PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY. APlUýL 14,1t976, WHITBY FRF.F PRESS Let's start witiî sorne important information. If you have a dog or a cat that hasn't had those vcry important shots .... the rabies oncs....tlen you have a fine opportunîty to take theni to one of the clinics that bias been sponsored by the Oshawa and Whitby Veterinary Association. Animais miust, be 4 mon ths or over and the charge is just $2 an aninmal. A very smlall price to pay for some peace of' mid. The clinics will be lield in two locations on two different days. On April 21lst you can go to Oshiawa Fire Hall on Simicoe Northbebtween 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. or on the foilowing day, the 22nd of April, you cati go to the Coiborne St. Annex, 300 Dunlop in Whiitby...aigini betweeîî 10 a.nî. and 5 p.nî. Piease, if your pet basn't bad his shots, niake sure you do not miss this chance. It is very important. It is also of the utitnost importance that parents ensure that their children are cautioned against touching any wîld matter how appealing it mnay look. Better te be safe than sorry. St. Thonias' Anglican Church Wonien \vill be holding their next nmeeting at tlie Cburch Hlall on April 20th. This is an open meeting, which ineans that ail intcrcstcd woiien are invited, whether members or not. The mieeting starts at 8 p.m. and the guest speaker is Mrs. W.A. Lawson of Pickering who wilI be sbiowing stides and giving a talk on the work donc withl youing peuple in Malawi, Central Efast What are you doing on Jonc Sth'? Nes, thiat is the day of' the Annual Parade, field here. on,(I your Brookliii. Arec (>u just going to stand tiiere and watch'? Or arc you going to enter into the spirit of' the thing and actually be taking part. i t would seem there is a marked tack of' response to the invitation issucd by thc organisers to enter a float . Now 1 ain weil awarc that a float takes tinue, elTort and sonienoney to get toge ther. 1 also know that it takes tinie and effort to get thiis parade off the grounid. Thie last two years have seen a marked improve- ment in the calibre of the Prd. bnsto tie work of the ladies of Group 74. They can work as hard as they like but if no one else participates their work will bc a waste of tinme. The Gr-oupý this year lias made a few r the better thecy hope. Thiere will be a thierne..The Olympics, and there will tic four chances of witnning $30. That bas to lheip with the cost, or i t would help) to boost a group's fonds. Eitlier- way the ladies are trying to give you more incentîve. So fa r tuie response bas been somnewliat on] the nega tive side.. ..two local groups whio usuaily participate declîininig ail together. Now is that the spiri t? ('orne on... or are we really going to wait lor the statement recently prinied iii the Frce Press, to coic t rue..that after the lireniieni's Convention and Parade, tlien Brookliii will be really on tdie nmap. l'd I ike t o t hink tdait Brooklitii can make its ow\Vn headlimes on i ts own Parade Day. So com n 1 yoo local associa tions and coin iini ty about giving Nirs. Catlicrwood a cali at 655-3646, and ask te bie put down f'or an cnt ry in tlîe float section. Ail the more the mie rrie r. And lhow are our 'ar young ladies? Arc you ail set te enter the Miss Iîrooklii Spring Fair Beauty Coîitcst'? Bob Carson is working hard at gatlicring uip sonie good prizes for BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 ÀOVSCERATED- BROILER SIZE ql FRESH -TURKIEYS . CUT FROM THE HIP - BONE IN RUMP Roasts $1 .49 LM yMople Sqoar PIUM r.,-4 TEH l OnM ROUND ¼/CIub Noms $1.95 lb BE SpiialRoasts $1 -59 l Schneider's Bconl $1 .651b - AL EAF 9-FrshGo un 1 0- B mAMno TFLAVOURS CANADA FANCY OId Colony STOKELY'S D SOFT DRINKS PEAS INDIytIUAl TINS 4 ft1471oZTI CASE 24.10 FLOZ 'NS 4FO 1 FEOZIN RAURÉA SRANÉR 2."-z CONTS. SHRIMP Cocktail 99 G'S 2i-02 PRO. DELUXE Pizza$2.59, FRESN PRODUCE Calif ornia Large Size Celery Stalks 39" each Sweet Juîcy Mexicanl Pineapples Red Ripe No. 1 Mexican Tommtes size 6x7 sicet NOMi OPEN six LAIS A WIIK mxcwT TNMG. aFUI 491 eachi 59'Ib EXRA HEAVY DUTY - e- AL à mBEEF OR IRISH POWDERED ASSORTED FLAVOURS FOIL PMJIAN AC Pmo 139 CSTEW S DETEGENT Cat FoodM- 24 F102 TIN $2 .ox 6l;,ýOZ TN 790469 1 9 NAR SCO CEREAL 24-OZ PRO. NEW FAFIOLER PRNGLS 2.02 CONlI ORANGE FýqflA U .33ZPRO. Su REDDI ES 79c CIPSd Bte 7 CHOC! FL N POTATOES 69C N TOMATO SAUCE- LIBBY$ 94S ZTIN McLarens 34PA ALPHA-GETU'I 43c P C L E Sc CANADA FANCY WHOLE KERNEL 12-FLOZ TIN PIýCKLES CARROTS 2 YORK CORN 39c Freuch"s c FRUIT Oc Mustard _43 COKTAL 51 KRAFT CANADIAN PHOCESB 1&C02 PRO CLOVRLEAF ".-OZ TIN SLICES 9_______ DEfLMONI!E FANCY BSUCEIR O 11IN Fm..n Coffontrated.IE d Sout61., EFwiTns POP PEOPLE POP Su>' 1 case 24xlOoz Reg. PPput $2.44 Or 1 case Reg. 12x30oz et $2."9 Recelve 1 case of 24xlOoz Diet or Reg. Pop for .991 &Deposlt Sefundoble $3.00 per case 17 Aml" IYT Value atisfactil For Easter We have Fresh & Froien Grade A Turkeys Miracle Baste, Maple Leaf or Swifts Also Varlous Homs r 4BHOUSE MARASCHINO CRED CHERýRIE-S 6 F. OL JinI #5 19 you and is hoping that you are realiy going to participate this year. Fie is so hope fui thiat lie is holding the contest at the Memoriai Arena. So start thinking about it..and for ail our sakes don't be shy. We have some terrifie looking young ladies around these parts....and they are also taicnted. We know you are there, and your family knows you are don't go and bide yourseifs, away. Keep the evening of' June 3rd free to enter our own Beauty Contest. Youi coid aiso give Bob a cali and tell him you arc intercsted. 1 wonder who wiii be the first. l'il print her naie Las soon as 1 know it. O.K. I lave 1 really got y.ou goinig? 1 do hope so..and I hope by the ncxt tir-ne 1 go to press that I will have heard that there bas been a rnarked interesi shown in both the events tliat 1 have spoken about. lt's your town, it's your day it. AT A G LANCE. TUES. APRIL 2Oth - A.C.W. meeting open to al] womCn at 8, at St. Thoînas's Church Hal. WED. APRIL 2lst- W. 1. imeeting at the Commýunity Centre at 2 Ail womien, withi or witliout clbjîdren, are welconmc. WED. APRIL 2lst - Rabies Clinic betwcen 10 and 5 p.mi. hcid at Oshawa Fire Hall, Simicoe North. THURS. APRIL 22nd - Rabies Ciinic bctween 10 a.m. an'd 5 p.m., at the Coîborne St. Annex, 300 Dunlop in Wbitby. FR1. APRIL 23rd - Ist Brooktin Cubs Garage Sale hcld at 4 at il Vipond. SAT. APRIL 24th - Grandm-other's Attie Sale. 10O a.m. to i22 noon at the Brooklin United Church. Brook.- HrIL2ticltra SroiyUn itCur. Socey APiLd th - Brokln ndAPrea Libera Assoclinatinnea LMetin Atscato 30entre t. WMsteting ut 30 pCenilt oe .W.satn AT . MAY wlst - SMAnde1Cilgt M aA uctison.Cleit a SyAuTi.MAls JaTeGAageSle Brocktre ort,I1 toc Stee portm1 131 a .m. . See you ail next week... and don't forget to keep those calis coming in. And have a happy Easter. LIZ 655-3750. $1 0,000 and a lot Of sunshine Fromn our "Another day oider and fatter in wailet" departmient cornes word that Rudoif Honig of Michael Boulevard in Whitby won $10,000 in the niostrecent Wintario draw. As a resuit, Rudoîf, h;s wife Susan and their 14- nmonth old daughiter Robyn left for Barbados last weekend and will iay around in the sunf for two weeks. Winning nioniey is nothing new te Rudoîf, part owner of the Razors Edge hairstyling centre in Toronto. He won $25 in one Wintario draw and $1 ,000 in a niore recent one. 1-is wife says "Maybe we'il win $ 100,000 next tinie". EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY B usIN ESS-M IN DED INDIVIDUAL WANTED WHO SEEKS HIGH YEARLY INCOME IN OWN BUSINESS If you wani bo be your own boss and you are financially sound, willing to rollUp your seeves and gel involved in North Americas fast growiing Pizza indu9try, tis is the opportuflity you've been waiting for. We are now olfering the Pizza Patio "Pub' Restaurant- franchise in this and other selected areas throughoui Ontario and Canada. Minimum $35,000 investment required. Pizza Patio Management Lld., a Canadian-owfled public, company. operaieS a chain of Pizza "Pub" Resaurantss, n British Columbia, Ontario and Japan. For complete defails. write or phone collecl f0: Pizza Patio Franchise Systems, Departmeni No. 5-15C2-3 210 Bloor St. W. Toronto, Ont. M5S 1T8 0 IZ Phone: (416) 923-3906 'PTIQ or 923-2479 BROWN'S FOODMASTER mcCOquicRS ASSORIMEN I CEuE ,LE FG ulC E SUPEU BIS C UTlaS sl.29 BUNS mlot Cross 69C LOWNEUS ASSORTID FAMILI FAC! TO PROý FAST ACTING RAUI SIZE Ise GRAM CHOC* BARS 79C BROM sws.29 BRUN IC K IN O LIL TIfN SOtf 2201 rML CONT. FROUEN CONCEHTRATID .WELCH S I l O 01 AIi LTE GRAPE Jukce 269<' CLOSE m UP 99C ASSORTIO FR0210 SARA LE liez PRO BATHROOM IZ!EREFULS PRGO0F 100 CHmEES E ck. sl*29 DIXIE CUPS 79c 3 BIG DAYS Thurs Aor.1 5 çsat-Ao) mir 11 wé .ser- the rlght to llýlt q-aýtlti« 1