Whitby Free Press, 16 Jun 1976, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1976, PAGE 7 JOHN DRYDEN Continuing the history of the Dryden fainily, started last week, we look at the career of the Hion. John Dryden, Ontario's Minise;- of Agriculture from I1890 to I1905. John Dryden, generally known as "Honest John Dryden, the farmer's friend", was born on Maple Shade H oriea Whietby by larian. Winte Farm, (pictured above), at Thickson Road and tie seveîith concession of Whitby Towvnship on June 5, I1840. He was the son of Jamnes Dryden and Elizabeth Marsh. John Dryden ittendcd schools in Whitby Townslîip and thre Whitby Htigh Sehool before leaving sehool at the age of 19 to take uip farming. He rented his father's farin, and by I886 hi'ad doubled its original size to nîore tlîan 400 acres. Like iris father, Mr. Dryden was a mnember of the Ontario Couîîty rîilitia, attaining the rank of captaili, and lie also entered municipal politics, beiîîg elected to the Whitby Township Council in 1863 and serving seven years as reeve or deputy reeve berere retirirîg. For many years lie was also a school trustee in the townîship. In I1879 he was elccted by a majority of more th,-,n 400 votes to represent, South Onftario ini the Onîtario Legislature, and was re-elected in 1883. He was a Liberal and onie of the leading nieibers of the Reforni Association. In Septemnber I1890, lie was selected to sncceed Cha rIes Drury as Minister of' Agriculture, a post lie hield uinil 1905. Urîder lus adminîistration the Onîtario Agriculture College at Guelph was enlarged'and a daîry sclîool connected with it. Othier dairy schools were estahlishied at Strathroy and Kingston, and I12 fruit experiîîîeît stations were established throughout thîe provinice. liIn 896, Mr. Drydeni was appointed one of tlie coîîîîissieners for thie revision of tlhe Ontario Statutes. Mr. Drydenî was one of' the outstandùîg agrîculturalists of Ontario, anîd Ils farin was farnons for tlîe breedîrîg of inîported sheep and cal tle. Mr. Dryden was President of lthe International Shrop- shîire Sheep Breeders' Association of the United States and Canada, the largest stock association in the world; President of the Dominion Sliorthorn Breeders' Association; director of tlhe Amnericari Clydesdale Association; aîîd President of the Ontario Couinty Agricultural Society. by Norm Mealinq« Athree-way tie f*or first place was the resuit of lasI Thursday night's W.M.A.A. Sofîbaîl League doubleireader at Centennial Park. In tire opening game, Teani "I edged previously undefeat- ed Team 4, 10-15. For Team 2, the ourued trioka of' Pat Brown, Greg Toppler and Randy Boles were the sparkplugs wiîir ail tirree piaying fb-wlessly in the field and Brown contributing a fourbagger teo fie attacl.c. Bob Riddell was tire dominant figuîre for Teaîu 4 botir offensively-ard defensively arnd boitir lie arîd Bill H-arris connected for roundtrippers. The bottom baîf of the txinbill saxv Teai 3 lîaîuîîur Teanu 1 38-19. For Teani I, il xvas Ilîcir tîrird straiglit defeat, and sank thenu deeper mb tu le league baseiueît. Jim Nicel sparked rire xirners for thre second gaine ini a row and Bob Cook played xveli for tire losers. The League Staundings Teain Ganies Woin Lost Tied Poinîts (;amies ______ ______ - - 3ellind r (i Four One 3 2 I -~ 2 I 3 O 3 Thiere xvii) not. 1 repeat net, he a General Nieetinv, of the West Lynde ('enînînriL1ty tAýSsoCia tioI mten i iiglut The Whitby Warriors bcId the ir cid-of*.seasen pa rty on Friday, June I I rh, and awarded the varionis teani trephies. Team Manager AI Armstrrong rcperted iliat liî(,giî-sceriing forward Peter '/ipond was named N'ost VluLale CPlaver, 8' 36.50 6' .18.95 4' .995 We stoc~k Ccibot's Sains' MITCHELL 'ROTHIS ouiïdino Suppks Ltd., defencemnan Bob Ednîutnds xva4 votcd Most Inspîrationai Player aund Iard-working Greg Bodnar was naîiîed as tire teanî's Most Cciitlernarly Player. AI also reports tdattItie Warriors are likely to inove their home gaines te Suîîday niglits next year anîd predicts a bannier seasoen for both the Warriors anidthue Seiîior loop in 1976-77. Certaîily looks that way if the repore; of receit sigi iiîgs f roîi around the league are aiy indication. Mississaîrga Golden Arrows aiîounced thie signiiig of former Pi ttsburgli Peiigini captaiii Keitii McCreary as playinig-coacii and Orillia Terriors -are reported ho have corne lu ternis witlî forme r New York Ranger bitieliner Dale Rolfe. The W.*L.C.A. lield its tiiird Ailiiuaîil Fainily Furi I)ay o11 Sattrîrday. Jur1 'Il2 i. iii West Lynd(e's Celuitrai Park. Froii al] appearances. il xvas a iriost sniccessfil day. T.V.'s Un)cle Bobby was ai grea t lii t wi îh thli simili f-ry, as xvere the poniy rides, ices aid bicycle decoratinig con test. Tihis is mie of thlic lest. if iet thle besi . cveîî ts staged by thie ce iiinn i y associa lii ii - A rea iidca i tiic rcdit nimust go r e th ieAssocia tioin L-xecttive wl ri xorked se biard tb put Uic day oiu. to Ille veluirecis wiio sold tickets. served i ret dogs anîd popu rail th e races airil se emi. -Au eq ual sha re of' pli ndits miunst aise go r o rtle .30(Jo er sorcs dent s of'onir t;4riîriîîtiiritv ' he tîekkedre Irle liaik. aiid joilied iiiIrle Sîrrîetiries tiriiigs lir:ppeii xvhiclî r-eaIl\,tiake vîtu xv Wdr ~e ail cari reîrîieîrîxie as childrerîl, xve wenld coliecc pop botutis aird take tuieiirte ire store t- cais1 tlirere iii. A\ rciativeiv simrple p1ecess Iii ilativeN Simriple n ies. Ail irixa s icfewcrin-e oi llbest i& id ceice i Cei rue erîvir oriiirirt. Nexýý. xx'c have ntritl heber tics arîldgeerrcrr arid1 irrteiest gît lps exers xx'1ie(cs\V C siititiid îîktise hîtties xx'iîi ci caî reicniied. V;iii ciongli. butt I iîiiîk its riiie rirai selrrehe)d\ spoke to e it iîre e~is oetoui tair toiex . 1I ccciit ,11 i:î rccasieri Lote lrirri a large coilecriori ef' bot îles timir:îî î:Icc--iuillateui in our basement. At one store, 1 was able to return only the large botties and then flot for cash, but a voucher. At anothier store, 1 unloaded the smaller bottles, but oniy on condition that 1 purchase somnething. Reports have also reached mie of store keepers who, when faced with someone retuirnin g botties, are downright rude and make people wait, often throughi four or five cuistomers. 1 hiave great symipathiy for the storeowner caught as he is between the customner and the bottling companly. But, 1 hiave a greater sympathy for y'ou and 1 who, in seeing the hiarmi in non-returnable bottles, buy pop in reusable botules and get hiassled when wve try to return them. As a final note, let mne assure the residents of Deerfield anîd Evans Courts that that rumnour is true. Bob Smith has finislied hiis patio whichi he began in May of 1975. LASVEGAS SAN FRANCISCO .-. LO S ANGELES YOUR CHOICE 0F PACKAGES 1 onday ta Thuraday 3 nights LAS VEGAS Holiday Inn Center Strip- ~7 Z onday ta Monday 7 nîghts LAS VEGA&S Holidïay Inn Center strip. 32 <Monday ta Sunday 3 nights LAS VEGAS- Holiday Inn center Strip- $ 9nc 3 3 nights LOS ANGELES -Hilton City Cnter- 6 Turday ta Mnday 4 nights LAS VEGAS-HolidaHonCete- tr 329 4eun e a3ae ih opietain-lihtmelsvi tedStiAtNs an i bagga ean i evc chrgs ndtaes*Accommoatio tdluehti FAgoHoEG A -drInnCn terlamig Hte lunch r diner atthe WeelCsino-rakfstatth FOSEAIANDLOUR BROonCHU ntRE Your Suur »Vaton IxOr inLes th ettor nsoraprteion rgaeghditre nd l ervc charges ntae eo moaiono.1259988ehoel "To See and To Be Seen In" McMAN US STRONACH OPTICAL' WHITBY MAIL 576-4431 lHe was recogîîized as owner of' one of the finest herds of Cruikshank Shiorthorn cattie on the continent, and his flock of Shropshire slieep were classed equa]ly high. His Cruikshan.tik shorthornis were import'ed from Scotland, and one bull he brotîghit to Canada, in 1 873 won I17 prizes and was iîever beaten in the show ring in Canada-. ln 1892 the herd at Maple Sliade Farmn numibered about 70 head, many of which were used for breeding purposes and sold to prominent farmers in Canada andi the Unîited States. Mr. Dryden was also involved in exporting Canadian- bî-ed-Clydesdale horses. Mr. Dryden took an active part in forming farmers' clubs before the farmers' institutes were formned in the 1 880s.* In addition to farming, Mr. Dryden was involved -in other business miatters. He was a director of the Port Whitby'and Port Perry Railway, of which his father was president; and remained involved with it until it, was acquired by the Cran k Trunk Railway in 1 893. Followîing in the footsteps of his maternai grandfather, Rev. Jsrael Marsh, Mr. Dryden was a prominent menîber of the Baptist Church. He was president of tjîe Baptist Union of' Canada, director of the Home Missionary Society of Ontario, and was chairman of the board of McMaster University, cstablished by the Baptist Churchi. Mr. Dryden also founded a Baptist congregation in Whitby in 1 876 which is celebrating Uts centennial this year. On Feb. 13, 1866, Mr. Dryden married Lydia Holman, daughter of Thornas Holmnan, a weIl-known New York book publisher, and had six children. He died on July 29, 1909 aged 69, and was buried in the Baptist cemetery near Maple Shade Farm, beside the grave of his father. (Next week: William A. Dryden, founder of the Winter Fair)

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