Whitby Free Press, 14 Jul 1976, p. 2

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1 . 1 , , Y 1 , , , ,, , , ', , ) l'.- " PAGE 2, WEDNESDÀY, JULY 14, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY ARTS WINNERS Winners of "honorable mention" status at the Whiitby Arts miemnbers' e: Laura Reid and Nicholas Nov'ak, ~staiid beside their winnling works of members' exhibition wvas jtîried by Artist ini Residence Johin Gotild, and will1 at the Station until August 29. cxhibition, art. The be on view - Frce Press Photo Rotary pcrncake breaxkfast Aug. 1 Dances set for carnival A nuLmber of dances are being arranged throughiout County Town Carnival week l'or the cnjoymnent of tiiose attending. On JuIy 31, starting at 9 p.mi. there will be an old lime western dance to music of a live band at the Knighits of Columibus Hall, and ai 7:30 p.m. the sanie night the Brookli Squares are offering square dances ai the Iroquois Park Arena. On Aug. 2 ai 8 p.m..th-ere will be a youth dance, also ai arena. Dances are also being held in the Legion Hall on Byron Street South, July,30 and 31 ai 9 p.m. and'Aug. 2 ai '8 p.ni. At 9- p.m. July 30, 'the, Kiwanis Club is holding a dance at- Heydenshore Pavilion. A number of dances are being held at the Brooklij Mernorial Arena in connectioli ,with li he'Ontarlo Firefiglhters Association convention. July 30 ai 8:30 p.mi. there will be a dance in the arean, follow- cd J uly 31 I at the samne tinte by the "Firefighters Bail". The greatest spectacle of ail* will be the pyjama parade and dance at the' Brooklin arena, .Aug. 1. The parade around the streets of Brooklin will begin ai midnight. swim, meet andtennis tournament Once again the Whitby YMCA is tearning up with the town recreation depari- ,nent and the Whitby Tennis Club te îpresctit a series of sporig events for the Ceunity Towvn Carnival. On July 31, Aug. 1 and Aug. 2, starting at 9 arn. and Iusting ail day, there wiIl be a tennis, tournament ai Peel Park, with events for aduits and youihs, featuring singles, doubles, and mixed doubles. On JuIy 3 1, the recreation depariment and the YMCA are sponsoring a swini meet ai the Iroquois Park pool, starting at 5 p.m. Ribbons will be awarded to the fastest swimmers. On Aug. 1 the YMCA is holding ils annual bike competitions ait the'Iroquois Park parking lot, starting ai 10 a.m. Events include sprint races and obstacle courses. For further information atnd registration forms, cal the YMCA ai 668-6868. The Rotary CIlub PaIcake breakfast, an event whiich is tended by as muny as 2.000 people, xwilI again be îart of ibe WVitby CeLînty Town Carnival tis veur. The brea k as t feauring pancakes, rmupie syrup. coffee, tea or milk. xiii hc held in H-Iydensheore Par-k adjacen t te Heydenslbere Pavilien Aug. 1 , starting ut 8 a.mi. ln case ()t rm. as xvas experienced la st vcar, the Thte \Vit by Kiwan is(Clu b is adding a niew event te its activities ut the ('eunty Town Carîival t bis vear. Fer thle first titune, t 1w club will be lItestiing a 'Nlillîenaiires' N igli t "' ut 1 ey Lie uishe re breakfast will lie held ini the pavilion. l>aviliou. ut 7:30 p.m. iuly ï31 The ('lub xill aise bee biost i ug i t s aunlnfili h ee F barbheque ut 4:30 [)I. J ulv 30, followed 1w a dance ut 1) 1).11. Betb events are uNec ait lIc 1elislbre l>uvil lit. Cliiice assistant Misao Dean keeps a close eye on Glen Houghland successful Red Cross blood donor clinic. Free Press Photo Blood clinic sets new recoôrd Joyce (ex, ('hairinati of the Bloed l)ener Service fe.r thc Whlty Red Cï-ss reports dit the blood douer clînic, bield last week. was veî-y successfuil. 'Flie clinic cellectcd 361 donations, for in excess of the goal of 250 set by the Ontario Division of the Red Cross "ýlood Donor Service. lu fact, says Nirs. 'ox, it was the mosi successful clinie ini the history of the Whitby Red Cross The nexi clinie is schieduled' for Wednesday, November l'from 2 to, 8 p.ni. ut the Royal Canadian Legion H all onByron Street Southil. Malta club has pavillon at-carnival Thîe Malta Social Club of Durliani Region invites visi- tors te ibis ycar's CoLînty Towvn (arn ival te partake of special Maltese foods and sec examîples of Maltese crafts- uîansb ip a t I rocîuejs lPark. The Malta Food SIpeciatl- tics paviliuîî will beciii Whit- necy li Il, upistairs utth11e IroqulLois Park Arena, July 30 te 'Aug., 2. Tlue pavilion will be open froin 7 p.rn. te, 10:30 p.m. July' 30, and troi noon b à10:30 July -31 Ag.2 Housing meeting Thursdczy A public meeting Thursday te consider an application te amend the town's officiai plan te allow development of .31 twe-acre estate type lots in the norilîcasi part of whitby. Trowbridge Developmnents Linîited xvwants tlie plan arcuded froni open space te permîit thc resideutial devel- opinent ou a 75-acre parcel of land at the nortlîwest qîudrant of Taunton and Garrard Rouds. The conîpany plans te buili 31I liuses on two-ucre lots ai the rate of two er three per year and seli tlîem for $200,000 apiece. The company will present ils proposai bo the public at the administrative comîmittee meeting Thursctay. he meeting begins ai 7:30 p.nî. in the council chambers of the municipal, building at 405 Dundas Street West, YMCA offers Millionaires night JuIy 31 during last week's Colonel Sanders' Boys and Girls at Scotts Chicken Villa A A & y, Buy16 fl. oz Cole Slaw at the ear 75C price. Get a 16 fi. oz al0o your choice FREE. ColIonel Sariders anid bis boys rnake ït linger lirkin' good' OVER 100 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO-SFE VOUR PHONE BOOK FOR THE ONE NEAREST VOU. l' i - I pni. Opening Announcement Barker -, Dunn Denture Therapy Clinie A Complete Denture Service 111 Dundas St. W.#, Whitby 668-1464 i 1 MI

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