PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1976, WFITBY FREE PRESS ]Free Autos! 1975 BUICK APOLLO- power steering, powcer brakcs, Iow milcage with safcty check, asking $3,200, owncr slling because he ncèds a 1/2 ton truck, cati 985-3393. 1971 CUDA - 340 auto, ncw radiais, ioadcd, ccrtit'icd, $2100 or best offcr. Cati 66 8-264 1. 1965 CHEV IMPALA - bodly fair, motor good. intcrior fair, $250 as is. Cali 668-9757. 1965 PONTIAC - autornatic, 283, powcr cquippcd, $250. Cai bc sccn ut 1201 Brack St. S., Whitby. 1967 PONTIAC STATION- WAGON - 283. good runniîig conditian, body l'air, power stceririg & braîi:es, certified, $300 or best offer. Cati 668-'7006. 1970 DODGE CFIALLEN- GER -3 18 V-8, new back tires $1,800. Cati 668-5745. 1968 DODGF DART excellent condition, unicertificdl, S900, t959 CHEFV, restor- able ccoeîditioîî. S200 or best offer. Cali 655-4213 or 655-3733. 1974 FORD CUSTOM PlICK UP - 360) motor. radlia. cab for back, also wooden box, S4 500 Cati 668-0705. 1975 GREMLIN X -6.000 mites. 2 year wvarrant\', 50,000 mite s'.arran tx on radlial t ires, pow'er steering & brakes. plus~ miany nmore aptiauis, ask iig S3,600. C'alil 668-1 14.3. 1970) lOR D '/'2tan pick-u p standardl. 6 cyclinder. radio, rebuîi engine. as vS$800:, two tused Fard rims, 15"', S5 ecdi: two iiCw lard roms. ude amal. S2(0 pair; MW statian s'.agoiu nuis, 5 baîts, $5 ecdi. (Cali 668-83-76. 1964 'T'RUC'K ruiiles, gotit bc seeni at \Vhitby. ne'.'.iillt(lr. 6,001 for hansý, $251). Cai l 10 1 rcck St. S. 1949 CHE-V ½'rON PANELI. one osvncr, 44,000 ariginal miles, neetis some boduy s'. rk, $400; Volkssvagan VW 'FRAI LI-. R IIITCH', $20. ('ail 668-8376. CHIP 'TRUCK cqoipped, freshly paintetîi ne'.'.'tires, alominom "> asking 52,000 or best Cali 728-7623. fIl iy inside, body, o ffer. 1964 1-ORD I.AIRLANE-- 6 cylinder, in l'air shape gencrally, not certified, n 'ds somc body \w.ork, $125 or besi offer. Cali 655-4525. 1970 ('1EV- 350 V8, 4 door sedan, pmv'.er steering, radio, mcchanically good, svill certify, bcest offer. ('alil 668-3371 ext. 273 and ask for Jim. 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS - automatie, power steerîng and brakes, radio,' snow tires, very losv mileage, $2,900. Cali 668-1134. 1971 TOYOTA 1200 --bloc, four on the floor, 64,000 miles, asking $400. ('alil 668-0096 aiter 6 p.m. 1965 ('-E .gond 28' motor, nev tres, n rst, nec'c pai.î0ing, Lic. No. IIXY 270 $450. ('Ail 668-9792 after 2:30 p.m. 1963 GLDS SUPE-R 88 automatie, 77,0)00 miles, gon( running, 2 new tires, plus 2 sno' tires, lots of ex tra'., $200 (Calil728-2(094. 1967 DOI)(;l-. POL.ARIS 2 cloor lîardtop, very clean,i good ronning conîdition, $451)z is. Cali 668-9870 after 5 prn. Bikes Girls 24" GLI DJER BI(Y LES --gond condition, $20.('aIl 66 8-30( BICYCLE -- 1975 Tari 1 0-speed, boys, A-I eonditio $90. Cali 668-6083. Mlens 5-speed BIC'YCLE lrrist new, $60. Cli 728-06( aftcr 6:30 p.nî. BIC:YC'tLES- 2 boys, '<V 21" wlîcels, wilI p;îlint uny colt and instal with uny type of se or handiebars, $25 caci or terri (:aIl 668-6790. 668- 6 f car, Cal o ffe for aski f78 15C on $45 12C tire ÇaI o be. du ple Ca w ' 9ý M JO af Sie loi ex s1 wi 0 ci a ý3 i tih ur,' .tI M S.I Auto Parts Cutstomu-1iiattc extra hicavy duty AILIER1IITCII lfor.- 1974-7: to stutionwvagon $25. Cadi 3-6522. TR'AILER --(Tandem ,îxle), foot by 12 foot, suitabte for 1 boat or skidoo, $375. 1 655-3411. 300 1l.P. CAMSHAFT & solids Inhainser twin carb higli risc smal block Chcvy, like ncw, Jng $200. Cati 655-47z3. Two SNOW is, Uniroyal '-14, nesv, $55. TIRES - witll Wintcr Rie .Call 655-3 879. TIRES- Michielin radial, size io SRIZ 12, less tliaîi500 imiiles 12, plus gaod spare witli rim. 5. ( ail 668-5040 afler 5:30. 1:I.:RZRING' Ilarley Davidsoi O00 $65; 4 MAC wheels and -s laor tar'ign car, $80. 3 sets car ROOF RAC KS, $8 a set. ill 668-4449._ Snowmobiles, Trailers, etc. 1975 NMOI> I 1) omiadier. ,2 fi l. ~lrornt & rear sLIspenI- î~,double seatcr. 5,400lor besit feér. ('ai 5'79-1 953. il 3,011) l. apai:t l. ist 1lîcavLt' friIle, aIl u's i res. Coîîî- at (68--4939. BOAT Nt> I <R Scnt t-at- ater. 3 g allon tank, 51i.11. 51); valkle taîkies. iiu '.Roalîsie I RU 99, 3 s'vatt ouitput. S135. (ait1 68-80180. OIT BOA R 1) olitisiîi 3 horse' )ufditîon, $125. fter 5 pnil. NIO'lOR 00oti rîniii ('ail 668-506iî) 1972 M 0 B1.L F, IIOMI [eps 4 possihîiy 6, frid 'c & st1ove. 3ts o f storage. 2 c'lose ts, ;x 15 canopy, asking .55,40)0 or ;st ofl'er. C'ali 655-4558. llotneiiîade SNOW C'RUISER - xcellent for wsorking in bis, 100, one MINI BIKI-. I-RAI"-,, vith maotor, S50: car parts.,('levs k66 under; alsa 1960 ARMY A NI' L TRU('K-Yi ton, $150. aIl 728-0)234 and ausk f'or D4p. Compicte SNOWM4OBIL E OUTFIT - 1972 RUPP Knîtra :omplete. with tach, excellent condition, only 300 miles, 1972 I'honens doubîe.sside trailer, custom RUPP mens soit, spare beit, case of nil, and helmiet, asking $700. Cai 668-9902. 1973 IION)A -SLUI 25- excellent condition, $501). (à di 668-494(). 1973 S('AMI>ER TRAILI-R 16 ecet, $2,800. ('an lie seen ut 385 Lonindade IDn., Oshaw'.a. 1972 ' KAWASAKI 750 las' mileage, f'air colndition, samne ne'.' body parts, excellent running condition, $901) or best ofler. ('ail 64(0-2726 anytime or 668-2860 ai'ter 5 p.nî. 1971i MOTO-SKI -tsvin cyl., electrie start, new battery wîth etîven, nons gond, $525; 1973 SKI-DOO OLYMI>IC, single cyl., vith cover, tiseti veny little, $525. Appty 604 ('entre St..N. Wlîitby. 15 F'oot IIOUJSE 't RIAI I.E1R - 1968, coînplete svitlî reese hlitch, sleeps 6, lots of sharage, portable toilet, propane fridge & stove, anceI12 x 9 kitchen lent incloded, $1,500. Cali 1.705-277-2790. 1975 CADFJY MOPED - low mileage,'$275. Cadi 668-7969. OUTBOARD MOTOR- 25 horsupower, gaod condition, incloding 5 gallon foct tank, $260. ('ai 655-4630. MOi>EI) Bronco, highrisc handleliars, tlIoscsat, 148 miles pcr galion, wiIl go 40 m.p.lî., $275 or bestol'ler. ('ail 668-8381. Two ceetrie quarter horse. MOTORS - $10 cach; I SPEAKER BOX, S15. Cali 668-6750, CcKll 668-6111 AdIvertise î&;;i,1 I-R FFI>REýss EIO ,paY oN Y Mileni y au sed! 'l'ileore svi l io le au y chia rge b adve n ise r'. ili flic VFEE PRESS E'MPORIUIlM îîîîîess flic ilei I(adverl ise(l is soîd. \Viîen flice adverl ised i îeiîî is sîuîd, yoti pay a commitission liasei on THE IFAlVE'S PRI('E as illusI rated lîlow. Ail advertiscrieiits nîutst bie 1pîaced on art exclusive basis witl file WlIII' 1W 1I E P>RESS 'u'il tu'i t i ast oune morillii if nul snil<. R.ATI'5<il'article k saRIl): 5<ty of advcrtised price upl to $400).001 21ý of balane. over $400.10 E XAMI>tE: Sold iteîîî advertiscd l(or $501.011 - comtmissio>n due $ 2.50 (mnimaiuum comiilonl is $ 1.50) Private adve rtising only! PIease mîot ify lis if yo(u iiî aire tailer listcd as a private advertiser. Pîcase notify the Wlîit by FreiPress uinnmediailely wvherî i tc inis sold so hia t sve iuîay dele te i t lraiite lollassiitg issues. Services, lieilp watîted. elotlîing, real estale and lersonal miessage type ads eau arîily bc hiardled (lu ai prepaid basis. Il* inidoublt. caîlI 668-6 111 M Alt.-AI1,L AI)S TO: î-RI-F PRE:SS FNllPORIlJ P1.,Box 2(06, wlitby 'HI*ie deaîdliiic for ciiiporiumiiads i. thlicM antay at ilo0li. Furniture Juiior HI ) s'.ihi naltress, $21);clîroinîTAHLI.. s. jli mur chair'.. $20: SWINMMI NG1POOL.. esc rytIif mi rch(i tIc d lîu i liii i îg, $300(1orlbust oier. (ail654'358% ret-inislt(l s3: Is a siall canle lîot(1.îîîîchaiîr, S25.('ailI 655-3768. Sc'veîî jîtece (IR M'SIET S60;:BMl' -i, $41), bonire iii t'\ccîlefii I codition0i. ('al 668-5743 atter 5 pin. CHslseed(lAI R isIieti, $25:. IF'll $ 12 (chi rs. lrec îîced to1 ('aIl 7 25-12-'1 1. 'LAi - blK ieti s.'nîlî s;îriîîgs andiiuîattrî'ss. $41). ('ail 655-4631). BABY('R I(I - excellenit coniditioni $31). (ailI(66899(02. Biaby ('RIB $40; l>cdigrce cha':fr, caîr betl, C'alil 839-5433- Praiîî. $41>; hlih car seal, $5 eci. 'IESFr11.Il) S LuIIl 2pîcce. vcry gond conîdition, S135; RIJ(; 9 lt X 12 t, t,'(( <îaity, green, like new, $75; R U(;, smnail, muslirooiii calotir, $12; RUNNER, green $3-, MATS, (tsva) $2 anti $4; DRAPF 'S. fit îîictaire svîudos'. , $20; îRAPEIIS, 2 se ts. $5 & $10; SHORT D RAP1)ES, $ 3; R ECORI1) P LA YER, $5; chrome 'TABLE, $6: pilloWs I tw..o) $1 cadi; 'Tatble LAMI>, $6; BEi-I)SI'RF-AI)S, single satin for$3; doubîle mues $4 and S$5-. blankets $6 aind $7; Ti-Al>OT, wearever, $4; Hlec iric 1-RYIAN, Suibeaîui, $6; floral arrangements $2 & $4. ('ail 723-2426. Clothing Red Wonl Curling JAC'KI -' size 40-42, $25; Bowling SIIOF-'S and case size 8, $10. Bath are in perfect condition. (Gail 668-9073. [IUNT ('AI>bluci' velvet witlî safety lîarness installcd, size 71/2. %23.50. (':11668-2407. COAF Ladies black persian Iainb approxiînately size 20, in good conditiaon, wiIl seIl' or $51). ('ail 725-5714. iitnlisol. evrly î -ttt35 mo1ns li noulieraîîc, iiî etl :ss tui chalîle bfrgat'r 5<1(1. gssl snd tl'o S 3((.t' 500,111 - mi! 'orSAKI '15 5-4u101.stl s'i/ KI /c tu' 8o îiîs, lîraî i t ' ctital îrtt'5. 8 en $11 (aI 668-*7901 anlt'r 4 11i.1) Rýt t;s Il '\ 8 3 antI 101 x 6 8 t'arib tolotlr,, rut. gold. Iîîas. îî.bcîgec..1) l'or lînil. aIl 668-7923. l)ou )Ie-bwcd M1AT FR L55 jîockeiced spniigs, excellet condititoni, $20; IlAI RDIRY R, s'.i tIi carryiîig case, $8 (aili 668-8273. Ier offlic'e 6~68-8473. tir sttl(cîît.$75. ('aulI Vie toîian C'HIAI R- set oah' 6, îni goot ctînîdilîoîî, asking $70 eut-h, ss'itlleii stove. $51).('auli 668-8376. Ci1V 'lI ST RAWES $45. ('aIl 668-9009. Gl Qteb'c WOOD STOVI'- $7 5; Icatiler REC('LINER, like ne'.', .$75; 2 antiqlueBF' T,$511 & $75; old cedair (ami fence rails. $ 1.25 eci. ('aIl 655-4335. ANTIQUE1' cabinet, over resîcîred, $250. [)ESK - <'<'(1h 100 )years aId, ('aIl 655-3750. Beautifol an tique ctadt (CHIN A BUIý.Ir F -- large glaîss front, mieditini lîtneysvood, vouid mtatchi any cecor, $500 firîii. ('ail 668-9792 afler 2:30 p.nî. A ntiqute ('II1EST't't'.'.a lre, $75. ('ail 668-8527. Victtmnian HI' ,DROOM SFI'T antique with tsin beds, box spring and maltress, very new $400: two entI TABLES, liatf îîoon style, $6 ci. Cadi 668-9009. Sîîanislî doolîle-lîctî EU- SPREAD - iii red & black pnint, witlî mnatehing ined draîpes, size I21/2 (t %vitde îy 83" lItng, alsa tsso mîalcIîing dresser mîats, $2(1. ('ail 723-6830. RUG - Iloral on beige. 9 x 12, $75. ('ail 668-9691. ATTENTION FARMERSIII WHY PA Y MORE? AVONPRLMIUM OUAUTV .w.eDISE FE I.OTOR Ol IPv.m IblitweV oui 01to8Wn psise Cali coliI oUL 668-3381 Appliances WA'à sp SOvrINER $75. ('aIl 579-0757. Antique RCA Victorola R{AIO CONSOLE with auto- itiatie turn table, about 1943 niodel, t'uiIy fune tinning, soiid waînîut, $301) cash. ('ail 579-1593. CALCULATOR - clectronie, witlî AC adaptor, $9; BOW & ARROW SET, AI condition, retail $15 onîy $8. Cali 668-6790 after 4 p.în. B&W '[V-- 20 inh, $ I100. ('ail 668-1384. $325; unique table, salin nîiaple tabîle toi>, $450. Cail 668-59 10. STEREO- AM/FM 8 trak multiplex component unit by ATS tape and phono inpot jacks unit w.ith two speakers, $125; extra speakers (two), $25. ('ail 668-2478. STOVE - 30 inch, gond-con' dîtion $75; space IEATER $60. ('ail 668-6750. DuaI 1218 TURNTABLE - base & tîtst caver included, has autornatie slutoff & antiskate, atucia teclînica cartridge, only uscd for tsvo inonths, $230 firm. ('ait 668-3015 after 5:30 p.îî. 21 colîjie fotat RIDGE in s'. rkiîîg condlitin, asking $101). CatI668-329). ('ail 668-7601. S75- VAPOR)ý I.ER $5; electrie tafh'eeIl>FR K, $10;sandwsich GRILL, $S7; TOASTER, $7; tarpet SWEI'.-R. $10; G." hlcîor IPOIISIIER, $ 10, six apîiie crates, $2 cdi; RANG- î-:Tl- $S15: V A(CU UM C L I'. ER, $5. ('ail 668-9404. ElAectrie RANGFTTE -tsvo op elcuients, ave, bottoîn drasser, lias leut indicator, $30; sinîall IIEFATER, ssick type, $20. ('ail 668-4267. EMERSON TV SET ss'i th raditi, record player, in gaadconaîditionî, $81) or nearest offer. ('aIl 668-7446. Wcstifighiouse DRYER - clectrie, rccentiy recondition only $80. Cal 723-0722. I)RYER - Cali 668-9234. gond condition. AM-F;M compact STEREO SET - 8- traek, tomn table, speakers, stand, $135. Cali 668-6243. zig-zag, buttoriholer, like ncw, $70 firrv. Caîl 723-1802. 1REFRIGERATOR - 12 cubie foot, $95; flîavy Duty RANGE, 30 inch, $35. Ca1l1668-3889. l-I-Low frenquency SCANOR - onc sccond dciay, with 8 crystal. frequencies, police band, OPP, firc dcpartmcnt frequencies, large antcnna, $300. Caîl 579-0757. Singcr SEWING.MACHINE - wi th stool, $165;. STEREO component sct, with woodcn stand, $2 10. CatI 985-3393. ('ULLIGAN WATER CONDI- TIONER MARK 5- autornatie, 6 months used à nd in perfect condition, $250; Mecca sterco TAPE PLAYE:*R, .$45; Hôt water CIRCULATOR PUMI>, for car (Uits any car) $15; 19" Philco Bi & W PORTABLE TV, $50. Cal! 668-9746. 50 amp. Service BREAKER - $4; 30 amp. knifc switch BOX, $2.50; 8 fuse panel box, $8. Caîl 668-9605. Musical' Instruments SET OF STEWART DRUMIS comîplcec with pedal seat and symboîs, $150. Caîl 668-6760. Ludwig 7-piece DRUM SET witlî gcruine Zitdjian symbols, excellent condition, asking $550. (ail 728-2518. YAMAKI DELUXE 6-STRING GUITAR - ith case, $200. Cati 655-4385 aftcr 5 p.ii. Kent Spanisliî ELE-CTRIC (;UITAR - lake iîew, with custoni matde amplifier and speaker, $ 100 or best offer. Caîl 576-8042. Gibson SG Custom Special GUITAR - ith case, $400. Traiîicr basemaster amp, in good condition, $250. Caîl 725-1797. ELLCTRIC GUITAR - copy of Telecaster, $70. Cati 728-8502. cicetrie, '<ilI seli for $35, ideai for rock group. Call 668-2860.'- REVERB - Traynor signature $250. Caîli 655-4978. GUITAR - with case, excellent condition, $20; floor POLISHER, $20; Cati 655-3534. ACCORDIAN -. brand new, double row buttons, sluoulder strap, carrying case, $100. Cati 668-3195. Now! Look Naturally f We g Ding ithNature ia bring oui the besti n you and your hair.We cuitthe way i grows..- and shape t r fo suiyu ce itasi oME N'S HAIRSTYLING Wilitby Plaza 668-6922 Graduatio'n or Just Bccase. cil<ssu'.IWidti& s PressAM Emp oriuma NOTICVITO RI-ADVIRS