1 guess the reason I've been in Whitby for 23 years is that Whitby is such a nice place to corne back to. Froin tinie to tinie, whether it be for business or a holiday or even just a weekend at a cottage 1 arn out of town and away fromi what consider a comfortable environnient. Take a city like Toronto. You don't have to spend too nîany hours in there fighiting traffic and sucking in pollution before you get tense, irritable and more than ready to leave or escape. By the lime 1 hit Scarborougbi 1 amn Iooking forward Io seeing the fringes of the city, as West Hill l'm starting to feel free again and by the time 1 hit the r,)lling green hilîs in Pickering 1 know 've really made it and quiet Whitby is only minutes away. Perhaps I 'should have said "greeni" Witby because, although the works departmient seemis slower replacing large trees than lbey have been at cutting thern down, Whitby still has lots of trees and 1 think AlIthe greenery 15 xvhat hielps to miake Whitby such a great place ta which to live. One area in ti,\vn wliat is certainly bare of large treeS is the West Lynde area but wve can't blamne the revelopers for ripping tbem down because West Lynde wvas nothing more than just a large bare field before it was developed ta The greenery of Whitby is more than evîdent fromn the air and biad it flot been for the uinusual designaof' the coloured slabs on nmy patio I1xvould neyer have been able ta pick out my bhouse fromn the air becauise the greenery wvas sa profuse. As nîy preferred inethod of' travel is by car 1 sec the trees more often xvhen i arn appro:cîiag Witby. On almnost al other met1kods of transportation you don't sec nearly as mnucb but 1 pre fer travelling by car for more tlian iust that reason I often travel \itli a typewiter and îhev aren't tuie igtest things in the xvorld. The rest of ny' baggage is oftent weighity as well but it niakes Iîttle difference if l'rn driving. Howvever, a maijor point ta consider wlîcn travelling by car nattier thian other waiys such as buts. rain or air is duat 1 always know rny luggage is vi th nie. i îremnember ai television sceite vi t Godfrev Camîbridge standing at the a irpo rt t aI king wi th tdie ca ptzai a of t lie pla ne he lhad just disemnbarked fronm and hlic vs saira' lt lie captain -s lic sîood thiere %\ ^itl his luoggage tickets in is. hand, -1-ovv corne YOu C1111ly tIlÎîil le up hroglthe c louds into the dead black of nighit froin C(hicago and POLI can flot onîy find Miamîi bat ]and Ilîcre ' 1ut vOLu can't find rny luggage??" Sound f aîifir')? LAKEVIEW NURSERY SCHOOL operating at Ajax Christian Assernbly. MacLaren Rd. Ajax 9 a.n. -11:3Oa.m. 2-5 vrs. Eating while travelling is jusl as bad. 1 would rather stop at a quick food place and grab a fast hamnburger Ilian try ta dissect a steak on a teeny tiny plate on an airplane and hope that wbile the bot tea is Ibere we don't lit a down-draft. I-ave yau ever noticed Ibal if yau're in a inettîod of transportation but you can't do any driving or flying or whatever that you tend 10 gel rc 'stless quickly. On a plane or train you can go for a walk but on a bus forget it. If the lbing bias a washroaîn yau wind up "going" four or. five li mes just to get somie exercise. Who cares that your fellow passengers thiak you've got the Mexican twa-step. I baven't found waits at bus depols ta be 100 bad but train station wails and getting to and froni tlhe airport USUally mneans la nie that travelling by car, allhougb rnaybe nat quicker in terrns of biours, rnight be easier on the nerves because you're nol sitting ara im'd trying ta be patient wh 'ile awaiting a plane or train but radier you've got your hands fult driving and trying 10 niake good imie.- Anather think I distike about airparîs is they always suspect l'in going to try for Cuba or sonîetiîing and Good News ANew Mexico rancher was informed by a geolog- ical survey team that his ranch was actually located in Arizona. "'That's great," he exclaimed, "I don't think 1 could have stood another one of those New Mexico winters." TENDER MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Replacenment installation of 6" sanlitary forcernaili frorn iow level punmpiIlg station to sewage plant at Psychiatric Hospital. Whitby, Onltarîo. TENDER No. LIN-76-007 Sealed tenders xiii be received until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL lIME, MAY 5, 1976. Tender Documents may be obtainied fromn the Onitar*o ,%Nli*i:,try of Governrnenit Services, Lindsav Regionai Office, 322 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Linidsa'v. Ontario. NOTE: for further informa- tion regarding tiiis tenider. please cati Mr-s. E.I. Neale at the above address. lelephone: (705) 324-91i88. The iowest or any tender iiot .-.ecess.»rily;ac cep)ted. Ministry of Governiment Services I Register now-lor September IPHONE: school 683-7661 Earn more i or *Mrs. Rowe 683-8748ony u Billy Meek returns fyouring for sýAvings Whitby performance Billy Meek, tbe popular, versatile comedian on CFTO TV's "Pig n'Whislle", will be performing in Whitby May 29 at 8 p.m. at Heydensbore Pavilion. Mr. Meek, wbo performed at Whitby's aId Club î-ayview in the late 1940s and early 1950s, is being brought back la town by the Canadian Scottish Club of Whitby. Born in Scotland, wbere he starled in show business at the age of 14 touring the theatres with his father and sister as a music and comnedy act, Mr. Meek worked with such stars as George Fornby and Harry La uder. Ile plays severai instru- ments, mainly his big banjo, and does a numiber of topical comedy routines. Tickets are available ilî adrance only, by calling o68-1 161 or 668-9722. Lots of Parking A Famiiy Restaurant. sa vi ngs Pay no servicc charge on cheques if nmininmum balance of $1,000 is main- tained (and even if Ibis balance is not nîaintained) you gel 12 free cheques per quarter and pay only 10 cents for each cheque over the 12. Compare this with your average 'savings ac- cauint" paying only 3%. and costing you a service charge of 20 cents for every cheque. Special Savings (non chequing) accounits pay 8%, per annuni calculated on minimum rnonthly balance. Funds deposited prior t0 May l5tb and left on deposit earn ful interest for ail of May. VICTORIAan M GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 308 DUNDAS W WHITBY 668-9324 Tenders for Residents in Whitby 1736 Brock St. South Sealed Tenders wilt be received ini appropriately miarked envetopes by the Victoria and Grey Trust Comnpany, Estates Depart- mneît, until 12:00 noon, local time, on: Friday May 7, 1976 The property cornprising of older single storey frarne bungalow, living roorn, two bedroonis, kitchien, su n por b., forced air oit hieating systeni for furtber infor- Contact: Pre Summer Insert Stari: Date l-IITBY FREE PRESS , WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1976, PAGE 5 consequentiy we have a hassie about my not wanting to have my camera bag withi a few hundred dollars worth of film x-rayed. llowever, I guess the bèest part of travelling is that, Mien the traffic isn't 100 bad, yau can actually see the country you're travelling through and; I1 guess, subcon- sciously, constantly compare il to Whitby. Sa far, I'm happy to say Whitby has, on mosi points, corne out ahead and 1 really haven't hiad a strong urge 10 move. There is only one place I have really taken to and although 1 didn't slay long enough to know il through ahl seasons I was impressed ta the 'point where I wondered how 1 woLuld like la live there permanently. The place?? Whitby, England. Victoria and Grey Trust Co.j 308 Dundas St. WYest DYMUTN Wlithy. Ontario Estates l)epartinent Teiephione -668-9324 l"geto n eîe o 137 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY. ONT. LiN 4J9 668-1941 îieces arii-y acceptable. DRIVER EDUCATION SUMMER SCHOOL Learn to drive during pre-summer and vacation courses: Summer Course starts Monday, June 29th every day for 10 days aiso starts JuIy l2th July 26th August 9th $72.00 6 hours in car $72.0O24 hours in class -Phone- must be 16 before start of course Summer $72.00 LD $65-00III Liii- Summer School pre Summer Course starts Saturday, May lst 8 Saturday rnornings drive during Saturday afternoons and after school have your ticense before summer $65.00 6 hours in car $65.0024 hours in class Name Address Student Signature________________ Parents Signature if under 17 VISIT THE NEWN Drive-in QUEEN'SRestaurant 1028 Broek Street South, Whitby Good Quality Jurior Club Steak $19 French fries, saad, roll & butter We specialize in TAKE OUT ORDERS Send cheque or money order to: Driver Education 117 Green St., Whitby, Ontario 1 d riglit of inspection