Whitby Free Press, 16 Jun 1976, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1976, WH1TBY FREE PRESS (T~kin ~ Byliries Gr-otp '74lield a mîeetinîg lasI weck ut whicliîit was agreed lupoii by the nuemiberslîip thai the preseilt executive coiîpleeihe Const ituniion anid B~ ascurreiiily beiîîg drafted belfore a îîew excecutive hoe lecied. At thee Orsi Septemiber mneeting, the new Constitution w.illho proseited andti wen passed, clcîonis xvill 1b0 held. We look lforward Io varlous coiiinity orieiitcd îr(ýec Is supi)orlcd 1w luis group t o contiume in the saine good flahioi lie\(t ycar as t bey have in thle past. T'le Broo k iii Dis trict M othle r aund lauglter Buanq uet lield l Iast wee k lu tiie Chîri st ianîldnuat i oibuilding t t1lic Bron kI iiit.Uniited Cli nreli \'., -s,îdceîl'o evenit. -l'lietfood was dehici ms aîid varied, and uIc ser-vice providcd by fthzle rs of Gu"Iides aiid 131nwiiies \vals excellenmt. 'ilaîiks te o.s.vourni' lc in lthle ki tel eîîciubled i i i ioi o e r'. t 'eiîî ut (lie table wutli iheir goirls. 'Flic biîc1ue!a(141 c to the fronit lawn ot hIeC. i'. E.buildinlu wt'or îî lii o)ii) Si lng uuî J uiic the rese iiiati bu * icl c eicii) aw..a rdJs t c varionis girls. Soîiie ot ithe leaders '.'. lil ' l. mt n h e coiitilliig Il icet'allrecel'. d ian\ u lt sunms i ok tri'nmthîcir era tefl nI irls. l'l ie ne eveil iii uec .i iics llld Guides;'.'.rc enjov iumg Ii heubanquîe t, Itletic avers. ('îibs and tscoutis were g'aile ring a t tlleicanof I4tMrS. Pt iv Il k \Vc bb un r i asd BROWN 'S meceting as a close bthediir soasonl's activies. Approxi- mnately 65 boys were present fflong with iboir leaders. They liad a good time, complote with cook-ou. t IwS 1not ail fl'un howover, as the Cubs woro busy maý,kiuig 1lasi-into propirations for their weekend camp ait te Cuibaree id lasi weekond ut thoeIHlber- Dowiî Conîservation Arca. The Beaiver group, wIIÎch WCo have hcre,wIS thie lfirSit 1 ho orga nize iniithie Whitby district and has iîosted variotis interested observers during file year. We cao bc uule proud of'te progress wiîich the i3envers haive imaie. A reccn , compot ilion designied tIo give rccogii ton IotI lose boys Wh O WOre o (LIti a idi ng iln oveKru il par lic iii a t ii MIS \VOH by1t1ho BineL Odge gtIp. ichard-( Neely wzis gi yen a, specilaI vurd forlhavi ng aCCuIImuLIlIIted tllie 1mosI,1i poinii Ibis compehition. Tl'le Scount s irc iii ieed nifilmorea dult ilen:de rs. Tiis a ge gron p of' boys are "halIlenigi tig a idlt hei r progranis are vory diver-se1aîîd active. TIeCy ileed ICledrs whIO lhave 11 genLine i iiieresl in i uiig p)enp le ainîd i ive sonuice uc rgy t o n ves t iii tiîeîrir e. livon '.voild even like b iind out more about tiîs gi oup wthuîiicessarily c ommiit titigyourselt. )lioiic 65 5-3 175ý. At Aslibîurî'i iuiity ('entre kst '.vck. aboumt 75 peolJe atteided a Hlec) iiir liere [lhe detaîls otft, proposed pai k sites wei e presenImed. Quesi ions were raised anîd a ond w-wacOiuîîiiIi oubetweei' ccouncil rc1)ieseiituives aindItle iatepa i' i-,e'suuie'i. A pctitioui circuLatcd duuIlle ic ieetiiiO :llit'ed tli sel iied tii iîîirk tiliir r iet'eioce cc iclieu the ltour ()r Ilie i -acic site-. Thi)ii"dyia\iioî iiiig. uIlel t()iil wVc1 upliel m sciil i 0 i I\\ liy 4 ci ct in <uîie :Ij ia î' ictiu l:u'.î ~ \V \luudu' \' ude-sindidliatIlei Asiubimrii ucsidciits. iiii2 tli 7 1111i\ con'.ideicd tlie ciioicc. are tilv 1yini Supporcnt ot t(le I(I1 cesite nlî:î'havecle.itk expressed tîmeli desiie l'r tî .As oIthtî' is iliiig. \V do iîît Iî'. l lîe outcome of Monday's meeting was. Whatover the (utome 'of Ihis park question, one cannot hieip but he impressed by the strong comrnunity spirit exprossod by Ashburn residonits. This cornmulY ncods parkland. It noods an adequately large site which ofièrs divorse iandscapo which will niake it suitabie for a varicty of' activity. The kind of community participation and involvemrent which is I'reely giveri by these people cannot bcoi underesliiated. Theso people just nced the Iand and thcy arc willing to take it fromi there' and develop il in( a park th emsclves. There are tiiose who would provide zaclequate fenicing and olîmers willing to assemble varjous play cquipîîîeît. This is a comniunity wbich prides itself on uts rosourcolul contribtlions to community life. Their pas( rccoid oii in volvemient witi their Comminity Centre speaks for- itself'. Ashburn residents are flot asking for a fully cleared, fully devcloped park, complote wiih equip- meiii, etc, tiey are oniy askiîîg fr blie land on wbich they wi Il esiablish the park. MHURS. JUNE 17 -iPr. Derizil Raymner lectures ut SAT. JUNE 19 Ttîistlcs ai 8:30 pmi. SUN. JUNE 20 everywiîerfe. WeC.vîsli SUN. lUNE 20 NleetliiiL' ut 1:30. SUN. lUNE 27 Bi -ookliiî iegion 'aîliîity piciiic mil be held ut I ierîîit Valley uit 1:00. Valerie 655-4317. FOODMAST'ER BROOKLINI ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 CLOVER LEAF 72/:OZ TIN PINK SALMON -89C CANADA No. 1IWHITE BILY BEE ¶ LB CONT CREAMED Honey 89C GRAPE OR LEMONADE FLAVOUR 4 m.314-OZ PKG TANG- Crystalýs,1.09 110GW URG1IT.T-' "" C-a *S. . SK ... Palmolive 89C Off 113G mmdS1. i 49 Ajx22z.Ct 4<Raid Eàs2.2 _______ -lE - i §,t OoiTis u 53c Explore s.49 s~twI 9 ShAN m(MOVR 4.2 1% 4 o AR s o*,&CAP S OJIWG ,%G O oT N'SPRAY 1.29 SOS Pads 41c ItGUL.A0 01MALT QUAKER ATS 0M00oocoWTTAT 11.02 PMG & WHI Muffets 459« 001 vCT - IP ! AL MENU 14G.PIMa PM !Roof 28'.02 ¶114 Cat Food 89c DMn Food 29< SOE4M12 s 'r'L At8Nè ASIOATE0 PUS N SOTS I5-OZ TI K PTtE2KP( Cat Foods 25c Burger s2.49 CANADIAN -PROCESS KRAFT CH EES E Satisfaction . GOVERNMENT INSPECTED 1 j.9 SHfORT RIB Roasts 1.33b eW BONELESS BLADE ROASTS 1o? (HUNE LICHI uI Bye The Sea SNVU LDER STEAKS Arun Bee 89-" TUNA BLA"D'É ST E AK S 1W 894, ' Bltt CPS b1. .01 UNTITI T RIMoptiTAC. h1 it" LICEO69 59Ç LUNCH MEATS blit,119 iBEEF LIVER bILI < 59 DEVON R LSS l. * B41 'ORtfgAmagcOT 217siztE BACON RIDSSb14 BEEF PATTES 2b. 1.99 *.MAPLE 116F' CRYOVAC SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS l.13 CORN FLAKES 99c TISSUES 3s1$ ASSORTED VARIETIES- FROZEN 11-OZ PKG- e SAVARIN DINNERS 69c ALL UPS HIGHLINER 160z.Pkq JmCLOTH FROZEN COD Flets 99C TOWELSI BIRDS EYE 1 LITRE CONT "9 FROZEN COOL WHIP 99< 1 ,O FROZEN DELUXE 23-OZ PKG 0TFTAEIE KELLOCG'S Pizza s.49 Pomper N OIL 31/4-OZ TIN Cat Food BRUNSWICK Sardines 21c '9 STORE HOURS OPEN six DATS A WIIK 3BGDY 8.-X e.,. - 6 p.m. EXCPIT WEum '~Thurs. June, 17 to Sc UmmSSITS 119 s SPECIAL for the. freezer whole loins of pork cut & wropped $1.49 IL. Red Brand No. 1 Chucks of Beof Cut & Wrapped 791 IL LAUIDENTAL CREAU M l0-mL CON Cogate i19 FAST TAIN RELIFT TABLETS AnaCin Sm 60 99< SAN TART ITAPONS TTATFREE PTTOf 0F Mini Pads 59c moUTM4WAsH & CATCh 6 FL-OZ T' Listerine 89ç' CARTRiIGt ICHICTI Il Blades Pk. 5 99< DISTOSARIE IATURS ¶0081ER 812E PIC 0F Ta Pampers s$149 at, June 19 -- rookliii Redn iplay the Eergus al dlie Liunklin Veirial Ai'ena. -Fa iliîer's Daty To aI I iatbier's y'ou a gond day! ..Brooklin L.gion biol ds it Genleral Bingo gcimes lune 20-26 The Meals Without Wheels Activity Club wili hold three share the \vealth bingos during senior citizens week, June 20 to 26. - The bingos will be hield June 21, June 23 and June 25 at the Kinights of Columi- lus Hall on Brock Street North, follo\wing the regular meais w\vli begin at 1 p.m. A çgarden party \vill be hceld July 3 f-rom 2 to 4 p.m.. ut 1018 Centre Strect South. Alil seniior citizens are \velconie to attend both events. The Mleals Wthout Wheels Moniday, Wednesday and Fridjy dinîters will continue tlirdughi the summner. NOTICE TOCREDITORS AND OTH ERS lu the Estate of ARTHUR JOHN SLIiEMAN, decreased Alipersons lhaving cdaimis againsit te Estate of ARTHUR JOHN SLEEMAN, late ofý Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, in the Towvn of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or ab)out the 24th day of Decemiber, 1974, are hiereby notified 10 send particulars of saine 10 the undersigned on or before the 8ti day of July, 1976, after which date the Estale will be distributed with regard only to the dlaims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will nol be liable to any person of wvhose claimi lie shall not then have notice. DATED ai OakviHle, this 3rd day of ý e, 1976. ELSIE M. WILLIAMS Executrix, by her Solicitor Williami B. Kerr 260 Church Street Oakville, Ontario L6J 1N6 Largest delegcxtion The largesi numrber of people ever to take part in the Whitby -Longueuil twîn- ning exchianges will be leaving by train for Montreal June 25. Town Clerk Bill Wallace reports that a eapacity crowd FRESH FRUITS - VEGETABLES! Luclous Newcrop Californie No. 1 VALENCIA ORANGES No.. 1 GEORGIA Sze 113 Iceberg Penche$ 994do. .Lettuco 394 lb. Large Rend 39' DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE f-

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