Whitby Free Press, 14 Jul 1976, p. 15

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1976, PAGE 15 Forritulite molded bathroomn BASIN & COUNTERTOP -- 48 inches long, nexv, $100; seven pieces aturninuin trale r cove ring, 6'Aý x 14 ft., $35 each. Cal 655-3411. BIRD CAGE - xvithi stand, $20; portable TV STAN!D on casters, $ 10; Cali 655-3167. BABY CARRIAGE - $18; non-electrie STERILIZER & BOTTLES, $4,50; nexv born SNOWSUI1, xvhite, $3; 18" auburn HAIRFALL, $15; single BED, 30", $12; 1-lealthway scuba tank, 71.2 eui. ft. harness & (k) valve, $85; water tung, sport diver regutar xvith reserve, $85-. Cal 839-7774. Gendron STROLLER - excel- lent condition, $25. Cal 655-3624 1 Deluxe WOODBURNING SET - good for chilidren 12 years and over, excellent condition, $3; PACK SACK, nylon with sotid alurninuin franie, neyer been used, $25; SKIS, approx. S'A-' long, great for beginner, $10; SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good condition xvith carrying rack, $10; portable RAD)IO, excellent condition, hardly used, $10. Cal) 668-4465. TV - 23" Admirai B&W, $75; 8 track car STEREO, $20; B.S.R. Turn table with duîstcover, $30; men's blue split leather COAT, size 40, $40; DAVEN- PORT, brand new tuxedo style' in beige olefri, $190; aIl itemns in excellent condition, must seil , best offer accepted, cal 668-0856. Mobile BU5FFE"T SERVLER stairproof' top. $45: table and four chairs. large site, chrome seca ts eighit, $35; Osterizer bîeîîder, like îexv, $25: garden xvheelbarroxx. rake, etc. $12: aluminuin storut door xvi th screen, ail ihardwxare, 32 x 82, hardly used. $25; cernenît birdbath, $ 15; Cal 668-5608 after 7 p.m.n PORTIABLE TIV TAJILI' $10; record player stand, $5: eaybake oven, $3; set nf electrie barber clippers & scissors. $10; ivIl-a-xx'ay bcd, $7: three chrome chairs, -3 for $7: four badminton rackets, $1 each: shorty drapes, $7; bicycle. 2(0" whiels, $17T50. Cali 728-6204. TRAINING CHAIR - $5. Cali 668-ý?103. STOVFE 30 inch, good c-c'i- dition $75: space HEý-ATER S6~0. Caîl 668-6750. Ludwig 7-picce DRUM SE-l %with genuine Zildjian symbols, excellent condition, asking $550. Cali 728-25 18. PING PONG, TABLE-> and accessories, regulation si/e with 34 sîate, nexv, $80. ('aIl 668-1210.3 Solid sterling silver ETCHING- a limited edition by l-ienry Moore, a beau tiful work. of art. Only $850. Cal 723-0722. WEDDINGDIRl-SSç&TRýAIN - size 10- 12. $1.50. ('alil 668-4410. I'NCYCLOPEDIA - Britannia 3, plus 3 book dictionary and large atlas, black leather binding, $1,.000 new asking $650. Can hbe seen at 200 IMason Apt. 21(0 anytime. 16' l'ibreglass covered RUN- ABOUT 25 hp OUTBOARD, gas tank, battery electrie start, as ixý, best offer over $350. QïI' 1 66 8-8957. 1 PLRRIGO PRAM - excellent condition, uscd Once, $100 or Englisli B"'ilE CHINA - tive ised, 54 piece set in BridaI Wreath pattern, $300. Caîl 668-5767. Txvo 600 x 15 goodcyar SNOW TIRES - new, $10 eaeh, one Rodger Majestic car RADIO, $15; one Lewyt canister VAC- UUM, with ail f'txtcires, necds boules with handies, 45 cents each;'- walnuit vejîcer, 2' x 4' shee ts, 75 cents ecd; oneC bab:' itemns - car bed, $7;,xvatker $4; snoxv sied, $4; jolly jutmpci. $4; rocking horse, $2; bottI' warmer, $ 1. Caîl 683-1602. MINI WASIIER, cised twice, $49; bicycle EXERCISER, $80; china CABINET, glass both sides, $80. Cail 668-6078 or 668-4377. SPICE RACK -- xvith 18 botties, $6; boys pants, size 14, $2; ladies clothing, size 14, reasonable prices, ladies short leather jacket, size 14, $ 20; single mnattress, $ 15; also odds ancl ends of carpeting, record player, $5. Caîl 725-1211. LA\WNNIOWI-.R Sufflk, nacle iii lI'nghaiid. 16" cnt. xx ti gTrass czitv'ler. excellent conîdition,. $IS; long hîaund ed gras sîcrs $3: (:îll11 Ï60 - 82 73. lli-Loxx freriqcency S('ANOR oîne second dclay. xith 8 crystal frequencies, police band, OPP, fire departient freqcnncies, large antenna, $300. ('ail 579-0757. Rug fho(.r sale I11 x I18 short shag, xineci colcîured. S I 55 xvîtnî mecIha; ical 'advance. nexx' condition, $60; CAR HAULING TRAILER, Ioxvrîcer type lias loxx centre of' gravity & toxvs very xveîl, sinîgle solid a le. wiîlî hoth steel and aluminuin rainps, heavy duty construction, $450:. I:qualiter t'RAI LER 111,1701, c'ed on 1970 (.)ds Cutlass but suitable for pre'1975 (;,\l lu terniediates, l'~ reîîovable bail & block, $125. ('ail 668-7014. CAMERA \IatiiÎi-utSSipe r 23, xitlî 100 min leuse, 6 x 7 back, and ground glass back xx itîî stîcet flin iolder, and 75 sheets of' filin. $485. ('aIl 576-26 16. 011,L SIA('I. lkWA'l';R xxith 45 gallon druin, $50: aliniincin 4 x 13' axvning, $ 10;: fruji t Juicer. nearly nexv, $15;*txvo heur tralîs, for chain 1"..ing, Ioads on truîck, $0O. Çail 723-3164. ANTIQUE [JOOR macle in 1857 soid pine, 42" x 71/2' x 2½"à paneled botîî sides, 3 solid brass 5" lîinges, sliîd brass door knob, brass lock with seroli work, a steal at $1 75. Cali 668-31i86. 21' ('AIIN ('RUISE'R 4 cylinuler, 60 lîorsepoxver, inbounid. completely redone insîde -'& oucîside, ready for launching, $3500 or best offer. ('ail 668-I1252. GUITAR & AMII'II:Rlý>1 Guitar' is a c op y of Laspal customn. Ampli fier is a Souiax <720G with two 10O" speakers, asking' $225 for pair. Cal! 668-473(0. Beautiful amtilue tali CHINA BUFFET' large glass front,i medium Iîoncywood xvould match colonial, $500 l'in. Cali 668-9792 af ter 2:30 p.m. LARGE ASSOR'IMI;INT Oh' BOOKS - l'or al ages, good condition, l5-25cenls cach; KITCIIELN B UFFET, $20; single bcd box spring & mattress, $15; singlê mattress, $3; Dinette Suite, round table & four chairs, includîng arm chair (bronze colourcd legs>, $50;, drapes, $2a pair; picture window drapes, $14, dlay plant pots, I15 cents each. Cal 723-2426.1 1964 CHEVELLE S.S. $250; 1972 RIDE,'AU 500, $500; one telecaster, custom guitar, excellent condition, $400. Cali 728-3992 anytime.' Free Press Emnporium (Coninued) M iscellaneous 13 & w 'TV oshaxxa Catiiotie xkirt, like nexx, 725-12i11 ('oiîsoie, $65; iiigh Sclînol $10. (':ll Clothing Red WooI ('uirhng JACKI I- size 40-42, $25: Bowxling S[10OLS' and case site 8, M1. Both are in perfect condition. ('a1.l 668-9073. HIUNT ('AI>-blac!' scîvet xx'th sat'ety harness instaiie4, size 71/1. S23.50. C-11)668-2407. COA'F- Ladies black persian lafiiî approxîimately site 20, in gond condition, wilI selI for $50. ('aIl 725-5714. Bikes IIE boy)s, bIne, 2 specci, Ihi-risc, $30. ('ail1 668-6790. [il KI-, hi Vs 3 p1; t ti-risc., 20"' xx ld, itick shîifi. ban,:în a sea t and ci kick st:iîd e \ celle lit coniditioun, $45S. Call668-<P 12' Equipmnent SLIM (GYM, F-XlER('ISE-R wvitb instructioni book, askiiig $25 or best oI'fer. Caîl 683-57:17 after 5 p.îi. SNOWSI lOI'S $5: baby carniage. $S21):pool lidder, S1I5; kitchen table & 6 chairs. $25: 3 wo oden Chairs. $5 ecdi carpenters tool bo\, $10I. ('ail 668-5486. ONE PAIR 0O: SKIS -pole, bindings, safety strap ancl boots size 7, only beeîî usecl 4 times. $65. (':I1 728-I1291. GOA LI E EQUIPMENT - one year old, fits boys 9-t1 3, pads, mask, gloves, armn & chest protec- tor, $60. Caîl 668-5714. Pets & supplies GENTLE BAY MAI- good with chilclren &, ARABIAN l'ILLY - $550. For further information eail 668-4830 after 6 11n Y ALE P)tIRE IBI"El) IRISH- SETTER - 11/2 years old, no papers, goc)cl vith cildreni, $50. ('aIl 649-2578. AQUARIUM - (aIl gla ss)' 40 gallon complete with 2 pumps' air fîter' etc. and 12 goldfish somne of themn 10 years old, $75. Cali 668-8527. Browri Shetland PONY -- with bridle and saddle very tame with children, $150. Cail 668-0705:1 WHITE RATS - mother & father, plus eight young, $10. Caîl 668-9860 after 5 p.m. and ask for Dan. PUREBRED WELSH CQRBY PUPPIES - onryý three left, $50 each. Call 668-2877. GO-KART - 1973 Bug injection, $600 or best oft'er. Cali 668-5432 ask for Rob. ý -'I 1967 MUSTANG CONVER-' TIBLE - 302 V8 automatic, body good, certirled,-$695. Cal 579-3648. .CLASSIFIED ADS TV Repairs Serving Durham Region 6 days a week New & Used Colotr Black & White TV's Bought -Sold Rý,nted -Repaired Towers C.B. & Sal$S Antennas 668-1818 after 6 725-4234 HOCKE Y SKA'TES - new, size 5, $15; portable, SINGER sexving maî:chinîe, $35; Cal 725-1211. 1972 SL-100 IIONDA- as is, $250 or best offer. Cal 668-01404 8 a.rn. to 2 p.mi. and 1<) p.îi. (o Ia.ni. 1972 OLDSMOBILE 88 goocl condilion, $1750); 1972 FORD, $750; I1966 Econoliiie Van, $550..,(':îl 579-0233 or 725-7449. TIRES - 4 nexv, Goodyear, 1)70-14,' blauk\vall, $ 120,"or comnpac t or iiitermieciate car. ('aIl 668-8544. APPROXIMATELY 400 BALES 051 STRAW - at a $1 a bae. Cali655-4380. Infants DRESSING TABLE - excellent condition, $15; coin- mode training chair, $3; toitet training chair, $2; folding por- table crib ideal f'or cmper, $5; sunbearn' 18" duel blade lawn- rnoxver, $35; <luil ted rn'auve tlowvered douible size bedspreacl and drapes, 63" x 100", $10; clark green flowered dlou bie size bedspread & drapes, 75" x 45", $8. Cal] 668-4639. STOVE'-. 30" wvhite, Viking, excellent condition, asking $125. Cali 668-4449. mcI grey filing CABINET - 4 dIra\ver, letter size, good condition and value, for $35, (Cal] 579-03 17. RFI) FLOOR VASE --$9; nic-nae shelf, $20; wrouglît iron walI planter, $ 15; toaster, $1t0; Iloor lanp, $6; pole lampi, $5; 8 min au toinatie projector, $35, lcft hiand Irapper, $2; electrie broomi. $15; firewood box, $10: 16" tricycle, $ 20; rocking horse, $2: liqlueur set, $3; loodlighit hiolcler, $2: 2 wooden chairs (à! $6», goose ncck lani p. $2:;lca ting elemnrt, $2: 14' xolid ia<ple lhat, coa I & 'orage rack, $20: casmal chair. $5. kitchlen iîîk, $3; child's; blacklîoard, $2; red batinal set, $5: bovs foot balll hclrnct. $4: boys hockey panîs, S4: girls doli c:îrria-c. $2: chocolatc t'ondue st S 3 eee kick staîd. S$2: three ltolding, cl1iîrs. $5: shovet. I lOl'du" 3: placeIn' I %et, SI: chlis anitv, S6: crcsscs s~ie 9- 12 $.SI)ý. O0ct'rs con sîde red onl :ii s'article. Cait 668-8739. 1, XIINSION IABLE xalnctosedl. 37'" \ 2(1' lii Ï7" \ 40', '. uItveetndcd xxîtth 3 lcaves,. 37"x 76". $75: chlitd*s bed. toIding type. 27'- 52" x tIi rn.iît tressý. coud cond ilion., 3 (t rola iaybd. 30-"\%ide.,$8: tour kîtchien or- bai- stools. 24" Iighi, 3 1xnde me t, $7 caibeige 1ue 1I I"4-' xI1)W. needs cîc'anîne1 $35: 2 b)iîrner io «ve. elecîric. 22(1O voi t tev d cttv, 25-' mdii sheît, nim iVen. S 15. (';1It 6 5-3 8(). G(1 .RN IA N S110 R1 1 XR PO1TI il R I vear ohi.ina dohuein iîcded, 35 ('I .76 -866~7. 3 Roscoe 4 Publisher Adolph 5 Greek letter 6 Parts of swimsuits 7 "- Town" 8 Singular 9 In medias - Il "- and Perimutter" 13 Start anew (2 wds.) 15 Egyptian dam 16 Richard or Pat 17 Eulogy 19 Fortune- teller's cards Play ""TV BINGO" Every Saturday at 6:3Oprn on Global TV. $5, 000. Jackpot, cards only $1.OOea. Cards available at most Wintario outiets! 20 Occur afterward' 21 Skilled 23 Poem 25 Spanish article 27 Football number 32 Buddltist saint Now! Lo Lookall Weg n ihNaturel to bring oui the beit in youun and your bair. W. culil the ffAY il growî.,ds ae il Io suit your faceadp. MEN'S HAIRSTYLING Whbiy lm 54t 34 Encourage 35 Floor covering 36 Designate 37 Island (Fr.) 38 60 secs. 39 Cargo weight 40 Guevara 41 Trilby, e.g. CROSSWOR PUZL 1U* AUCTION SALE Satur ay i y -f 7, ut T-p.11. on theic proipertny f NIrs. lloxx :rd Nllcoliîî, Ilxx y. 7. x o iles \\,est ut, liromn'Iîaiîî Sale o*ut îîsclîulu luL nîîshîns au tiqîdie iicineiig ir'Iîttlîî. lxxo xx slî sets toile si.% pîcce I. tre xx asti standsx an11ticuee hall seat raîck, sets of- cha:îirs. oak dii iu alahe Inine leaves, seca ts 22), pine dcsk. cap tain 's cha ir, I xo pille diesîs ut' draxxýers, antiqiuei rocker, pute cîciil t du p boards, large pi uc storagle culboard. antiqlue x clîîbeds (ornatIci. lridge, e-cetrie range. Mc('Iary cryer (ne anly 'nexx ,plus h imiernu s ctlier articides. Oxx uer lias tivecl iin sainec house cîver 6(0 years. Soîne good, coilectable pieces iii this saîle. 'erins casli.-nn reserve. Johni Anîîis. Auctioneer. 995-3477 RASBERRY IICKERS WANTED Slîisko Farm - Whitby Boys & Girls over I12 ycars of' îage. Cali Monday to Wcdncs- day. Onfly, betweeti 6 p.m. and 1I p.tn. -668-5389. U-PIC STRAWBERRIES Green Brae Orchards 655-321 7. 3 miles îîortlî of N o. 7 hilixay on Wlîitby- Pickering towtîine (D)urham Rd. 23) Ilrs. 8:30 a.m.- 8:30 p.m. Monclay - Sunday. SALE 0F ANTIQUES Hiundreds of antiques up to 20% o ff a t MacNeil's Furniture & Upliolstery, 41 3 Dundas St. E., Whitby.- GARAGE SALE 3 Shannon Crt, Whitby at Annis & Dawson Saturday, July I7th ai S12 noon to 5 p.m. Antiques, pressed back chairs, oId pieture frames, drapes, china, glass and odds & ends. ACROSS 1 Jargon 6 11l-manner- ed one 10 Trespass Il Bluenose 12 Before an audience (3 wds.) 14 Let.s stand, in printing 15 Lil Abner's son 18 Moslem VIP 19 Kind of biscuit 22 Fly alone 24 Nantucket, Mass., eg. 26 "Gift" for Troy (2 wds.) 28 Italian boy's name 29 - kitchen 30 Wedding- notice word 31 Mrs. Hitler 33 Vietnamese holiday 34 Ward off 36 Type of knot (2 wds.) 42 Foreign 43 - State 7 (Hawa ii's nickname) 44 Inclination 45 Principle DOWN 1 Military address (abbr.) 2 Reagan, ta some For Sale VfMLVLTT0UICI FURNITURE STRIPPI-NG uiu -'-1%e no dip tanks AT' lo-over prc or caustics'. MacNeuls"ces Furniture and Upholstery ANflQUE "UIt pays l'o reupholier fine 'furniture" 413 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario Bus. 668-5481 Res. 668-6526 I I. vi I I m %. ocess

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