V UROSE -Lis T-- Varieties available ai JOHN BROUWER GARDEN CENTRE HYBRID TEA Christian Dior Flaming Peace Mr. Lincoln Konrad Adenauer First Prize Pink Peace King's Ransom Apollo Summer. Sunshine Peace White Knight Tropicana American Heritage Chicago Peace Kordess Perfecta Gypsy Electron Medallion FLORIBUN DAS Lily Marlene Tamango Lity of Leeds Red Gold Fashion Frensham GRANDIFILORAS Scarlet Knight Queen Elizabeth John Armstrong Camelot June Bride Golden Girl CLIMBERS lmproved Blaze Coral Dawn Don Juan Dr. J. H. Nicolas Golden Showers Joseph's Coatý $3.50 each potted TREE ROSES (STANDARD) Four Varieties Available - Peace Queen of Hearts Ail varieties $11.95 Medium Red Red blend Dark Red Red Pink blend Deep Pink Deep Yellow Medium Yellow Deep Yellow Yellow Blend White Orange Pink and Yellow Blend Pink Blend - Pink and Creamn Blend Orange-Red Deep Pink Apricot Blend Red Red Orange Red and Yellow Blend Salmon Dark Red Dark Red Pink Red Pink White YeIIow Medium Red Medium Pink Dark Red Pink Blend Medium YeIIow Apricot Blend Queen Elizabeth Tropicana PATIO STONES Price Plain White 12" x 24" si.Qi 18"O x 24" $1 .49 24" x 24" $1.92 30" x 24" $2.35 36" x 24" $2.88 List Red - Yellow Brown Charcoal 12" x 24"i $1.2. 24" x 24" $2.32 Green 12" x 24" $1.46 24" x 24" $2.82 NEW BRICK PATTE RN Plain VWhiZ2 24" x 24" 2.12 Charcoal & Red 24" x 24" 2.52 ALL STONES WILL 13E DISPLAYED at John Brouwer Garden Centre. The regular stones are usually stocked for quick pick-up at the Centre. BROUWER'S SPRING GARDENING, APRI L 1976, PAGE 5 SAND FILL (Del ivered) 11/2 ton = 1 cu. yard ton ton ton ton ton ton ton $1 6.40 $1 7.00 $1 8.50 $20.00 $23.00 $26.00 to 14 $3.75 per ton TOP. SOIL (Del ivered> 1 yard 2 yard 3 y'ard 4 yard 5 yard 6 yard 7 yards $1 9.00 $24.00 $29.00 $34.00 $39.00 $43.25 to 14 $7.00 per yard LIMESTONE for Driveways Delivered 11/2 ton =i cu. yard 1 ton 2 ton 3 ton 4 ton $20.00 $27.00 $34.20 $39.60 5 ton 6 ton 7 ton $46.50 $52.20 1$58. 80 8 ton to 14 $8.00 per ton PEAT MOSS WHITE MARBLE Best Quality Sphagnum Peat RMoss ST O NES 6 cu. f t. $6.95 4 cu. f t. $4.99 SmaII or Medium size stones 2 cu. ft. $3.25 1 cu. f t. $2.35 50 IL bags $2.75 JUNIOR SOD 'EVE RG RE E NS Picked up at Garden Centre .75 cents per roll (oné square yard) Junior Skyrocket Juniper Prices for delivered sod on request 18" $3.99 each _____________________ Junior Mountbatten Juniper PRICES FOR DURA-STONE AND 12"-15" $2.99each UNI-STONE AVAI LABLE ON REQUESI Junior Euonymus Gaieter Both are available for easy pick-up fr9)m Variagated White/Green $3.95 orGre ete GARDEN TOP SOIL SAND BARK per bushel bag per bushel bag SmaIl or Medium Size chips $1.25 $1.50 picked up picked up 3 cu. ft. $5.70 COCQA BEAN C LUMP SHELLS BIRCHES 3 cu. f t. bags $4.95 as Iow as $18.00 up We are flot listing most of our nursery stock prices. We recommend you corne in and compare quality instead of price. After strolling around the Garden Centre you 'Il agree that our high quality nursery stock is available at good prices._ precasi concrele (rom...10 brooklup Since 1952, Contractors, Public Utilities, Road builders, Home owners and Cottagers have been using these stock products from Brcoklin Concrete. brooklin concrete prodlucts'* S3 Locations to Serve You: Highway 12, Brooklin, Ont. (416)655-3311 Yonge St.,Newmarket, Ont. (416)895-23731 Highway 11, HuntsvileOnt. (705)789-233j Available at John Brouwer- Garden C entre 1 a . (t,