 1wOrk on t lie,ýe rea ds be requ ired in- aidvancc cfj developîîîeîît, thern it inay resuilt iii undtie cest te the Town cf Wliit hy," lie saýtys. "'1'lîe jprovisioni ef' etlier- services, i.e. parks and coîîîîîî nity ilicilities, inîiht alse bc simnilaîrily affected. Foer exaiiîplc, niaîuy îew parks aind f'acilities f'or cxistiîig residents are to be previded iii new subdivisions. Thle provisions et' addi tienail ser-vice l'or)i thc resideîîts et' thec sot'er rbain areai withiout develepinen t iay be ai re te the Toewn of' Wlitby , if indeed they cain bc provided ait alI", says Mr. Ttiincey. "An<,tlîr ceilceril relaites te tthc provision et* linkaiges (i.e. reads) frein thec soutîteru urbain aireaite the Brookliiî area. Wlîo is goiîîg te paîy fer the inîprovemient aind constructioni ef thiese linkigcs'!", lie says. "Tliese questions and coinnîieiits arise out t o'ai cencerli as te whaît arc the aîctattiîa nîciaîl costs of' caîrly growtli iii Bro(îkiiî aind cain the lowii cf Whiitby beair thlese cosis. We feel tlîcy aire iuclî iiore tliin 'tlîe cost et' extending ai sewer pipe te Broekliiî. l'lie Town onglit te bc f'tilly cogni/.auiioe' thiese cests whîile ceîîsidering early 'dievelopi- nient in Brooklin anlid bef'ore consideritig the1f6rn111cf, devele pii t iu ai seceondairy piii", satys Mr. Tiiniey. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS "Thie officiail plain of the Town ef Whitby ccxitemlpla tes an nrbauî structure sentitof' Taunteui Roaîd consistiîîg cf a residcn tiail areai servréd by thîrce nmajor commînercial arcaîs anîd iîîdustriaîl lanîds. Thiis area south cf Taintoten Roaid, ii ai mature staîte (i.e. largcly devloped), is inteîîded te previde a Iii level et' service te tthc Town of* Whitby. It is l'air te saîy thait the level cfl'coimmercial and persorial services is ntt adequate at the prescrnt timne, since we still rely' on Oshîawa, anid Toronto fer the majerity cf o)ur higlier order services" hc says. "Tuec previsioni cf' lîler order services requires certaîin thrcshol'd populationis bel'ore tlîey can be viaîbly provided. '.)ircctîig grewtli te t lic Brooklin areanmay retard develop- ment south et 'aTtlltocn Rend atnd thie resultant tlireshold population' Icycîs mighit be'dcluyed. il, miglît be saléd tlîat this docs niot inatter and it probably xvould not if Whiitby wvcre flot situatcd betwveen Oshawa and Ajax/Pickering. Ilt is clcaýrly possible that a delay in the provision of higher erdcr services in Wlitby migit lcad te the provision of thlese services elsewliere and preclude the possibility of it evcr happening in Whitby. This is tiot onlly undesireabte t roi an econoic point of view, LeC. tax revenue fromn commercial office and related developmnent, it would not bc desireable for the presenit and future residents of the communiiity not te be able to obtain these highier order services witlîin the conmnnity tlhey live. This hais vet greater imiîplicaitions considering 1î î gs like comntuni ty identity, etc.," says Mr. Tunniiey. "Wc believe that early growth in Brookiju may not ortly aiffect thc provision otf higlier order services in the Rossland/Gardcnl and thec Tliicksoîi/Du idits area, it mlaiy aise aff'(ect the downtowvn area as the future role aind fuiîctioîi of' the dewntown area is dependent on a much larger population tlan exists today", lie saiys. "lut short, Whiitby soîfli et Taunton Road will probably appreacli I100,000 populatfioni whethier wvc like it or net, aiud it is our responsibility to enîsLire tlîat this growvth eccurs in _a ilianner so tliat a sotiiid urbain structure is seccurcdl'or the fuiture. Early developient iin Brookliui 111a.1 jealiardize this structure", saiys Mr. Tunîiîy. SUMMARY '"if it cain bce dc" iistra>ted tit there xvill tiot lie auly unidue fitiancial burden te the Town of'Xhitby anîd lIta rcasciiablc groWvtlî rate can be. niaintainied ini tlic soutlieril uirbain-,arca se thiat Wic future uirban st ructurc is n et jeapairdizcd- if it caiî b denionst raited, then iil-t sheld lie donc bel orc any plaiiiiiig ecctirs". lic satys. ."Ifil.i tcati iet bceienînst rated . dcvelopep ntiitin Breekl iii nîiglî t have tote V i i i il tlie sotitlt iaircaiis substaintiaîly dcvcleped iii wilîichi caîse itinîighit lie coiîsidercd lîrciniati re'te do t(lie' pla iiing new". "ýlic saivs. I l a y Case, i e Tow iî sî(tn I a p eaci (tlic Situait je ' wih tIi lci r cyes epeit l a ll 11t0lieslis efore i heml", salys Mr. Tunncy. o; '/ 'iii: iX).t v,'ofi uni; ~, r' j'.,î; j') n m m Àdom ý a cuwmo p