Politics aside, this sveek I1 have chosen bu discuss Ilic \vorld of opera-one ut mîy favorite subjýects as, at one tinie, I xvas a serious st udent utf opera . Onie Sat urday a fte rnoun, 1 discovercd tliat tliis unique forîn out art is stiilI very iuchi alive, judgiîîg by thie audience respunse to Bllini's "Il Puritani" (The Puritaus) performniice at flhc new Metropolitan Opera I buse ini Lincoln Cent re, Ncw York City. Thiis liglîIly p<lishced perforice brougl t back sonie ieniories of aluiust t\venty years ago. It was ini the late Ciflies that 1 became an Opera fan and latcr-a singer at large. My teacher, Mine Gina Cigna, a star at La ScaLa ini Milan ini the late thirties mlust accept tlie credit for nîy all-tiîne interest the renowned I talian art ut bel canto. Even today, 'd go over sonie of tbe operatic reportoire wbich I1 picked up duiring nîy studies aithte Conservatory of Music. 1 feel that more Canadians should explore tlîis unusual art formn and the best way to do tbis is by istening [o tbc Metropolitan Opera broadcasts on Saturday afternooos. Cablecast listings Programs Wednesday, April l4th, to Tuesday, April 2th, 1976. Cablecast 6, Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville and Brookliiu. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14 1:00 B.W.M.H.A. Hockey 4:30 Soleil, with the Frencli Canadian Club of Oshawa 5:00 Durhanm Report 5:30 M.J.'s Place 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 Performance 7:00 Whitby Thien and Now, witb Brian Winter and Jim Quail 7:30 Education Scene, with George Pearce 8:00 Hotline to Heaven 8:30 The 3 R's, Seperate Scbool Activities 9:00 Rescue, witb various Gue st s 9:30 Sports Celebrity Night 10:30Sign Off THURSDAY, APRIL 15 2:30 Sport's Celebrity Niglît Highiligbits 4:30 Wlitby Theni and Now 5100 Education Scene 5:30 Pre-Sclîool Fun 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 Performance 7:00 Rescue 7:30 Osbawa Chamber ut' Commerce Presents: 8:00 Soleil 8:30 Osbawa Jaycees Hlîgb Scbool Quiz Finalists 9:00 B.W.M.H.A. l-lockey Il :OOSign Off FRIDAY, APRIL 16 2:00 B.W.M.H.A. Hockey 4:00 What Dues tbe Bible Say? 4:30 Jaycees Quiz Finalists 5:00 Vita Italiana 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 The 3 R's 7:00 Sien Off SUNDAY, APRIL 18 Il :O0Sbalom, for the Jewisb Community 12:OOVita Italiana, witb Ercole Foresta 1:00 Hotline to Heaven, a Varie [y of Local Guests 1:30 To Be announced 2:30 What Dues the Bible Say, with Ron & Bob Kijrkland 3:00 Greek Panoramna, f'or the Greek Community 3:30 Sign Off MONDAY, APRIL 19 3: 30 Pre-Scbool Fun, it1î Susan Paton and Pauline Ba xte r 4:00 Shalom 5:00 Greek Panorama 5:30 To Be Announced 6:00 Evening Report, with Wally Donaldsonl and Dave Stewart 6:30 University Women's Club Presents: Local Area Guests 7:00 Couinterpoinit, with a Christian Viewpoint 7:30 Couincil MNveeting Cov- erage, Live fromn the Council Chambers in 1)owntown Oshawa il :OOSign Off TUESDAY, APRIL 20 1:30 I lighllighits or Counicil Meeting lbecd Munday, April 1 9thi Ontari Goer - n ene TENDER MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Replace two domestic hot water tanks at the Whitby Jail, Whitby, Ontario. TENDER NO. LIN-76-003 Scaled tenders will be received until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, APRIL 28, 1976. Tender Documents may be obtained fromn the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE: For furtber infor- mation regarding tlîis tender, please cal Mrs. E.M. Neale at the above address. Telephone: (705) 324-9188 The lowest or any tender flot lecessarily accepted. SGovemnment 1 @ Services Ontario BEAT THE RUSH.. to have your sewer connected VAN'S'EXCAVATING LTD. offers you the best i sewer instAilations " over 15 years experience " free-estimates' " workmanship guaranteed Phone 725-5233 gI ___________________________________M 1 think, the recent opera pertornrialice ut' Bellini's I Puiritani" was a perfect exanîple of wbiat opera and bel canto singing is aIl abouit. Iiionîe afternioon you lîear tbree or four leading singers of our tinie. In tbe case of "I Puritanti'i, tlie perfornmance brouiglit togetiier four opera stars: Joaii Suthcerlaýýnd, Luciano Pavarotti, Sherrill Milnes and Jamecs Morris. To une, tliat is a star-studded cast. And, tlîey aIl have gluriouis vuices. 1 arn a little puizzled, tlîouig, wliy it took 58 years tu reintroduce tllis great opera at tlîe Met. It is gencrally belicved that Bell ini's iiîc is very dernaîîding for tuday's operatic vuices, therefuore, [lhe opîera is seldoni beard un tlîis side of' tbe Atlanîtic. Ti-uc, the cunîpower's imusic is souîewlîat ditlicuhlt to per-lormi (tuu iiany I ligbi C's, F's and lYs), bt lie o(>i rawurld lis neyer beeni really liard prcssed for- top-notcb sirugers as lonig as 1 cao renieniîber. Fvery decade bias produiced soine great voices. I iîiediately, cornies bu nîy iînid zartisis like Ziîika Milanov, tlhc late Jussi Bjoerliuig zanc Leonard Warren, Titu Gobbi, Maria Callas, Reniatai Tebaldi aîid Annia Moffo. 'Fle operatic list is almuost endless. One m1LIttst aso inote tbat opera stars are ai breed of thecir own. Of*ten tbey arc higbly tenîpermiental, notably tenors anid sopranos. Tlîe words "primia cdonna" (rneanirig First Lady) are not always proî)erly unrderstood by opera goers around tbe world. Today, tlîe two Italian words conjuLre rip a rather negative pictuire abouIt tbe artist wbo's perfornîing in an opera houise. And, speaking of "prinia donnas", 1, immediately, think of Maria Callas, Jon Vickers (the Canadiaui tenor) 5' 30 Couniterpoint 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 Vita Italiana 7:30 Durliain Report witlî Bruce McArthiur and Jack Gearini 8:00 Performiance, mîusic wi tb Lirry Chupa 8:30 M.J.'s Place, wîtb Muriel Jane Weber 9:00 Hotlinie to Heaven 9:30 B.W.M.H.A. Hockey Gainies l0:3OSign Off NOTE: AIl programs subject to change witlbotit notice. Editor's Note: Jim will be back nexi week JAMES N. AITCHISON. B.A.. LL.B3. AND JOHN G. STARZYNSKI, LLBE. WISH TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING 0F THEIR OFFICES FOR THE GENERAL PRACTICE 0F LAW UNDER THE FîRM NAME w' MAIN OFFICEý 115 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH P.O. BOX 394 OSHAWA. ONTARIO LlH 4G7 TEL. 723-3418 We've BRANCH OFFICE: MANCHESTER CREDIT UNION P.O. BOX 256 BROOKLîN. ONTARIO TEL. 655.4115 Ren ovated Installed modern equipment to serve you better We stili seil your favorites Halibut, Cod, Shrimps & Scallops Try Our Charcoal Broil Hambergs Steak on a Bun 1and à our Onion Rings BLAIR PARK FISH & CHIPS Blair Park Plaza Whitby IHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,,APRIL 14,1976, PAGE 5. or singers of the past like Gigli, Ca,ýruso, Melba and some lesser-known artisis. Apart Rtom ptirely isolated tantrums, opera singers are truie to tlieir art. Tlîey are also very truc to theniselves. Tliere is a certain kiîod of honesty about opera perforniers; you can fei that iey'll neyer let you down regardless bow difficult the role miglbt be. Over flic years, 1 bave also discovered tbat opera singers bave a great sense of humor. Furtber, tbey can be natural enemies ini the operatic wirs. Take for instance, Franco Corelli and Birgit Nilsson, tbe two most formidable opponents onstage. Contrary to persisting rumors, says Nilsson, Franco did not bite lier during a Boston perfor- mnce of Puiccini's "Tuirainlot". But, he did sabotage a duet. My hune, says Nilsson, was to be 'sung "Now my goriuus tinîe is past" and lie was stipposed. to answer "Oh nu, it is unly beginning". lnstead, lie ( Corelli) sang, "Yes, your glorious tinie is past". So tlîe second tume, Miss Nilssun sang, "Nuw your gloriouis tinie is past" to whicb. he (Corelli) replied, "Oh no, it's only beginning"'. Tbe world of opera is neyer duil, one niit say. But, above aIl, it is tlie mtisic tbat lias snstained my înterest tbroughiout these years. Dr. Albert Scbweitzer is quoted to b *ave said once: "Opera is thie greatest niusical forun of art 1 know". And, wbo can argue about Dr. Schweitzer's muosical knowledge? Nobody, 1 say. GREENWOOD NURSERY SCHOOL Register now for Septernber Greenwood ('ornrnunity Centre G reenwood 9 am il 130 ii.m. 2- ye ars - 5 ye ara- PHONE MRS. KING 683-8564. i, lufflfrom plus taxes PRICES GUARANTEED The BIG new price breakthrough from STRAND CRUISES 2 weeks cruise includes flight from Toronto ~Al& Linda Russell ut RUSSELL TRAVEL LTD. 116 Brock St. S., Whîtby 668-5000 Mon. - Sat. 9-5 Fri. Till 9 - Your 1 ravellIs Our Business" For your protection registereà under - Ontario Governoient No.1259988 Put your husband' on the carpet tonight. Rent a Steamex - carpet cleaner. Special ovrigtrate At participating dealers. S He wont mind! Not when he finds out how mUi'« 'ou'li save! And Steamex is as simple to use as a vacuum. Six power jets loosen and lift out harmful ground-in dirt. Dries quickly! Add years to the life of your carpet. 668-2345 Rent th pr carpe cleane a PemY company Seamex soluins carry his sel \,,,,t i 1 I1976 U S Floor Sysîerîs Ixc l.îU STEAMEX te a Reg4stered Serce & Trade Marli STEAMEX utllzes lIhe Hot Water Extraction Pocess Whitby Cleaneqlr s 104 Coiborne St. E. Whitby, Ont. mm ý