Whitby Free Press, 16 Jun 1976, p. 13

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1976, PAGE 13 Busy progrqm of events Senior, Citîzens Week commences Sa A busy programi of events wvîlî a w'ide variety of' activities is planned fo r Seniîor Citizens Week. stariing Saturday. The progran. co-ordi na ted b)v flietown's recreation departient and a number of comuîunity agencies, begins Saturday night xiîh a gala opeuinug dance at fthe Cenien- niai Building from 8 p.m. to midnighit. Suuday at 1 :30 p.m. there \viii be a special non-denomi- nationai church service l'or senior citizens ai St. John the Evangelist Roman Ca thol ic Cluirch on Giffard Street. From , p.nî. t 5 p.nn. Sunday'. the seniors' ac îivity centre on Brock Street at Ptt Street xiii bc holding an open house, with entertain- nient by Donothy Lonsdale. At ibis ie, anyone xishing bo take part ini the week's bus trips miusi registen and inake payrnenî l'or the trips. Reistration is also being taken for a carpet bowling tournanient at Fair-1 view Lodge. On Monday there xill be a choice of two bus trips, one to a picnic aI Toronto's Edwards Gardens, and the other to the Molsou's Brewery. The Edwards Gardens bus leaves from tlhe senior acîivity centre aI 10 a.m. and returus about 3:30 p.m. The brewery tour bus leaves the same location at 12:45 p.rn. and returus tb Whitby by 5 p.m. On Monday, Wednesdayi and Friday there will be free swims and satunas for senior citizens at the Iroquois Park pool from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. On Tuesday there will be a bus trip to Centre Island at Toronto, leaving from the seniors activity centre at 10:15 a.m. and returîîing by 5 p.m. This trip includes a glass boat tour of the Toronto St. Jolxn'sc 130 yecirs A dinner and dance and an outdoor service xiii mark thei 1i3oth anniversary of St.i John's Anglican C'hurch on1 the xeekeud of dune 1-6 and 27. The 13 h anniversaryi dinner aînd dance will be held in th1e Fenry Street 1llighi School cafetorium dune 26 sîarting at 7 p.nî.. with Bill Nelson as chairînan, and Mr%. Robent Buirghiall in charge of' a fun fashion show. given by Sheriff Nelson G. Reynolds 10 St. John's in 1857. The reclor, Rev. Raymond Carder, wiIl be the preacher at Ibis service. At 3 p.m. that afternoon, the community and al friends of St. 'John's are invited t0 an outdoor service on the church lawn. Islands, a chicken lunchi and stroll on the island, and a eturn ferry tîip. On Wednesday lune 23 tromi 2 p.. 1 4 p.mi. the Whitby Lawn Bowling Club will liosi a learning session of' laxvn bowling for lion- bowlers. Ail those curious about the gaine are invited to Cornc Oui. For thie less eniergeîic, iliere xiii be a card party indihe seniiors aciiviîy centre beside the bowling green. Wednesclay f'roin 8 p.nî. to înidighîl is pub liit ai the seniors aciivity centre \vith live m usic anid fishi and chips. Anyoiie xislî ing flss and chips niust be there by 9j p.in. to puat iii tlhin order. Thiursday' June 24, there xiii be a S traxvberry Tea a t Fairviexv LodgeC froi 2 p.ni. tu 4 pliî, and f-roin 4 p.în. to nîidilii4îit xiilibe Senior Cîtizens Day ai tuie Legion ill on 1W non Stireet Sou th. Lunch xvii bc servcd ai thîe Legion hall and lt heîe xiii bc ,ive enitertainlnien t tîlstairýs. Also on Thuirsday there is a rose show by dihe Witby Garden Club froni 8 p.mn. to 10 p.nî. iin the couincil chîainbe rs a t the imiunicipal building. Admîission is frce but there is a volunitary silver collectlion ai the door. The Whiiby Brass Band xiii be providing mîusic on thie library grotinds durnîg thîe rose shoxv. Friday Junie 2.5 is a day at the races ai Woodbine Race Track. The lbus lecives the seniors acti'vity cenître at il a.nî. and rturns lu Whitby about 6 p.iîi. Wood- bine officiais hiave asked that gentlemen xvear a suit or .acket. inithe evening. startiing ai 7 p.iiî. there xiii be a carpet bowvliing tourlîanl'e"ît at Fair- viexv Lodge. l'ea aind cookies celebra.tes lune 26-27 \1uisic..wîll lbe prox'îded hx die \Vhithy F3rass Band Linde r the diîrecti oui oi S ta uîleY Redfearn, anîd Rev. A. C'. Toiy' ('ailon . i)reccor of i)evelopnîlenit o Wv C1i ffle ('ollege. xviil bc tue special anîîiversary preacheri. Rev. Capliî's viSi t is * prtiulalyappropriate, for t'roni i1889 ît i191i9 Wycl iffe Col)lege supplied sîudenî uniuistens tb keep 51,. John's 1îarish openatiîug il, a limle 0i opeued on July ý5, I1846, and phayed an inmportant part, in the bistony of Port Wiitby in the days when il was a major shipping centre on Lake Ontario. It was the oniy Anglican Church Whiîby until AIl Saints' buili uptown in 1 866. will be served, and registration for Ibis event miust be made Suniday lune 20 at the seniors activity centre. Also Eriday niglit thiere wilI bci1ovieS of' Charlie Chaplin, W. C. Fields and Abbot and 'Cos telit) ai the seniors activity centre, start- inig at /:JU p.nî. Saturday June 26, there wiiI be live ente rtainiinien t at the Brock Theatre iii the fori of a vanieiy show hosted by Bill Brant, startiing ai 7:30 p.m. Admission is frec to Senior citizens. The following pieople are available to provide rides during senlior Citizens Week: Mrs. Joan Milbun, 668-9013; M rs. Lorraine Fudge, 668-3077; Gjrace Ford, 668-6435; Mrs. Marg Camp- bell, 668-2440; Mrs. Altamiac Eberice, 668-5296; J. Sharp (evenings onlly), 668-11I56; and Mrs. Mary Penfold (flot Wednesday afternoon), irday 668-6176. Drivers froni West Lynde* are Christine Ryan, 668-8973; and Sharon Brown- ilii (îlot available lune 21) 668-7614. Throughout Senior Citizens Week activitAesý should be directed to the Wlîitby Recreation Depairtmient aI 668-5803. In 0 ears the kids of Otter Creek ill be able to lookbacmkon al tis and laugh. A~nu Here, on a 300 acre tract of land that may well be one of the most desirable around Metro, today's kids can roam and explore and enjoy. And years f rom now they'll have a lot of good rnemo ries to look back on. Otter Creek. On these 300 acres, The Coventry Group will provide more than 600 homes to suit every lifestyle. An affordable community in the $4%000 to $ 60-9000 price range, just 20 minutes east of Metro. But it is the land itself that is unique. Gently rolling huils and meadows almost as far as the eye can see. The clear waters of a stream that wanders between tall-standing trees. Natural land. And yet just minutes west of Whitby, an historic old Ontario town .- . a yacht club and marina to the south .. . northwards, lakes and beaches galore - ski his and snowmobile trails for winter pleasures -.-. shopping centres, schools, churches, the Go train and public transport- ation, ail close by. >But above ail, Otter Creek is affordable! A new freedom. . an easy- going lifestyle .. . a home you'l1 be proud to ...... . recreation areas including a soccer field, tennis and squash courts, and a community swimming pool ... ahIlf rom $489000 to $60,000. It is here, in Otter Creek, just west of Whitby, 20 minutes east of Metro, that The Goventry Group will provide your new home. Now is the time to see it. To make plans for the future. For you. And especially for your children. Otter Creek is for the good times. Now. And 20 years from now. wls 1

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