Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1976, p. 16

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PAGE 8, APRI L 1976, BROUWER'S SPRING GARDENING Other C.I.L. Products and Prices avaitable at. JOHN BROUWER GARDEN CENTRE S.C.U. BASE FERTILIZERS GROW-ALLR' 12-18-12 40% S CU 22 Ib 5 49 GROW-ALL® 12-18-12, 40% ýoS C. 44 lb, 10 49 COMBINATION FE RTILIZE RS.PESTIC IDES WEEO FEE0 18-6-9. 8511/o S.C U~>40 q l> 22 lb. 92 WEED FEED 18-6-9, 85% oS-C U(13)<(8800 sq. IIt - 44 lb j 16.99 j ROSE & FLOWFR 00CT0R,ýR 6-9-6 5,51 lb 4,29 ROSE & FLOWER OOCTOR® 6-9-6 15 l!)8. SPECIAL FERTILIZERS VEGETABLE GROWER 10-15-20 1i b. 2 99 VEGETABLE GROWER 10-15-20 22 lb 4,99 VEGETABLE GROWER 10-15-20 44 lb 9 49 ROSE & FLOWER F000 11-22-11 11llb 31 ROSE &JFLOWER FOOD 11-22-11 22 lb, 52 TREE & HEOGE FEEDER 18-4-16, 90 o S.O'uO 227l EVERGREEN F00D 10-3-6 4.4 lb 22 TOMATO F000 6-12-12 4>4 lb. 229 ROSE F000 6-12-6 4,4 lb, 2,29 j FLOWER--& VEG. F000 5-10-152 2 PROMOTIONAL FERTILIZERS GREEN-UP 14-14-14 20 lb. 159 GREEN-UP 7-7-7 40 lb. 4.19 GRE EN-UP 10-6-4- 40 lb, 4 4 GREEN-UP 10-6-4 WEE0 & FEED 40Clb 68ý9 lu 1th Kllexiýl 14000 sq il." SOLUBLE FERTILIZERS PLANT TREAT 20-20-20 0.55 lb 1 29 PLANT TREAT 20-20-20 l b. 1,99 PLANT TREAT 20-20-20 3.3 lb. 4 59 PLANT FEEDER 20-20-20 25 s ý 1349 GERANIUM & FLOWER FO00 15-30-1 50O115 lb I 129 GERANIUM &FLOWER F000 15-30-15 il1l1 1 99 GERANIUM, & FLOWVER F000 15-30-15 13 1 4 59 PLANT GROWER 15-30O-15 25 lb) 13.49 C-EDAtl FEEDER 30-10-10 0 55 lbý 1 29 CEDAR FEEDER 30-10-10 1 h' 1 <19 CELAR FEEDER ',")- 0O1 3 3 lb, 4 59 TRANSPLAN1 ER 10-45-1 5 55 lb 1 29 TRANSPLANTER 10-4l)-15 bh 1 Ci9 GREEN ELF4 FbOUSE PLANT Fr)OP '25-15-2C O 5< b> 29 GREEN ELF'HOU S E PLANT F00D 25-15-K5 lb 1 99 PLAN' STARTER lb 52 17 31. 5 299 PLANti STARTER 10-52-17 4 lvý 389 PLANT STARTER 10-52-17 25 Il- 17,49 PACKAGED FERTILIZER MATERIALS DOLOMIIIO LIME 25 lb, 199 DUO'LO-MITIC LIME 50 lb, 3 49 UREA ICE CUTTER 4î,-O-O 0 lbý 2 95 UREA ICE CU TTER 4-0-O 25 lbý 5 99 ORGANICS BONE MEAL 2-11-05 lb. 2 49 BONE MEAL 2-11-0 101hb 4 49 BCME MEAL . 2-11 -0 Pf) lb. 9,99 BONE MEAL 2.11-O 501lb. 1499 Perfect Lawn Program Early Spring As soon as soul is firm feed with CIL Glfgreen 18-6-9 at 10 Ib/1000 sq. ft. Aerate Iawn. Aerators can be rented from garden centers or rentai shops. 22 LB. 5.29 44 LB. 9.99 Problems in Lawns If crabgrass was a prob- lem in your Iawn Iast year, this is the timne to control it by substituting an application of Crab Grass Doctor instead of Golfgreen. ~441 LB. 17.49 I -- May-June 4 to 8 weeks after f irst application in early spring apply a second application 0f Goltgreen 18-6-9 at 10 lb/1000 sq. ft. of Iawn. JuIy-AuLgust sodlsprayer Improved bluegrass Iawns (Merion, Nugget, Fylking, Green Baron) need CIL Goîfgreen at 10 Ib/1000 sq. ft. Water well. _________________________________________________________________________________________ I Septem ber- October Apply CIL Winterizer'-l 6-12-24 at 10 Ib/1000 sq. ft. Water it generousîy. CIL Winterizer conditions against over-wintering Iawn problems. 22 LB. 5.79 44 LB. 10.99 New Controlled Release * Suiphur Coated Urea CIL Lawn & Garden Producis with S.C.U. base - CIL Golf green 18-6-9 - CIL Lawn Weed Doctor 18-6-9 - CIL Lawn Inseci DoctorTm 18-6-9 -CIL Crab Grass Doctor'M 18-6-9 If broadleaved weeds are a problem, substitute CIL Lawn Weeci Dactor for Golfgreen. 22 LB. 6.99 £~ 44 LB. 12.99 ~rDandel ion If grubs, sod webworm, clover mite, or chinch bugs are or are expected to be a problem, use CIL Lawn Inseot Doctor instead of Golfgreen. 22 LB. 8.49 44 LB. 15.99_ Creeping Charlie Clover Mite Sod Webworrr 80OZ. 3.79 16 OZ. 5.69 Olazinon Gardon Spray Chinch Bug CIL Wnterzer Weeder 3-6 12-- Lat* »,Wood & Fod lu..<S ~ od slt outg9hKb1«.~0 OWXU. 4&« 0ne. Poa annua or Annual - Bluegrass wiIl germinate at about lO to 130C, du ring moist faîl condi- tions. Apply CIL Crab Grass Doctor in mid- August instead of Golfgreen to prevent r, ny of these seeds f rom germinating. It wiII carry.over to prevent Poa annua and crab grass the following spri ng. CIL Lawn Insect Doctor or CIL Diazinon Liquid shouîd be appîied to control chinch bugsand clover mites., 22 LB. 6.99 44 LB. 12.99 If weeds persist into September appîy CIL Winterizer/Weeder 6-12-24 to control them and to feed and protect your Iawn against over- wintering problems. Nitrogen Fertiizers with CIL :o:~ CIL Crab Grass Lawn Doctor Insect Doctor 1 -6-9ea9 It~O 01al ~<.l S.C,,UT.M. * - CIL Grow-A118ý 12-18-12 - CIL Tree & Hedge Feeder 18-4-16 - CIL Winterizerýl 6-12-24- - CIL Winterizer/Weeder 6-12-24 - CIL Weed & Feed 18-6-9 ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 0F THE WHITBY FREE P'RESS AND PICKERING BAY NEVý j ý 1 -- %0%

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