Whitby Free Press, 23 Jun 1976, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1976, WHITBY VREPRE~SS Study being dlon. on Camp X land From Page 1 Adjacent te the Camp X property are the towni-o\wncd v;lley lands of the Corbett Creek Pollution Cent roi Centre, and the valley lands on the west brandi etf Corbett Creek. The other lands adjacent to Camp X are being deveioped for industrial uses, except for the Corbett Creek plant site and Thickson Point Community. The town has asked that the adjacent lands not used for industriai or residential purposes be included in the general study area and relate to the Camp X property in the final plan. The purpose of the con- ceptual plan is to provide the town with guidelines and alternatives for the develop- ment of the Camp X property as a special use recreationai area.- In addition, the plan, or plans, wili provide an indi- cation of complementary uses for the town-owned Corbett Creek valieys and the water- front lands south of the pollution control centre. Once the conceptual plans are prepared, a master devel op- ment plan can be prepared for future reference. The town points out that these plans would not be detailed plans fori- ltînaloil rathier a guide foi- deveop- ment etf prepot tics. Alîneîîg tie objectives etf the plans are au exaîninatioln ot existing terraîin and land- ternis, aannalyis l ptenit ml recreatieiial tises including recognition et rcquests troin specifie groups, an d refine- nient of prelinîînary alterna- tives into a master plan. The Camp X lands are a part of Whitby w1hich lias special historical significance. Fromi the mid l9thcentury until the 1930s, Corbett's Point, and the lands sur- rounding the înouth of the Corbett Creek were a popular picnic spot. One of the town's first newspapers records that picnics were being held at Corbett's Point as early as 1857. For miany years in the early 1 900s, the Ontario Ladies' College, tie Whitby Methodist Church, St. John's Anglican Church, and other comimunity groups hel d picnics here.1 East of Corbett's Point, on the presentOshawa-Whitby boundary, was the Sinclair farm, which in 1941 was sold te the British Government for use as a spy training school. THE R.EGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Regional Municipal- ity of Durham, acting as the Planning Board for the Regonal Municipality of Durham, pursuant to Section 62 of the Regonal Municipality of Durham Act, will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, June 29, 1976 at 10:00 a.m. and if necessary on Wednesday, June 30, 1976 at 10:00 a.m. in the CQuncil Chambers at the Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario for the purpose of obtaining the participation and co-operation of the inhabitants of the Region of Durham in determining the solution of matters affecting the de,,'elopment of the Region of Durham and shall receive and consider the Draft Officiai Plan for the Region of Durham as prepared 5-y the Planning and Development Committee of the Regional Municipality of Durham and to make a recomniendation for the adoption of the Draft Officiai Plan for the Region of Durham to the Regional Council for forwarding to the Ontario Minister of Housing for his approval as the Officiai for the Regional Municipality of Durham. A meeting of Regional Counicil will be held immediately foilowing receip)t of a recommendation from the Planning Board for the purpose of considering the recommendation and to pass a by-law for the adoption of the Officiai Plan. Copies of the te,,t of the Draft Officiai Plan may be obtained on or after Thursday, June 24, 1976 [rom the Clerk of the Regional Municipality of Durhiam at the Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossiand Road East, Whitby, Ontario; the Department of Planning and Develop- ment for the Region at 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario; the Office of the Clerk.ý of the Area Municipalities of the City of Oshawa, Towns of Ajax, Newcastle (Bowmanville), Pickering and Whithy, and the Townships of Brock (Beaverton), Scugog <Port Perry), and tlxbridge and at the Municipal Offices ini Hampton and Sunderland, Maps related to the text of the Draft Officiai Plani rnay he viewed at any of the above offices. Further information concerning the above mratter mnay he obtairied from Mr. J. Moyer, Manager of Administrative Services, Departmnent of Planning and Developmnent, 10O5 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, (416) 668-7731. C. W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Cierk Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland'Road East Whitby, Ontario 1,110 41)y scel ovii118calicU m 0mil)u X , îîd Il I1 wellI-kneowîîC A L C A ily t uil t n1,10111111g,[li:eCA L E A T ()I'IÎ01( I rogrims f or Wednesday, I i)ilit1ln re-lune 23rd, tb Tuesday , June 8: At'(l toi te Seieîîd Woî ItI 29t1î, 1976 oni Cablecîst 6 Wnî , t10ho1h11ds wOl'e îîsod by srving Oshîawa, WliÎtl)y , U ttw, t'oerial govenIll,1 aI s il ilownianville anîd Brooklin. rF Ceîuîtîulticlltioes ccentre, 1111( WEI)NESI)AY, JUNE 23 2: iiu th 1oo yI970s, It h o wn1 1:30 Kiwa îîis Music Festival of Whltby pui-clased t(li ~cmîp I tigl ighits 4: X lanîds iiid a numbher Ofî 3:30 Nachricliton adjacen t f-iîrmns fr inidtsti nu i O30Coutity Town Singers 4: developiiît. Prescrit: "Sing for the 5: .Silice the decision was People" 6: made te kccp the Camp X 5:30 M.J.'s Place lands for recreational use, the 6:00 Evcning Report council lias been approached 6:30 Performnance 6: by the Whitby District Scouts 7:00 Whitby Then and Now, Si to have the area becomie a with Brian Winter and 1 Scout camp. Jim Quail Council is taking the 7:30 Education Scene, with l position that it will investi- George Pearce gate ail possibilities for the 8:00 Kingsview United 1 development of this land, Church Choir before making a conmitment. 9: 00 Rescue 2: The Scouts, however, are 9:30 Sign Off planning to prepare a plan or TFIURSDAY, JUNE 24 2 model outlining their needs 2:00 Canada Day Activities and proposais for a camping 4:00 Expression, with site. AI.AnI-n Members Fîrem en in training exercis e Five inemnbers of the Whitby Fire Departmient are taking part in regional train- ing exercise for volunteer [ire fighiters in Oshawa tonight. Units [rom Whitby, Brock, Newcastle, Uxbridge, Picker- ing. Ajax and Scugog are par- ticipating in this miutaI aid exercise at the Oshawa train- ing bunker on Wentworth Street. Whitby's Fire Chief Ed Crouch is deputy ce erdinator of the exercise. $50000 bedr.oom blaze An upstairs bedroom [lire caused S5,000 darnage to a house at 114 Chestnut Street West Sunday night. The Whitby Fire Depart- ment reports that Mrs. Robert Stevens had been lying on a bed when the mattress caught [ire, but she escaped uninjured. The [ire occurred at 5:16 p.m. 4:30 Whitby Then and Now 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Shalom 6:30 Performance 7:00 Rescue 7:30 Brooklin Spring Fair 3 LISTING S Parade Coverage :00 Dr. Stanley Shapiro "Children theChalienge" 0: OOSign Off IRIDAY, JUNE 25 :00 Kiwanis Music Festival Highlights :00 What Does the Bible Say? :30 Whitbv Then and Now :00 Vita Italiana :00 Whitby Report, with Blake Purdy and Steve Porter :30 Sign Off UNDAY, JUNE 27 I 1:OOShalom, for the Jewish Community 2:OOVita Italiana, with Ercole Foresta :00 Nachrichten, for the German Community :00 Rescue, with the 7th Day Adventists 2:30 What Does the Bible Say? with Bob &Ron Kirkland :00 Greek Panorama, for the Local Greek Commulaity :30 Sign Off MONDAY, JUNE 28 4:00 Shalom 5:00 Greek Panorama 5:30 Brooklin Spring Fair Parade Coverage 6:00 Evening Report, with Wally Donaldson anid Dave Stewart 6:30 University Womefl's Club Presents: Local Area Guests 7:00 Whitby's, "9311",a Fire Prevention Series 7:30 Gwen's Microwave, a Cooking'Series 8:00 Whitby Boxing Club Card, Local Area Competitors TUESDAY, JUNE 29 2:30 Kinsview United Church Choir Concert 3:30 Fiesta '76 4:30 Nachrichten 5:30 Brooklin Spring Fair Para-de Coverage 6:'00 Evening Report 6:30 Vita Italiana 7:30 Awareness, with Bill Emmerton 8:00 Performance, music with Larry Chupa 8:30 M.J.s Place, withMuriel Jane Weber 9:00 Whitby '9311l' 9:30 Sign Off NOTE: Ail programs subject to change without notice. Plen.ty of activities being offered during Senior Citizens' Week Senior C*.i£kens Week got off te a good start Saturday with a dance at tie Centen- niaI Building, and there are plenty of events te comne. Tonîght is Pub * ight at the Senior Citizens Activity Centre at Brock and Pitt Streets, from 8 p.m. te înid- night. Fish and chips will be .served and pub-style music will be provided. Thiursday, there is a straw- berry tea at Fairview Lodge frein 2 p.m. te 4 p.m., and it is Senior Citizens' Day at the Legion hall [rom 4 p.m. te midnighit. Emphasis will be on evening activities, with lunch served and live enter- tairiment upstairs. Thursday night [rom 8 p.m. te 10 p.m. the Whitby Garden Club is offering a rose show in the town coUncil chambers at the municipal building. At 8 p.m. the award-winning ""hlitby Brass Band will present a concert on the lawn. Friday is a day at the races at Woodbine Race Track, with a bus leaving from the senior citizens centre at 11 a.m. A free swim and sauna period for seniors will be held at the Iroquois Park swimming pool Friday from 2:30 p.m. te 3:30 p.m. In the evening there is a carpe t bowling tournament at FaIrview Lodge at 7 p.m., Swimming with tea and cookies served. Aise on Friday night there will be a sulent film showing at the Seniors Activity Centre at 7:30 p.m. Senior Citizens Week winds up Saturday night with live entertainment at th~e Brock Theatre, starting at 7:30 p-.m., -hosted by BHil Brant. essons in two sessions Registration for Red Cross swimming lessons will be accepted until June 30 at Paulynn Park on Rothergien Road in Pickering. Lessons wiii be offered in two sessions, from Juiy 6 to 30 and August 3 te 27. Registration will be taken from 8 a.m. te 8 p.m. each day of the week. Cal 683-7261 for further information. Just the Same "Dear sir," one reader wrote te the editor of a rural newspaper, "can you tell me how long cows should be miiked?" Appearing in the next edition of the weekly paper was the repiy: -Just li ke short cows. " MAKES VOUR CAR SHINE AGAIN, PROI DELUXE SERVICE Lîghýt Surface Sanding-Masking 2 Coats of Enamel-Over, Baked $ ROYAL SERVICE Thorough Surface Sanding-Masking 3 Coaf s of Ename-0ven Baked.. PREMIER SERVICE Thorough Surface Sanding -Machine Sanding of Rough Areas-Masking Full Coat of Maaco Primer-sealer-3 coaf s of Maaco Fnamel-Oven Baked BAKED-ON METH-OD 7000 COLORS EXPERT BODY WORK FREE Shop Hourc Mon. fhru Fri. Bam-6pm Saturdays- lOam-2pm 710 WriTs- 57< St. E.t 1710~1 Wlmso. IUD AGAIN. 74 95 1199-5 4995 IAWA iRd.-South 9-400 BUDGET- "To See and To Be Seen In" McMANUS STRONACH OPTICAL WHITBY MALL 576-4431 OUALITY FOR YOUR CAR AND1

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