r., .Ach it's ente-rt ammen Whitby Arts mernbers prepare for exhibit you w e *eu BY DR. A.W. DAMIS Members of Whitby Arts Inc. are preparing this month for an exhibition of their works to he shown at the Station in July and Auguist. Entry forrns have beco mailed to Whiitby Arts menibers, inviting thern to enter drawings, paintings, sculptures, graphies, photo- graphs, and textile art. Qwick Tip Jellied consomme with crisp raw vegetables: Com- bine one can condensed con- somme with two tablespoons each chopped radishes, cu- cumber, and one table- spoon chopped parsley. Chill u.ntil jellied - about four hours. Serve in chilled bowls. Makes two servings. Turkey-Vegetable Combo Combine one can of turkey modxie soup and one can of vegetable soup; add 11/2 soup Pine Ridge Rug Hooking Guild Treasurer Claire Freek and President Eve'yn Spratley inspect work done by a guild member ai the guild's annual tea and display of hooked items at St. Mark's Church Saturday. Free Press Photo THE FINEST IN VARIETY SHOW BANDS THIS WEEK CRAC KERS NEXT WEEK .LOCKERBIE These entries will be judged by the gallery's artist in residence John Gould. The opening of the miembers' exhibition will be July 5 at 8:30 p.m. The exhibition is the first by members to bc juried, since the members' exhibitions began rive years ago. cans of water. Heat; sir now and then . Garnish with crumbled bacon. Make three to four delicious servings. Some Easy Ones Mayonnaise-Horseradish- Mustard spread: Blend 1/2 cup mayonnaise, 1/ cup mustard and 1 teaspoon horseradish. Red, white and yellow potato salad: Add grated carrots and slioed radishes to your favorite potato sal- ad. Garnish with sliced hard-cooked egg and pi- mniento stri ps. Graduation cake: Bake your favorite cake mix in a 13 x9 x2 inch pan; cool. Frost cake; decorate with high school initiais and class numnerals wnitten in deco- rator frosting from a tube. Jennifer Martin and Forecast Period: June 6 to June 12 You will undergo a highi degree of emotional sensitivity. Avoid the urge to provoke your mate or similar alliance; ARIES furthermore, don't put associates to the Mar. 21-Apr. 19 test. TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-Juli 22 LEO JuIy 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 An overworked imagination plus too mnuch self pity might thwart your job, task or project. Unless, you exert self control, this won't be one of your better weeks. 1. Spe-nding money and speculati.ng, believe it or flot, are recommended to boister your spirits. It seems as though you'1l need relief from "budget" pressures. It's time to take on a "low profile." Ini other words, pull out of mainstrearn ac- tivities.. Bluntly, let someone else take the reins - there's non-productive material ahead! It's an ideal time for calculated risks. Ac- tually, there should be no problem as far as speculations are concerned. Also, you should receive a compliment from an umexpected source. Thiere's somnething questionable about a close associate's motives. A spoken com- pliment will have a "ring" of decep- tiveness. Double your guard against a so- called "f riend. " Throw yourself, totally, into taking care of detail and long neglected minor repairs. Otherwise, you face a seri.es of irritating setbacks; financial reversals. Long held, and habitual romance patterns will change drastically, for most members of your sign. Please take care in affairs of the heart. ..it's possiblç for you to deny reality and security, too. Thiere could be problems at your job, task or project. Actually, it's flot a good tirne to rely on teamwork. Changes that you have long had in mimd can be introduced, to your associates, with a minimum of adjustment. Meaning? Now, is the timne for new plans, sugges- tions and ideas. Stellar patterns alert you to the outside chance of running into legal snags. There's aid coming f rom an unexpected source, AQUARIUS however. But. wait. Look for strings at- Jan. 20-Feb. 18 t.ached. PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 'This week, lacking solid intelligence, you might pick up a few bad habits f rom an associate. So, act firmrly, and refuse to be tcmpted. PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Sun Vign Analysis, send the doy, month. yeor and place of birth, plus $1.00 for postage and hondling o Dr. Andre'- W. Doms, P. 0, Bos 1 2766, .à t. Petersburg, Florido 33733. Ofrodkea~a ts~ Q4haw~ CLOSED for renovations PR-ONE 7232843 STARTS FRIDAY "Duchess& the Dirtwater Fox"l BAY RDGES also "Butch Cassidy and the DRIVE-ly il Recomendedaos HWY. 2 E.0F LIVERPOOL S n a c i oa AW Iret NTU AIENI 's ~ 'A. -"t,..' v I WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2s 1976,. PAGE 13 EORINMTO O -à -. -el . OSHIWA CENTRE CINE mýjAlj] OSAAWA CENTU I:IPJEMCEII Il