PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 7,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS OPP Constable says: Few temsfro hom bugiaries are ever recovered in casem s thehburglar ..s tl saia u'tu 1(~~ Burglaries of homes are * trong the most common zrîmes in Ontario, and few articles stolen are ever recovered, Constable Wayne Nethery of the Whitby OPP detachment told members of the Whitby Jaycettes at their Inauguration Night March 30. About of home arrests, Ne thery, 30 or 40 per cent break-mns resuit in said Constable but the actual nunîber of burglars caughit is sinall becauise one person may be responsible for 10 to 1 5 burglaries. The articles stolen have long since been sold, and very few are ever recovered, lie said. Tlîe average burgiar is aged I5 to 22 and al le wants to get is a little 'cash, said Constable Nethery. île warned the Jaycottes not t() keep cash or coin collections in their homes, and to be sure to record the serial numbers of valuables such as televisioni sets or camreras. 1 The major times for break-lus are on holidays and during working houirs Mien there is no0 une hoinc, he said. A home owner should take precautions againsi burglary, lie said, such as having a îîeighibour keep a key to the house and check it daiily wheu uone goes away. 'lhle ieighibouir cati turn on differont 'iglits eaclh niglit, pick Upl t hoiuit and nmak sure thiat die imilk anid iewspaper deliveries "Ire step[)ed, lho said. 'l'le 011P wlhiclî patrois the Siicgeg a rea wxiii clieck resîdenices nmght iy Mhen peoeple are on lîdays, lie sali, So) 1)0Sure te let thie police knew xvwlen yeu arc -1way. Conjstable Netliery warned tlie Jayce ttes neot te louve gardon teols iii hie yard l'er tlîoy can ho utsed te pry openi deers and windows. l)ogs eau ho a goed detorret h o hurgiars, lhe saîd : uýýiiîiing eut that Durgiars will usually not enter a hiome when someone, humnan or animal is there. If one discovers a burglary in his homne, he should flot go in immediately there, said Constable Nethery. He also warned flot to disturb anything before the police corne, so that finger prints can be taken. Grand Jury longer jael- Longer visiting Itours finding on should be effered at. ie kept in soli Durhanm Regional Jail, says "li spi tho Grand Jury in its Marcli crowding a rep)ort.- The 'rand Jury ohserved thuat due to overcrowdinig, Ilho visiting heurs of the prisoners Ihid eec u tl'reom a lia Il-houtr Per prîsoniert te-I S minutes. "WCVolce] that It is tee Shoert and that visirirîg heurs siould ho e>xîonded huck te ilie original hiall' an heour eveni if' i hinmans lonîger visiting lhotirs and/or cula rging the present visiting area", the Grand Jury reportod. T[ho Grand Jury aise suggested that difforenit arraflgen)eiits should ho miade l'or Irisoliers with iiedical problenîs, a fter he told the Jaycettes to be sure to eall the police if they see anything suspicicuS going on in their neighbour- hood. ec such man being itary confinement. ite of the over- ind additional work lod, everything managed", the reporte d.. seemed well Grand Jury \Çpr»g ~PNIND&qki SATURDAY, APRIL 1lOth ONLY C.I.L. DOLOMITE LIME M5Lbs. 6 9 Reg. 1.99 A special granulai soil sweetener. Corrects acid conditions and encourages soil bacteria. Strenthens plant, helps fertilzer 50 Lbs. 4 C.I.L. BONE MEAL C.I.L. CEDAR FEEDER 10 Lb. Box Reg. 40,49 Now da.. IL b ors 55 ft. of hedge. 4.4 Lb. Box Reg. 2 4 Now 2.1 3.3 Lb. Reg. 4,5 Nw 3n99 C.1L. FLOWER and C.IL. VEGETABLE GROWER VEGETABLE FOOD 11 lb work 2 lb per 100 s t 4.lbu 400 lbs per 100Osq ft. 9 Reg 2. 29 Now I.R eg. 2.9 Now2@5 C.IL. TREE and HEDGE FEEDER Clontains added nmdgflium, calcium and sulphur for healthy 579 No 29 Marcel Brunelle Cominissioner Whitby District announces the appointment of Marcel Brunelle, 951 Donovan Cres, Whitby as their District Commissioner. As a former Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Rover Leader, Assistant District Commissioner and Tramner Marcel brings many years of experience to this position, Marcel is looking forward to working closely with the District Scouters and the Whitby Scouting Movement., Photo by Ron McDonald YO1JR CAR SHINE MAINV PIW3ID MAGIN Whetlwr vou pick Mlaacos $74.95 Detuxe paint service or the $ 149.95 PREMIR paint service, Nlaaco puts pride in yoor ci-rTagain. Nlaaco mixes heauty' wîth the finest. toughest car enarnels ... gives you the original factory celor or your choice of 7,000 more .. . then bakes the finish on in temperature controlled o-vens for a deep- down shine. And ivhen 'you ne'ed bo'dy work, depend on Mlaaco for the same standard of excellence by skýçilied experts working in fuiiy equipped shops. Estimates are frep. , Auto painting or 710 Wilson Rd. S. Oshawa (1/2 mile from Holiday Inn;, off Bloor St. E.) Shop Hours: Morn. thru Fri 8anu-6pm SaturdaYs- IOam2pm l3ankAmrniiard & Master Charge bohe sign oforty M aaco. AUNTNG6 recommends visiting hours WHITBY MINOR SOCCER ASSOCIATION final registration date Su nday, the 11lth of April1 '76 from 1 p.rn. to 5 p.rn. at the council chambers Vhitby "!lunicipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West $8 per player $20 maximum per family one recent photograph required REGISTRAR ALFRED BORG 668-9288 Reg. i