Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1976, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2f, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS 1975 BUICK APOLLO - power steering, power brakes, low mileage with safety check, asking $3,290, owner selling because he needs a 1/2 ton trtuck, cati 985-3393. 1971 CUDA - 340 auto, new radiais, loaded, certifled, $2100 or best offer. Cali 668-2641. # 1965 CHEV IMPALA - body fair, motor good, interior fair, $250 as is. Cal 668-9757. 1965 PONTIAC - automnatic, 283, power equîpped, $250. Can be seen at 1201 Brock St. S., Whitby. 1967 PONTIAC STATION- WAGON - 283, good ruitr.ing condition, body fair, powver stecring & brat:cs, certified, $300 or best offer. Cali 668-'7006. 1970 DODGE CHALLEN - GER - 318 V-8, new. back tires $ 1,800. Cati 66 8-5 745. 1968 DODGL: DART excellent condition, uinecrtîhied, $900; 1959 CIIEV, restor- able ce-ndition, $200 or best offer. Caîl 655-4213 or 655-3733. 1974 FORD) CUSTOM PICK UP - 360 motor, radio, cab for back, also wooden box, $4,500 Cali 668-0705. 1975 GRE"MLIN X- 6,000 miles, 2 year w.arratt, 50,000 mnile warranty on radial tires, power steerinig & brakes, plus' many more options.,asing $3.000. Cali 668-1 143. 1970 FORD 1/à ton pick-uip standard, 6 cyclinder, radio, rehuiît engine, as is $800; two uised Ford rims, 15"', $5 cacti; '.vo new ".Ford rims, w.ide oval, $20 pair; VW station'.vagon rimis, 5 boîts, S5 eaeh. Cal 668-8376. 1964 " TRUCK miles, cgond be seen at Whitby. TON GM(NICK",Pl ic.v motor. 6),0(00 for parts, S'250. ('ail 1201 Ilrock St. S.. 1949 CHEV 12TON PANEL one owner, 44,000 original miles, needs some body 'vork, $400; Volkswagon VW TRAI LIFR [111CR, $20. Cail 668-8376. CIIIP TRUCK fulIly equipped, freshly painted inside, new tires, aluminum body, S asking $2,000 or besI offer. Caîl 728-7623. 1964 FORD) lAIRLANI; 6 cylînder. un tfir shape gencrally. tnt certîictld, n-d somne body svork, S1I25 tir IhesI offer. ('aIl 655-4525. 1970> (11EV 350) V8, 4 door sedan, pîîsser steering, radio, mechanically gond, w.ill certify, best ofler. ('ail 668-3371 ext. 273 and ask 'or Mlm. 1973 PON'FIAC LEMANS automnatic, power stecring and brakes, radio, snow. tires, vcry low v nîileage, $2,900. (CalI 668-I1134. 1961 1lORD door, automatic, running order, 668-5815. I'ALCON -- 2 6 cylinder, gond $500. Cat] 1965 CHEV - good 283 motor, ncw tires, no rust, needs paii-0ing, Lic. No. HXY 270, $450. CAII 668-9792 after 2:30 p.m. 1963 OLDS SUPI-R 88 automatic, 77,000 miles, good running, 2 new tires, plus 2 snow tires, lots of extras, $200. Cal 728-2094. 1967 DOI)(E PULARIS 2 door hardtop, very clean, in good running condition, $450 as is. Cali 668-9870 after 5 p.mi. Bikes Girls 24" GLI DER BICY LES - good condition, $20. Cal 668-3692 BICYCLE - 1975 Targa 10-speed ' boys', A-1 condition, $90. Cal 668-6083. Mens 5-speed BICYCLE almost new, $60. Cali 728-0664 after 6:30 p.m. BICYCLES -- 2 boys, with 21 " wheels, %vil pain t any cotour, and instail with any type of' seat or handkcbars, $25 each or terms. Cal668-6790. Custom-mnade extra heavy dttty TflAILER HITCH for . 1974-7.5 pinto stationwagon $25. Cal 668-6522. TRAILER - (Tandemi axle), 6 foot by 12 foot, suitable for car, boat or skidoo, $375. CalI 655-3411. 300 F.P.CAMSHAFT &solids' offenhainser twin carb high rise for small block Chevy, like new, alking $200. Çall 65547i3. Two SNOW TIRES - wth rims, Uniroyal Winter Ride, .F78-14, new, $55. CaII 65ý53879. TIRES - Micelin radial, site 150 SR 12, less than 500 miles on 2, plus good spare withi rimi, $45. ('ail 668-5040 aftcr 5: 30. I R RING ,.6 1lIarlev Davidson 1200, S65-. 4 MAC whecels and tires for foreign car, S,80; 3 sets of car ROI- RAC'KS, 1 a set. ('ail 668-4449ý. Snowmobiles, Trailers, etc. 1975 NIOPLO l3omadier, 552 miles, front & rear uen sion, liglts, speedoineter. ,ziddle bags, donuble se ate r, $400) or Oc s t cffér. Call 579-1953. 197-3 RUP 111>1>111111 12" v, lielI,. -,()ond cond11t11tion 1 wskint-,'S250; 12ý' p b0 odhat. miatIelas s car, sîi 'bottonti askin nS 1)0.('al 65 5-46 I0. 1975 (A DDY NIOPI ) lo'. mileage. $275. ('aIl 668-7969. BUAIT\IUTUR Scott-at- '.'ater, 3 gallon tank. 511.p., $50:. Walkie talktes, ne\%.Raiskl( 999, 3 w'att onutput, S1135. ( all 668-8080). OUTBUA K 1 Jolinson 3 lutrsi-' condi tioti, 1S125. after 5 P-iii. NII UOR gond ruunng 'al 61(8-506<0 1972 N01011-, 1IIUNII' sleeps 4 ptîssibly 6, fritlgc'& stuve, lots uf storag.e. 2 closeîs. 9 x 15 eaîîopy. asking $5,40)0 or ';est ofl'er. ('aIl 655-4558. Iloiiieiiatîe SNO\V C RUISI'R - excellentltir s'.orkitig ini U-,s1. S100)onue MINI BiIK' .1- RAN1I, i tlIin otuir. S50: carjI)at, t 'lies s & 66 under: .lsti It960)) \R\ýIY ('aIl 728-0)23-4 and :isklor ho1. C'tinml le e S N IUBIM fi11' U U'l1l', 1iT 1972 RUIJ 1>Kiitro comple te 'w.itli tacili, eclle it contditioni, only 31)1) iii le s, I1972 i'Oonens douhle-s'.ide tr;iler, enistori KUpi>mnîs suit, sp)are Ocît, case oîf oiî. ant IeOline t, asking S700). 'aIl 668-9tt12. 1973 IIUNI)A - SL-1125 - excellent coniditiotn, $5100. Gîli, 668-4941). 1973 S('AMPI'R 'lRAILi'R 16 feet, $2,800. ('an Oc seen at 385 Loindale Dr., Oshiaw.a. 1972 KAWASAKI 750 10w milcage, l'air condition, somne new body parts, excellent running condition, $901) tr best offer. ('ail 640-2726. anytinie or 668-2860 after 5 p.m. 1971 MOTO-SKI -tw.in cyl., electric start, new hattery '.itlî cover, un'. good, $525; 1973 SKI-DUO OLYMPIC, single cyl., '.ith cover, used very fintie, $525. Apply 604 Centre St..N. Whitby. 15 foot 110U SI IR AI 1 F' R 1968, coînplete sitlt ree se hitclî, steeps 6, lots of' storage, portable toilet, propane fridge & stove, one 12 x 9 kitchen (cnt inciuded, 11,500. ('ail 1 -705-277-2790. TANDEM TRAILLR -fiat bcd, 3,000)1l). cap)acity, ail lOeavy duty t'ratne, ail new tires, com- plete wîthl iglît accessories, $450. Caili668-4939. MU0Il' 1) lronco, Iigirise handleliar., tdem se sesat, 148 miles per gallon, wilI go 40 m.p.lI., $275 or bestofl('er. Cali1668-8381. Two electrie quarter horse. MOTORS - $10 Ccdi; 1 SPEAKER' BOX, S15. ('ail668-6750. Cciii 668-6111 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FRE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY wlien you selI! There will' not be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THIE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. Ail advertisemertts must be placed on an exclusive basis w.ith the WIIITBY FREE PRESS 'trtîrn at least one mionth if not sold. RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $40000 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $5000) - commission (lue $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.50> Private advertising only! PIease nlotii*y us if you lind a retailer lisled as a priva te advertiser. Please notify the Whi lOy FreIPress iiinimedi:ttely wlieni item is sold s0 tduit we mnay delete it froinithe loîlosing, issues. Services, hielp wattted, clotlîing. real estate and personal message type adis cati on 1 Oc. ltandlcd 0on a prepaid basis. Il' in doubt. caîl 668-6111 NIA Il A 1.1.AI)S l: FR11I>REliiSS lIUIN -l".0. Bo\ 206, Wlnthy 'l'liedcadtie 1for ciii pornn min ad,. s s1 lie NI unday at itooli. Furniture Juinitir lIt' ) s'itlî nt:tttrt'ss, , 20; clirtitte ' \AH 1 s.ttii fouir chairsý. S20), 5W1 INII NG 1>OO1, cs'erx' tîing iincîuledulOt tlinin ig. $M o0>tr Iest uît'ter. t :lI 655-3 583. re fii lied, 135: ulsi> î ta al can me Notinci cîr,15 (ll (i553)768. t. re:uîtî tictaI.sies\U i3'2 -%I1((0. SIS M12%' '\ 132:. S4. t îl 0'68-8273. U'1îlolsteretlCH'IRAtK nt'îtî- Ahlîd, 525: KI ('I IlN 'rAB\LI,' $ 12 I chaýirs fretîcecî tuîOc O f\ecl ('aIl7 25-I 21 1. HI 1) '>steel, etttipIe te %v'itlî piîg au a tnd s 4)). Caîl 655-4630). BAY('ARRKIMA-,I' -escellent $utd iu 3W.('M if'6Wt902'. Ha>»' CRIB< S4(0; lediure ,lv.r. caîr bcd. ('aIlj 839-5433. & \II-rl Rs Il>rîîî. 14). lig ca.rs.i,$ cu . 2'1 pîce.ver SeU 1oiît. 1)>l3ce: veryt vt'o c12t )i. ioi 1 15;aIt(', 1)rct'\i1' ti', 175: Rîalty sgreenl, htîînsîîruiii oir IlRUG'NNlllR.gitroiii 3. l\lS. (tw.)) $2 and 'S4; )1 i .fil 1icutre s.iîo' , 2(1: IRA>L S, 2 se t,, 5 & 10(1: SiIUIUI DR A\ PIS5, 3 . R ('O R1) 1> L.AY V R. S5; chîromîe ' IIt 6: pillos..s (tssciSIcadli: 'Iable AIP 6 l3l.)SI> A )S. iigle sutîti for 13: double ones 14 and $5:;lîlutkets 16 and 17; 'tLAPO>0, wearever. $4; t' Icetrie t R YPlA N.Sut îbOai $6; floiraI arrangeinmntS12 & $4. ('aIl 723-21426. ClQthing Red Wool Curling JAC ET' size 40-42, $25; Bowling SIIOFS and case site 8, $10. Botti are in perfect condition. ('aIl 668-9073. HIUNT('AI>- lac!' velvet with safety lîarness instai'ed, site 71/-. %23.50. C,41t 668-2407. ('TNI Ladies black persian land)h approximately size 20), in good condition, w.ill seli l'or $50. Caîl 725-5714. tittititl tIi j(jîl . eve rIe mta t t ress, pluil ll ne fraitie , titn ted gl1a ss enid tabl', lîtjlit lfor $50))..wIl sdIl Itir 'i301). (CIl655-4 101. SI'l' KI RS 8 îli '.'.itIl si//cm cotte. 8 oIlts. raiti v1'\v., .îctiî:l price IlS uuly ' I 1. ('1111 06t8-6790 a:t ter 4 1.mî. RUGS 1Il \ S 3 antd 10\ 0i 8 .:rtli coliinrsi, rîtt. gold. br\ l'.c. i ce, S500 lfo ri)îuîtî11. I)oiî tle-bed NM ATT'I"FR1SS piou k ted ,priigs. e xcelîc'ii I cotdli tioti. 121): IIAIRI)RýYIl. wit ticarr iîîg case.18. ('al 668-8273.' O R; AK 1)5K switablle lor tIiite tr sdutîent. S75.(Caîli 608-8473. \'tctuiriati CHA..IR se t otf 6, iin guird ctondi tioit. sk ing 170) eue tcs' wooclenttive,. S50). (Ca 11 068-83 7'0. CI'1 EST )RA\\VI R S 45. t)IcLI Oe h 'c \VO)t)S (l 175: 2 :nttque 11111 'l*fS. 15)) S7 5: tll ccdar il'urntltfee i.îs 1l.25 ecdI.( aIl 6 5 -4 3 35. A N'IIU I II 1).K s.i tI 'ahne. isr 100)) e:îr, nId. resttircd. '$250). ('*ait(655-3750. HcauîtjI'uîl antiqude tal 'CHINA BU lt Lt' large glass tron t, metdiumîî ltiîcys'.otd. '.'oult mat clh a y tîceor. $50<) inn. C'ali 668-9792 ufter 2:3<)pi.î 'An itice C('I S'I $75. ('aIt 668-8527. t'.'uîdrawer, Victorian BEDROUM SET - an titile '.ithî t'.in lieds, box spring and mattres'., vcry nc'. $400; two ernd TABLES, liaif muoon style, $6 ca. (Xîli 668-9009. Stianisti double-bed BED- SlI>KE'AD - in red & black print, '.ithî tîîatctîing Iinied drapes, size 121/ ft widc by 83" long, also tw.o nîatctîing dresser mats, $20. ('ait 723-6830. R U(G; - loral on beige, 9 x 12, $ 75. ('al66 8-96 91. ATTENTION FARMERSIII WHVYPA Y MORE? SAV NPREMIUM OUAUYV G"S DIESEL FUEL ~ 668-3381 I Appliances WAER SOFTENER - $75 CaTEl 579-0757.75 Antique RCA Victorola RADIO CONSOLE - with auto- matie turm table, about 1943 modet, fuliy. functioning, solid waînut, $300 cash. Cal 579-1593. CALCULATOR - electruinic, with AC adaptor, $9; BOW & ARROW SE-ýT, AI condition, re tail $15 only $ 8. Caîl 668-6790 after 4 p. i. KenmoreautomaticWASHER - in good condition, moving to an apartment, $125. Cal 668-5745. B&W TIV - 20 inch, $ 100. ('aIl 668-1384. CLE -ANER -The $399.50 but s'.ill sel ('ait 668-8957. cost was f'or $200. S'r.E'RI-O - AM/FýM 8 track itînîtiplex cotipotient unit by AiS talpe and phiono input jacks unit w.ith two speakers, $125; extra speakers (two), $25. ('aIl 668-2478. STOVE - 30 inch, good con- dition $75; space IIEý-ATER $60. ('aIl 668-6750., Dual 1218 TURNTABLE' - Ouse & dust cover included, lias :îtitoiati sîttcff & an tiskate, auditi teclînica cartridge, only uî',d for t..m n (lihs, $230 firm. ('aIl 668-3015 ufter 5: 30 p.în. 21 cobie loott RIDGE n w'orkiig conditioni, asking 1 1001.('aIl 668-3290. 5'FI.RFU 'o RE('I VER ('al 608-7601 $75. VAIUIZI:' R -$5; electnic coffue P' -,R K, $10: sandw.ichî G RIL1-L, $7; TOASTER, $7;. ;uppte erates, 12 ecdi: RANG- V'Il]; $15; VA('ULJM ('Li'.AN[FR, $5. ('aIl 668-940)4. Electrie RANGE [TE t'.o top elettietits, 'i)ven, bottom tîraw..er, lias lieut indicator, $30; snîail 1Lt IEA"'R, s'.ick type, $20. ('aIl 668-4267. EM'FR SON 1'V S ET - w..itil radtio, record player, in gootî condtition. 180) or tiîarest oîler. ('aIl 668-7446. Wcestiîîlîlouise 1)R YER - electrie, réccctty recoiititioii otîly S81,. ('aIl 723-0722. Siplicitv spini \VASI II[1K & l)YI tc", usetl no nmire tîtui si\, tînies, h1ave no furtîter ose, reason:iIe. $1i5St. CatI 068-7917., A NI -E1 compact STE REO-- SET - 8-traek, turntable, speakers, stand, S 135. ('ail 668-6243. M igzag, buttonholer, like new, $70 firm. Ca1l1723-1802. REFRIGERATOR -- 12 cubic foot, $95; Heavy Duty RANGE, 30 inch, $35. Caîl 668-3889. DRYER - Cail 668-9234. good condition. AM-FM STE REO RECEl VER- $325; unique table, soîid maple table top, $450. Cal] 668-5910. Singer SEWING MACHINE - with stool, $165; STEREO component set, wîth wooden stand, $210. Cali 985-3393. CULLIGAN WATER CONDI- TIONER MARK 5 - automatie, 6 mon ths used and in perfect condition, $250; Mecea stereo TFAIE PLAYER, $45; Hot water CIRCULAT'JR PUMP, for car (fits any car) $15: 19" Philco l & W PORTABLE TV, $50- ('al[ 668-9746. 50 amp. Service BREAKER - $4; 30 amp. knife switeh BOX, $2.50; 8 fuse panel box, $8. Cali 668-9605. Musical Instruments SET OF STEWART DRUMS - complete wîvth pedal seat and symbois, $150. Calil 668-6760. Ludwig 7-pieee DRUM1 SET with geruine Zildjian symbois, excellent eondition, asking $550. ('aIl 728-25 18. YAMAKI DELUXE 6-STRING GUITAR- with case, $200. Cali 655-4385 after 5 p.m. Kent Spanisît ELECTRIC GUITAR - like new, svitlî custom made ampliifier and speaker, $100 or best offer. Cali 576-8042. Gibson SG Custom Special GUITAR- with case, $400. Tramer basemaster amp, in good condition, $250. Cai 725-1797. ELECTRIfÇ GUITAR - copy of i'eleeaster, $70. Cali 728-8502. GUJiTAR - Triple pickup cleetrie, '.ill seil for $35, ideal for' rock group. Cal] 668-2860. R1- 'VF 'RB - Traynor signature $250. Cali 655-4978. GUITAR - with case, excellent condition, $20; floor POLISFIER, $20; Cali 655-3534. ACCORDIAN - brand new, double row buttons, shoulder strap, carrying case, $100. Cal 668-3195. -Free. Autos, Auto Parts Press, Emiporium Now! Look Naturally Grood Ntr t'>j bring out the beuti n you and your hair. We cul it the way it grows,.. and shape t ta suit yaur face. MEN'S HAIRSTYUING Whltby Floza 668-6922

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